The last building on earth

Chapter 110 Goblin’s Redemption (Today’s guaranteed update)

This giant gargoyle suddenly appeared, and let out a sharp roar from its open mouth. The armored gargoyles that were originally in front of it were busy dodging to get out of the way.

Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book and immediately captured the information about this giant gargoyle.

"Name: Gargoyle Leader, Race: Gargoyle Tribe, Danger Level: ★★★★ (four stars). Due to the curse, the Gargoyle Leader fell into petrification for a long time, and its strength has been severely weakened. Even so. , it is still much more powerful than the armored gargoyle, and the danger level reaches four stars, which is enough to threaten the hatchling beast in its adult form. Only those who break into the West District Corridor for the first time can wake up the gargoyle leader and kill the gargoyle leader. , there is a certain probability of obtaining a black iron treasure chest."

Sensing this information, Wang Xuan's heart moved slightly, and he understood that the giant gargoyle in front of him was the leader of the gargoyles. If you kill it, you can get the black iron treasure chest, and only people who enter here for the first time will disturb it.

"So next time we come, it won't appear again?"

With a trace of curiosity in his heart, Wang Xuan stood in front of everyone, kicked off his feet, and took the initiative to rush towards the gargoyle leader.

The leader of the gargoyle with a four-star danger level is comparable to an adult hatchling. His strength is already comparable to that of the Clown King that Ma Dongcheng and the others painstakingly summoned using special rituals.

Under normal circumstances, the Clown King would not appear in the South District.

The leader of the gargoyles danced the giant beheading knife more than two meters long in his hand, blowing a fierce wind. Its speed was so fast that Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei and Tie Jun behind him were dazzled. They immediately understood that the giant stone statue in front of them was Ghosts are not something they can fight against.

They retreated slightly, and Bai Yan launched the "Witch Blood Spray" from a distance, hoping to help Wang Xuan reduce the strength of the gargoyle leader.

With a loud "pop" sound, Wang Xuan swung out the metal tentacle like a giant python, and collided with the giant beheading knife slashed by the leader of the gargoyles. Sparks exploded. Wang Xuan only felt a terrifying power coming from the metal tentacles. , the giant slashing knife that the gargoyle leader came over was bounced high.

In the first round, neither side could take advantage.

The leader of the gargoyles roared, and the armored gargoyles who had retreated to both sides immediately followed him and roared, swarmed up and rushed towards Wang Xuan.

The giant tentacle controlled by Wang Xuan split into two and turned into two five-meter-long metal tentacles, which were swept out like two steel boots. The two armored gargoyles groaned and were knocked away. The armor immediately shattered, and flesh and blood burst out from inside.

Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, and Tie Jun rushed forward. They were no match for the gargoyle leader, but they still had some confidence in dealing with these armored gargoyles corroded by witch blood.

The gargoyle leader raised his hands and raised the giant sword. The giant sword, which was more than two meters long, began to rotate above its head, and soon formed a knife wheel with a diameter of more than two meters.

It stamped its feet and jumped up suddenly, and the blade wheel cut towards Wang Xuan with an indestructible force.

Wang Xuan controlled two metal tentacles to meet him, and there was a crisp "pop" sound. His two metal tentacles collapsed at the touch, unable to withstand it, and were bounced back by the knife wheel.

Wang Xuan was startled and hurriedly backed away. The blade cut into the ground as hard as iron. Sparks immediately flew out, and green smoke and a pungent smell came out.

"Be careful!" Wang Xuan suddenly shouted, and with a wave of his right hand, the metal tentacle that had just been rebounded flew forward, hitting the arm of an armored gargoyle with a snap, shattering its arm and claws, and then smashed it into pieces. It was wrapped around his neck and lifted up in the air.

Gu Manyao broke out in a cold sweat. If Wang Xuan hadn't taken action, she would have been grabbed by the armored gargoyle with its claws from behind, and her head might even have been twisted off.

"You all stand back, don't rush to the front!" Wang Xuan shouted again and threw the armored gargoyle towards the gargoyle leader.

This gargoyle leader is too strong. If everyone is touched by the knife wheel it activates, they will either die or be injured.

Hearing Wang Xuan's sharp shout, the few people who had just rushed back retreated again. Several people gathered together, surrounded by armored gargoyles. In this giant passage, more and more armored gargoyles gathered. Seven of them Although people have been promoted to the sub-body, they still feel that it is difficult.

If Wang Xuan cannot quickly deal with the gargoyle leader, they will all be in big trouble.

Although Bai Yan's witch blood can reduce the combat power of these monsters, as the monsters become stronger and their resistance becomes stronger, the effect of witch blood in reducing the combat power is not as good as before, and the time to take effect is also much slower. When the armored gargoyle rushed forward crazily, the witch blood was not as effective as everyone imagined.

The leader of the gargoyles controlled the knife wheel and swept it in the air. The armored gargoyle thrown by Wang Xuan was swept by the knife wheel, and the flesh and blood flew everywhere, and was immediately cut open by the knife wheel.

It roared again, stamped its feet, and pounced. The three-meter-tall body looked like a real devil. This time, it did not attack Wang Xuan, who could dodge flexibly, but pounced on the seven people Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei who had gathered together. .

"This guy is not stupid." Wang Xuan shook his head, understanding that if the seven Gu Manyao people were rushed by it, the consequences would be disastrous. He no longer hesitated, put his hands together, and two metal tentacles followed his hands and wrapped around his arms, directly reaching Shoulder.

The "Double Warcraft Arms" ability that he had grown into his fourth form and mastered was finally activated.

This is the most powerful ability he currently has, and it has not yet been truly used in combat. Although this ability is powerful, its shortcomings are also obvious, that is, it requires a lot of physical energy.

It is difficult for him to maintain it for a long time now. Even if he merges with the mechanical beast, with the help of the energy of the initial state power assembly, although the fighting time of the dual monster arms can be extended, continuing this high-intensity burst for a long time is equivalent to the body's super The load will bear the force and there will be some damage, so he won't use it casually unless absolutely necessary.

Under the special ability of "Double Warcraft Arms", the metal tentacles wrapped around his arms began to fuse with his body's flesh and blood, and his arms mutated and expanded, turning into half-flesh and half-metal Warcraft giant arms.

Two giant arms each one meter long appeared. His hands were hanging down, and they were longer than his knees. Wang Xuan felt the terrifying power surging in his arms. With almost a thought, he jumped out, arriving first and last. , caught up with the gargoyle leader from the other side, waved his right arm, and with a whoosh, left an afterimage of his giant arm in the air, and the huge fist went straight to the gargoyle's head.

The power of this punch was overwhelming. Wang Xuan could not imagine the level of power and speed of this punch. It had evolved into an adult monster, and with the burst of power from the "double monster arms", plus the strength of his body's flesh and blood, The ray of blue crystal scale energy that had been fused before had strengthened the body and was even more powerful than an ordinary adult. At this moment, these powers exploded and became extremely powerful.

The gargoyle leader didn't seem to expect that Wang Xuan's punch was so powerful. By the time it tried to dodge, it was already too late, so it could only instinctively raise its arm to block it.

With a "boom", the punch hit the gargoyle leader's raised left arm, and the terrifying sound was like thunder.

Flesh and blood flew across the sky, accompanied by the screams of the gargoyle leader. Its left arm, covered in armor and as tough as steel, immediately broke and exploded. Its body weighing a thousand kilograms could not bear the force and flew out sideways.

Wang Xuan's body seemed to be dragged by the giant arm of the monster to catch up, and the giant arm of the monster on the left followed suit.

The power in his body surged, and this punch was like a cannonball, which instantly landed on the chest of the gargoyle leader. This punch was even more powerful than before.

At this moment, Wang Xuan suddenly felt oppressed by an invisible force.

He couldn't describe what this power was and where it came from. It was like it suddenly appeared in all directions around him. He was bound by this power, especially the left arm of the monster he shot out. He could really feel this invisible power.

His fist was offset by this invisible force, and its original terrifying lethality was immediately attenuated. Even so, this punch hit the gargoyle leader's chest and still made a transparent blood hole in it.

The gargoyle leader screamed, rolled in the air, and fell heavily. Although its right hand grasped the giant slashing knife in its hand, it had no ability to parry and fight back when faced with the attack of Wang Xuan's giant arms of the monster.

There was a look of surprise and uncertainty on Wang Xuan's face. The invisible force that suddenly appeared restrained the power of his monster arm, otherwise the punch could have broken the gargoyle leader's body from the chest.

Does this gargoyle leader still possess such weird and magical abilities?

His thoughts were whirling, but Wang Xuan kept holding on. As soon as the left arm of the monster was obtained, the monster's right arm was swung up, and the body went down, and the huge fist was swung at the head and face of the gargoyle leader who fell to the ground.

The gargoyle leader is worthy of being a four-star dangerous monster. In this situation, he can still raise his right arm to protect his head and face while trying to swing his giant sword upwards to counterattack. Unfortunately, Wang Xuan's speed is too fast. Just as it raised its arm to protect its face, there was a pop, and the monster's fist hit its raised right arm. The flesh and blood exploded, and the gargoyle leader's right arm was broken.

Wang Xuan once again felt the power of the invisible existence. This power did not come from the body of the gargoyle leader, but was everywhere like air, always filling the space. Under normal conditions, the existence of this power could not be sensed. , only when his speed and strength reach a certain level can he touch this power and cause it to be restrained and suppressed.

"If this power does not come from the leader of the gargoyles, what is it... Is it really a force that naturally exists here, and it was triggered because my power exceeded a certain limit?"

Wang Xuan's thought passed away in a flash, and the monster fist in his left hand followed closely. This time, the gargoyle leader could no longer dodge. His head and face were hit by this punch and immediately collapsed.

This time, Wang Xuan felt the restraint and suppression of the invisible force more clearly. The power of this punch was at least halved, but it still shattered the head and face of the gargoyle leader.

Even a powerful monster with a four-star danger level will die quickly if its head is crushed.

A white scale appeared in the body of the gargoyle leader. This scale was covered with a layer of white light and disappeared into his right hand.

Wang Xuan felt the fluctuation of white light in his right hand, and he felt excited by killing this four-star monster.

It's a pity that there are too few four-star monsters. According to the information of the leader of the gargoyle, it is the first time for him and others to enter here in order to revive it from its petrified state. This means that even if they want to enter here next time Hunting the gargoyle leader is no longer possible.

As the leader of the gargoyles was killed, Wang Xuan put away the giant arm of the monster. He had just activated the giant arm of the monster several times, which consumed a lot of physical energy. When he stopped now, he immediately felt tired.

Wang Xuan stopped to rest, and the armored gargoyles around him began to flee after the death of their leader, and soon disappeared completely.

Everyone did not chase, they all stopped. In order to deal with the gargoyles and armored gargoyles, everyone almost used their strongest special abilities to attack. These special abilities were like Wang Xuan's giant arm of Warcraft. Although it was powerful, it was depleted. The energy was serious and everyone felt a little tired.

This kind of gargoyle did not have crystal scales growing on its body. Everyone killed the gargoyles and armored gargoyles in this area, but failed to harvest a single crystal scale.

Wang Xuan looked at the giant corpse of the fallen gargoyle leader and found a basketball-sized cocoon rolled out of it. His heart moved, and he thought of the information on the gargoyle leader he just saw that mentioned that killing the gargoyle leader would... There is a certain probability of obtaining a black iron treasure chest.

"I don't know what's here." Zhao Lei perked up when he saw the cocoon. When Wang Xuan signaled him to do it, he took the fish scale knife and cut open the cocoon.

Inside the cocoon was a relatively small black iron treasure box. Zhao Lei took out the black iron treasure box and placed it in front of Wang Xuan.

Several other people also gathered around to take a look.

Wang Xuan used his metal tentacles to gently open the relatively small black iron treasure box, and saw a pair of short boots.

When he got it in his hand, he looked at it with the eye of the illustrated book. It was Gargoyle short boots. They were of second-level fine quality and could increase his speed by 15%. They had the same quality and attributes as his current knight boots.

Now among the eight people, only Yu Shanshan did not have any second-level high-quality equipment. Wang Xuan gave her these gargoyle boots.

"Thank you, Brother Wang." Yu Shanshan had a look of joy on her face. After losing part of her memory, she was now in awe of Wang Xuan and regarded him as Brother Wang.

In this black iron treasure chest, in addition to the pair of gargoyle boots, there are 100 crystal scales and a rolled-up parchment.

Wang Xuan put away the 100 crystal scales. The number of crystal scales he now owned became 885, and then picked up the parchment.

Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao stretched their heads over, wanting to see what was recorded on the parchment.

Wang Xuan slowly unfolded the rolled parchment and saw a line of words.

"Quest Name: Goblin Redemption, Difficulty: ★★★★"

Then there was a map with the East District written on it. There were densely packed small characters on the edge of the map, introducing the mission content.

"Complete the goblin redemption and you will get a mysterious treasure chest full of patina. When you open it, there will be extra surprises."

Wang Xuan read the last line of the record softly, and thought of the four men, Ma Dongcheng and Lu Ge, who came here from above and summoned the Clown King based on the records on the parchment. Unfortunately, they failed to kill the Clown King. On the contrary, he got an advantage. Not only was he promoted to an adult form, but he also obtained the initial powertrain.

At present, it seems that the parchment with "Salvation of Goblin" written on it is the same as the previous parchment with "Call of the Clown King". You need to complete the task according to the records on the parchment. If you can complete it, you can get rewards. .

Zhao Lei had also seen the parchment of "Call of the Clown King" before. Seeing this parchment again, he was familiar with it. There was a trace of joy on his face and he said: "We are lucky this time. According to the mission content written on it, It’s not difficult, as long as we complete it, we will get a treasure chest as a reward.”

Wang Xuan pointed to the first line of the parchment and said: "I remember that on the parchment of 'Call of the Clown King', the difficulty was also four stars. This difficulty is similar to that one. You actually said it was not difficult. You forgot to kill that The tragedy of the Clown King?"

Zhao Lei said with a smile: "We now have seven sub-bodies, plus you as an adult. The eight of us join forces. This four-star difficulty is nothing. When we met the Clown King before, we were just starting out and couldn't help. Now But it’s different. Besides, with you here, isn’t it easy to get it?”

Wang Xuan was also very excited about the reward of this mysterious treasure box. He slowly rolled up the parchment, then put it away in his pocket, saying: "There's no rush anyway, let's take a rest first, and then discuss the next plan. Everyone They are all sub-body, and according to the requirements of the elevator, we can now enter the elevator and enter higher floors."

As soon as he said this, everyone sitting around looked solemn.

Everyone was curious and excited but also nervous about taking the elevator to a higher floor.

Li Haotian said: "I just don't know what is on the higher floors, but I am afraid that there are more dangerous things. If we all ascend to adults and then go up, will it be safer?"

Gu Manyao glanced at him and said: "It's not easy to reach adulthood. We just killed so many gargoyles. I feel that the reaction and change of Yao Chi are not big. It seems that it is still too early to break through again."

Wang Xuandao: "Speaking of which, I just encountered something. When I used the giant arm of the Warcraft to attack the gargoyle leader, I felt that there was an invisible force here. At first, I thought it was some kind of force controlled by the gargoyle leader. Power, but soon discovered that this is not the case. This invisible power is like air, everywhere, but under normal conditions, we cannot sense it."

Wang Xuan explained the invisible power he had just sensed using the giant arm of Warcraft.

"Tell me why I feel like this power is restraining and suppressing my attacks, and this suppression is becoming more and more obvious."

After hearing Wang Xuan's words, the seven people all opened their eyes wide with surprise.

"Is there such a thing?" Zhao Lei touched his nose and said, "Is there an invisible force suppressing you here?"

Wang Xuan nodded and said: "Yes, I was wondering, could it be that the power of adults or above is not allowed here? Once the power exerted exceeds a certain limit, will it be restricted?"

Zhao Lei said: "It makes sense. You said before that people who suspect people coming down from above can't attack people here casually. If you add force to suppress it, it makes more sense. This kind of rule should be to protect this layer. After all, if there are no restrictions on the newcomers, if a very powerful murderer or pervert comes from above, won't he kill everyone here?"

Tie Jun showed a smile and said: "If there is such a rule, it means that Wang Xuan, you are beginning to be restricted now. This is mainly because you are too powerful. Although you are not the one who came down from above, you are also included in this kind of rule." Among the restrictions, I guess at this level, you are the only one receiving this kind of special care now."

Wang Xuan smiled bitterly and said: "If this is true, it will force those of us who have reached adulthood to leave here."

Zhao Lei said: "The minimum requirement for taking the elevator to leave here is a sub-body. This fact has already explained the problem. According to this rule, if you ascend to a sub-body, you should leave here, not to mention that you have reached the adult body."

Wang Xuandao: "Let's not talk about this for now. Let's discuss what to do next."

He has lost interest in this western area. Although the gargoyles and armored gargoyles here are not weak, they will not help him much in his promotion. And Zhao Lei and the other seven want to kill these gargoyles and they don't know how long it will take to reach adulthood. This makes Wang Xuan a little anxious, because everyone here is getting stronger. If he doesn't work hard to improve, others will catch up.

Zhao Lei said: "My suggestion is that we go to the North District first, then complete the Goblin's mission, and then go upstairs to have a look. If the upstairs is more suitable for us, we will stay. If it is not suitable for us, we will come down. It’s not too late, before I was mainly worried about not being able to get down, but now that I know I can get down, I don’t have to worry anymore.”

Zhao Lei knew Wang Xuan best and understood that letting Wang Xuan stay in the West District to accompany them to kill the gargoyles would basically not be of any help to Wang Xuan. However, the seven of them had just broken through to the sub-body not long ago. If they wanted to advance to the adult body again, no one knew what was needed. How many gargoyles must be killed to break through, which is equivalent to dragging down Wang Xuan in disguise.

Li Haotian hesitated and said: "The monsters in the West District are already so strong, how about the North District? Let's go to the North District to take some risks, right?"

Zhao Lei glanced at him and said, "How will you know if you don't go and take a look? Besides, Wang Xuan is here, so what are you afraid of? If there is really danger, we can just leave."

Being choked by Zhao Lei, Li Haotian shut his mouth and stopped talking.

Gu Manyao looked at Wang Xuan and said, "Wang Xuan, what do you say? We will listen to you."

Tie Jun said: "Yes, Wang Xuan, you still have to make the decision, otherwise the eight of us with eight ideas will not come up with any results."

Wang Xuan smiled slightly and said: "Well, let's stay here for half a day. You can try your best to see if there is any hope of reaching adulthood. If there is no hope, we will go to the North District and have a look."

"Okay." Tie Jun stood up first.

After everyone rested for a while, their physical strength basically recovered, they exited the giant passage on the left and walked towards the right.

There are also a large number of armored gargoyle statues in the giant passage on the right.

As soon as everyone exited the left passage, they heard exclamations coming from the direction of the exit. Wang Xuan looked towards the far exit, but there were six more people.

The six people had just opened the door to the west area and entered, and were attacked by a group of gargoyles.

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