The last building on earth

Chapter 115 Tier 3 Equipment (Fourth update today, please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan passed through the light curtain, his vision dimmed, and he had already stepped out of the elevator. What he saw was a huge square. At the end of the square, you could see a large number of buildings, all of which were small buildings.

If he hadn't seen the sky above instead of the vast ceiling, Wang Xuan would have almost suspected that he had walked out of Longmao Square and entered the outside world.

The ceiling looks very high. According to Wang Xuan's visual inspection, it is probably more than 100 meters. This is not so much the second floor of a building, but an independent space. The only difference from the real space may be that it is above Not the endless sky.

This place is not as bright and bright as the first floor, but it is dark. With Wang Xuan's current eyesight, he can only vaguely see a large number of small buildings in the distance. Looking back behind him, Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei and Tie Jun are coming one after another. One by one walked out of the elevator behind him.

He saw a huge number "10" above the elevator door, and behind him there was also a glass pillar, leading straight to the top of a height of more than a hundred meters. However, this glass pillar was much larger than the glass pillar in the center of the first-floor hall. Its diameter must be at least five times that of a layer of glass columns.

Everyone's first reaction when they came out was the same as Wang Xuan's. They were shocked by the scene in front of them, their mouths slightly opened, and it was difficult to recover.

Wang Xuan saw the huge glass column behind him and walked around the glass column. Soon he saw elevators one after another, with different numbers on them.

After he circled around and returned to the original elevator, he realized that there were ten elevator doors on the glass pillar, with ten numbers from "1" to "10" written on them. The elevator they just stepped out of was one of them. Elevator No. 10.

Wang Xuan looked up and accidentally discovered a huge clock hanging on the giant glass cylinder. According to the hands on it, it was now three and twelve minutes.

Looking at the dark environment around him, Wang Xuan's heart moved. Judging from the display on the clock, could it be that it is three o'clock in the morning? Is that why it's so dark here? If this is true, is there a difference between day and night here? Unlike the first floor, which is always brightly lit, there is no concept of day and night after staying there for a long time.

"Is this the second floor of Longmao Plaza? It's like a small world..." Zhao Lei murmured to himself.

Gu Manyao glanced at him and said, "Do you still think this is Longmao Plaza?"

Zhao Lei smiled bitterly and said: "I'm used to it. This place looks... rather like a small town. There are many buildings around. I don't know if there are people living inside. It seems quiet now."

Wang Xuandao: "It should be night here. Looking at the clock above, it's probably around three in the morning."

"We have been on the first floor for so long that we have forgotten that there are day and night." Tie Jun sighed with emotion.

"But why are there ten elevators here, and where do the other nine elevators lead to?" Zhang Haofei looked curious and couldn't help but reach out and press the button next to elevator No. 9.

The elevator door immediately opened silently.

Zhang Haofei was stunned and did not dare to walk in directly. Instead, he stretched his head and looked inside, and found that the buttons inside were exactly the same as those in the elevator they just took.

"I guess these elevators are all the same, but why are there ten of them?" Zhao Lei also looked at them, showing a surprised look.

Wang Xuan thought for a while and then said: "Could it lead to a different level?"

"Different levels, what do you mean?" Gu Manyao didn't understand for a moment.

Wang Xuandao: "For example, the lobby and rest area on the first floor where we were just now include the four areas of southeast, northwest and southeast. We can understand these places as an independent space. I suspect that there is not just one independent space like this, but There are ten of them, and if they are numbered, they are from one to ten. The one we just came out of is elevator No. 10. Maybe the independent space we are in is the No. 10 space among them. "

Gu Manyao understood, showed a look of surprise, and said: "If this is true, how many newcomers will there be? And people from these ten places will take the elevator to the second floor and all gather here, so there should be a lot of people here. Talent is the reason why everything seems so quiet now."

Zhao Lei said: "This may be because it is night here. If the time on the clock is correct, it is more than three o'clock in the morning. At this time, most people are sleeping."

Wang Xuandao: "These are just my guesses. I will soon understand the details. Let's go. Let's go look around first and see what is on the second floor. No matter what, it looks too big here." It’s much better than staying on that narrow floor.”

Zhao Lei said: "By the way, Wang Xuan, I think your analysis just now is right. There is a reason why the second floor is so big and the first floor is so small. It's because there are ten on the first floor. Those ten in the first floor space." People can enter here when they reach the sub-body, so this second floor is so big because it needs to accommodate many people."

Tie Jun nodded and said, "What Zhao Lei said makes sense."

Wang Xuandao: "Let's go over there and have a look first." As he said that, he walked towards the nearest building. There were all small buildings like single-family villas, with three or four floors. There are five floors, varying in size, densely packed, and it looks like a lot.

The other seven people followed him and walked over together.

The nearest three-story building to them was about fifty or sixty meters away. The eight people quickly walked to the front of this small building. The doors and windows were locked and it was quiet. It was probably uninhabited.

Wang Xuan looked at a small screen on the door with a slot on the side. He immediately clicked on the screen and a line of words appeared on it.

"You need ten crystal scales every day to move in, and you can stay there for ten days."

Everyone was stunned when they saw this line of small words.

"It turns out that this small building is for people to live in. It is similar to the rest area on the first floor. It is just too expensive. It costs ten crystal scales to stay for one day. That's fine. The important thing is that if you want to stay there, you need to stay for at least ten days. That is One hundred crystal scales.”

Zhao Lei looked at this small line of characters and couldn't help but shake his head and complain.

Wang Xuan was also shaking his head. Although he currently had more than 800 crystal scales in his pocket, he would not be willing to part with a hundred crystal scales to live in this small building for ten days.

Zhao Lei said: "With so many small buildings, they are not all for people to live in. This row is all three-story buildings, and the row behind is four-story buildings, which are twice as big as this small building. Then How many scales are needed? Wang Xuan, let’s go and take a look.”

Wang Xuan grunted, and the eight people walked around the three-story building in front of them and walked towards the second row of small buildings in the back. The second row of buildings were all four-story buildings, and the area was much larger. , where more people can live.

It was still quiet here, and there was also a small screen on the door. Wang Xuan clicked on it and saw a line of small words on it.

"You need twenty crystal scales every day to move in, and you can stay there for ten days."

Zhao Lei shouted: "Good guy, I need two hundred scales to live here."

Wang Xuan looked at the third row at the back. The buildings in this third row were all five-story buildings with a larger area. It seemed that there were many rooms inside and could accommodate more people.

His eyes fell on the nearest five-story building, and he saw a small flag on the top of the building.

It was hard to see clearly in the darkness, but I could vaguely see what appeared to be a simple phoenix pattern drawn on the small flag.

When Wang Xuan noticed this five-story building, his heart tightened inexplicably, and he instinctively felt uneasy, as if there was some danger hidden in this five-story building.

Zhang Haofei wanted to continue to the five-story building in the third row, but was stopped by Zhao Lei.

He opened the Holy Mark on the back of his right hand, observed the five-story building from a distance, and whispered: "Don't get close, there should be people living in this small building. I feel very uneasy. Look at the roof of the building. There was a little flag, I guess it might be a sign.”

Wang Xuandao: "I feel the same as you. I just came here and everything is still unclear. Since you feel something is wrong, don't get close casually. Let's go to other places first."

Zhang Haofei heard what Wang Xuan said and understood that Zhao Lei was not talking nonsense, so he nodded to express his understanding.

The eight people quickly turned around and left the area, which was full of single-family buildings, and walked towards the right side of the area.

You can see a street in the distance with buildings on both sides of the street.

This time when they were just approaching, they suddenly found that the No. 5 elevator door in the giant glass column not far away suddenly opened.

Wang Xuan immediately stopped and looked there.

After the elevator door opened, five people filed out.

The leader is a young man in his twenties, wearing a full set of second-level equipment, three of which are of high quality. Just looking at this set of equipment, his strength is definitely not weak.

There were three men and one woman walking out behind him. These four people were all wearing a full set of second-level equipment. They had more or less one or two pieces of second-level sophisticated equipment. Purely comparing equipment, they were no better than Wang Xuanba. How different people are.

After these five people came out, they were similar to the eight Wang Xuan people. At first they looked around curiously.

It seems like this is my first time entering here.

Seeing the reactions of these five people, Wang Xuan immediately understood in his heart that his previous guess must be true. The ten elevators indeed lead to ten different first-floor halls, and in those ten first-floor halls, It is a place where newcomers gather. When the hatchling beast of the newcomer grows into a sub-body and obtains a clown mask, they can pass through these ten elevators and enter the second floor together. The five people in front of them should come from Hall 5. Entered here by taking the No. 5 elevator.

These five people also noticed the eight Wang Xuan people. Because it was the first time for each of them to enter here, they were all wary. These five people did not come over, but observed on the spot.

After Wang Xuan glanced at them, he continued walking towards the street ahead.

There is a horizontal plaque hanging on the street with the words "Trading Area" on it.

Perhaps because of the early hours of the night, the street seemed quiet. The eight people walked in slowly and saw shops on both sides. Each shop was very huge. With the door open, people walked in from the outside. Looking inside, it was dark and dark.

Wang Xuan saw the first shop on the left as soon as he saw it. There was a horizontal plaque hanging on it with the word "weapon" written on it.

"Let's go in and have a look." Wang Xuan walked towards here. The other seven people had no objection and followed him. When they walked in, the lights in the shop automatically turned on, and the original darkness turned into bright lights. brightly lit.

"Unexpectedly, there are automatic sensor lights here. They will light up automatically when someone is there and turn them off automatically when no one is there. It is environmentally friendly and energy-saving. It is better than the place that sells weapons on our floor." Zhao Lei said while watching curiously.

This store looks similar to the place selling weapons on the first floor. The only difference is that it is larger and has more self-service vending machines, which can accommodate hundreds of people buying weapons here at the same time.

Wang Xuan first looked at the row of vending machines on the left and found that the weapons sold here were similar to the high-end weapons on the first floor, including the fish scale knife that Zhao Lei was holding in his hand.

After a quick glance, he lost interest and immediately walked to the right.

The weapons sold in the row of vending machines on the right looked obviously more high-end. Zhao Lei saw a faint green light flowing through the blade of one of the swords. It looked like it was not ordinary. He hurriedly opened the screen on the side to check this. Information about the handle knife.

"Bitian Knife, quality, third-level ordinary. The blade is inlaid with an energy crystal. When used, this energy crystal will be stimulated and the power will be increased... Good guy, two hundred crystal scales."

Zhao Lei suddenly raised his voice after reading the end.

Wang Xuan also checked the information about this Bitian knife. Judging from the properties and appearance, it was far better than the fish scale knife in Zhao Lei's hand. The quality reached level three ordinary. This was the first level three he had come into contact with. The equipment is of first-class quality, but the value is also ridiculously expensive, reaching a full two hundred crystal scales.

Looking at the other weapons, they are all of level three ordinary quality and have the same value of two hundred crystal scales.

"Since there are third-level quality weapons for sale here, there should also be third-level armor. I don't know what the third-level armor is like."

Because everyone owned hatchling beasts, they were not too interested in these weapons, so they only took a brief look at them and walked out.

Next door to this huge weapons store was a store that sold armor. When everyone walked in, the lights in the originally dark store immediately came on.

Just like the place where weapons are sold, the row of vending machines on the left sells familiar second-level armor, including iron helmets, heart-protecting iron armor, iron-lock knee pads and other five-piece sets.

Everyone's attention was focused on the long row of vending machines on the right.

This row of vending machines only sell five types of armor. Wang Xuan looked at the five-piece set of helmets, armor, kneepads, gauntlets and boots placed inside. The surface of these equipment exuded a faint metallic luster. It looks like gold and iron, and the material is very special. No one can tell what material it is made of. The appearance looks very exquisite. If you can wear this five-piece suit, you will definitely look good.

Wang Xuan clicked on the screen on one side and saw the names of the five-piece set.

"Alloy helmet, alloy armor, alloy knee pads, alloy gauntlets, alloy boots."

The names were all alloy, so Wang Xuan clicked on the alloy helmet to view detailed information.

"Name: Alloy Helmet, Quality: Level 3 Ordinary, an alloy helmet made of a special alloy. This special alloy has two characteristics: lightness and toughness. When worn on the head, it is both light and beautiful, and has a strong defensive effect. The alloy helmet It contains two special energy crystals. One energy crystal can directly act on the wearer's ears, improving the hearing ability by 20%. The other energy crystal can directly act on the wearer's eyes, increasing the hearing ability by 20%. Vision. The nanocrystal inside can be activated through blood, and has strong self-repair ability. Before the energy is completely consumed, as long as the damage does not exceed one-half, it can be repaired automatically. "

Looking at this information, Wang Xuan secretly nodded. This alloy helmet is indeed a third-level armor. It is far superior to the second-level ordinary iron helmet he is wearing now, and is also better than the second-level fine quality one he wore before. Black Tiger helmet is good.

The alloy helmet not only has defensive capabilities that surpass the previous two helmets, but also improves the wearer's vision and hearing by 20%. A piece of armor can improve two attributes at the same time. This is the first time I have seen it, but looking at the value, Wang Xuan He had to shake his head.

300 crystal scales, ten times as much as a second-level ordinary iron helmet.

The more than 800 crystal scales they finally saved were only enough to buy two pieces.

Looking at the alloy armor, the introduction is similar to that of the alloy helmet. They are both made of special alloys. They are tough and light, and have strong defensive capabilities. Without enough penetration, they cannot penetrate this special alloy. They also contain There are two special energy crystals, each with different effects. One energy crystal can increase the wearer's physical recovery speed by 20%, and the other energy crystal can increase the injury healing speed by 20%. They also require 300 crystal scales.

This attribute shocked Wang Xuan, especially the 20% increase in injury healing speed. This ability is quite amazing.

After all, in battle, no one can guarantee that they will not be injured, and increasing the healing speed of injuries by 20% is a very good ability.

Wang Xuan looked at it all the way. These five pieces of alloy armor all required 300 crystal scales. Each piece was inlaid with two kinds of energy crystals and had two special abilities. His eyes were filled with light, and he wanted to use these five pieces immediately. Buy all the pieces of equipment and wear them.

Compared with this third-level equipment, the so-called second-level sophisticated equipment he is wearing now is garbage.

"It's simply unimaginable... This third-level armor is so powerful. Although it is expensive, it is completely worth the price. I even think it is cheap." Zhao Lei was amazed.

Wang Xuan felt the same after listening to Zhao Lei's words. Compared with the special abilities attached to the alloy suit, except for the two properties of the alloy helmet that improve hearing and vision, which he felt were a bit useless, the properties of the remaining four pieces of equipment were simply top-notch. , completely worth the money, even if each piece sells for 500 crystal scales, he still takes it for granted.

"It seems that we have found what we should do next, which is to earn crystal scales like crazy. I can't wait for a moment. I must buy this five-piece set." Zhao Lei's eyes were shining with a determined look on his face. .

Gu Manyao smiled and said, "Do you know how many crystal scales are needed for this five-piece set?"

"Isn't it just 1,500 coins? Wang Xuan, you should have more than 800 coins with you, right? We have accumulated so much in just a few days. If you give us a little more time, is it still difficult to get 1,500 coins?" Zhao Lei He smiled and looked excited.

Although Wang Xuan also longed for this five-piece set, he restrained himself after thinking about it and said, "Go to other stores first to see if there are any other good things."

The eight people walked out of the shop selling armor, continued along the left shop, and entered the third shop.

The third shop on the left sells various supplies.

Compared with the supplies sold on the first floor, there are many more types of supplies here, ranging from high, high and low-end.

The nutrient solutions alone include milky white primary nutrient solution, green intermediate nutrient solution and yellow advanced nutrient solution.

This high-grade nutrient solution is more effective than the intermediate nutrient solution. Regular consumption can strengthen the body. Long-term use can also improve physical fitness and even have the effect of rebirth.

However, this high-end nutrient solution is not cheap. One bottle requires 20 crystal scales, and each bottle can only last for two days.

Looking at the price, Wang Xuan felt that the more than 800 crystal scales in his pocket were nothing and could not be bought casually here.

In addition to this high-end nutrient solution, there are also various supplies, mainly a wide variety of daily necessities, among which the belts for sale attracted his attention.

Wang Xuan checked the information about this belt.

This looks like an ordinary leather belt, named "Junior Storage Belt". It has a small storage space of one cubic meter. Although it is far from comparable to his Sumeru Belt, the price here is higher. , requiring 500 crystal scales.

In addition to this "junior storage belt", there is also an "intermediate storage belt" with two cubic meters of storage space.

Wang Xuan was about to look at the price when he suddenly sensed something. He turned his head suddenly and saw a head emerging from the door.

Wang Xuan was startled when he suddenly saw a human head. After a closer look, he found that it was a man in his thirties, with a beard and some mud and blood stains on his face. He looked unkempt and very slovenly. At this moment, he was He was sneaky, hiding by the door, crouching, and peeking inside, looking like a thief.

The man noticed the eight Wang Xuan people inside and immediately rushed in in a flash.

Wang Xuan looked at the speed at which he rushed in, and his heart trembled. Although this guy looked a little embarrassed, his speed was not slow, and it was faster than the average sub-body running at full speed.

Looking at him, there are four pieces of second-level sophisticated equipment, and an alloy armor that he just saw. This is a third-level piece of equipment worth 300 crystal scales.

In addition to this piece of armor, what caught Wang Xuan's attention the most was the rudimentary storage belt tied around his waist. This storage belt alone requires 500 crystal scales.

It can be said that the total price of this man's equipment would require thousands of crystal scales.

Except for Wang Xuan, the other seven people also noticed the man who suddenly broke in and looked at him together. The equipment on this man's body was definitely not simple, but after he came in, he seemed timid. While looking outside, he rushed When he arrived at a nearby self-service vending machine, he held a lot of crystal scales in his hand and threw them into it one after another.

As for the eight Wang Xuan people, he simply ignored them.

The eight Wang Xuan people looked at each other, and they all saw the surprise in each other's eyes. This sneaky man suddenly appeared. It seemed that his purpose was to buy something here, but his behavior was too weird.

The man quickly put fifty crystal scales into the self-service vending machine, and immediately after, fifty bottles of green intermediate nutrient solution appeared from the bottom row of cabinets.

The man moved very quickly, as if he were robbing him. He opened the pocket on the left side of the storage belt and hurriedly put the fifty bottles of intermediate nutrient solution into the pocket.

If Wang Xuan hadn't seen with his own eyes that he bought the nutrient solution with fifty crystal scales, he would have almost thought that he was robbed.

At this moment, silhouettes of people suddenly flashed at the door. There was no sound, and suddenly there were three more people.

These three people suddenly appeared, and the man who was hurriedly putting the nutrient solution into his pocket was shocked, and his face stained with some dirt and blood suddenly became very ugly.

"It's not easy, Wu Yi, we finally blocked you." These three people, two men and one woman, among them, the woman is about 27 or 28 years old, with a face as cold as ice, staring at Wu Yi. .

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