The last building on earth

Chapter 118 The five major forces (guaranteed update today)

"Task name: Snake Clan's Treasure, Difficulty: ★★★★"

He looked at another piece of parchment opened by Zhao Lei next to him, and there was also a line of words written on it.

"Task name: Centipede Hunter, difficulty: ★★★★★"

The two pieces of parchment represented two tasks. Wang Xuan looked at the rewards. The "Treasure of the Snake Clan" rewarded a copper treasure chest, and the five-star "Centipede Hunter" rewarded a bronze treasure chest.

"This woman didn't complete the task of having two pieces of parchment, or did she say that she had already completed it, but the parchment was not lost?" Zhao Lei looked at the parchment, a little curious.

Wang Xuan took a look and said: "These two tasks have not been completed yet."

Zhang Haofei said: "Why, Wang Xuan, how do you know?"

Wang Xuandao: "Just look at the content of this mission and you will know. I have now discovered a pattern. The content of the mission on this parchment will change. The mission content displayed on these two pieces of paper is the first step. Obviously these two tasks have not been completed yet. If completed, the task content above will become the final step."

This was a small detail that he noticed when he completed the goblin redemption mission. As long as he looked at the mission content carefully, he would know whether these missions were completed.

Zhao Lei smiled and said: "So that's it. This woman got two parchments and didn't do it for some unknown reason. This is an advantage for us."

Wang Xuan stood up and said: "Maybe we haven't had time to do it yet. Since this is the Snake Domain in the east of Zhendong, it happens that the address of the 'Snake Tribe's Treasure' is in the Snake Domain. Let's complete this task first."

As he spoke, he raised his head, only to feel that the surroundings were dark, and they could only see a large number of undulating rock piles in the distance. It was estimated that it was after four in the morning, but they had rested before going up to the second floor. No one feels tired now.

I have just come here now, and it will take a few days to get used to it if I want to reverse my biological clock.

"Wang Xuan, what should we do with the bodies of this woman and Wu Yi? Just dump them here. If Duan Chen and the others see them, will they suspect that we are here?"

Wang Xuan carefully looked at the two corpses and gradually discovered that there were signs of melting under their bodies. Although it was very slow, it also meant that the ground here had the same self-purification function as the first floor. The two corpses were placed here. In half a day, it will definitely be completely swallowed up by the earth and disappear.

"Don't worry, these two corpses will be melted slowly." Wang Xuan said as he unfolded the parchment in his hand.

Zhao Lei also handed him the parchment with "Centipede Hunter" written on it.

This time, I also received two junior storage belts. Zhao Lei took one himself, and the other was taken by Zhang Haofei.

Gu Manyao didn't care about this belt. She thought that she would always stay with Wang Xuan anyway. With Wang Xuan here, there was no need for an extra storage belt.

"The difficulty level of this Snake Clan's treasure is only four stars, so it shouldn't be too difficult. However, since we are here for the first time, everyone should be careful." Wang Xuan held the parchment in his left hand and released a metal tentacle in his right hand, splitting it into two and extending one In front, one rises above his head, just in case.

Zhao Lei followed closely behind him, showing signs of sainthood, constantly observing the surroundings, and couldn't help but sigh: "It's all that Wu Yi's fault, otherwise we can have a good visit in Insect Town now. I looked at the map It shows that there are many good places in this insect town. The names are different from the previous lobby on the first floor. For example, there is an exchange area, a recycling area, a task line, and the most attractive tavern. Now it turns out that we can’t even go there. .”

Zhang Haofei said bitterly: "It's not a pity for this guy to die a hundred times. Damn it, we can only live in the wilderness now, and we don't know whether it is safe or not to return to Insect Town."

Wang Xuan also smiled bitterly and said: "Don't think about this for now. At least don't think about going back to Insect Town until you all reach adulthood. Fortunately, we now have a lot of nutrient solution, which can't be carried for a month or two." question."

Zhao Lei said with a smile: "In a month or two, if we become adults, we will all be able to grow to a higher form. Yes, I don't know what the form above this adult body will be. Wang Xuan, you just killed that one Wu Yi is also an adult. If you have obtained his energy, will you be able to break through again?"

Gu Manyao also showed concern. If Wang Xuan breaks through again, with him here, why should he be afraid of Duan Chen, Yao Tiande and others?

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "It feels like it's still early. After reaching adulthood, the white light in the right hand seems to have turned into a pool of water. No matter how much energy is put into it, it doesn't have much reaction. Judging from the current situation, this adult wants to break through again." , it’s just a long way off.”

Zhang Haofei was surprised: "You won't reach your peak when you reach adulthood, right? Can't you evolve anymore?"

Tie Jun said: "Looking at the name, Adult should mean adult. It is really possible."

Wang Xuandao: "It's hard to say now. If it's just Duan Chen and Yao Tiande, we don't have to be afraid even if they are both adults. The main thing is the Rakshasa Wu Yi mentioned. We need to find out clearly what this Rakshasa is and what kind of Rakshasa it is. Whether it is an individual or an organization, if it is an organization, what kind of strength does it have? What status does Duan Chen and Yao Tiande have in this organization? How much energy can they mobilize? In short, everything is unknown now. We need to find a way to find out. "

Zhao Lei said: "Yes, we must know ourselves and our enemies so that we can know what's going on."

The eight people chatted in low voices while walking toward the distance among the piles of rocks under the cover of night.

The map of the Snake Territory drawn on the parchment Wang Xuan held in his left hand showed that they needed to go out of the east gate of Insect Town and go all the way east.

At the end of the Eastern Snake Domain, there is a giant rock pile nearly 100 meters high, where the "treasure of the snake clan" is hidden.

It's just that the night is too dark now, and everyone looks at the darkness in the distance. They can't see the giant pile of rocks that are 100 meters high, so they can only follow the prompts and walk towards the east.

Yu Shanshan was seriously injured before. Fortunately, her "light mirror" exerted a huge self-healing effect. Although she has not fully recovered now, she has no problem walking with everyone. While walking, her injuries are still increasing. He is recovering and will be fully recovered soon.

Soon everyone walked forward for two to three hundred meters. Apart from rock piles of different sizes and weeds here and there, they didn't see half a snake, and they were not in danger.

"This snake domain name is not true. Is it because these snakes are sleeping at night?" Zhang Haofei felt his nostrils were itchy and pressed his nostrils with his fingers, with a trace of confusion on his face.

He is now looking forward to the appearance of a group of snakes so that he can kill them and gain enough energy as soon as possible to advance to adulthood.

The unknown Rakshasa brought great pressure to him. Although he was in the Snake Realm now, no one could guarantee that he would not encounter Duan Chen and Yao Tiande in the wild. If they were chased by them with a large number of powerful people, If it comes up, it will be dangerous.

As soon as he said this, Wang Xuan, who was walking at the front, suddenly stopped. From a pile of rocks not far ahead, two heads suddenly appeared, followed closely by two figures who stood up. Two pairs of vigilant eyes appeared in the night, staring at them.

Suddenly seeing two people here, the eight of them were slightly shocked.

Wang Xuan looked at the pile of rocks behind the two people. The figures were flashing in succession, and soon four more people were gathered, making a total of six people gathered together.

The six people were a little nervous at first, but when they saw the eight Wang Xuan people and looked at them carefully, they seemed to relax again.

Wang Xuan saw that these six people were basically wearing second-level equipment. They had both ordinary quality purchased with crystal scales and excellent quality obtained by hunting monsters. However, they did not have a single third-level equipment. Look at the fact that they did not have any belts around their waists. Wearing a red belt, at least he shouldn't be with Duan Chen and Yao Tiande.

I thought about how I was worried about not being able to find anyone to ask about Rakshasa, and suddenly seeing these six people in front of me was an opportunity.

Wang Xuan had the idea of ​​getting close to each other and was about to speak when a woman among the six people suddenly took the initiative and said: "Don't be nervous, you are the newcomers to Chong Town."

Wang Xuan was slightly startled and couldn't help but asked curiously: "How do you know that we are the newcomers?"

When it comes to equipment, the equipment of the six people in front of me is not better than theirs. He also has a third-level alloy boot on his body. In addition, he is wearing a Xumi belt. Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei also wear storage belts around their waists. Look. This equipment doesn't look like a new talent.

This woman was about twenty-three or four years old. Although she was average-looking, her smile looked very friendly. She showed a smile and said: "Firstly, it's because you don't have a sign. Secondly, most of the people who can come to this snake land are... You are newcomers, and at this time, if my guess is correct, you should be the newcomers who just came tonight. Then I bought a map and came here based on the map. However, I remember that the four gates of Insect Town will be closed at night. , you probably got out by climbing over the wall."

Wang Xuan thought that although she was not completely accurate, she was already very good at guessing these things. He nodded with an admiring look and said: "You guessed it correctly. My name is Wang Xuan. I don't know what you call me. Yes, you said What does the symbol mean?”

As he spoke, he led seven people up and stopped a few meters away.

It is good for both parties to keep a certain safe distance. After all, this is the first time they meet, so both of them are still a little wary.

The woman said: "Actually, we are newcomers who have only been here for a day. My name is Li Haitang, this is Wu Yunyue, and this is Zhang Zhao..."

The two parties introduced each other's names and nodded to each other, indicating that they knew each other. Perhaps because they were both newcomers, the six of them were very friendly to Wang Xuan and the other eight, so Li Haitang explained the signs.

"Because you came at night, you may not have met anyone from the five major forces. This Insect Town is ruled by the five major forces. All newcomers who come in must join one of the five major forces and obtain the mark awarded by them. It is considered to be obtained. They protect us, otherwise we wouldn’t be able to survive.”

Wang Xuan frowned slightly and said: "The five major forces, which five major forces are they?"

Li Haitang said: "Phoenix, Rakshasa, Xuan Gang, Dynasty, and one called the Justice League."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan took a deep breath. It seemed that his guess was accurate. This Rakshasa was really the name of an organization, and it was also one of the five major forces that ruled this insect town.

Wang Xuan was still calm. When Zhang Haofei and Li Haotian heard this, their faces changed, and they understood who they had provoked.

Li Haitang saw their expressions change and couldn't help laughing: "You don't have to be afraid, it's actually nothing. To put it bluntly, they are just trying to blackmail newcomers. The so-called joining them is a bit like paying protection money. Every newcomer When you first come here, you have to hand over two crystal scales. According to the regulations, every newcomer needs to hand over two crystal scales to them every day. They have to hand in one month at a time, which is 60 crystal scales, which means that the new person will receive their protection during this month. , one month later, depending on the situation, the sub-body will still need to pay two crystal scales per day for another month, while the adult body will reduce the number by half, one per day, and only need to pay thirty crystal scales a month."

Everyone looked at each other in shock after hearing this. Each newcomer had to hand over sixty crystal scales. The eight of them had to hand over 480 crystal scales at one time.

"Do these five forces have the same rules? Everyone must pay? What if they don't? Or what if they don't have so many crystal scales on their body?" Zhao Lei couldn't help but ask.

Li Haitang said: "No matter which force you choose to join, the rules are the same. After you come here, who dares not to surrender? If there are really no crystal scales, they won't make it difficult for you, and they will let you come anyway. Snake Domain is trying to find a way to earn crystal scales, and just hand them over when you collect them next time. They are quite humane about this. Just like us, we don’t have crystal scales, so we don’t dare to go back tonight, so we can only collect what we need. Only with crystal scales can we return to Insect Town."

Wang Xuan was a little confused and pondered for a moment, then said: "If that's true, doesn't everyone in this insect town belong to a certain force? Everyone has a backer, so what kind of protection do you mean? What’s the point?”

Zhang Zhao, who was next to Li Haitang, laughed and said, "Yes, that's why Sister Haitang just said that there are all reasons for joining the five major forces. To put it bluntly, except for some of their core members, everyone else's so-called joining is just a pretext. It’s just a name, but basically it forces all of us to pay protection fees. These core members can say anything and make a lot of money without even doing anything. It is said that as long as you have enough crystal scales, you can buy anything here. , especially in some private transactions, all kinds of special treasures can be purchased. Of course, we also heard from a few people who came two days earlier than us."

When Wu Yunyue heard this, he coughed lightly and said: "Forget it, everyone, please be careful what you say. It is not good for these words to spread."

He looked at Wang Xuan and others with some vigilance. What Li Haitang and Zhang Zhao said contained dissatisfaction and resentment against the five major forces. It would be dangerous for them if Wang Xuan and others snitched.

After Wu Yunyue reminded them, both Li Haitang and Zhang Zhao had unnatural looks on their faces.

Wang Xuan knew what they were worried about, and immediately murmured: "I didn't expect that the so-called five major forces are like this. Aren't they just the five cancers of this insect town? Doesn't anyone want to resist them?"

Hearing Wang Xuan say this, and saying it more boldly than them, they were relieved and a little surprised. Although they had some resentment towards the five major forces, they were not so bold as to say this.

Li Haitang immediately lowered his voice and said: "Wang Xuan, it's okay to talk here, but don't say it in front of other people, especially when you return to Chong Town, you don't know who is the core of these five major forces. Members, if you are not careful, you may cause a serious disaster."

Wang Xuan snorted, thinking of Nawu's fear of Duan Chen and the others. Could it be that Duan Chen, Yao Tiande and the murdered woman were the core members of Rakshasa?

"Thank you, Sister Haitang, for your concern." Wang Xuan smiled, and followed Zhang Zhao and others in calling her Sister Haitang, bringing the relationship closer. He could see that Li Haitang was very kind to him, and she should have a good impression of him. Then he said: "Then what are the symbols of these five major forces, such as the symbol of Rakshasa? What is the symbol of Phoenix, and how to distinguish the core members from ordinary members."

When he talked about Phoenix, he suddenly thought of how he had just entered Chong Town. Among the rows of single-family buildings, he saw a five-story building with a flag on the top. The flag seemed to have something like There is a phoenix pattern. Could it be the "Phoenix" one of the five major forces?

Li Haitang said: "We came here just one day earlier than you, and we don't know much. I don't know the difference between the core members and the ordinary ones. As for the logo, the logo of the Phoenix is ​​the Phoenix badge, and the logo of the Rakshasa is Red belt, anyway, as long as you hand in sixty crystal scales, you can get a special red belt or other symbol, which can be worn for a month, and after one month, you need to pay again."

Zhang Zhao said with some disdain: "What a red belt? To put it bluntly, it's just a red cloth belt. It's worthless. They just use it to make money."

Zhao Lei's heart moved, and he thought that the red belts tied around Duan Chen and Yao Tiande's waists were really ordinary. They were just ordinary red cloth belts. They could buy some red clothes or fabrics from the self-service vending machines and make them themselves. He couldn't help but wonder: "Then if we get some red cloth belts to use as belts, will we be able to get away with it?"

Li Haitang smiled and said: "We haven't thought about this, and probably no one would dare. It would be very serious if they were caught. Besides, they must have their own ways of distinguishing themselves. How can they fool people so easily."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly. Li Haitang and the other two came only one day earlier than them and did not know much information. Originally, he wanted to ask the core members of the five major forces in detail about their strength so as to find out the details of Rakshasa. Unfortunately, Li Haitang The six Haitangs knew nothing about this.

Everyone chatted for a while, but when they couldn't find any more clues, Wang Xuan said goodbye and left.

Li Haitang and the other two watched them leave. The other five people sat down along the pile of rocks. Only Li Haitang was still standing.

The six of them were newcomers who just came yesterday. Since they couldn't afford the crystal scales, they had no choice but to come to the Snake Domain. They had to collect the crystal scales that the six of them needed to hand over before they could return to Insect Town again. Now even at night, they can only Stay in the wild and rest.

"Wang Xuan, can you tell what the strength of these six people is? It feels like Li Haitang is interested in you. Before we left, she was still a little reluctant to leave." Zhao Lei glanced back secretly and said softly: " Look back and see that Li Haitang is still standing there watching you off."

Wang Xuan looked back out of curiosity and found that the other five people had sat down to rest. Only Li Haitang was still standing there. His eyes seemed to be glowing faintly in the night. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to be really looking at him.

It seemed that she also saw Wang Xuan looking back at her, so she smiled, then raised her hand and waved goodbye to him.

Wang Xuan smiled awkwardly, turned around hurriedly, and whispered to Zhao Lei: "Don't talk nonsense, she is just enthusiastic, maybe she is looking at you." He thought that although Li Haitang is not ugly, he is She's not pretty either, her appearance is really unremarkable, but she's quite approachable, making it easy for people to like her, at least not to hate her.

Gu Manyao heard the whispers of the two men, hummed slightly, and said with a straight face: "You are really there. Sure enough, men are always lustful no matter what time they are. We are all anxious about what to do about Rakshasa. You guys It's good that we can also discuss which of you girls likes you."

Wang Xuandao: "Gu Manyao, don't talk nonsense, what does it mean to have a lustful heart..."

Just as he said this, he suddenly closed his mouth again, his eyes suddenly shrank slightly, and fell on a pile of rocks dozens of meters ahead.

Just now, he heard movement coming from there.

Gu Manyao was about to say more, but suddenly saw Wang Xuan stop mid-sentence. She knew Wang Xuan better and immediately understood that he must have made a discovery. She tightened her right hand and the Yao Chi knife appeared.

"There is movement there. Let's go slowly and take a look. Everyone should spread out a little distance from each other to avoid unexpected situations and unable to use their hands and feet. Of course, the longest distance should not exceed five meters." Wang Xuan lowered his voice and stretched out his hands to count. Pointing at the pile of rocks ten meters away, he reminded everyone.

After hearing his words, the people following him slowly dispersed and kept a little distance from each other, so that if there was any emergency, they would have room to move.

In the shop selling supplies before, just because Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao were close to Wang Xuan, Wu Yi suddenly rushed between Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan. Although Wang Xuan reacted, he wanted to intercept Wu Yi, even if he used The metal tentacles had to go around Zhao Lei and Gu Manyao in front of them, pass through Zhang Haofei and Tie Jun, and make a big circle before they could intercept Wu Yi.

But Wu Yi is an adult strong man, his speed is almost no slower than Wang Xuan, he is simply too late.

If he could have rushed in between Wu Yi and Yu Shanshan to intercept him at that time, what happened next would not have happened.

They have gone all the way here and have joined forces to hunt monsters countless times. They have a tacit understanding of each other, but they have never had problems because of the distance between them. At that time, Wang Xuan was not as powerful as he is now. He has the ability to take care of everyone, and the slight difference in position has no impact on him.

But as he became stronger and stronger, especially when his metal tentacles had grown to five meters long and could carry out air attacks from a distance of five or six meters, he began to gradually realize that the distance between everyone The distance in space began to affect his performance.

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