The last building on earth

Chapter 134 Breaking through the Fifth Form (Arrived today, please vote for me)

Night fell quietly, and the entire Centipede Island was shrouded in darkness.

In the edge area of ​​Centipede Island, a large number of teams that originally hunted silverback centipedes here began to leave one after another and return to Insect Town.

Beside a cave on Centipede Island, there was a corpse surrounded by seven people.

This is the body of the killed Wang Ziren. It was originally thrown into the cave by Wang Xuan, but now it was found and moved out again.

There were faint signs of melting on the surface of Wang Ziren's corpse. The ground on Centipede Island has a self-purifying function. If the corpse is left for a long time after death, it will slowly be purified and return to nature.

"The leader is really good at predicting events. When Wang Ziren was killed on Centipede Island, the leader could predict it."

Li Xing was filled with emotion.

Lu Bingbing did not speak, but waved her right hand, and a drop of blood spilled, and blood-red light spread from it.

As the sky gets darker and darker, the blood-red light gradually becomes brighter. In this light, a large number of vague footprints emerge. Lu Bingbing stares at the footprints and seems to be able to see them. The movements of these footprints.

"There were eight enemies in total. After killing Wang Ziren, they threw his body into the cave. These eight people left with Duan Chen and Yao Tiande. Well... there were also footprints of two mechanical beasts."

After reading the footprints, Lu Bingbing said slowly: "This battle is very fierce. The opponents should be eight adults, and Wang Ziren is one against eight."

Li Xing showed a hint of surprise and said, "Can eight adults kill Wang Ziren? Impossible."

Lu Bingbing said: "Duan Chen and Yao Tiande who were traveling with Wang Ziren are not dead. There is only one reason. They betrayed him. It should be Wang Ziren who was seriously injured or killed by their sneak attack."

Hearing this, Li Xing and the other six people looked shocked.

No matter which side of the force, if a subordinate dares to betray his master, it is a heinous crime.

"Duan Chen, Yao Tiande...these two beasts, for no other reason than this, I will not let them die happily." Li Xing's face was cold, and he slowly clenched his right hand into a fist.

"Let's go, it's getting dark soon. These people probably haven't returned to Insect Town. They may spend the night here."

Lu Bingbing suddenly quickened her pace, walked around the cave, and began to run forward. Wherever she went, the bloody light under her feet moved. In the bloody light, footprints continued to emerge.

Li Xing followed closely with four other men and one woman.

In the night, as the teams that entered Insect Town left one after another, the surrounding area gradually became quiet. The faint sound of fighting in the depths of Centipede Island became particularly obvious.

"There are still people hunting centipedes deep in Centipede Island? So hard." Li Xing heard the voice, raised his head and looked into the distance, and couldn't help but shake his head.

Lu Bingbing's face was solemn and she said: "These are the people." Suddenly, his body swayed, he suddenly increased his speed, and rushed towards the direction where the sound came from.

Li Xing was startled, then realized what he was doing and hurriedly chased after him.

At this moment, a group of ten people including Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and Yao Tiande, plus two mechanical beasts, were surrounded by more than fifty silver-backed centipedes and giant pincer centipedes.

Bai Yan first launched the "Witch Blood Spray" to weaken the giant claw centipedes, and then they formed a small circle, back to back, to resist the crazy attacks of these centipedes.

In order to help Wang Xuan make the final breakthrough, all of them only resisted the attacks of these centipedes. Even if they counterattacked, they only attacked the non-vital tails or legs of these centipedes, avoiding the head and other vital parts as much as possible.

They want to leave all the centipedes to Wang Xuan to help him break through to adulthood.

Wang Xuan extended the two metal tentacles to the maximum length of five meters. His body was like a swimming dragon, interspersed between the centipedes, and the two metal tentacles were like two large pythons.

Although the mission of hunting one hundred silver-backed centipedes was completed, Wang Xuan's first target was still the silver-backed centipede.

He deliberately did not kill these giant pincer centipedes whose combat power was weakened by the witch blood. He shuttled back and forth between them, using their relatively clumsy and huge bodies as obstacles to prevent the silver-backed centipedes from completing a true encirclement on him. Take the pressure off yourself.

The two metal tentacles were drawn out, and each time they hit the silver-backed centipede's relatively fragile head accurately, one blow would inevitably turn it into a pulp.

Soon, six silver-backed centipedes were killed by him, and six white scales were absorbed. The white light in his right hand was fluctuating violently, and the energy inside no longer overflowed and penetrated. As the endless energy was absorbed, this The fluctuations of the white light are getting more and more violent, and there are faint signs that it will expand and explode.

Wang Xuan understood that he was getting closer and closer to the critical point of breaking through.

The others tried their best to resist the crazy attacks of these centipedes, but could not fight back. Everyone was exhausted and under great pressure, but everyone gritted their teeth and persisted.

Soon, Wang Xuan killed more than a dozen silver-backed centipedes, and then he began to hunt them all, including the giant pincer centipede.

Compared to the silver-backed centipede, the giant pincer centipede is affected by the witch blood and is slower and easier to kill.

The energy of more than a dozen white scales filled the white light in his right hand, and the feeling of swelling and bursting became stronger and stronger. If he wanted to instantly kill these four-star dangerous centipedes, even Wang Xuan would have to go all out, in one breath. Even killing a dozen of them was not easy for him.

Of course, it is much easier to control the metal tentacles than the giant arms of Warcraft. If he uses the giant arms of Warcraft, just killing these dozen centipedes will consume all his physical energy.

Yu Shanshan continuously activated the giant light shield to protect everyone and resist the impact of the centipede.

The giant light shield was broken again and again, and she opened it again and again, and blood slowly seeped out from the corners of her mouth.

Every time the mask was broken, her internal organs were hit, and before she knew it, she was seriously injured.

However, she gritted her teeth and struggled to hold on without speaking.

She insisted not only for herself, nor for Bai Yan, whom she liked, but more for Wang Xuan.

Although she lost a lot of memories, she later learned through Gu Manyao that she, like Bai Yan, had her skull removed, became a clown, and almost died. It was Wang Xuan who saved her and Bai Yan regardless of everything.

She also remembered that because she took action, she interfered with Lan Lan, and was succeeded by Wu Yi, causing everyone to flee. When she blamed herself, Wang Xuan did not say a word to blame her, but comforted and encouraged her.

She kept all this in mind silently, and now Wang Xuan finally took the initiative to ask them to help him break through to adulthood.

Compared with Wang Xuan, she is too weak and can almost be ignored, but now she can finally help Wang Xuan, which makes her extremely excited. Even if she is seriously injured, she has no complaints.

Yao Tiande can feel the tremendous pressure that everyone is under. If these attacking centipedes can be killed, the pressure on everyone will be much lighter. After all, as the centipedes continue to be killed, the number will become less and less, and the surrounding ground will gradually accumulate. There are more and more centipede corpses, affecting their attack movement.

But that didn't work now. They could only grit their teeth and persevere, stay in place, resist the centipede attacks, and share the firepower of the attack for Wang Xuan, but they could not kill these centipedes.

Although the pressure they were under was increasing, many people had expressions of pain on their faces, and their foreheads were covered in cold sweat, they still held back. No one attacked the vital points of these centipedes, and no centipede was killed.

"These people..." Yao Tiande muttered silently in his mind, and his right hand was swept out by the metal rod surrounded by electric light. He avoided the head of a charging centipede and smashed several of its front legs.

The number of dead silver-backed centipedes and giant pincer centipedes exceeded twenty, and Wang Xuan became even more crazy. On the surface of the two metal tentacles, there was a faint blue light looming in the gaps between the covered metal sheets.

He fought to the point of madness, and driven by his instinctive fighting spirit, there were wisps of energy in the blue crystal scales, which were slowly released.

Although this energy release was extremely thin, his speed and strength were slowly increasing, and the power of the metal tentacles became more and more terrifying. Every time it was swept out, a centipede was beaten until its shell was shattered, and it died instantly.

In the white light of the right hand, energy surges, and the energy absorbed is not only the energy of the white scales one after another, but also the energy of the faint blue crystal scales.

As the energy of this blue crystal scale is absorbed and fused, a trace of light blue light appears faintly in this white light. However, this blue color is too weak. Unless you observe carefully, it is difficult to see in the white light. arrive.

As the energy of this blue crystal scale merged in, earth-shaking changes occurred in the white light. Wang Xuan suddenly felt that his body had changed during the crazy attack, and the faint muscles and bones actually produced an outward expansion. Signs of breaking.

A new power is growing within the body.

Feeling the changes in his body, Wang Xuan's speed suddenly increased again, and he rushed out with a whoosh, and the two metal tentacles controlled by his right hand swept out left and right.

With two crisp sounds of "pop", the heads of the silver-backed centipede on the left and the giant claw centipede on the right suddenly shattered, and their bodies rose up in the air and flew backwards to both sides.

Two white scales emerged from the bodies of the two centipedes and sank into Wang Xuan's right hand.

As these two white scales entered, Wang Xuan felt that the swelling and tearing feeling of the white light in his right hand finally reached its limit and suddenly exploded.

The white light exploded into thousands of tiny light fragments. From the outside, he did not change at all, but inside his body, earth-shaking changes were caused.

He stopped.

In the exploding white light, all the energy absorbed from hunting monsters along the way began to flow out violently, like a flash flood, overwhelmingly sweeping and impacting every inch of flesh and bone in his body. Even his hair and body hair were flooded with energy. , the muscles, bones, and internal organs all over his body are greedily devouring and absorbing this energy, and every part of his body is strengthening.

The fifth form is finally here.

This is a true rebirth. The exploded white light transforms into shape again under the catalysis of new power. This transformed white light will become stronger and stronger, and can accommodate more energy.

New information appeared in my mind.

"Name: Warcraft, Form: Perfect State, Abilities: Entanglement, Strangulation, Warcraft Arm, Split, Double Warcraft Arm, Extension Limit: Six Meters.

"New ability realization: Spiral Strangulation."

Feeling the changes in his body, new abilities were being understood and mastered. The remaining centipedes crowded around like crazy. Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao and others saw Wang Xuan suddenly stop, and a terrifying power was being released from his body. , immediately understood that he had made a breakthrough.

Zhao Lei roared excitedly and rushed out first.

Gu Manyao was faster than him and released the demon chi to protect Wang Xuan and resist the silver-backed centipede that rushed up.

Everyone rushed forward to resist the surrounding centipedes and protect Wang Xuan who was in the midst of a breakthrough.

Wang Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly, feeling the drastic changes in his body. His body was still strengthening, and his strength, speed, stamina, reflexes, hearing, vision, perception, and various recovery speeds were all increasing crazily.

If there is a huge gap between the adult body and the sub-body, then the gap between the fifth form of the perfect form and the adult body is even greater. A strong person in the perfect form can easily crush a group of adults. Only when he reaches the perfect state, Only one deserves to be called a strong person in the Insect Town.

The two metal tentacles, which were originally five meters long, have now grown by one meter again, and their ultimate length has reached six meters. This allows Wang Xuan to have a longer attack distance. His newly learned ability is "Spiral Strangulation", which can It causes the metal tentacles to rotate at high speed, producing a terrifying spiral force with extremely powerful penetrating power. Not only that, the two metal tentacles can also rotate and strangle each other, producing even more powerful destructive power.

The astonishing changes in his body were coming to an end. With just a thought, Wang Xuan's body silently slipped out of the protective circle of everyone, as fast as a ghost. He stretched out his right hand, and two thick metal tentacles began to extend along his right hand, reaching each other. Rotating and twisting, it looks like a giant metal drill bit rotating at high speed.

A centipede with giant pincers had no time to react before it was touched by a giant drill. The shell immediately shattered, the juice and internal organs inside splashed out, and the body exploded instantly.

This rotating metal tentacle continued to move forward, and soon extended to the limit of six meters away. Wherever it passed, whether it was a silver-backed centipede or a giant pincer centipede, as long as it was touched, it would be immediately terrifying. The force generated by the high-speed rotation pulled it in and instantly exploded into pieces.

Everyone looked at Wang Xuan with a look of surprise in their eyes.

With just one blow, at least five silver-backed centipedes and giant claw centipedes were strangled and exploded. Wang Xuan took advantage of the situation and swept out the two six-meter-long metal tentacles that were rotating at high speed. He was invincible. All centipedes within the six-meter radius fan-shaped area that are swept are instantly killed.

With just one blow, at least six more centipedes were crushed to pieces and exploded.

At this time, Wang Xuan stopped.

Feeling the tremendous power of this spiral strangulation, a look of joy appeared on his face.

Perhaps he was frightened by the terror of Wang Xuan's attack, but he killed eleven centipedes in just two strikes. The remaining silver-backed centipedes and giant-pincer centipedes scattered in a rush, and immediately turned around and fled into the surrounding darkness.

When everyone saw Wang Xuan's successful breakthrough, they all relaxed. They felt exhausted and had no energy to catch up anymore. Instead, they all surrounded Wang Xuan.

"Wang Xuan, what is the fifth form called?"

"How is it? What does this fifth form feel like?"

"That move just now was so powerful, what was it called?"

Everyone was talking, and Zhao Lei, Gu Manyao, and Zhang Haofei started asking questions almost at the same time.

With a smile on his face, Wang Xuan finally succeeded in breaking through. The feeling of uneasiness and danger in his heart also disappeared, and his heart was finally settled.

"This fifth form is called Zhen State, and the move just now is called Spiral Strangulation. As for the feeling, I only feel that my body is half lighter, and there is a feeling of ecstasy."

Wang Xuan was in a good mood and answered them one by one.

"Zhen State..." Everyone finally knew at this time that the fifth form after breaking through to adulthood was called Zhen State.

"What does this true state mean?" Zhang Haofei looked puzzled: "The meaning of true pervert seems to make sense. The power just now was quite perverted."

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard this. Knowing that Zhang Haofei was not highly educated, he explained to him that it was perfection but not truth.

Zhang Haofei finally understood and said, "Then what does Zhen mean?"

Wang Xuandao: "It means reaching or arriving, such as reaching a certain state."

Zhang Haofei said: "Then I understand it correctly. Zhentai, the state of metamorphosis, is almost the same as a true metamorphosis."

Wang Xuan could not imagine that he would get such a result after explaining for a long time, and he was speechless. He thought that this guy was really ignorant and unskilled, and explaining to him was a fool's errand.

Gu Manyao couldn't help laughing.

"I'm so exhausted. I can finally have a good rest." Zhao Lei let out a long breath and sat down. He felt so tired that he didn't even want to lift up his little finger.

"Let's rest here tonight. It's safer to have your back against the big rock." Tie Jun looked at the surrounding environment and said.

Everyone agreed to come down and looked for a suitable and comfortable place to rest.

Wang Xuan asked Xiaoguai to climb onto a big rock and stand sentry from a high position. If danger is discovered, he needs to be notified immediately.

Xiaoguai nodded repeatedly to express his understanding, and then jumped up.

On the other side, Gu Manyao was also instructing Daguai to patrol the other side.

Everyone was so exhausted that they didn't even bother to pick up the large number of crystal scales that fell on the ground. They just wanted to fall to the ground and sleep.

Wang Xuan was quite excited because of his breakthrough. He was about to master the spiral strangulation ability he had just mastered when he suddenly felt something. He raised his head and saw a faint blood appearing in the darkness towards the direction of the insect town. Red light.

This light moved close to the ground, very quickly, and was approaching them.

Following him he saw seven people.

In the center of this moving blood-red light was a human figure, followed closely by six people.

There was no uneasy feeling in my heart, but I could feel a hint of hostility, as if I was being watched.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that these seven people came with hostility.

"It seems that my previous induction was not wrong. There is really an enemy coming. Fortunately... I broke through first, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous." Wang Xuan thought silently in his heart.

If the other party really came here because of Wang Ziren's affairs, then I'm afraid the one who came was definitely not just a powerful person. If they hadn't made a breakthrough, they would be in big trouble now.

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