The last building on earth

Chapter 136: Tear the Strong Alive (Arrived today, please subscribe)

Lu Bingbing turned around and wanted to escape, but suddenly she groaned, as if she had been severely injured, and blood spurted out from her mouth and nose.

She turned her head and was horrified to find that the blood-red python she had released was hit by a metal tentacle with a blue light and exploded instantly.

There was no expression on Wang Xuan's face. As if the devil had descended, two six-meter-long metal tentacles extended from his right hand.

In the dark night, the blue light shining in these two metal tentacles was so dazzling, illuminating the surrounding area like a blue flowing.

After being promoted to the ultimate state, all aspects of the body's abilities are greatly improved, the body's strength is doubled, and the energy burst limit it can withstand is several times higher than before.

This allows Wang Xuan to borrow more powerful blue crystal scale energy.

With a stamp of his foot, the energy of the blue crystal scales shot down through his body. Together with the powerful force that exploded from his perfect state, these two forces exploded and instantly tore away the blood-red light under his feet. He seemed to have wings on his back and soared into the sky. Like a goshawk attacking a rabbit, it pounces in the air, and the metal tentacle controlled by the right hand shoots out.

Lu Bingbing, who was trying her best to escape, suddenly felt her feet tighten. She lowered her head and was horrified to find that her ankles were entangled with metal tentacles. A strong force pulled her back, and she fell heavily and threw herself out.

Between life and death, the survival instinct of a powerful person made her twist her waist and roll violently. The strongest power in her body burst out. While trying to break free from the metal tentacles wrapped around her legs, she stretched out her left hand and opened it. He picked up the storage belt and wanted to take out an explosive crystal.

This explosive crystal was a reward she received for completing a mission. It was so powerful that it was considered a treasure. Normally, she would not bear to use it. However, the situation was critical at this moment. She wanted to throw the explosive crystal out. Even if it did not kill Wang Xuan, it would definitely blow up the two metal tentacles. .

She just touched the explosive crystal in her storage belt, and suddenly her body flew up like a cloud and mist. She flew into the air, looked down in horror, and found that Wang Xuan was controlling two metal tentacles like long snakes. Swung her into the air.

"No, he wants to throw me out!" Lu Bingbing reacted quickly. She immediately understood that Wang Xuan wanted to pick up the rock and smash her to the side. She immediately shrank her waist and wanted to curl up her body, relying on her arms to protect her. Keep an eye on his vitals, and then take advantage of the moment when he throws himself out to hit the explosive crystal. She has seen the power of this explosive crystal. As long as it hits Wang Xuan, he will either die or be injured.

All this happened in the blink of an eye. This thought flashed through Lu Bingbing's mind. Just as she was about to curl up her body, the two metal tentacles wrapped around her legs suddenly pulled to both sides.

With a "chi" sound, she felt her legs being pulled to the left and right by an irresistible force. A tearing pain and fear instantly shot up from her body to her brain. The last thought in her mind was "It turns out he is not To throw me out."

Blood flew everywhere, splashing blood on the rocks below. This dignified fifth-form master, Lu Bingbing, one of the eighteen great figures in the Rakshasa with only the most powerful position under the leader, was killed by Wang Xuan. He wrapped his legs with metal tentacles and tore them alive.

The four men and one woman who had followed Li Xing and Lu Bingbing were now fighting with everyone.

Although the soles of everyone's feet were stuck by Lu Bingbing's blood-red light and it was difficult to move, they were better because of the number of people. Even if they couldn't move to counterattack, they could resist with all their strength. It would be difficult for these five people to succeed in one or two encounters.

The witch blood controlled by Bai Yan also took effect immediately. Although it was difficult to influence a perfect person, it was much easier to influence an adult.

Affected by the witch blood, these five people immediately began to feel that something was wrong.

At this moment, Li Xing was twisted into a ball of meat by Wang Xuan's metal tentacles. Lu Bingbing escaped. Everyone regained their freedom of movement and immediately counterattacked with all their strength. The reactions of these five people were not as quick as Lu Bingbing's, and they didn't even react at this time. Come here to escape.

When Lu Bingbing tried to escape, but Wang Xuan wrapped his feet with metal tentacles and tore them in half, they were frightened to the point of death and tried to escape.

Unfortunately, it was already too late. Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Tie Jun, Yao Tiande, Duan Chen and others all rushed out and attacked with all their strength.

The inch-haired man wielding the giant blade swept the giant blade horizontally and blocked the cross holy light that Zhao Lei had hit from the air. Zhang Haofei jumped up and hit his head with the whirlwind bone claws, immediately killing his head and helmet. Minced together.

The woman who used the metal crossbow reacted smartly. When she saw Lu Bingbing running away, she turned around and tried to escape. The witch blood showed off and she stepped forward. She swayed and almost fell down. A two-meter-long giant arrow came from behind. It shot out violently, piercing through her body and exploding.

The short, fat man holding a metal shield collided with the iron army holding a diamond shield. The metal shield and the diamond shield collided, making a loud noise. The short, fat man staggered and fell back. The iron army threw out the diamond shield in his hand and shouted. Shield Bash.

The short and fat man raised his metal shield to resist, but the metal rod held by Yao Tiande swept over him.

A bang hit him on the side of the waist, and the lightning made him roar and scream. The metal shield in his hand was a step slower, and he was hit in the head by the Iron Army's shield, and it exploded immediately.

The tall and handsome man was the cleverest. He was originally standing at the back of the crowd, holding a chained metal hammer and attacking from a distance. When he saw Li Xing being strangled by Wang Xuan, Lu Bingbing turned around and started to run away. Without hesitation, he put away the metal hammer and tried to escape.

He started faster than Lu Bingbing, but his speed was not as fast as Lu Bingbing and Wang Xuan. By the time Wang Xuan tore Lu Bingbing in half, he had already escaped ten meters away.

Wang Xuan took a step and instantly closed the distance between the two sides to five meters. With a wave of his right hand, the metal tentacles were drawn out in the air.

The tall man reluctantly tried to throw the metal hammer in his hand, but unfortunately he was hit in the chest by a metal tentacle just halfway through the throw.

The sonic boom was followed by the sound of his chest exploding. Broken bones mixed with flesh and blood exploded. His upper body exploded together with his armor, and only half of his body fell down.

In the end, the man holding the sword covered in white light was killed by Duan Chen and Bai Yan.

When Wang Xuan retracted the metal tentacles, all seven people who appeared this time were dead.

From the moment Li Xing started taking action until the last person was killed, the process lasted no more than a minute.

Everyone looked at the bodies of these people and gasped violently.

Wang Xuan absorbed the white light energy of the two powerful men in succession, and felt the violent fluctuations of the white light energy in his right hand.

However, after being promoted to the ultimate state, the energy required by the white light is unimaginable. Even if he absorbs the energy of these two powerful elites, it will only be a drop in the bucket.

Yao Tiande looked at Wang Xuan's back, then looked at the bodies of Li Xing and Lu Bingbing on the ground, with a look of admiration on his face.

He understood that he had indeed made the right bet. When Wang Xuan was an adult, he was almost able to fight against the Zhen State. Once he breaks through and is promoted to the Zhen State, his strength will inevitably increase by an astonishing amount. At that time, I am afraid that ordinary people Zhentai is no match for him at all.

Although Li Xing and Lu Bingbing were not as strong as Wang Ziren, they were still two extremely powerful men. When they joined forces, they were so vulnerable that they were killed by Wang Xuan.

Yao Tiande was shocked, but he was also glad that he had chosen the right one.

"Wang Xuan, you are so good at predicting things. You actually knew in advance that they were coming. Fortunately, you reached the ultimate state, otherwise we would all be doomed today." Zhao Lei sat down on the ground and lay there, as if in collapse. I was so tired, but I couldn't help but speak.

Looking at the corpse on the ground, and thinking about it now, everyone admired Wang Xuan even more.

If he hadn't insisted, the bodies lying all over the ground now would have been theirs.

"So, from now on, we have to listen to what Wang Xuan says." Tie Jun smiled. He was also tired, so he slowly sat down and leaned on a big rock behind him.

Wang Xuan checked the injuries of Gu Manyao who was lying on the ground. The demon chi she released earlier was bitten by Lu Bingbing's blood-red snake. She was also affected and was slowly recovering at the moment. There was no big problem.

After hearing what everyone said, he waved his hands and said, "Everyone, please stop flattering me. Take off these people's armor first, and then have a good rest."

If these corpses are placed on the ground for a long time, they will slowly be purified and fused by the ground. If the armor is not peeled off early, it is likely to be melted away together.

"Wang Xuan, you are really cruel. This Li Xing is wearing a set of third-level equipment, and he was so crushed by you that he didn't even have a piece of intact equipment."

Zhao Lei looked at Li Xing's body with regret on his face and found that not to mention the five-piece set of third-level equipment, even the storage belt tied around his waist was damaged.

The real thing is to eliminate the roots and leave nothing behind.

On Lu Bingbing's body, only the alloy armor and alloy knee pads were damaged. The alloy helmet, alloy gauntlets and alloy boots were all still usable.

Wang Xuan took off the alloy helmet and put it on his head. Now, he finally had a complete five-piece set of third-level alloy equipment.

The alloy helmet can improve vision and hearing by 20%. Now that five pieces of equipment are worn on the body, the attributes of all equipment are further improved, and the overall improvement is increased from the original 23% to 24%.

The remaining alloy gauntlets were given to Zhao Lei, and the alloy boots were given to Gu Manyao.

Now, everyone basically has a full set of second-level sophisticated equipment. Not only that, but there are also excess second-level equipment, all of which Wang Xuan unified into the right pocket of Xumi's belt.

In this right waist bag, he is going to put some supplies that are not often used.

Now, in the Xumi Mustard Seed space on his right, there are a lot of second-level ordinary and sophisticated equipment piled up, as well as some low-level, low-level equipment.

In addition to the armor that was stripped off the corpse, there were also two storage belts, one was an intermediate storage belt that belonged to Lu Bingbing, and the other was a junior storage belt that belonged to the man with the inch-haired hair.

The contents of this inch-haired man's primary storage belt are relatively shabby. There are only 142 small crystal scales, 42 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution, a map of Insect Town and some daily necessities. There is not even a piece of parchment to record the mission. What surprised Wang Xuan was that there was a bottle of primary physical strength water inside.

Except for daily necessities, he took out everything else and put it into his Xumi belt.

The number of small crystal scales he owns has reached 1580, and the number of intermediate nutrient solutions has increased to 219 bottles. What makes him a little excited is that he now has three bottles of primary physical water stored in his possession.

This is a treasure, it may save lives at critical moments, but he will not use it casually unless absolutely necessary.

The crystal scales used to hunt monsters on the ground were also collected by Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others. There were 39 crystal scales in total, and they were all handed over to Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan continued to look at the materials in the intermediate storage belt left by Lu Bingbing. Although they were both in the highest state and were important Rakshasa figures, compared with Wang Ziren, the materials in Lu Bingbing's storage belt were of a lower grade. Some.

Wang Xuan took inventory and found a total of 10 medium-sized crystal scales, 216 small-sized crystal scales, 26 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution, 15 bottles of high-level nutrient solution, a piece of parchment, one map each of Insect Town and Scorpion City, and explosions. One crystal, one smoke crystal, one mechanical beast heart, one mechanical head armor and one mechanical leg armor crystal, as well as some daily necessities.

Seeing the mechanical leg armor, Wang Xuan was overjoyed. He immediately took it out and said to Gu Manyao, "You were just regretting that your darling lacked leg armor. Here comes this armor."

"Really?" Gu Manyao was overjoyed and immediately endured the pain in her chest and sat up. Wang Xuan threw the leg armor crystal to her.

Gu Manyao summoned Daguai, opened his crystal panel, and installed the mechanical leg armor crystal into it. Daguai's body changed, and the surface of his four slender and short legs began to be covered with pieces of metal armor, which soon became the same as those on his body. The armor is tied together to form a perfect whole.

Gu Manyao looked at the changes in the mechanical fox with joy on her face.

Wang Xuan counted all these supplies and put them into his Xumi belt. Now he has 33 medium-sized crystal scales, 1835 small-sized crystal scales, 245 bottles of intermediate nutrient solution, and 47 bottles of high-level nutrient solution. 3 bottles of primary physical strength water, one bottle of incorruptible medicine, two explosion crystals, one smoke crystal, one bottle of primary night vision water, one mechanical head armor crystal, as for other maps, daily necessities, sheepskins There were several pieces of paper, inferior equipment, and second-level equipment, and he didn't bother to count them anymore.

Picking up the mechanical beast heart belonging to Lu Bingbing, she opened it and saw that there were four crystals on the crystal surface, including the power assembly and the armor for the head, body and legs. Only then did she know that Lu Bingbing had a mechanical beast. , but it was not started at that time.

Looking at the parchment again, there is a line of words on it: "Task name: Search for the hometown of mechanical beasts, difficulty: unknown."

This was the first time Wang Xuan saw such a mission with unknown difficulty. Looking at the content carefully, he found that there was no map on the parchment, only a line of prompts.

"Go to Scorpion City and look for a strange statue. There seems to be something wrong with the statue."

Seeing this prompt, Wang Xuan frowned slightly.

"This task is a bit different. There is no reward or difficulty."

Shaking his head while muttering to himself, he rolled up the parchment and put it into his Sumeru belt.

Looking at the storage belt in my hand, I thought that I have collected several storage belts now, so I might as well distribute them to everyone.

Before, he was worried that everyone wearing a belt would be too conspicuous and cause unnecessary trouble, but now he no longer has this worry.

Take out the three primary storage belts and two intermediate storage belts you own, including the heart of the mechanical beast you just obtained.

Among them, two junior storage belts belonged to Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei respectively, so they were given to them directly. The remaining four items were left to Gu Manyao and Tie Jun to choose.

Gu Manyao had a mechanical fox, but she voluntarily gave up this time.

Yao Tiande and Duan Chen were self-aware and had just joined, so naturally they did not dare to share things. The remaining four people, Tie Jun, Li Haotian, Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan, happened to have one piece each.

Yu Shanshan is a girl. She prefers mechanical beasts to storage belts, so she chose the heart of mechanical beasts.

She dripped blood on it, activated the heart of the mechanical beast, and soon transformed into a cheetah made of mechanical metal. A mechanical shell appeared on the surface of the body, and the body became huge, forming a giant cheetah, which looked very majestic.

Yu Shanshan was extremely happy and looked excited.

Yao Tiande saw this and sighed secretly, thinking that those who can ride mechanical beasts are usually the big shots in Insect Town. Although he can afford the heart of the mechanical beast, the power assembly and armor need to complete the task. It can only be obtained by hunting monsters, which requires some luck. For most adults, it is difficult to collect all four crystals.

But now, there are three mechanical beasts among the crowd. If they return to Insect Town, they will definitely cause quite a stir.

There were three remaining belts, two intermediate storage belts and one junior storage belt. For the sake of fairness, the three of them decided by punching each other. In the end, Bai Yan was slightly unlucky and got the junior storage belt, while Tie Jun and Li Haotian each got an intermediate storage belt. .

After the assignment was completed, Wang Xuan, Gu Manyao and Yu Shanshan released the mechanical giant dog, mechanical fox and mechanical cheetah respectively. Everyone began to rest one after another. When Wang Xuan saw Yao Tiande sitting not far away from him, he suddenly said: "Yao Tiande, before you The people who said that Rakshasa knew about Wang Ziren’s death would take at least two or three days, but in reality it only came after half a day. Can you guess the reason for this?"

He had been thinking just now that Wang Ziren was dead. How could Lu Bingbing and Li Xing know so quickly?

They were able to chase them here. Wang Xuan already understood that Lu Bingbing had special abilities. The blood-red light could track footprints. They chased them here based on the footprints. But the key question was how these people could quickly get Wang Ziren. News of his death?

Yao Tiande said with some embarrassment: "It's all my fault for being too arbitrary. If you hadn't insisted, we would all be dead now."

Zhao Lei just lay down, and after hearing this, he sat up again and said, "Yeah, it's so strange. How did Lu Bingbing and Li Xing know about this? This may not be too fast. Should we kill Wang Ziren?" Did anyone see it when we were there? And then went back to report it?"

Yao Tiande shook his head and said: "This should be unlikely. People who come to Centipede Island are usually adults, not people with too high status. Even if they see it, they can't contact the leader of Rakshasa, but they can order Lu Bingbing and Li Xing to come here. The only one is the Rakshasa leader."

When he said this, Duan Chen added: "Yes, Lu Bingbing and Li Xing's actual relationship with Wang Ziren is just like that. Even if they know that Wang Ziren is dead, they may not be so persistent in wanting to replace him." To take revenge, they should come here under the orders of the Rakshasa leader."

Wang Xuandao: "The Rakshasa leader... so it is the Rakshasa leader who knows about Wang Ziren's death."

Zhao Lei said: "If no one has tipped off the news, there is another possibility. The Rakshasa leader has a special ability and can know whether Wang Ziren is dead or alive."

Everyone paled slightly when they heard this.

Yao Tiande looked at Zhao Lei, his face changed color and he said: "If this is true, then the Rakshasa leader will soon know that Lu Bingbing and Li Xing are dead."

The first chapter is here today, continue to code the second chapter, please vote for me! !

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