The last building on earth

Chapter 146 Tavern (Arrived today, please vote for me)

It was the turn of Wang Xuan and his group. The three members of the Xuan Gang saw that Wang Xuan was wearing level 3 alloy equipment. Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others who followed him had one or two pieces of level 3 equipment on them. Several of them were wearing storage belts. , there is even an intermediate storage belt worth thousands of crystal scales.

There are so many third-level alloy equipment and storage belts on everyone. If we use crystal scales to estimate, I am afraid that nearly 10,000 crystal scales will be needed.

For them, this is a huge sum of money that can drive people completely crazy.

Looking at people like Wang Xuan, it can be said that everyone around them had a look of surprise on their faces, especially those from the Xuan Gang.

They still remembered Wang Xuan, a newcomer who had just joined the Xuan Gang. At that time, they had carefully checked the detailed information about Wang Xuan. How could they put on a set of third-level equipment in the blink of an eye? Even the people who followed him had one or two pieces of third-order Metal Gear?

Such a configuration may not be available to even the most accomplished figures in the five major forces and their core subordinates, unless they are the real core figures in the five major forces.

They took a look at Wang Xuan's information card. Yes, he was a newcomer who just joined the Xuan Gang yesterday.

"Wang Xuan, if I really have you, you will make a fortune."

The person who checked Wang Xuan's data card was a man in his thirties. While returning the data card to him, he looked at Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao with a smile, but the look in his smile was a little strange.

Naturally, he didn't think that Wang Xuan and the others obtained so much third-level equipment by killing several powerful men. He guessed that they might have completed some special mission and were rewarded with a large number of crystal scales and equipment. Of course, they might also be lucky. , directly found a treasure house and obtained these equipment or crystal scales.

This situation is not unheard of. Previously, there was a man in Chong Town who had the strength to find a treasure accidentally and obtained a large number of crystal scales and other treasures. Unfortunately, this man was too flamboyant and did not know how to restrain himself. When the news leaked out, it was very difficult for him to restrain himself. He quickly disappeared completely in Insect Town, and no one saw him again.

At that time, everyone in Chong Town tacitly understood what was going on. No one sympathized with that person, only envied the person who took action secretly.

Without sufficient strength but having obtained a large amount of treasures, people like Wang Xuan and others are as ostentatious as children holding gold in the busy city, and they can easily be targeted by interested people.

After checking everyone's information cards, they were allowed to enter. As for Yao Tiande and Duan Chen, they were both old people here and knew the guards very well. The three guards just nodded at them and let them in.

"Have you seen the look in their eyes?" Zhang Haofei was impatient and excited upon entering Chong Town.

Zhao Lei said: "Of course I saw it."

Zhang Haofei chuckled and said: "That look is envious, shocked, and full of jealousy. Damn, I like this look so much. Looking at them like that, it feels like drinking a glass of iced drink on a hot day. I feel happy from head to toe, haha.”

Li Haotian smiled and asked Yao Tiande and Duan Chen: "With our current strength, we should be able to walk sideways in Chong Town."

Yao Tiande smiled slightly, but before he spoke, Duan Chen lowered his voice and chuckled: "Even the Rakshasa leader was killed by us, do you think we can walk sideways?"

Yao Tiande said: "The only ones who can threaten us are probably the leaders of the remaining four forces. However, these four leaders, like the Rakshasa leaders, are mysterious and will basically not show up. We have not offended them. Thinking about it now, except for them, no one can threaten us. It is an exaggeration to say that we are walking sideways, but it is almost the same, but we still have to keep a low profile and there is no need to be too public."

Zhang Haofei didn't like Yao Tiande's timidity, so he laughed and said, "Let's go to the tavern."

The square facing the square was very lively with people coming and going. People came in from time to time at the east gate and south gate. The most lively one was the street in the trading area, where many people were rushing there.

Watching Wang Xuan's ten people enter the insect town and heading towards the trading area in the distance, until they were far away, the three "Rakshasa" people guarding the south gate looked at each other, and one of the two The teenage man with a little tattoo on his neck whispered: "Then I will report."

"Okay." The other two nodded.

The tattooed man in his twenties left the south gate, entered the Insect Town, and ran towards the area with large independent buildings on the other side.

At this moment, Wang Xuan and ten others had wandered into the trading area, and saw from a distance on the other side of the square, five people embracing a woman riding a silver unicorn horse like stars over the moon.

When other people around saw these six people, they all stayed away from each other.

Seeing the woman riding a unicorn horse again, Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he knew that these six people were all members of the patrol team. This patrol team was jointly formed by five major forces. They took turns to serve, mainly to maintain the security of Chong Town. Prevent people from fighting and killing in the insect town.

"Is that woman Xiao Bichen?" Wang Xuan asked Yao Tiande, pointing towards the woman who was patrolling on a unicorn horse in the distance.

"Yes, she is a big shot in 'Phoenix'. I heard that she has the trust of the leader of 'Phoenix' and is very powerful. However, she seems to like patrolling. She can often be seen leading the patrol team in Insect Town. She is patrolling here, and most people are afraid of her."

Duan Chen said: "Xiao Bichen is beautiful, but very arrogant. According to a survey, she ranks first among those used for sexual intercourse in private."

Wang Xuan couldn't help laughing when he heard this.

Zhang Haofei laughed and said: "It seems that men are all the same. The more arrogant and indifferent a woman is, the more she wants to conquer her, haha."

Fortunately, Xiao Bichen and the other six people were far away on the other side of the square, patrolling towards the other side of the square. They were not afraid that she would hear them, and they entered the trading area laughing and chatting.

It was getting dark, the shops on both sides of the trading area were brightly lit, and people came in and out of the shops on both sides from time to time.

The shops on the left include weapons shops, armor shops, supplies shops, etc. Wang Xuan thought that he had met Wu Yi and Yao Tiande in the supplies shop before, and ended up getting involved.

As for the store on the right, I didn't visit it last time, but now I looked over it, and the first store I saw had the word "Exchange" written on it.

"Exchange?" Wang Xuan couldn't help but walked over when he saw that there was no one inside.

"You can exchange crystal scales here." Yao Tiande followed him and explained hurriedly.

Zhao Lei understood it as soon as he heard it and said, "You mean the exchange between small and medium crystal scales?"

Yao Tiande nodded and said: "Yes, there are also large crystal scales. One hundred medium crystal scales can be exchanged for one large crystal scale, which is equivalent to ten thousand small crystal scales. However, generally no one exchanges it for large crystals. Scales, probably only the leaders of the five major forces, Huang Tao said they will change them once a month."

Wang Xuan thought that the Rakshasa leader had more than a hundred medium-sized crystal scales in his pocket at that time, and he could indeed exchange them for a large-sized crystal scale.

"These five major forces are exploiting everyone, and every leader is extremely rich." Tie Jun lamented.

Zhao Lei asked curiously: "Why do these leaders change once a month? Can't they not change?"

Yao Tiande lowered his voice and said: "I also heard what Huang Tao said. What he means is that the five major forces have shadows from above. These crystal scales collected are not mainly obtained by them, but are offered as offerings. It seems that they are needed every month. Offer it once.”

Zhao Lei looked at him and said, "Real or false?"

Yao Tiande shook his head and said: "I don't know this either. It may be true or false. I guess only the most powerful people in the five major forces will know."

Wang Xuan entered the exchange shop and took a look. There were two rows of self-service machines for exchange. Three kinds of crystal scales could be exchanged for each other at will.

After that, I walked out and looked at the second shop on the right. It had the word "recycling" written on it. After listening to Yao Tiande's explanation, I realized that this "recycling" shop can be used to sell some unnecessary materials and exchange them for Crystal scales.

"All the materials you bought or obtained from completing tasks can be sold if you don't want them, but generally they can only be sold for half of the price when you bought them, or even lower."

Then we arrived at the third store on the right, with the word "mission" written on it.

"This is the quest line, where you can buy parchment and get quests."

Hearing Yao Tiande's explanation, Wang Xuan was startled, and then he realized that the parchment could be purchased directly.

He walked in and saw that the mission row was very large, with two rows of self-service machines. There were more than twenty people inside. Ten of them walked in, which attracted the attention of these people, but they just looked more. They glanced at it and ignored it.

Although Wang Xuan's full set of third-level alloy equipment is very conspicuous, after all, there are many big shots in Insect Town, and everyone is used to it. They will be a little surprised when they see it, but they won't express anything else.

Wang Xuan saw that these parchment-selling machines were divided into six floors. The bottom floor was empty, and the top five floors, from low to high, sold parchment with different degrees of danger.

These parchments were all rolled up. They could only know the danger of the tasks on these parchments, but they did not know the specific contents recorded on them.

"The tasks sold on the top floor are all six-star dangerous tasks, and they are also the most expensive. They cost ten medium-sized crystal scales."

Wang Xuan clicked on the screen on the side of the vending machine and saw the price. One piece of six-star dangerous parchment required 1,000 small crystal scales.

"Don't say we won't buy it. Even the most powerful people generally won't buy it. Let's not talk about whether the task can be completed. Even if it is completed, sometimes if you are unlucky, the things you get inside may not be worth the price. ." Yao Tiande shook his head as he spoke: "The second floor sells five-star dangerous parchment, which requires 500 small crystal scales."

"Those who buy a five-star danger level are usually extremely powerful people. Of course, if a group of very powerful adults join forces, they may try their luck by buying one together."

Zhao Lei said: "Will I lose money if I complete these tasks?"

Yao Tiande said: "Of course, so it depends on luck. For example, for five-star dangerous tasks, you will usually get a bronze treasure box. After opening the treasure box, there may be some worthless things or treasures inside. It all depends on luck. Generally The higher the danger, the higher the probability of treasures appearing in treasure chests. In addition to treasure chests, there will also be specific props or items, but generally not many. Obtaining this kind of parchment means you have picked up a treasure. This specific prop or item Treasures are generally very precious.”

"The third layer is the parchment with a four-star danger level."

Wang Xuan looked all the way and saw that the four-star dangerous parchment sold on the third floor was priced at 300 crystal scales. After completing the task, you can usually get a copper rust treasure chest.

The fourth floor sells three-star dangerous parchment for 200 crystal scales. There is a high probability of getting a black iron treasure chest after completing the task.

"The fifth layer of parchment is the most special. There is no danger. They are all tasks with no or unknown difficulty. Each piece of parchment contains 100 small crystal scales."

"Many people often spend 100 crystal scales to brush these parchments. The parchments that appear here are very special. Most of them are garbage. There are even blank parchments with no tasks, but occasionally there will be rewards. Very good parchment, but it’s all about luck.”

Wang Xuan thought that he also had two such parchments on his body. One was a parchment of unknown difficulty to find the hometown of the mechanical beast, and the other was a mission of no difficulty to help others. It seemed that they both came from here.

Wang Xuan now has a lot of parchment on him and has not yet completed the tasks, so naturally he will not buy any more. After shopping around, everyone walked out.

Wang Xuan saw many people squatting there not far away, with various items placed in front of them.

"What are you doing?" Wang Xuan asked Yao Tiande beside him.

Yao Tiande said: "These are all for selling unnecessary items and equipment. The prices sold to recycling shops are too low, so I thought of setting up a stall here to sell them to people in need. The prices are cheaper than those sold in shops, such as a A piece of third-level alloy equipment costs 300 in the store, but the price in the recycling store is only 100. They set up a stall to sell it for 200, and there are a lot of people rushing to get it."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly.

"Look, the largest building there is the tavern. It has three floors and can accommodate four to five hundred people at the same time."

Yao Tiande is in a good mood. Now that he has found a real supporter, he has an unprecedented sense of security with Wang Xuan.

The sky was completely dark, but the tavern seemed to be brightly lit. Many people were walking towards the tavern. Wang Xuan was originally planning to go to the place where the stalls were set up, but saw Zhang Haofei, Li Haotian and others all looking anxious. Looking at the tavern, he obviously wanted to go to the tavern first, so he changed his mind and said with a smile, "Then let's all go to the tavern and have a look."

Zhang Haofei, Li Haotian, and Duan Chen all looked excited.

Although Duan Chen has been here for a long time, he rarely comes to the tavern. After all, the tavern consumption is not low. Although he is a core member of Rakshasa, he is not rich. On average, he can come to spend at most once or twice a month.

The equipment worn by Wang Xuan and his party of ten looked extraordinary. When they walked to the tavern, many people looked at them sideways.

Entering the tavern, you will see a huge hall with three floors. There are corridors on the second and third floors, and there are stairs on both sides. There are hundreds of tables in the hall at this moment. Although genius It's just dark, and half of these tables are already occupied.

Around this huge hall, except for the two stairs leading upstairs, there was a circle of huge machines. Wang Xuan looked from a distance and saw that these machines were filled with wine.

Wang Xuandao: "Is there a self-service wine sales here?"

Yao Tiande nodded hurriedly and said: "Yes, they are all self-service. They have all kinds of wine and drinks, but the prices are not cheap and most people can't afford them."

Zhao Lei saw a person standing next to each self-service vending machine. Judging from the marks on his body, he could see that he belonged to the five major forces.

"What do those people standing next to the vending machines do, maintain order?"

"Yes, every night, there are too many people gathered here. When there are more people, chaos will inevitably occur. In addition, everyone is drunk, which makes it easier for conflicts and troubles to occur. Therefore, the five major forces will Some people will be sent here to maintain order."

Everyone walked in while talking. Wang Xuan saw that the tables in the hall were relatively small, basically tables for four or five people, and said, "It seems we have to sit at two tables. Are those up there private rooms? "

"Well, the second and third floors are independent private rooms. Generally, the big names who come here will enter the private rooms, because there is a separate fee to open the private rooms, which ordinary people can't bear to part with."

Hearing what Yao Tiande said, Wang Xuan smiled and said, "Then let's go to the box and have a look. It's too noisy outside."

After saying that, they walked towards the stairs on the left first. Yao Tiande and Duan Chen were both a little excited. Although they had been here before, this was the first time they entered the box.

Although they were Wang Ziren's subordinates, Wang Ziren had never brought them into a tavern.

After getting to the second floor, Wang Xuan looked towards the nearest box. He saw that the box door was locked and there was a screen on the handle. He clicked on it and found that 20 small crystal scales were needed to open the box door lock. .

"It takes 20 crystal scales to open this box for one night?" Zhao Lei also saw it from the side and said: "It's really expensive. You can sit on the tables and chairs in the lobby for free, but this box costs money. No wonder there are so few people entering the box."

Wang Xuan smiled slightly, opened his Xumi belt, and took out a handful of small crystal scales. He didn't bother to count the specific number and handed it directly to Zhao Lei, asking him to open the box door first.

He is now very wealthy. Not to mention the core figures in the major forces, even the leaders of the major forces are nothing more than that. Twenty small crystal scales are just drizzle to him.

Zhao Lei hurriedly counted twenty crystal scales and put them into the slot above the handle of the box door.

Everyone heard a gentle click as the box door opened.

At this moment, six more people walked in from the door of the tavern, and immediately many people who had been sitting there came to greet them, looking very enthusiastic.

Wang Xuanzheng was standing by the corridor on the second floor. He looked down and noticed these six people. He saw that they had metal plaques hanging around their necks, indicating that they were from the "Justice League".

The first of these six people was wearing a full set of third-level alloy equipment. He was tall, calm, and looked very serious.

The other five people, four men and one woman, were following him.

Wang Xuan only took one look at this man's demeanor and clothes and knew that this man must be a powerful man and a big shot in the "Justice Alliance".

Those who came forward were basically people from the "Justice Alliance". Suddenly seeing the big figures from the alliance arriving, whether they knew them or not, they all wanted to get close to them.

Although this man had a serious face, when he saw everyone gathered around him, he still showed a smile on his serious face and responded to everyone, appearing very cordial.

Then they walked towards the stairs, obviously intending to enter the box.

The man looked up and saw ten people from Wang Xuan in the corridor on the second floor.

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