The last building on earth

Chapter 148 Things are getting big (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan felt the impact of power on the metal tentacles. The lightning traveled along the metal tentacles, which made his right arm numb. It was like being shocked by an electric shock, and he almost lost control of the metal tentacles.

With awe in his heart, the two metal tentacles instantly merged into one and turned into a thicker metal tentacle, which wrapped around the thunder knife and pulled violently.

Terrible power exploded, pulling the thunder knife into the air.

Many people around him could not help but exclaim softly. They were shocked by the strength shown by Wang Xuan.

What suddenly appeared was a tall man about thirty years old, with dark skin, holding a knife in his right hand. Thunder and lightning flashed on the knife, and it made a soft "pop" sound from time to time. He was wearing level 3 metal equipment and had a tattoo on his forehead. Wearing a yellow scarf, this represents the "dynasty" he comes from among the five major forces.

There is a white epaulette on his left arm with the word patrol inside, which is the symbol of the patrol.

He used his knife to pick off Wang Xuan's metal tentacles. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan was so domineering. As soon as the metal tentacles wrapped around him, the thunder knife he was holding in his hand was instantly ripped away and flew out.

This power was so powerful that he couldn't hold his own weapon, and he felt horrified. He was originally preparing to stand between Wang Xuan and Liu Ming to stop the fight, but at this moment, he instinctively took a few steps back, and with his right hand, he The thunder knife that flew out of his hand quickly converged, turned into a bolt of lightning, and returned to his right hand.

Liu Ming escaped, but his left arm was twisted. He looked very embarrassed. He fell back and quickly took out a bottle of primary healing water from his storage belt. Just as he was about to pour it into his mouth, he didn't want to see the figure in front of him. In a flash, Wang Xuan came again.

"Damn it, I'll fight you!"

Liu Ming is a powerful man and a big shot in the Rakshasa community. He always looks majestic wherever he goes, and everyone wants to give him face. Today, he had several ribs broken in public, and even his left arm was twisted. He lost his face. A big loss. In his opinion, this was a great shame and humiliation, and he was extremely angry.

He no longer cared about the restraints of the Rakshasa leader and let out a wild roar. His right arm, chest and back turned into translucent glass. He waved his right arm, and a large amount of translucent glass suddenly shot out in a fan shape. fragments.

"Liu Ming, are you crazy?" The tall man from the "Dynasty" recognized him and immediately shouted loudly, because Liu Ming's attack would not only attack Wang Xuan, but would also affect everyone around him.

There were many adults around, and they couldn't stop the powerful man's full blow. I'm afraid many people would be injured this time.

Those who were close and wanted to watch the excitement saw that something was wrong, so they stepped back one after another, but it was too late, so they could only show their magical powers, using their own hatchlings to resist or dodge, and collided with the tables and chairs next to them. In addition, various exclamations sounded, and the scene was chaotic for a while.

Tie Jun displayed a diamond shield in front of him, and Yu Shanshan stretched out a semicircular light shield, protecting them all from top to bottom.

The tall man yelled angrily and stretched out his right hand. The thunder knife appeared again and shook the knife violently. A series of electric lights exploded on it and struck in the air, making a crisp sound of "crack, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle, crackle. The shards of glass shot towards him in a fan shape were chopped off.

Liu Ming had a ferocious look on his face, completely disregarding the life and death of everyone around him. He suddenly launched a large-scale attack, but he didn't want Wang Xuan, who was rushing towards him, to suddenly disappear in a flash.

His heart skipped a beat and he knew something was wrong. He was busy and wanted to turn around and attack, but he heard a crunching sound. He opened his mouth and let out a roar. His right leg suffered severe pain and he was unsteady. He immediately knelt down half-kneeling, and one of his right legs was filled with blood. His bones had been broken by someone from behind.

Liu Ming's strength is only average among the top experts. Whether it's speed or strength, Wang Xuan can absolutely crush him even if he doesn't borrow the energy of the blue crystal scales.

Facing the fan-shaped attack launched by Liu Ming, Wang Xuan swung around behind him, stepped down, and broke Liu Ming's right leg, followed by another "click", and then knocked his left leg. Broken leg.

Liu Ming's legs were broken and he fell to his knees. The severe pain caused his face to twist and look ferocious, but the madness and murderous look in his eyes completely disappeared and turned into horror.

He finally realized the huge difference in strength between himself and Wang Xuan.

Everyone around was retreating. Liu Ming had just struck. Although a tall man intervened to block it, many glass fragments were still shot out with great force. Even Yu Shanshan's light shield could not withstand it. , was shattered in an instant, and many people watching the show had their armor pierced by glass fragments. A huge wound was immediately cut, immersed in the body, and disappeared.

These people were seriously injured. While retreating to avoid suffering another disaster, they mentally scolded all the eighteen generations of Liu Ming's ancestors.

At the exit of the tavern, the crowd that had gathered dispersed again, only to see five people wearing patrol epaulettes hurrying over. They were the patrol team following the tall man. Knowing that something had happened here, the tall man The man rushed over immediately, but they couldn't keep up, and they didn't catch up until now.

The tall man looked at Liu Ming's miserable appearance as he knelt down in front of Wang Xuan with both of his legs trampled down. He held the thunder knife in his right hand and for a moment he didn't dare to step forward to stop him.

The powerful man from the "Justice Alliance" standing in the corridor on the second floor also had a solemn expression, staring at Wang Xuan from a distance, as if he wanted to memorize his appearance.

Wang Xuan trampled Liu Ming's legs off, waved his right hand, and the metal tentacle appeared again, entangled Liu Ming's glassy right arm from behind, and launched the "entanglement and strangulation".

Liu Ming roared. His vitrified right arm was as hard as steel. It was not easy to twist it off.


Another loud shout rang out, and a figure separated from the crowd at the exit of the tavern, took a few steps, and then rushed over like a bolt of lightning.

This man was wearing a full set of third-level alloy equipment, with a red belt tied around his waist. Judging from the speed at which he shot over, it was obvious that he was another powerful man from the "Rakshasa".

The man waved his right hand, and a metal long sword about one meter and a half long appeared in his hand. Several white halos were lingering on the long sword. From a distance of more than ten meters, the long sword was suddenly volleyed into the air. After swinging out, these white haloes surged like a bolt and struck towards Wang Xuan from a distance.

Wang Xuan mobilized the power of the metal tentacle with all his strength, trying to twist off Liu Ming's last right arm. He didn't want another strong man to intervene. He frowned and was about to take Liu Ming and use his body as a shield. To resist, Gu Manyao on the other side suddenly dodged, and the demon chi in his right hand transformed into a two-meter-long giant blade, and he slashed forward with the blade in the air.

A huge sword energy came out through the blade, like a giant crescent moon. Wherever it went, although the tables and chairs were not cut because they were made of special materials, they were touched by this sword energy and couldn't bear it, and they rolled instantly. He flew out with astonishing power.

The white halo struck by the powerful man from "Rakshasa" who had just appeared was struck head-on by Gu Manyao's huge sword energy. There was a loud bang and a terrifying air wave was set off. The sword energy and the white light shield interacted with each other. Offset, the attack from both sides was evenly matched.

Gu Manyao's move shocked everyone around him. Only then did they realize that among the eight people from the "Xuan Gang", there was actually a Zhen-level powerhouse hidden among them.

"Gao Tian——" Liu Ming, who was kneeling on the ground, had just called out the name to the visitor. He heard a crisp sound, and the glassy right arm was twisted off by Wang Xuan.

There was a faint blue light in the metal tentacle. It was too difficult to twist off the vitrified right arm. Wang Xuan had already borrowed a little power from the blue crystal scales.

His right arm was twisted, Liu Mingru was hit hard, he let out a scream, a stream of blood spurted out from his open mouth, and he fell heavily to the ground.

Wang Xuan stepped forward and stepped on his face. Liu Ming had previously broken Duan Chen's limbs and stomped them on the ground. Now Wang Xuan returned all the humiliation Duan Chen suffered on him.

Duan Chen and Yao Tiande's eyes glowed when they saw this. For the first time, they truly felt what it means to be proud and elated. Even Duan Chen, whose limbs were broken, felt that the wound didn't seem so painful. Watching Liu Ming being stepped on by Wang Xuan Under his feet, he let out a breath of bad breath and felt indescribably comfortable all over his body.

Gao Tian, ​​who had just appeared, was shaking slightly. He was holding a long sword in his right hand. He looked at Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao, and then at Liu Ming who was stepped on the ground by Wang Xuan. His face was full of uneasy anger, and he just felt There seemed to be a burst of air in his chest that was about to explode.

A majestic and powerful man had his limbs broken and his face stamped on. What other insult could be greater than this?

Gao Tian understood that Liu Ming might have wanted to die.

"You...are insulting our entire 'Rakshasa'..."

Gao Tian slowly put down the long sword he was holding tightly in his hand, fighting one on two. He knew that Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao were no match for him. He restrained his anger and just stared at Wang Xuan, word by word. It popped out from between the teeth.

Behind him, men and women wearing red belts appeared one after another. These were all core members of Rakshasa.

Everyone's face was full of anger, showing the hatchling beasts in their control, aiming at Wang Xuan from a distance. As long as Gao Tian said a word, they would rush forward and take action without hesitation.

Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others also knew something was wrong, and they also showed their respective hatching beasts. While protecting the injured Duan Chen, they gathered behind Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan conveniently grabbed the bottle of primary healing water that Liu Ming originally took out and threw it to Yao Tiande, asking him to feed it to Duan Chen.

Duan Chen drank this primary healing water, and the broken bones of his limbs continued to emit a white light, and the injuries were healing at an accelerated pace.

Things are getting bigger and bigger tonight, and the news is spreading at an alarming speed. The entire insect town is not big, and people who have received the news are constantly gathering here.

A large number of people had gathered outside the tavern, looking inside.

Soon, Xiao Bichen rode a unicorn horse and came with another patrol team.

Seeing so many people gathering in front of him, Xiao Bichen frowned slightly, got off the horse and put it away. As soon as he swayed, the crowd felt a huge force separating them, and they involuntarily retreated to both sides.

On the other side of the street, more people were running towards here.

Among these people, there were Rakshasa people wearing red belts, and people from the Xuan Gang wearing black bracelets.

Now that the news has spread, everyone knows that the big shots of Rakshasa and the core members of the Xuan Gang clashed in the tavern, resulting in numerous casualties.

After receiving the news, the core members of Rakshasa and the Xuan Gang were shocked, and they all came to the tavern to see what happened.

Of course, people from the other three major forces also gathered in large numbers, and the streets in the entire trading area became crowded with people in a short period of time.

It's just that the tavern can't accommodate everyone. People outside can't see what's going on inside, so they can only rely on mutual rumors. According to the rumors, Rakshasa and Xuan Gang are fighting inside. Currently, both sides have suffered heavy casualties and the fighting is very tragic.

In the tavern, Wang Xuan trampled Liu Ming under his feet. Gao Tian stared at Wang Xuan and said gloomily every word: "Today... no matter who comes, they can't save you..."

Wang Xuan was a little surprised by Gao Tian's threat. He looked up at him with a faint smile and said, "Just you?"

Gao Tian's blow just now was as powerful as Gu Manyao. In terms of strength, Gao Tian was not much stronger than Liu Ming. And the Rakshasa leader was dead. Why did he say such big words?

"Just me!" Suddenly a cold voice said, and a figure flashed around Gao Tian, ​​and a short man appeared silently.

This man was no more than 1.6 meters tall and was wearing two pieces of third-level alloy equipment, namely an alloy helmet and alloy gauntlets, and three other pieces of black metal equipment.

As soon as he saw this black metal equipment, Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he immediately knew that it was a third-level fine-quality ghost equipment. He now also has a pair of ghost boots in his Xumi belt.

To be able to possess three pieces of third-level high-quality equipment, the short man who suddenly appeared in front of him was certainly not an ordinary person.

Wang Xuan looked at him and felt that he looked familiar. His figure looked exactly like the dead Rakshasa leader, just like the two brothers.

However, this short man did not cover his head and face. You can see that he is about thirty years old, his face is a little pale, his cheeks are sunken, his cheeks are fleshless, and he looks a bit mean.

"Brother Chen."

When Gao Tian saw the short man who suddenly appeared, he immediately showed respect, bowed slightly, and called Brother Chen.

"Brother Chen, help me..." Liu Ming, who was stepped on the ground by Wang Xuan, also saw it and immediately screamed with difficulty. However, Wang Xuan stepped on his head and did not dare to move in vain. He was afraid that Wang Xuan's feet would use too much force to knock him out. His head was crushed, and he was terrified of Wang Xuan from the bottom of his heart.

"Chen Daolin?" Suddenly a female voice came from behind.

Following this voice, Xiao Bichen appeared.

She looked at the short man, with a slightly surprised look on her face, and said, "Why are you here too? It seems like there was quite a big fuss tonight." As she spoke, she looked inside and immediately saw When Wang Xuan trampled Liu Ming under his feet, he was even more stunned.

Chen Daolin clasped his hands behind his back, looking a little arrogant. He turned slightly to look at Xiao Bichen, and then said calmly: "It's no good if you don't come. Our entire Rakshasa family has their faces trampled under their feet. Even if the leader of the Xuan Gang comes tonight, We have to give an explanation to our Rakshasa."

"What do we, the Xuan Gang, need to explain to you?"

A high-pitched voice sounded from the exit of the tavern. The crowd blocking the exit of the tavern separated again, but several people from the Xuan Gang came in supporting a young man with fair skin.

This young man is wearing a full set of third-level alloy equipment. He has long hair and looks somewhat feminine. His waist is slightly twisted when he walks. If you only look at the back, you almost suspect that he is a woman.

This young man wears a black bracelet on his left wrist. He is obviously an important figure from the "Xuan Gang".

Wang Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly. He didn't expect that this matter would become more and more serious tonight. Not only the core personnel of "Rakshasa" appeared one after another, but Chen Daolin was naturally not an ordinary powerhouse, although he was not as good as him. The Rakshasa leader has a full set of third-level high-quality ghost suits, but he also has three ghost suits. From this alone, it can be seen that this Chen Daolin is by no means simple.

Now even the core members of the "Xuan Gang" have finally arrived. Listening to their tone of voice that is somewhat confrontational with the "Rakshasa", the matter immediately becomes a little subtle.

"Qiu Yuanfeng, shouldn't your Xuan Gang give us an explanation tonight?" When Chen Daolin heard what the young man said, a trace of anger flashed in his eyes. He turned around and looked at Qiu Yuanfeng who walked in.

Qiu Yuanfeng, with a group of core members from the Xuan Gang behind him, walked in while swaying his hips, and the crowd in front of him gave way.

He had not seen what was going on inside at the door of the tavern, but only heard Chen Daolin's words from a distance, so he continued, walked in at this moment, and suddenly saw the situation in the tavern. He couldn't help being surprised, and thought he was dazzled. , glanced at Liu Ming who was stepped on the ground by Wang Xuan several times, and then looked at Wang Xuan carefully, with a puzzled look on his face.

Because he doesn't know Wang Xuan.

Seeing that Wang Xuan and others are wearing black bracelets on their left hands, they are naturally members of the "Xuan Gang", but they are able to break the limbs of Liu Ming, a powerful man, and trample Wang Xuan under his feet in such humiliation. Naturally, it transcends the ordinary state of perfection. How could Qiu Yuanfeng not know that there was someone with such strength in the "Xuan Gang"?

As his thoughts turned, Qiu Yuanfeng did not ask who Wang Xuan was, but laughed and said: "I thought it was something, but it was just a little friction between the two parties. The young people had a fight with each other on impulse. Nothing surprising."

Wang Xuan glanced at Qiu Yuanfeng, and his heart moved slightly, thinking that this guy obviously didn't know him, but because he was wearing a black bracelet, he could speak for him immediately. He clearly wanted to make a big deal out of his words. It was a trivial matter. Although he was not afraid of Rakshasa people like Chen Daolin and Gao Tian, ​​he still had a good feeling in his heart that Qiu Yuanfeng could help him.

"Small friction? Nothing unusual?" Chen Daolin suddenly laughed angrily and said: "Qiu Yuanfeng, it seems that your Xuan Gang really wants to prepare to start a war with us Rakshasa?"

Qiu Yuanfeng smiled and said: "Brother Chen, what you said is too serious. No one was killed, it was just a small conflict. What can you do?"

"Yes, what our brother Feng said must make sense."

Suddenly, another rough voice rang out, but it was a tall man, nearly two meters tall who looked like a little giant, pushing aside the few people blocking him and striding in.

This little giant is also wearing a full set of third-level alloy equipment. His face is dark, and he stands like an iron tower, which is intimidating.

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