The last building on earth

Chapter 159 Resurrection (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Although there was no reason, Wang Xuan still thought of the King of Fear for the first time.

When Xiao Bichen saw this hundred-meter-long giant scorpion statue, he seemed to have thought of something, and there was a hint of fear in his eyes.

"No wonder this place is called the Temple of Fear. This should be the statue of the King of Fear." Wang Xuan said as he picked up the parchment again and found that the task content on it had changed again.

"Deep in the Scorpion City, the sealed King of Fear and his family members sleep. Unlock the seal and release the King of Fear. You will gain the power of fear, become a disciple of the King of Fear, command the resurrected Scorpion Army, and destroy mankind. Become the king who rules this world.”

Seeing the content of this mission, Wang Xuan was shocked and looked up in horror at the countless scorpion statues in front of him.

He understood that these were not statues, but the sealed King of Fear and his scorpion army.

The last step of this secret mission in Scorpion City is to open the seal of the Dread King, resurrect the Scorpion Legion, destroy mankind, and rule the world?

Wang Xuan felt his scalp numb when he saw this. He understood that the so-called gaining the power of fear and becoming a disciple of the King of Fear actually meant becoming a scorpion monster like the King of Fear. This was something he was unwilling to do anyway and could only continue. Look down.

"The way to unlock the seal is to pull out the stone sword inserted in the seal."

When Wang Xuan saw this, he raised his head and looked forward, and immediately saw a circular relief not far in front of them. It was somewhat similar to the relief they saw before, but it was ten times larger and more delicately carved. , the previous relief couldn't tell what was carved on it, but this relief can clearly see what is carved on it is a scorpion head with chains carved on it, which seems to represent that the scorpion is imprisoned and sealed, with a scorpion inserted in the center. A stone sword is inserted deep into the relief, leaving only the hilt outside.

According to what is written on this parchment, you only need to pull out this stone sword to unlock the seal of the Terror King.

"Didn't I say that if you complete the mission, you can get a mysterious treasure? How could it become like this..."

Wang Xuan's face became increasingly ugly, and he could only continue to look behind the parchment record.

"If you choose to give up and unlock the seal of the Fear King, you can get the mysterious treasure and leave here."

Then there's the way to get out of here and get the mysterious treasure.

After reading it, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it turned out that there were two options for this task. Unlocking the seal and awakening the King of Fear was not the only option.

Xiao Bichen stood beside him, looking at the records on it, with an equally surprised look on his face.

This was the first time she had seen a task with two choices of answers.

"Finally we can leave." Wang Xuan put away the parchment and walked forward. Xiao Bichen followed closely. The two of them soon came to the giant statue of the Dread King and stood in front of the hundred-meter-long statue. , the two of them felt their own insignificance more and more.

Wang Xuan raised his head and glanced at the statue of the Fearful King again, then stretched out his left hand and cut the palm of his hand, and blood flowed out.

There is a giant scorpion relief rising up on the ground in front of the statue. The stone sword that sealed the King of Fear and the Scorpion Legion is inserted in the center of the giant relief.

Pulling out the stone sword can unlock the seal. On the other hand, the second option is to smear the closed mouthparts of the scorpion relief with blood, which can activate the scorpion relief. The open mouthparts are the entrance to the mysterious treasure. And if you get the mysterious treasure, you can leave here.

Wang Xuan followed the parchment prompts and began to smear the mouthparts of the scorpion relief with the blood from the wound on his left hand.

When Wang Xuan was about to completely cover the mouthpiece with blood, he suddenly felt the relief shaking slightly. He raised his head and found that Xiao Bichen was holding the stone sword inserted in the relief with both hands, with a labored look on his face, looking out. Pull it out.

The stone sword was pulled and the relief immediately began to vibrate.

"Xiao Bichen, are you crazy?"

Suddenly seeing this scene, Wang Xuan was shocked. He didn't bother to smear the mouthparts on the scorpion relief, and immediately jumped up and rushed towards Xiao Bichen in the center of the relief, trying to stop her from pulling out the stone sword.

Once she pulls out the stone sword, it's all over.

There was a struggling look on Xiao Bichen's face, and her eyes were sometimes fearful, sometimes angry, sometimes frightened and desperate. It was obvious that various thoughts were intertwined and struggling in her mind.

Wang Xuan exploded with all his strength and rushed forward like a bolt of lightning, trying to stop her from pulling out the stone sword.

With a "boom", he felt as if he had hit an iron plate. The stone sword held by Xiao Bichen and the scorpion relief below erupted with terrifying power, forming a barrier to protect her. Wang Xuan's mouth spurted blood. , flew into the air and flipped upside down in the huge impact force, and fell solidly more than ten meters away.

As he hit the ground, Wang Xuan's eyes were full of horror. At this moment, he understood everything. He seemed to have awakened Xiao Bichen before, but the fearful power that invaded her body did not disappear, but converged in her body. bide your time.

Now entering the Temple of Fear, the restrained power of fear exploded, immediately taking over and controlling Xiao Bichen's mind, causing her to pull out the stone sword.

The ground of the entire Temple of Fear began to shake violently, and in all directions, countless statues began to make crackling sounds. This terrifying scorpion army was being resurrected.

The ferociousness, fear and her original consciousness on Xiao Bichen's face were in fierce conflict. Her eyes were full of despair. This was her original consciousness, but the power of fear made the skin on her face continue to harden and began to mutate into the black hardness of a scorpion. Shell, the changes this time were very astonishing, not only her face, but also her hands, feet, and body were undergoing drastic changes.

Once her mind is completely dominated by the power of fear, she will completely become a disciple of the King of Fear and turn into a real scorpion monster, commanding the scorpion army that will be resurrected and destroying the world.

Wang Xuan spit out the blood in his mouth, immediately activated the energy of the blue crystal scales in his body, let out a violent roar, pushed his hands to the ground, and almost rose into the air, his arms instantly turned into giant arms of monsters, and rushed forward again .


He shouted angrily, rushed to the relief, waved the giant arm of the monster in his right hand, and the blue lights on it lit up, and was about to hit Xiao Bichen, trying to blast her away.

Suddenly there was a "boom", and a more terrifying force surged out. Xiao Bichen clenched the stone sword with both hands and pulled it out completely.

The Temple of Fear suddenly shook violently, and cracks began to appear on the surface of countless scorpion statues. The crackling sounds became louder and louder. The hundred-meter-long giant scorpion statue also began to have spider web-like cracks on its surface. .

The Dread King begins to awaken.

Wang Xuan saw all this, his whole body was cold, but he still rushed forward without hesitation, spreading his fingers to snatch the stone sword that Xiao Bichen had pulled out.

As long as he grabs the stone sword and inserts it into the center of the relief again, he might be saved.

Xiao Bichen held the stone sword in both hands and was retreating. Her entire face turned into a terrifying and ugly scorpion shape, her legs had deformed into scorpion legs, but her eyes showed a look of fear and despair.

"kill me……"

Suddenly, Xiao Bichen's mouth turned into a scorpion's mouthparts, and Xiao Bichen's voice came faintly.

Wang Xuan was shocked, and almost at the same moment he grabbed the stone sword in Xiao Bichen's hands. He looked up and saw tears flowing from her eyes.

She still had her last bit of sanity.

Wang Xuan tried his best to snatch the stone sword from her hand.

"Xiao Bichen, wake up and don't give up——"

Wang Xuan yelled and wanted to grab the sword, but suddenly found that Xiao Bichen's hands had been fused with the stone sword. The stone sword seemed to have melted and was continuously seeping into her body.

Her body seemed to be rooted in the relief. Her body not only merged with the stone sword, but also merged with the relief under her feet. He felt that there were two terrifying forces fighting in Xiao Bichen's body.

And she is the battlefield where these two forces confront each other.

At this moment, he understood everything.

This scorpion relief is the formation that seals the King of Fear. This stone sword is equivalent to the eye of the formation and is the core of the sealing power.

Only by inserting the stone sword into the scorpion relief can the King of Fear be completely sealed.

Now that the stone sword is pulled out, the seal is broken, and the power of the King of Fear is awakening, surging into Xiao Bichen's body through the scorpion relief. The reason why the stone sword and Xiao Bichen merged into one is to use her body , wanting to suppress the power of fear surging out of the scorpion relief.

Without the suppression of the stone sword, Xiao Bichen would become a monster in an instant, and the King of Fear and the Scorpion Legion would be resurrected in an instant.

Now the success or failure of both parties suddenly depends on Xiao Bichen.

If Xiao Bichen can wake up and insert the stone sword into the scorpion relief, she can re-seal the King of Fear. On the contrary, if her consciousness is swallowed by the power of fear and turns into a monster, the power of fear can use her body to bite back the stone sword and completely destroy it. Seal and free the Dread King.

In the confrontation between these two forces, Wang Xuan's power became extremely weak. The stone sword and the power of fear were glued together in Xiao Bichen's body. He could not shake it at all, let alone pull the stone sword out of Xiao Bichen's body. Reinserted into the scorpion relief in the ground.

"The only... way... to kill... me..."

From Xiao Bichen's open and closed mouth, a faint voice came again, because Shi Jian was suppressing the power of fear, and she still retained the last bit of human consciousness.

"Wang Xuan...I' me..."

Tears were constantly flowing from her eyes.

Wang Xuan grabbed the stone sword that was fused with her body, his whole body trembling slightly. Seeing her turning into a monster, he understood that Xiao Bichen was about to lose his last bit of sanity.

Without the help of the sealing power of the scorpion relief, the stone sword could no longer suppress the increasingly terrifying power of fear.

Countless small cracks appeared on the surface of the statue of the King of Fear, and rock fragments collapsed one after another. There was a faint black light inside, and a vague consciousness was awakening.

This consciousness is filled with endless ferocity and cruelty, only killing, without any emotions that living beings should have. Its existence is to bring fear to all living beings.

It is fear personified.

This is the King of Fear.

Wang Xuan felt this terrifying consciousness, and felt as if he had fallen into an ice cave. He felt a force of fear rising from his back and soon invading his brain.

The power of fear is strong. Not only Xiao Bichen, but also he is being invaded by the power of fear. This fear king wants to devour him too.

Xiao Bichen, who could not hold on anymore, was immediately shaken as the power of fear suddenly increased, and her eyes showed the last trace of despair.

" me...relieve...take off..."

This was the last human voice she made. A pair of eyes filled with despair and extreme pain suddenly shrank inward, and then the pupils dilated, becoming ferocious and terrifying, turning into a pair of scorpion eyes.

Shi Jian was finally unable to suppress the power of fear. Even her last bit of sanity was swallowed up by the power of the King of Fear, and she completely became a monster.

Wang Xuan's eyes widened, taking in all this, and his heart was shaking. He only felt that the blue crystal scales in his body were also vibrating. It seemed that it also felt the master's thoughts. The terrifying energy surged like a tide, and a heavy Exploded from his body, his giant arms of Warcraft were almost completely dyed blue. This terrifying power seemed to be about to burst his arms and explode.

He let out a low roar in his throat, his eyes became very scary, and his face looked slightly ferocious. He suddenly took a step forward, opened the five fingers of his right hand, and with a sneer, broke Xiao Bichen's hard-shelled chest in front of him, and scratched Entering her heart, five blue fingers were inserted into her heart.

These five fingers pierced her heart, which was a fatal blow.

Although he had a good impression of Xiao Bichen and had a good impression of her, in this case, he had no choice but to kill her.

With this blow, Xiao Bichen's whole body shook violently, and he suddenly raised his head. His scorpion eyes shrank violently, returning to their original human eyes.

Because of this fatal blow, her life potential was stimulated, and she suddenly regained her consciousness.

As she woke up, the power of fear in her body was immediately suppressed, and the stone sword that was originally fused with her hands began to peel off.

Wang Xuan did not dare to hesitate, knowing that this was his last chance. With the help of Xiao Bichen's ability to suppress the fear in her body, he snatched the stone sword that was separated from her hands and thrust it into the hole in the center of the relief at his feet.

As the stone sword was inserted, the Temple of Fear, which was shaking violently, suddenly returned to normal. The shaking scorpion statues became quiet, and the terrifying and evil consciousness filled in the air retreated like a tide.

The power of fear was suppressed by the seal and was exiting Xiao Bichen's body. Her body began to transform into a human again.

She quickly returned to her original appearance, with a slight flush on her face. She looked at Wang Xuan and tried to show a smile, but her eyes were fading and the breath of life was leaving her.

Wang Xuan's heart was pierced, which was a real fatal blow.

The moment Wang Xuan inserted the stone sword into the center of the scorpion relief, he opened the Xumi belt with his left hand and took out several bottles of primary healing water.

He now has a total of twelve bottles of primary healing water, and he took out several bottles at once, seizing the opportunity to pour the healing water into Xiao Bichen's mouth.

The healing effect of this healing water is very powerful. As long as there is no death on the spot, no matter how serious the injury is, Wang Xuan is now acting as a living doctor, giving a glimmer of hope that this healing water may be able to save Xiao Bichen.

Naturally, he didn't want Xiao Bichen to be killed by him.

It's a pity that the water poured into Xiao Bichen's mouth at this moment had no effect at all. Her eyes were still dimming. She saw that Wang Xuan wanted to save her, so she wanted to reach out to comfort him. She knew that she could not be saved. .

Who can survive? From birth, everyone's final destination is death.

She has just gone to that world ahead of time.

She thought of the words Wang Xuan had comforted her when she was sad when Li Hao and Brother Zhang died.

A smile slowly appeared on her lips, but the strength in her body was dissipating little by little, and she was no longer able to raise her hand.

She didn't expect that death would feel like this. Even if she wanted to comfort him, it would become the ultimate luxury.

His consciousness gradually blurred, circles of blackness appeared in front of his eyes, and countless white halos were swaying in the darkness.

Suddenly, she heard Wang Xuan's voice again, and then she felt her lips move slightly, as if some sweet liquid was flowing in, and then she didn't know anything else.

Wang Xuan hugged her, holding a bottle of light golden reagent in his hand, and poured the light golden liquid into Xiao Bichen's mouth.

This pale golden reagent is the "incorruptible medicine", a treasure he once obtained by opening a treasure box. This medicine is very special. Although it cannot save people, it can keep the dying person in a state of neither life nor death, making him neither dead nor decayed. , so it is called "incorruptible medicine".

In his opinion, this kind of medicine is very useless and has almost no use, so he has always kept it in Xumi's belt and never paid much attention to it.

Until now, seeing that several bottles of healing water were ineffective, Wang Xuan once again opened the Sumeru Mustard Seed Space, and suddenly saw this incorruptible medicine. His heart suddenly moved, and he thought of the special effects of this incorruptible medicine. Maybe Can save her life.

This thought flashed away, and he immediately took out the incorruptible medicine, and finally poured it into Xiao Bichen's mouth at the last moment when she was about to die.

Xiao Bichen was no longer conscious, but her breathing, which was about to be completely cut off, continued to linger.

The incorruptible medicine really took effect, continuing the little bit of vitality that Xiao Bichen was about to cut off in the end.

However, she will never wake up again. She will remain in this state of immortality, without aging or decay, and will seem to fall into an eternal sleep until the end of this world.

Wang Xuan hugged her and fell down, feeling that all the strength in his body was drained.

Xiao Bichen lay quietly on his chest, as if she was asleep, motionless.

Wang Xuan gasped for breath. He understood that although Xiao Bichen's life was saved, it was actually the same as death. All she was alive was just her body.

A trace of regret suddenly arose in his heart. Putting Xiao Bichen in a state of immortality was not so much saving her life as extending her pain. Is it wrong or right to let her drink this incorruptible medicine?

Of course, maybe she can't feel the pain now.

Wang Xuan was a little confused, with various thoughts intertwined, and he slowly sat up from the ground. Looking at Xiao Bichen in his arms, he put her on the ground.

"The incorruptible medicine will keep her last bit of vitality. Maybe we can think of a way to save her in the future..."

Wang Xuan whispered to himself, and now he could only think like this, although he knew that this possibility was basically slim.

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