The last building on earth

Chapter 161 Legendary Reward (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

"By the way, in legend, there are seven deadly sins, and one of these seven deadly sins seems to be gluttony..."

Wang Xuan remembered that the seven deadly sins were also called the seven deadly sins and the seven original sins, but he could not remember exactly which seven deadly sins they were. He only roughly remembered that they were gluttony, lust, and arrogance.

He didn't know if this was just a coincidence or if it was really related to the legendary seven deadly sins of mankind.

Carefully sensing the black energy in the white light, I found that it seemed to be embedded in the white light, motionless. Except for the energy that had just been swallowed by so much nutrient solution, there was no movement at all.

Wang Xuan carefully sensed his body again. Fortunately, everything was normal. He was secretly relieved. He could only put the black energy aside for the time being. Although he understood that the black energy should be the price of summoning the Book of Titans, in the end He couldn't guess what would happen in the future.

As the darkness disappeared, the temple of fear became quiet again, except that the statues of the fear king and countless scorpion legions that originally existed all disappeared.

Looking down again in front of him, Wang Xuan was suddenly stunned.

The huge scorpion relief pattern also disappeared, leaving only a huge hole. Xiao Bichen, who was originally placed aside and fell into an immortal state, also disappeared.

"Where's Xiao Bichen? Was he also swallowed by the darkness summoned by the Book of Titans? Or did he fall in here along with the relief pattern?"

Wang Xuan frowned, walked to the entrance of the cave in front of him, and looked inside. The entrance of the cave was completely dark, and he couldn't see anything clearly. He didn't know what was inside.

Wang Xuan did not dare to enter rashly, put away the Book of Titans, and took out the parchment that recorded the secrets of Scorpion City.

There are two options for this mission, one is to open the seal and release the Dread King, the other is to sit back and ignore it, open the exit, obtain the treasure, and escape from here.

It can be said that I have made the third choice now, directly destroying the Dread King and the Scorpion Legion. So, what will happen to this parchment?

Aroused by a trace of curiosity, Wang Xuan unfolded the parchment and found that the map and text originally displayed on the parchment had disappeared, and the surface became blurry, resembling chaos, and was changing slightly at the moment.

This was the first time that this kind of situation appeared on the parchment. Wang Xuan's heart was slightly moved. Did the parchment never think that it would encounter this kind of situation, so it was in such a vague state?

He is now very curious whether the parchment will show new words or whether it will remain blurry. If it remains blurry like this, it will be a bit troublesome.

How could he get out of here without the guidance of the parchment?

Although a hole appeared in front of him, Wang Xuan was not sure whether the hole in front of him was the exit.

Fortunately, the blur on the surface of the parchment only lasted for a while, and slowly the blur became clear, and new words were displayed on it.

"Destroy the King of Fear, break the boundaries of rare-level tasks, be promoted to legendary-level tasks, complete legendary-level tasks, obtain the Eye of Terror, and replace the King of Fear."

As the words on the parchment emerged, Wang Xuan suddenly felt that the entire temple of fear was shaking slightly again, and then there were waves of vague energy gathering towards him.

"Get the Eye of Terror to replace the King of Terror?"

Looking at this line of text, Wang Xuan felt a little creepy. He wouldn't kill the King of Fear because he summoned the Book of Titans, and he would become the King of Fear as a result, right?

If that were the case, for him, this would not be a reward, but a punishment.

But at this moment, it was too late for him to resist. The energy gathered and concentrated on his forehead in an instant. This energy was cold and bone-chilling. This was a kind of fear coming from the depths of the human soul.

This fearful power concentrated in his forehead, forming a crystal, shaped like an eyeball. Then the skin on his forehead cracked, and this crystal-like eyeball popped out from the crack. On his forehead, a The third eye.

A message appeared in his mind at the same time.

"The Eye of Terror is obtained."

Then there are how to use and control the Eye of Terror, as well as the origin and details of the Eye of Terror.

"That's it. Although the King of Fear has been destroyed, the power of fear comes from all living beings. As long as living beings exist, fear will never disappear. Whether it is humans, animals, or even plants, there will be fear. Strictly speaking, it is not the King of Fear. It brought fear, but because of the existence of fear, the King of Fear was born.”

"Now that the King of Fear is dead, its fear power has crystallized and turned into the Eye of Fear, which I obtained. As long as I can use the Eye of Fear and not be swallowed by the power of fear, not only will I not turn into a monster, this power will also For my use.”

Wang Xuan has great confidence in his own soul and strong will, especially since he has experienced too many lives and deaths along the way, and he will not easily let fear completely occupy his heart.

After understanding the details, Wang Xuan calmed down, slowly closed his eyes, and felt the eyes of fear opening on his forehead. Gradually, the eyes of fear also slowly closed, and the skin on his cracked forehead returned to normal.

Then he tried to open the Eye of Fear again.

As he sensed the Eye of Fear, the eyeball-like crystal formed by the power of fear vibrated slightly.

Soon, a crack appeared on the skin in the middle of his forehead, and a crystal ball was rotating inside. The Eye of Fear opened again, and this time, a burst of power shot out.

This power formed a faint light that spread out.

This is the power of fear, which can infinitely amplify the fear deep in the soul.

"This is just a rudimentary Eye of Fear. It actually has various special abilities. It can not only affect and amplify the fear deep in people's hearts, but also has various uses, such as observing and capturing people's fear emotions, such as sensing fear and capturing the direction. etc."

Wang Xuan understands that this Eye of Fear can affect and amplify people's inner fear. It may seem trivial, but it is actually very useful. For example, if the Eye of Fear is suddenly used in a battle, as long as the opponent is affected by this power, his actions will be slower or his reaction will be slower. , that is death.

Not only that, this Eye of Fear can also absorb the fear power of all living creatures to grow and evolve, becoming more and more powerful. Eventually, he will replace the former King of Fear and become the new King of Fear.

"This power of fear is like a double-sided blade. It can be used to deal with enemies, and it can also be used to sharpen my heart. As long as I can overcome all fears, my heart will become extremely powerful and invulnerable. At that time... "

When he said this, he raised his right hand and sensed the black energy inside. He had a vague guess in his heart that the existence represented by the Book of Giant Gods may not be well-intentioned. This energy hidden in the white light Black energy may be activated at some point in the future.

But now he also vaguely understands that no matter how powerful the existence is, in this world, it needs to follow certain established rules. The confrontation with the King of Fear made him realize how important it is to have a strong heart.

Xiao Bichen will fall into the trap, and he will fall into the trap. To put it bluntly, it's not that the King of Fear is cunning, but that their intentions are not strong enough.

If they are strong-willed and strong-willed, the Dread King will not be able to influence them at all.

Wang Xuan's eyes glowed slightly, revealing a look of determination.

This mission finally paid off.

Looking at the parchment again, I found that the words on it had changed again.

"Get the Eye of Terror, complete the legendary quest, enter the cave, and find a way out."

Below is a map, showing that there is a huge passage below. Follow this passage all the way to the end and you can leave.

"I can finally leave." Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. The mission of understanding the secret of Scorpion City was finally completed.

He took out the lighting crystal with his left hand, opened it, and threw it into the dark cave below.

The lighting crystal fell downwards, and the light illuminated the surrounding area. Only then did Wang Xuan realize that the bottom of the cave below was about ten meters high from the entrance. Because it was too dark, he could not see anything just now.

The height of more than ten meters was nothing to him. After taking one last look at the empty Temple of Fear, he made sure that nothing was found and there was no shadow of Xiao Bichen, and then he jumped into the cave with a slight leap.

After falling steadily, Wang Xuan picked up the lighting crystal on the ground and looked around.

Since Xiao Bichen is not in the Temple of Fear, the most likely possibility is that he fell into the cave below, but now he looked around and did not see Xiao Bichen.

"It's not here either. It's strange. Could it be that it was really destroyed by the power summoned by the Book of Titans..."

Wang Xuan thought that his request for the Book of Giants at that time was only to destroy the King of Fear and the Scorpion Legion, not Xiao Bichen. Could it be that when the power of the Book of Giants destroyed the King of Fear and the Scorpion Legion, it also destroyed Xiao Bichen?

He shook his head slightly and sighed, thinking that he had promised to take Xiao Bichen away, and even used the incorruptible medicine, but in the end, he still failed to save her.

Holding the lighting crystal, Wang Xuan did not stay any longer, but followed the map instructions on the parchment and walked towards the end of the cave passage.

The further he walked, the narrower the cave passage became. Finally, he saw an upward step at the end of the passage. Going up the step, a stone slab appeared above. He carefully pushed the stone slab away, revealing a cave that could only allow one person to enter or exit. , light immediately shone down the cave.

Wang Xuan put away the lighting crystal and crawled out of the cave. He found that this was a dilapidated building. Through half of the collapsed wall, he could see a large amount of yellow sand and various ruins outside. He immediately understood that this place It's Scorpion City.

He finally came out.

After closing the stone slabs on the ground to cover the cave, Wang Xuan did not leave immediately, but sat down on the spot.

Although I have plenty of physical strength, I feel tired in my heart.

Four people entered the underground together, and now he was the only one who came out alive. Wang Xuan thought of all the previous encounters, and felt as if he was in another world. He just didn't know how long he had been underground, and what day it was in June.

After resting for a while, Wang Xuan stood up again, swayed out of the dilapidated building, took out the map of Scorpion City, and marked the location of the building on it against the surrounding reference objects.

Although there is a high probability that he will never enter here again in this life, he still makes a habitual note just in case.

The Scorpion City is very vast. The ground is covered with yellow sand, and it is surrounded by a large number of dilapidated buildings that cannot be seen to the end. Wang Xuan took the map and compared it to determine which direction is the direction of the Insect Town and where to continue deeper. Scorpion City.

"I came to Scorpion City on the 7th, and then I went underground with Xiao Bichen and the others to complete the mission. It took about a day or so. Now it's broad daylight again. There's no way it's still the 7th. If nothing else, today should be the 8th... "

Wang Xuan pondered, but he was afraid that the passage of time underground was different from that in the outside world, so he didn't say anything.

He remembered that Yao Tiande once said that in the middle of every month, people from above may come down, and the Rakshasa leader needs to receive the people from above. If the Rakshasa leader does not show up by then, these people should know that the Rakshasa leader has an accident. .

"If it's around the 15th in the middle of the month, there's still a lot of time. The energy I'm absorbing now should be about the same. As long as I hunt some more scorpions, I can try to break through to the ultimate state..."

At this moment, he heard a sound coming from the distance. He immediately put away the map and looked into the distance. He saw five people appearing in the distance in front of him on the left. In the yellow sand around these five people, a figure appeared. Only sand scorpions surrounded the five people, and the two sides started fighting.

There were a lot of sand scorpions this time, more than ten, but these five people were very powerful. Five perfect masters could fight against a group of sand scorpions together.

Wang Xuan saw that these five people were all men, about 20 to 30 or 40 years old, with metal plaques hanging around their necks, indicating that they belonged to the "Justice Alliance" among the five major forces.

Wang Xuan just glanced at it from a distance and ran in another direction. He didn't want to have too much contact with outsiders and just wanted to break through as soon as possible.

This time he ran about four to five hundred meters. After bypassing a group of buildings, he saw a lot of sand scorpion corpses lying on the ground in front of him. Judging from the number, there were at least thirteen or four.

On one side of the wall that had mostly collapsed, a woman was sitting, taking a rest.

Wang Xuan saw the back of the resting woman. Looking at the back, the woman was wearing half a set of lake green equipment, and two pieces of third-level alloy equipment. These three pieces of lake green equipment were not like second-level sophisticated equipment, and were most likely third-level. level of sophisticated equipment.

Wang Xuan had only seen this level of equipment on the Rakshasa leader and Chen Daolin before.

Looking at the back, the equipment is close to the body. It can be seen that the woman has a graceful figure. With a slender waist, the buttocks sitting on the wall are round and plump, full of temptation.

There was a hint of surprise in Wang Xuan's eyes.

Looking at this situation, this group of sand scorpions were all killed by this woman. Being able to kill more than a dozen sand scorpions by herself, this strength is by no means just an ordinary Zhen state, at least she must be the top strong person in Zhen state. .

Wang Xuan's approach alarmed the resting woman, and she turned around. As soon as they met, the woman didn't react at all. She just turned her eyes slightly, but Wang Xuan was startled.

"is her?"

He is very familiar with this woman.

It was the cold and charming woman with an extremely hot figure and a hatching beast with a white sword.

Wang Xuan was deeply impressed by her.

The first time I saw her was in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza, and then I saw her in the lobby on the first floor. At that time, she took the clown mask, entered the elevator and left.

Later, Wang Xuan also thought that she should have entered this Chong Town, but he had never seen her in Chong Town.

But he didn't expect to see her in Scorpion City at this time.

An idea came to his mind that he and her were really destined.

Wang Xuan didn't know if this woman would remember him. When he saw her turning her head and seeing him, her eyes moved slightly, as if she looked him up and down, then turned her head away and ignored him.

Wang Xuan stopped where he was, a little embarrassed, not knowing whether to leave quietly or come forward to strike up a conversation.

He thought that on the first floor, someone was killed by her because he said the wrong thing to talk to her.

At that time, she was much stronger than him.

But Wang Xuan is not so afraid now.

Judging from the fact that she was in Scorpion City, she should also be a strong person.

In his perfect state, Wang Xuan did not dare to claim to be invincible, but at least he was not afraid of anyone.

His body has been strengthened by blue crystal scales, and is already stronger than the average Zhen state. He can already be called a mid-level powerhouse in the Zhen state.

If coupled with the ability to draw on the considerable energy of blue crystal scales, his strength can be regarded as the top or even the pinnacle level in the Zhen state.

Previously on Centipede Island, he even fought against the Rakshasa leader who had transcended the Zhen state.

But now, his strength is further than before, and he is more proficient in the use of various powers, especially the "Eye of Fear".

This "Eye of Fear" has endless magical uses and has many uses, giving him enough confidence that he is not afraid of anyone in his perfect state.

With this confidence, Wang Xuan thought for a while and finally walked over.

He has always been curious about this unknown woman.

Who is she and why is she always alone? Even now, he hasn't seen any signs on her body. Doesn't she belong to any major force?

This situation is only possible for newcomers. She is already a strong person now. Can the five major forces still allow someone to not join them?

This was the first time he had seen this situation. With all kinds of curiosity, Wang Xuan approached her.

As if she sensed Wang Xuan's approach, the woman who originally turned her head turned around again, this time even her body, looking at the approaching Wang Xuan with indifference in her eyes.

Wang Xuan saw it, and there was a hint of warning in his eyes, as if she would be rude if he approached again.

Wang Xuan stopped and spread his hands, saying that he had no ill intentions and that he was just curious about this woman.

The woman didn't speak, she just stared at him.

Looking at her from the front, one can more and more see the beauty and hotness of her figure. Together with her beauty, it can indeed make countless men's hearts flutter. Unfortunately, she is as cold as ice and should not be approached by strangers.

Wang Xuan felt a pity secretly in his heart. At this moment, he heard noise coming from the distance. When he looked up, four people appeared from the distance and ran towards here.

These four people all wore black bracelets on their left hands. They were members of the "Xuan Gang", but Wang Xuan didn't recognize any of them.

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