The last building on earth

Chapter 165: Shocked by all parties (the first update is here today, please vote for me)

Wang Xuan had been using metal tentacles to wrap around the broken barb of the Sand Scorpion Lord. He originally wanted to help the three of them trap the Sand Scorpion Lord, but he didn't want the Green Poison Lord to appear and disrupt everything.

Seeing the Sand Scorpion Lord knocking Chu Boyu away, he himself was pulled unsteadily and rushed forward. He immediately took advantage of the momentum and pulled the metal tentacles, soared into the air and landed on the Sand Scorpion Lord's back. He saw a huge giant in front of him. The hole was the wound that Shi Jin continuously blasted out using white light.

Suddenly there was a flash of green light, and the Green Poison Lord fired a green poison arrow again, targeting him who had just landed on the Sand Scorpion Lord's back.

Upon seeing this, Wang Xuan jumped into the huge hole without hesitation, avoiding the green poisonous arrows. The metal tentacles extended up his right arm, fused with the flesh and blood of his right arm, and turned into a giant monster of more than one meter long. Arm, take advantage of the situation and strike down.

There was a loud bang, and terrifying power exploded from the giant arm of the monster. It immediately penetrated the huge hole, opened a gap in the belly of the Sand Scorpion Lord, and fell down.

Tang Ruoyu, who fell out, quickly stood up and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth. Seeing this scene, he couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

Wang Xuan's performance surprised her.

A huge hole was punched through from his back to his belly, and an earth-shattering roar came from the open mouth of the Sand Scorpion Lord. This was a real fatal blow.

Wang Xuan fell from its tattered belly, and the glow in front of his eyes was the big mushroom rooted in the yellow sand.

Without any time to think, he stretched out his left hand to grab the big mushroom.

Unexpectedly, the big mushroom suddenly jumped up and pulled out two roots from the yellow sand, which looked like human legs. With a flick of the roots, it rushed into the belly hole of the Sand Scorpion Lord above, and followed it The hole in his back came out and he wanted to escape.

Things happened suddenly. Wang Xuan never expected that the big mushroom would move on its own, and the speed was not slow. He missed it and hurriedly raised his head, only to see Shi Jin appearing at the edge of the hole in the back of the Sand Scorpion Lord, just in time to meet him. Facing the big mushroom rushing up, he stretched out his left hand to catch it.

Suddenly, green vines appeared one after another. Chu Boyu, who had been injured and fell out, appeared again with blood hanging from the corners of his mouth. He controlled a large number of vines from the air and suddenly tied up Shi Jin's whole body.

Shi Jin stretched out his arm as much as he could and pulled the vine straight. He stood a few inches away and watched the big mushroom jump out of the hole in his hand.

"Chu Boyu——" Shi Jin's face twisted with anger, he gritted his teeth, and these three words seemed to come out of his throat.

Chu Boyu ignored his roars and yells. While controlling the vines to trap Shi Jin, he also controlled the green vines, trying to entangle the big mushrooms that rushed out.

This big mushroom is very flexible. Its two roots stretched sideways and jumped out diagonally, avoiding the green vines. Suddenly, a metal tentacle appeared in the hole below, and it jumped out like a python.

The big mushroom had just jumped diagonally to avoid the green vines, but could no longer dodge the metal tentacles coming from below. With a hiss, it was entangled by the metal tentacles and dragged to the hole below.

Wang Xuan emerged from the hole, stretched out his left hand, grabbed the struggling mushroom, opened the mustard space of Sumeru, stuffed it in, turned around and rushed out from under the Sand Scorpion Lord's belly without stopping.

At the same moment, a white scale appeared and disappeared into the white light in his right hand.

These are the white scales of the Sand Scorpion Lord. The energy contained in them is extremely powerful. When his white scales are absorbed, the energy immediately fluctuates violently and seems to burst.

He understood that the energy he needed to break through to the ultimate state was finally enough.

It's just that the white light in the right hand calmed down after violent fluctuations. It seems that if you want to break through the Zhen state, you can not only break through by absorbing enough energy, but also obviously there are other conditions.

At this moment, Wang Xuan didn't have the energy to think carefully. He swayed and emerged from under the body of the Sand Scorpion Lord. He saw a huge green figure in front of him, and a green poisonous arrow made of venom was shot towards his head.

The green poison lord appeared, firing green poison arrows from his open mouth, at a speed that was so fast that it made people suffer from scalp numbness. This speed was enough to threaten a strong man at the peak of his state.

He was startled and quickly turned his head. The green poison arrow flew past his helmet, followed closely by a green barb.

This time, Wang Xuan had no choice but to activate his right arm, the giant monster arm, and attack him.

Lines of blue light appeared from the giant arm of the monster. He understood that his current strength was not enough to resist the barb, which could instantly blast a powerful master, so he could only borrow the energy of the blue crystal scales.

With a "boom", the barb and the monster's giant arm faced each other head-on. The two terrifying forces collided. The barb swung by the Green Poison Lord was bounced back by an even more terrifying force.

This scene was seen in the eyes of Tang Ruoyu, who had just run towards here at full speed. Her eyes shrank slightly, and a strange color flashed inside them.

Being able to knock back the green poison lord's barb like this is so powerful that it is no less powerful than the green poison lord. In terms of pure strength, even the strongest man at the peak of his state cannot do it.

Although Wang Xuan shook the barb away, he was not relaxed either. He only felt a sharp shock in his right arm and numbness in waves. A crack appeared immediately on the surface of the giant arm of the Warcraft where the barb was struck, and there was faint green blood. seeped out.

This was the first time that this half-metal, half-flesh monster arm was injured.

Wang Xuan was shocked, knowing that the barb contained poison. Now that the monster's giant arm was injured, the poison invaded the blood.

The blood oozing out now was faintly green, obviously poisoned.

Blocked by the Green Poison Lord, Wang Xuan was unable to escape immediately. Chu Boyu appeared above the body of the Sand Scorpion Lord, with a cold face, staring at Wang Xuan, and with a wave of his right hand, green vines followed. It extended from the body of Lord Sand Scorpion and appeared in a fan shape around Wang Xuan, trying to entangle him.

He fought desperately with Tang Ruoyu and Shi Jin. It can be said that he worked for half the night before trapping the Sand Scorpion Lord. He was about to succeed, but was intercepted by Wang Xuan. Not only the Sand Scorpion Lord's white scales were snatched by him , now even this exotic mushroom has been taken away by him.

Chu Boyu was extremely angry.

This mushroom was extremely important to him, so for this reason he did not hesitate to break up with Shi Jin, who he usually had a good relationship with, and even killed people.

Wang Xuan knew something was wrong when he was blocked by the Green Poison Lord. He waved his left hand violently and a metal tentacle flew out, reaching the limit of six meters in an instant. When the Green Poison Lord's barb was bounced back, The metal tentacle wrapped around it.

The barb bounced back, and he pulled with his left hand, and the metal tentacle was pulled straight. With this force, he suddenly rose up from the ground, like wings on his back, and instantly flew over the head of the Green Poison Lord.

The green vines extending in a fan shape were all thrown away.

Chu Boyu opened his eyes wide with an incredible look.

Wang Xuan's quick response made him take a breath of air.

"Good boy!" He couldn't help shouting, and tried to control the green vine to wrap around him in the air. It was already too late, but he saw Wang Xuan flying above the green poison lord's head and quickly loosened the metal wrapped around its barbs. The tentacles fell downwards and landed firmly on the green poison lord's back. He stepped on it for two steps and reached the green poison lord's neck. The metal tentacles swung out again and wrapped tightly around the green poison lord from behind. neck and head to stabilize the body on its back.

Not to mention Chu Boyu who was stunned by this move, even Tang Ruoyu, Shi Jin, and the dozen or so Zhenzi who had just arrived were all unexpected.

When everyone saw Wang Xuan landing on the back of the green poison lord, they would definitely jump down again to seize the opportunity to escape. Tang Ruoyu and Shi Jin had already thought about how to intercept the dozen or so powerful men. They also dispersed and gathered around.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan didn't want to escape at all, but was so bold that he stepped on the back of the Green Poison Lord and wrapped it around its neck and head.

The green poison lord screamed angrily, turned around like a madman, stirred up a large amount of yellow sand, and began to spray green poison arrows from his open mouth like crazy. Tang Ruoyu, Bai Jin and others who were stronger than him also dodged one after another. It was simply crazy. Keep people away.

The barb on the back of the green poison lord raised up, and then viciously hooked down on Wang Xuan, who was standing behind his neck.

Wang Xuan had long guessed that the Green Poison Lord would have this skill, so while wrapping his neck around it, he turned his head back. When he saw the barb flash, he tensed up, dodged to the side, and fell down with a hiss. The hook fell against his body and hooked firmly into the back of the Green Poison Lord's neck.

The barb was so powerful that it directly cut open the shell of the Green Poison Lord at the back of his neck and hooked it in. For a moment, he couldn't pull it out.

The Green Poison Lord was in severe pain. The barb contained poison, which penetrated into its skin and flesh. Even though it had strong anti-poison ability, it was not completely immune. The skin on its neck began to slowly seep into it. Green juice comes out, melts and festers.

This time it went even more crazy, exerting force and rushing towards the group of people in front of it.

Wang Xuan relied on the metal tentacles to steady his body. Seeing that the poison was so powerful, a hole appeared in the Green Poison Lord's neck wound in just a short time. Looking at his right arm of the monster, the wound that had just appeared was It healed slowly and there were no signs of poisoning or ulceration.

"I see, I didn't expect that my monster arm has the ability to actively detoxify." He thought of the faint green blood that oozed out of the wound just now, which was obviously expelling the invading toxins. The poison he just received was equal to It will be solved automatically.

The green poison lord himself was caught by his own barb, and the flesh on his neck melted and festered. The pain was heartbreaking. It went completely crazy, leading Wang Xuan on a rampage.

Two exclamations rang out in succession. A perfect strongman from the "Justice Alliance" and a perfect strongman from the "Rakshasa" dodged a little late and were hit head-on by it.

The two men screamed. They were just ordinary strong men. How could they withstand the power of the six-star dangerous green poison lord? They were smashed to pieces and died instantly.

Tang Ruoyu dodged while vibrating the snow-white long sword. Two snow-white tiger claws were grabbed from the side. With a click, the tiger claws scratched the green poison lord's hard shell and sank in. With the help of these two tiger claws, the sword was attached to the back. With a strong pull on the sword whiskers on his body, he flew up from the ground and rushed towards the back of the crazy green poison lord.

Wang Xuan knew that he couldn't let her come up. He waved his right hand and put away the giant arm of the monster. The metal tentacles wrapped around it spread out and turned into a thick tentacle six meters long. Seeing that Tang Ruoyu was about to come up, he suddenly volleyed into the air. Smoked it.

Although he was a little curious about Tang Ruoyu, he couldn't care less about the beauty at this time. He used enough force to strike, and blue lights flashed on the surface, activating the energy of the blue crystal scales.

If you want to fight against a peak powerhouse like Tang Ruoyu, you can only borrow the power of blue crystal scales.

In his forehead, the Eye of Fear is continuously absorbing the power of fear around him. Whether it is the two powerful masters who were killed, or the living masters and groups of sand scorpions around them, they are all there. It releases powerful fear energy. This fear comes from deep in people's hearts. Even the peak powerhouses like Tang Ruoyu, Chu Boyu and Shi Jin cannot say that they are absolutely helpless when facing this kind of green poison lord. Half fear.

Similarly, he also felt the fear of the Green Poison Lord, his heart suddenly moved, and he violently destroyed the power of the Eye of Fear, beginning to infinitely amplify this fear.

Tang Ruoyu let out a muffled groan and had to move the snow-white sword in his right hand horizontally. The tiger claws on the hilt appeared and blocked the metal tentacles.

There was a snapping sound. Although she blocked the metal tentacles, the power of the blue crystal scales contained in the metal tentacles exploded. She only felt that the snow-white long sword held in her right hand suddenly weighed more than a thousand fish, as heavy as being pressed by a mountain. , failed to get on the back of the Green Poison Lord and fell down.

Just as the Green Poison Lord turned around, she was hit hard. With a muffled groan, she rolled and fell out.

Tang Ruoyu was knocked away, and Shi Jin took advantage of the hatchling beast's wings to fly into the air. White lights appeared one after another and blasted towards Wang Xuan crazily.

Chu Boyu controlled the green vines and began to appear from all directions, trying to entangle the steps of the crazy green poison lord and trap him here.

Although he and Shi Jin hated each other, they joined forces again for the mushroom treasure.

Wang Xuan knew whether he could escape, so he suddenly activated the "Eye of Fear" with all his strength. A crack appeared in the middle of his forehead. The crystal-like Eye of Fear spun around and appeared from it. The power of fear surged out, and instantly Covering this area.

Everyone suddenly felt like falling into an ice cave.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan infinitely amplified the fear of the Green Poison Lord. Through the Eye of Fear, he forced his consciousness on the Green Poison Lord, hoping to make it run into the distance at full speed.

He didn't know if he could succeed. This was the first time he tried it. This method would not work against strong humans, but the Green Poison Lord was not as complicated as the human heart, and was easy to control.

Previously in the underground, the sealed King of Fear could even control Xiao Bichen and his consciousness through this method. Naturally, he was not yet at the level of King of Fear, so he could only give the Green Poison Lord a try.

Unexpectedly, after this attempt, the Green Poison Lord, who was shrouded in fear, sensed a consciousness in the dark, causing it to rush into the distance at full speed regardless of everything.

In the midst of endless fear, it was in constant panic and had no calm judgment at all. The first step it took was to take a leap and rush towards the distance with all its strength.

The green vines controlled by Chu Boyu were pulled by it, and they suddenly broke one by one.

He was not anxious, and immediately launched with all his strength, hoping to produce more green vines to entangle the running green poison lord. Suddenly, his whole body shivered, as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and he shuddered suddenly, deep in his heart. There was a huge fear, as if if he took one more step forward, he would fall into the bottomless abyss and die without a burial place.

In the midst of shock and horror, a metal tentacle appeared and was pulled out from the air.

Wang Xuan, who was originally standing on the back of the Green Poison Lord, activated the power of the "Eye of Terror" with all his strength, and Shi Jin, who was gliding into the air, fired white light attacks one after another.

Wang Xuan immediately extended the metal tentacles wrapped around the Green Poison Lord, and slid down the Green Poison Lord's back to avoid all white light attacks.

This large amount of white light exploded on the Green Poison Lord's back, and there were continuous big explosions.

Although the Green Poison Lord's back was blasted with green juice flying out and its shell shattered, it seemed to be unaware of the pain and just ran away at full speed.

Wang Xuan, who slid to the side of the Green Poison Lord, still controlled the metal tentacles with his left hand to wrap around the Green Poison Lord's neck. He hung himself beside it. With a wave of his right hand, the metal tentacles that extended to six meters flew out in the air, heading towards Chu Boyu, who still wanted to continue attacking, pulled out.

Shi Jin, who was gliding in the air, originally wanted to continue attacking, but his whole body trembled. Even the herring beast lying on his right hand trembled. A pair of wings suddenly converged. Without any leverage, he fell straight down. .

Chu Boyu was forced back by Wang Xuan's metal tentacles, and the Green Poison Lord rushed out with all his strength, rushing out more than ten meters in an instant and throwing them away immediately.

In terms of pure running speed, they couldn't keep up with the six-star dangerous Green Poison Lord.

What's more, at this moment, the Green Poison Lord, under the control of Wang Xuan's Eye of Fear, can be said to have drained all the potential in his body, running towards the distance desperately.

Wang Xuan forced Chu Boyu back, leaving him no time to activate the green vine to affect the green poison lord. The metal tentacle on his left hand retracted and returned to the green poison lord's back. From a distance, it looked like he was riding this huge The giant scorpion ran wildly in the yellow sand.

When Tang Ruoyu got up after falling out, Wang Xuan, riding the Green Poison Lord, had already rushed fifty meters away.

Chu Boyu and Shi Jin chased behind them at full speed, but the distance between them had widened to twenty or thirty meters.

As for the dozen or so powerful men from the "Dynasty", "Justice Alliance", "Rakshasa" and "Phoenix", the speed is even slower. Groups of sand scorpions are attacking frantically, not to mention chasing the green poison lord. It is almost impossible to protect oneself, so we can only join forces to find a way out and escape from here.

Now they understand that although this mushroom is a genius treasure, it has no chance of them.

They all watched everything that happened today. They felt frightened by Wang Xuan's performance. They had doubts in their eyes and asked each other.

They all had an idea, who is this young man? How come such a powerful figure emerged from the "Xuan Gang"?

Being able to use the Green Poison Lord as a mount, not even the three peak powerhouses Tang Ruoyu, Shi Jin and Chu Boyu joined forces to stop him.

No one would believe this to be true unless they saw it with their own eyes.

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