The last building on earth

Chapter 171 The storm is coming (first update today, please vote for me)

Chen Daolin and Liu Ming's expressions changed. Chen Daolin shouted angrily and rushed out, trying to intercept them.

Qiu Yuanfeng drank a bottle of primary healing water, and his right hand that had just been exploded recovered, and he immediately released the snake remains. He cooperated with Gongsun Xiaoyan to entangle Chen Daolin.

The remaining five people, Liu Ming, Gao Tian and Luo Li, were all blocked by the others. With the order from the leader of the Xuan Gang, everyone in the Xuan Gang acted cruelly and killed each other. If they were not careful, they would die.

The newly injured Mou Gang, Jiang He and others also drank the healing water and recovered. The top ten powerful men took action together. How could Rakshasa resist?

Gong Yangjun's face was extremely ugly. He swayed and wanted to take action. Suddenly the leader of the Xuan Gang took a step forward and intercepted him. A terrifying aura was released from his body. Gong Yangjun's body went cold and he felt like he was being beaten. A wild beast is staring at him, and as long as he makes the slightest move, the beast will make a fatal blow.

The leader of the Xuan Gang was more powerful than he imagined. Gong Yangjun's momentum was captured and he was actually calmed down, and all the arrogance he had just now faded away.

He originally thought that occupying his identity from above would definitely make the Xuan Gang leader jealous. In addition, it was involved in the death of the Rakshasa leader. They just came to take away two inconspicuous little characters. It was impossible for the Xuan Gang leader to do so. Shelter them.

Only now did he realize that he had guessed wrong.

"Stop!" he suddenly roared.

Chen Daolin and others heard his order and hurriedly retreated, but everyone in the Xuan Gang did not stop.

Liu Weijie easily injured the Rakshasa member who was holding Duan Chen and took Duan Chen back.

Chen Daolin wanted to stop him, but Gongyang Jun shouted again: "Stop, hand the person over to them."

Chen Daolin was stunned and glanced at Gong Yangjun, with a look of disbelief on his face. He didn't expect that Gong Yangjun who came down from above was so pusy. The leader of the Xuan Gang just showed up and said a few words, and he gave up. .

But he didn't dare to disobey Gong Yangjun's orders. Without Gong Yangjun to support him, how could he dare to act arrogantly in front of the leader of the Xuan Gang.

"Let's go!" Gong Yangjun turned around and wanted to leave.

Qiu Yuanfeng and Mou Gang dodged and blocked the attack. Mou Gang swung a pair of giant hammers in his hands and said with a ferocious look on his face: "You have trespassed on the stronghold of our Xuan Gang. You want to leave now? It's too late."

Gong Yangjun stopped, stared at Mou Gang and Qiu Yuanfeng in front of him, narrowed his eyes slightly, and suddenly turned to look at the leader of the Xuan Gang on the other side, with a cold and angry look on his face, and said: "It seems, Do you want to keep me and kill me, the messenger representing Rakshasa City?"

As he spoke, he took out a crystal from the storage belt around his waist.

In this crystal, there are faint halos of light flickering.

The leader of the Xuan Gang shouted softly: "Qiu Yuanfeng, Mou Gang, come back and let him leave."

Although Qiu Yuanfeng and Mou Gang were unwilling, they had to get out of the way.

Gong Yangjun smiled coldly, put away the crystal, and left in a flash.

Chen Daolin was about to leave, but suddenly there was a figure in front of him. It was the leader of the Xuan Gang. He was stunned. He didn't know what the leader of the Xuan Gang wanted to do. Just as he was about to speak, the palm of the leader of the Xuan Gang slapped him. on the chest.

With a "porphy" sound, Chen Daolin did not expect that the leader of the Xuan Gang would suddenly attack him. He was caught off guard and the ribs in his chest were shattered. He opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His body rolled in the air and fell out.

"Bringing people into the Xuan Gang without permission is a capital crime. If something happens to your leader, I will spare your life this time. If you don't kill me next time, you will be killed without mercy. Get out of here!"

Following his shout, Liu Ming, Gao Tian, ​​Luo Li and others, taking the heavily injured Chen Daolin with them, ran away like a bereaved dog.

"Get out of here, or I'll break your legs if you're too late!" Mou Gang laughed loudly, feeling a breath of bad breath coming out of his heart.

Gong Yangjun left, instead of going to the place where the Rakshasa leader lived, but went straight towards the elevator in the center of the square.

"Chief, you are still the best. As soon as you show up, these people pissed themselves off and ran away with their tails between their legs. It's a pity that they couldn't deal with Gong Yangjun properly." Liu Weijie said with a smile on his face, but also with some regret.

Gongsun Xiaoyan rolled her eyes at him and said, "Gong Yangjun is the envoy of Rakshasa City. What happened to him? Can you bear the consequences?"

There was a trace of solemnity on the face of the leader of the Xuan Gang, and he looked at Qiu Yuanfeng and said: "Immediately send people to Scorpion City to recall all the people in Scorpion City, especially Wang Xuan, as well as Gu Manyao and Gu Manyao who went to Centipede Island. Recall Zhang Haofei and the others together, the sooner the better."

As he spoke, he took out a crystal and handed it to Qiu Yuanfeng.

Now Zhang Haofei has been promoted to a powerful person and is considered one of the core figures of the Xuan Gang. The leader of the Xuan Gang also remembers his name.

Seeing the solemn expression on the Xuan Gang leader's face, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Liu Weijie and others, who were originally feeling proud and proud, were shocked.

Qiu Yuanfeng took the crystal and immediately said: "I understand, I will do it myself." After saying that, he turned around and ran away.

"Chief, are Rakshasa and the others still not giving up?" Liu Weijie was a little confused.

The leader of the Xuan Gang glanced at Yao Tiande and Duan Chen who were retreating to the side, and then sighed: "This Gongyang Jun is too young, and he is also reckless. The worst thing he did was knowing that the Rakshasa leader had an accident, and he did it regardless of everything. He just broke into my Xuan Gang and wanted to arrest someone, so he should go back to Rakshasa City to report the situation first, and the higher-ups will naturally send people down."

"Now he must return to Rakshasa City to report. If the Rakshasa leader really has an accident, it is not a small matter. The higher-ups will naturally investigate it clearly. I also need to go up there. This matter is no longer something we can handle. We need to Someone from above will take care of it."

When everyone heard this, they all took a deep breath and realized that the situation was far more serious than they imagined.

Gongsun Xiaoyan suddenly approached, lowered his voice, and whispered: "Chief, if the death of the Rakshasa leader is really related to Wang Xuan and the others, why don't you let them all come back now instead of letting them die?"

The leader of the Xuan Gang said calmly: "If Rakshasa City really wants to kill him, can he escape without returning to Chong Town? If he really gets to that point, if he wants to survive, there is only one way, and that is to prove that he is worthy of living."

"Okay, do as I say, I'm leaving."

After speaking, he swayed and approached the elevator in the center of the square.

Watching the leader leave, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Liu Weijie and others lost their original excitement and smiles on their faces. Everyone felt unprecedented pressure. They understood that what had just happened was just a prelude, and the real storm was about to come.


In Scorpion City, in a half-collapsed low house, Wang Xuan sat cross-legged, and Xiaoguai patrolled around, guarding the place faithfully. If any danger appeared, it would immediately wake up its owner.

Wang Xuan sensed the white light in his right hand. He killed Shi Jin before and absorbed the energy of his hatchling beast. This energy filled his white light. Not only did he fail to break through the white light, allowing him to break through to the perfection state, but he was killed by the white light. The light wall absorbs the light, making the light wall stronger, which means that if he wants to break through the state, he will need more powerful energy, and it will become more difficult.

Wang Xuan understood that there must be a reason for this. At this moment, he calmed down and carefully sensed the white light. After a long time, he breathed a sigh of relief and opened his eyes.

The sky outside has brightened, and a new day has arrived.

The tearing feeling in the white light in his right hand has disappeared, but Wang Xuan still has no clue how to break through the Zhen state.

"How to break through the perfect state..."

Wang Xuan sighed, walked out of the somewhat dilapidated low house, and looked at the Scorpion City with ruined walls everywhere.

"Right now I can only find some scorpions to hunt, and explore ways to break through during the hunting process. I hope it will be helpful."

Wang Xuan pondered, opened the Xumi Mustard Seed space on the left, and took out all the parchment inside.

He still had seven pieces of parchment to complete, so he unfolded them one by one and read them again.

"Insect Tide Hunter, six-star difficulty. With my current strength, I can give it a try. Unfortunately, this mission needs to be completed when an insect tide breaks out."

"Stealing insect eggs is still a six-star difficulty level, but you have to go to the Insect Country to the north of Insect Town. It is said that once an insect tide occurs, they will emerge from the Insect Country. This Insect Country should be a more dangerous place than Scorpion City."

Then there are "Hunting the Seven-Star Spider King" and "Call of the Cerberus", which are also six-star dangers. One is located in the Insect Kingdom, and the other is in the Hell Tower at the end of the Insect Kingdom.

For the remaining three pieces of parchment, the five-star difficulty "Goblin's Redemption" requires going to the lower level, and the "helping others" with no difficulty level requires going to the underground parking lot.

He collected the six pieces of parchment one by one, leaving only the last piece of parchment with the task of "finding the hometown of the mechanical beast". Among the seven pieces of parchment, only the address of this task was in Scorpion City.

Wang Xuan had the idea of ​​going to the Insect Kingdom several times, but he gave up and decided to complete the mission of "finding the hometown of the mechanical beasts" in Scorpion City first. If he still couldn't figure out the breakthrough, he would He decided to enter the Insect Kingdom to try.

With his current strength, he has the confidence to enter the more dangerous insect country.

"Perhaps only under greater pressure will it be possible to understand the method of breaking through to the state of perfection. I'm not sure."

Wang Xuan opened the last piece of parchment in his hand while he was thinking, and looked at the content of the task "Finding the Hometown of the Mechanical Beast" of unknown difficulty.

"Go to Scorpion City and look for a strange statue. There seems to be something wrong with the statue."

"This mission is a bit strange. I remember Yao Tiande and the others said that missions with unknown difficulty like this are quite special. There may not be any rewards, but there is a certain probability that there will be better rewards than the six-star missions, so there are many People use crystal scales to brush parchments of unknown difficulty in the quest line."

Wang Xuan pondered, the special thing about this mission is that there is no detailed location marked on the map. Where is the strange statue mentioned above in Scorpion City?

Thinking back to the time when I entered Scorpion City, especially last night, I rode the Green Poison Lord and ran all the way. I don’t know how far I ran, and I didn’t find any statues on the way. There is no map to show me how to find one in Scorpion City. Statue, its not a needle in a haystack?

"The difficulty of this mission is unknown. I feel it is even more difficult than the six-star mission. Just finding an unknown statue in Scorpion City is too difficult, unless you are lucky..."

Wang Xuan's heart suddenly moved. He looked at a tall building nearby. Although the building was in dilapidated condition, the highest roof was still more than ten meters high from the ground.

"It doesn't make sense. This mission can't be so tricky. There must be a way."

With a sway, he reached the bottom of the building. The metal tentacles extended to a height of six meters, hooked into a hole in the wall, and lifted his body up.

Using two metal tentacles, Wang Xuan quickly rose to the top of the building.

Fall to the top, climb high and look far away, hoping to find something.

"A strange statue... Since it is not marked on the map, this statue should be relatively large. If it is a very short statue, inconspicuous, and does not give any instructions, then this mission is purely a deception."

This time he climbed to a high place and looked around, which really made him see something. Referring to the map of Scorpion City, he could find that in the west of Scorpion City, he could vaguely see the remains of some buildings collapsed there, most of which were destroyed. The yellow sand is submerged, but these exposed wrecks are pieced together. From a distance, they look very much like a giant beast that looks like a liger lying on the ground.

"How could it be such a coincidence? It happened to look like this giant beast, and it is so similar. Could it be that this is the strange statue mentioned on the parchment?"

Wang Xuan didn't believe in any coincidence and decided to go and see what happened. Even if he guessed wrong, there would be no loss.

He took out the map of Scorpion City, carefully compared it with the reference objects, and after determining the location, he jumped from the top of the ten-meter-high building.

"Let's go -" he shouted towards the little boy below, and shrugged his right shoulder. There was a clear sound of metal friction behind him. The alloy armor on his right back cracked from it, and one black piece after another appeared. Steel feathers extend from it, forming a black wing.

The wings flapped, blowing strong winds, allowing him to use this force to glide through the air and fly away into the distance.

This is the special ability of the ghost wing that he fused with the Yuan liquid to obtain the dead powerful hatching beast "Ghost Che".

Although the ghost wings cannot really make him fly in the air, they can glide for a short time. He just jumped from a height of more than ten meters and glided for more than thirty meters before landing on the yellow sand ground and standing firm.

The ability of this ghost wing is naturally not only to assist gliding. The sharp steel feathers that form the ghost wing are also very terrifying weapons.

Putting away the ghost wings, Wang Xuan summoned Xiaoguai and rode up. Holding the map of Scorpion City in his left hand, Wang Xuan ordered Xiaoguai to run towards the west of Scorpion City.

Running wildly all the way, he didn't meet anyone again, and the sky was completely bright. At this moment, Wang Xuan didn't know that today was June 10th, which was the day when the messenger from Rakshasa City would come to Chong Town, nor did he know that Rakshasa City would come to Chong Town in the future. A fierce conflict broke out with the Xuan Gang.

He believed Yao Tiande's words and always thought that people from Rakshasa City would not come until around the 15th of the month. Even if there was really trouble, at least it would be around the 15th. It was still early before the 15th, and he still had time. I hope to be able to break through to perfection before the 15th.

A sand scorpion roared and stood in front of Xiaoguai. Wang Xuan rode Xiaoguai and rushed in, releasing two metal tentacles to attack from a distance.

Now that he is powerful, he can kill these sand scorpions by riding on Xiaoguai.

The two tentacles struck left and right, killing two sand scorpions respectively, absorbing two white scales, sensing the scales entering the white light in his right hand, and found that the white light absorbed the energy of the two scales, emitting extremely subtle energy fluctuations. If you don't look closely, it's almost difficult to detect.

"It seems that as my strength becomes stronger and stronger, this wall of white light becomes stronger and stronger. Now it is almost useless to kill this sand scorpion."

Wang Xuan frowned, understanding that absorbing energy will only make the light wall stronger and stronger, making it more difficult to break through the perfection state, but there is no way now. This is like an endless cycle, and he can only continue to hunt and absorb energy in the process. , understand the method of breaking through the state of perfection.

These sand scorpions were quickly killed. With each white scale he absorbed, Wang Xuan would carefully sense the white light in his right hand, hoping to find something different.

With deep thought, he constantly sensed the changes in the white light, and rode Xiaoguai all the way to the west. On the way, he encountered several sand scorpion attacks. Wang Xuan continued to understand the sense. Although there was no big progress, he still had some problems with the inner body of his right hand. The white light and ghost wings have a deeper understanding.

About half an hour later, Wang Xuan asked Xiao Guai to stop and refer to the map of Scorpion City he held in his left hand. The place he had seen in the distance that looked like a giant beast lying on the ground should be right in front of him.

Before, when you were too far away, you could see a large number of ruins of buildings forming the shape of a giant beast lying on the ground. Now when you walk in, you can only see a large number of dilapidated buildings exposed outside the yellow sand, and you can no longer piece together the ruins. The appearance of a giant beast lying on the ground.

Riding Xiaoguai, Wang Xuan hoped to find something while circling these dilapidated buildings.

After going around in a circle, I couldn't see any other statues or other useful discoveries. I could see that they were all ruins.

Frowning slightly, Wang Xuan took out the parchment again and opened it.

"It seems that I guessed wrong. How to find this so-called statue..."

Wang Xuan looked at the parchment in deep thought, and suddenly found that the map drawn on it had changed, and the line of text on it had also changed.

"From a distance, this pile of building ruins forms a strange statue. When you find this pile of building ruins, you can see an ancient temple that has been in disrepair. If you enter the ancient temple, you will find something."

Then a red line appeared on the map, representing the direction to the ancient temple.

"Unexpectedly, I hit it by mistake. I guessed it right." Wang Xuan showed a smile, followed the red line mark on the map, looked to the left, and soon determined the location among the large number of ruins of buildings. The location of an ancient temple.

If it weren't for the parchment that said this was an ancient temple, it would be impossible to connect it with the ancient temple just by looking at its appearance outside the yellow sand.

As I rode Xiaoguai closer, I could only see a few mostly collapsed brick walls outside, with half of the tiles still covering them. It seemed as if another strong wind would blow them down completely.

Wang Xuan got off Xiaoguai's back and walked in according to the instructions on the parchment.

"Could this be an ancient temple?" Wang Xuan frowned and looked at the parchment again.

"There is a passage leading to the mechanical beast's hometown hidden in the ancient temple. If you find the passage, you can complete the task of finding the mechanical beast's hometown."

"Is it that simple? Just find the passage here and you can complete the task?" Wang Xuan summoned the little boy, and together with him, he began to remove the yellow sand on the ground in the ruined temple that had mostly collapsed. Soon, he was here A rusty box was dug out of the yellow sand.

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