The last building on earth

Chapter 172 All parties gather (second update today, please vote and subscribe)

This is a copper box, the surface is covered with patina.

Different from the patina box he found before, this box is very huge. It is a square box with a side length of about one meter. However, the height is very short, no more than 20 centimeters. It looks very flat and weird.

"Is this a mission reward, or is it the passage to the mechanical beast's hometown? Where exactly is this mechanical beast's hometown?"

Wang Xuan looked thoughtful, stretched out his metal tentacles, and carefully opened the lid of the huge rust-covered box.

After opening the lid and making sure that there were no dangers or traps inside, Wang Xuan came closer to check.

In this huge box, there are three exquisite small crystals and a rolled-up parchment. These three crystals are much smaller than ordinary explosion or smoke crystals. Wang Xuan does not need to use the eye of the illustrated book to understand that these three crystals are A crystal is a mechanical beast crystal used to equip mechanical beasts.

This mission is called "Looking for the Hometown of the Mechanical Beast." Wang Xuan expected that the Mechanical Beast Crystal would appear now.

Xiao Guai, who was following him, seemed a little excited when he saw the three mechanical beast crystals. He raised his tail and immediately circled around the box, looking very anxious.

Wang Xuan's heart moved. It seemed that these three crystals were not simple. He took them out, opened the eye of the illustrated book, and checked the information on these three mechanical beast crystals.

"Name: Powertrain (neutral state), which can be used to activate the heart of the mechanical beast. It is the source of power for the mechanical beast. It contains much more powerful kinetic energy than the initial state powertrain. Equipped with the powertrain in the middle state, the mechanical beast The beast's speed, strength, and reaction capabilities will all be greatly improved."

The first crystal he checked was the powertrain of the mechanical beast. Sensing this information, Wang Xuan's face showed a hint of joy.

The powertrain of the middle state is naturally much stronger than the initial state that Xiaoguai currently has. Not only can it greatly increase Xiaoguai's combat power, but once it is combined with him, the physical energy he can borrow will also be greatly improved.

"It's such a good thing. No wonder those people would spend crystal scales on parchment of unknown difficulty. This medium powertrain alone is worth a fortune."

Wang Xuan followed excitedly to see what the second mechanical beast crystal was.

"Name: Energy Shield Crystal (Initial State). If the mechanical beast is equipped with the energy shield crystal (initial state), it will receive initial-level energy shield protection, which can greatly improve the mechanical beast's defense and combined state defense."

"Another good thing. Xiaoguai can equip six crystals in total. Now we are short of this energy shield crystal. This kind of energy shield crystal seems to be very rare. I didn't expect it to be found here."

Wang Xuan somewhat understood why Xiaoguai was so excited when he saw these three mechanical beast crystals. He should have sensed the importance of these three crystals to him.

Look at the last mechanical beast crystal.

"Name: Green pattern leg armor (medium state), which can be used to equip mechanical beasts with medium-level leg armor. It can make the mechanical beasts have stronger limbs, faster speed and jumping ability."

"They are all good things, my dear, no wonder you are so excited."

Wang Xuan smiled and opened Xiaoguai's mechanical beast's heart crystal panel, and took out the initial state powertrain crystal and the initial state mechanical leg armor.

Then he installed the three mechanical beast crystals he had just obtained.

Now all six slots on Xiaoguai's crystal list are equipped with crystals. The powertrain and leg armor have been upgraded to the neutral state, and the remaining mechanical armor, head armor, flame claws and energy shield are in the initial state.

After the equipment was completed, Wang Xuan restarted Xiaoguai. He saw a crackling sound all over Xiaoguai's body, and it quickly took shape. The heart of the mechanical beast in its body exuded a powerful energy wave. This mid-level powertrain The result was so powerful that Wang Xuan felt for a moment that the tyrannical level of this energy fluctuation was almost equivalent to standing in front of a peak-level powerhouse.

Immediately after there was a crisp sound on the surface of Xiaoguai's limbs, pieces of green metal pieces appeared, like pieces of green scales, covering its limbs, making its limbs stronger and taller, but in comparison, Its body and head appear slimmer.

Wang Xuan roughly estimated that if Xiaoguai's body armor and head armor could be replaced with this medium-level green-patterned armor, its body would be larger than a liger and close to the size of an ordinary bison.

"My dear, let me see your current strength."

Wang Xuan shouted softly, now that Xiaoguai has been replaced with a neutral powertrain, and equipped with an energy shield and neutral leg armor, his abilities in all aspects have been amazingly improved. He is now very curious about Xiaoguai's current combat capabilities. force.

Xiaoguai opened his mouth, and suddenly there was a faint sound like a low whistle. He turned around suddenly and rushed out.

Wang Xuan let out a light sigh. After Xiaoguai replaced the powertrain in the middle state, could he make a sound?

Looking at the speed at which Xiaoguai pounced, it was no less than the speed of the peak powerhouses like Tang Ruoyu, Shi Jin and Chu Boyu that he had encountered before.

The little boy stood up and stretched out his claws. As the powertrain changed, the flame claws he grabbed rose up with flames, and he suddenly grabbed a dilapidated wall.

The wall suddenly shattered and fell down like earth and stone, and burning flames appeared on it.

"Okay, come back." Wang Xuan saw this in his eyes and nodded secretly. He was very satisfied with Xiaoguai's increase in combat power. The reward for this unknown difficulty mission of finding the hometown of the mechanical beast made him extremely satisfied, and he understood that he had bumped into Good luck, I'm afraid even a six-star difficulty mission may not have such a good reward.

After putting away the two mechanical beast crystals that had just been stripped off, Wang Xuan picked up a piece of parchment placed in the box. This was also one of the gains of this trip.

Opening this piece of parchment, you will see a line of words.

"Task Name: The Mystery of the Origin of Mechanical Beasts (1): Difficulty: ★★★★★★"

"At the bottom of the rusted box, there is an entrance to the hometown of the mechanical beast. Enter it, investigate the mystery of the origin of the mechanical beast, and be rewarded with a bronze treasure chest."

"It seems that the bottom of this box is really the entrance to the hometown of the mechanical beast. The difficulty is six stars and the reward is a bronze treasure box. With my current strength and Xiao Guai, it shouldn't be a big problem."

Wang Xuan pondered slightly, without too much hesitation, and decided to complete the mission and get the reward, but he didn't know what kind of treasure would be found in the bronze treasure chest of this six-star mission.

Putting away the parchment he had just obtained, he groped for the bottom of the huge box. Sure enough, the bottom of the box was movable. Wang Xuan lifted the bottom of the box upwards, revealing a dark square cave underneath, with a slope going down. slide.

"My dear, let's get together."

Wang Xuan considered that Xiaoguai was now too big to get down from the cave, so he summoned Xiaoguai and attached it to his body. After merging, Xiaoguai formed a mechanical metal defensive shell outside his body armor.

With the powertrain in the middle state, Wang Xuan immediately felt the abundant physical energy contained in it. In addition to this dual defense, there was also the third layer of defense of the energy shield.

It can be said that his current defense is extremely powerful, and ordinary attacks cannot break through his three layers of defense.

Wang Xuan took out a lighting crystal with his left hand and let it slide down the slope of the cave entrance.

The lighting crystal brought a dazzling light all the way down the slope. Wang Xuan looked inside. About ten meters down the slope, there was a huge pothole. So far, no danger was found.

After making sure, he entered the cave, released his metal tentacles, and slid down the slope.

After more than ten meters, I put my feet on the ground and picked up the glowing lighting crystal on the ground. I looked around carefully and found that there were a large number of broken mechanical metals piled on the ground, which looked a bit like the remains of mechanical beasts.

He rolled up a few of them with his metal tentacles and inspected them. These mechanical metals may have experienced too much time, and there were spots of rust on the surface.

"It seems that many mechanical beasts have been destroyed here, and there are traces of fierce battles all around." Wang Xuan walked forward slowly and saw cracks and deep claw marks on the rock walls on both sides of the cave. Although They are now covered with moss, but you can still vaguely see that a tragic battle once broke out here.

Feeling a little curious, he took out the parchment and found a map on it, prompting him to follow the direction of the cave and go deeper.

Wang Xuan did not dare to be careless about a six-star dangerous mission. Based on past experience, this mission would most likely contain six-star dangerous monsters as powerful as the Green Poison Lord and the Sand Scorpion Lord.

He is now trapped in the Zhen state. For most of the day, he has been thinking about various possibilities but cannot find a way to break through. He then thinks of facing powerful monsters and challenging his own limits. If he is in a high-pressure state, will it help to break through? ?

This is also a method you can try.

There was silence in the cave, only the sound of him stepping on a large amount of mechanical metal piled below. After he walked about thirty or forty meters along the cave passage, monsters appeared in the darkness around him and attacked him. .

These are monsters made of mechanical metals. They look similar to mechanical beasts, but compared with ordinary mechanical beasts, they are strangely shaped, resembling deformed monsters. Their bodies make a clanging sound of metal machinery, and surround them. Come up.

Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book and immediately captured the information about these deformed monsters.

"Name: Mechanical Undead, Race: None, Danger Level: ★★★★★☆ (five and a half stars). Mechanical Undead are caused by the death of a large number of mechanical beasts piled together over time and under the influence of some special force. Formed, although they have no intelligence and only have instinct, but with the hard body of mechanical metal, under the influence of this special power, they have extremely powerful attack power and defense. When encountering them, you must be extremely careful and must not be affected by the special power. Infect."

The mechanical undead with a five-and-a-half-star danger level is comparable to a powerful master, but it is nothing to the current Wang Xuan. He directly released the combined state with Xiaoguai, released Xiaoguai, and let it move towards these The mechanical undead launched an attack, familiar with the greatly improved combat power it had just obtained, and he controlled two metal tentacles and charged in.

A low whistling sound came from Xiaoguai's throat again, and a pair of front paws rose with dazzling flames. It jumped out, and instantly hit a mechanical undead, and caught it with two flame claws. Go in, split it to both sides, and tear the body of the mechanical undead apart.

"Good." Wang Xuan saw it and praised lightly. With this performance alone, it was almost as good as a strong man at the peak of his state.

The metal tentacles opened their bows from left to right and quickly scattered the two mechanical undead. While attacking, he walked towards the depths of the cave passage. The man and the beast eventually disappeared at the end of the passage.

About half an hour after Wang Xuan entered the cave, a voice came from the distance in Scorpion City.

This sound is very loud and spreads far away. It can be heard clearly even from a distance of ten or twenty miles.

"All Xuan Gang members...return immediately!"

"All Xuan Gang members, return to Chong Town immediately——"

This repetitive sound spread to almost every corner of Scorpion City. A young and feminine man was riding on a huge mechanical beast. He held a small crystal in his left hand and placed it near his mouth. He was riding the mechanical beast. Running wildly, repeating what he just said.

This man is none other than Qiu Yuanfeng, an important figure in the "Xuan Gang". He obtained the order from the leader of the Xuan Gang. Taking this sound transmission crystal, he began to summon all the Xuan Gang members who entered Scorpion City in Scorpion City and returned to Zhongzhi City. town.

The sound-transmitting crystal could spread his voice far away. Those strong men who stayed in Scorpion City to hunt monsters and wanted to break through to the ultimate state had expressions of surprise on their faces and stood up one after another.

"What happened? The Xuan Gang actually summoned Xuan Gang members to return to Insect Town?"

Five powerful men from the "Justice Alliance" had just killed seven sand scorpions and were resting on the ground. When they heard the sound from far away, they were very surprised. They stood up hurriedly and looked towards them one after another. Look in the direction of Chongzhen.

"Isn't it because the insect wave is coming?" One of the five people thought of this possibility.

"Yes, the total population of Chong Town exceeded 2,000 a while ago. Based on past experience, this insect wave may appear at any time."

"If it's an insect wave, why are only people from the Xuan Gang summoning it?"

Four powerful men from the Xuan Gang were hunting a group of sand scorpions. Suddenly, a voice came from far away. Their expressions changed, and the leader shouted softly: "Let's go back to Insect Town!"

Not caring about killing the remaining Sand Scorpions, they immediately turned around and ran towards the direction of Insect Town.

They are important figures in the Xuan Gang. Since they enjoy the benefits of the Xuan Gang, they will not hesitate to be called back if something happens to the Xuan Gang.

In Scorpion City, both the powerful members of the Xuan Gang, the Rakshasa, the Dynasty, the Phoenix, and the Justice League were all startled by the sound. They all raised their heads to pay attention, with expressions of surprise on their faces, speculating that the Xuan Gang had suddenly summoned everyone to return. , but what big thing happened?

"All Rakshasa members, return immediately!"

Suddenly, another voice spread far away. Hearing this voice, the faces of the powerful men from the five major forces showed solemn expressions, foreboding that something big had happened in Insect Town.

Not to mention the people from the Xuan Gang and Rakshasa got orders to go back, even the powerful people from Phoenix, Dynasty and Justice Alliance couldn't help but start preparing to return to Insect Town to see what happened.

At this moment, Scorpion City became lively. Most of the five major forces in Chong Town and most of the masters were in Scorpion City. After hearing the recall orders from the Xuan Gang and Rakshasa, they all guessed that something big must have happened in Chong Town. At this moment Returned one after another.

One after another, the masters mounted their respective mechanical beasts and ran at full speed towards the direction of Insect Town.

These mechanical beasts ran wildly on the yellow sand, kicking up streaks of sand and dust, like long tumbling dragons, with an astonishing momentum, and concentrated towards the direction of Insect Town.

At the same moment, on Centipede Island south of Insect Town, a group of silver-backed centipedes surrounded seven people and were attacking frantically.

These seven people are Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Li Haotian, Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan.

Gu Manyao did not take action and was looking at the other five people, especially Zhao Lei, who was paying close attention to everyone.

Now among the seven of them, not only Gu Manyao has successfully broken through to the ultimate state, but Zhang Haofei also successfully broke through yesterday.

He was received by the leader of the Xuan Gang last night and was allocated a three-story building. He is now also qualified to recruit five core members as his subordinates. This made him so excited that he couldn't sleep well all night.

Three of Wang Xuan's eight-person team have broken through to the Zhen state, and Wang Xuan's performance in the tavern is almost as good as Chen Daolin, who is at the peak of the Zhen state. This is also one of the important reasons why the leader of the Xuan Gang is willing to protect them. reason.

Early this morning, Gu Manyao considered that Zhao Lei said that he should be able to break through within one or two days, so he and Zhang Haofei accompanied Zhao Lei to Centipede Island, hoping that he could seize the opportunity, successfully break through within one or two days, and become the first among them all. The four perfect masters can then go to Scorpion City together.

The eight of them entered the Insect Town on the second floor from the first floor. Now if even Zhao Lei can be promoted and break through, it means that half of the eight of them can break through. Compared with one tenth of the normal adults who can break through to the perfect state. Two probabilities, their probabilities are much higher.

Zhang Haofei did not deliberately attack and hunt these silver-backed centipedes. He was just constantly moving his figure. Behind him, the upper body of the white-bone skeleton was almost exposed from his body, which made people doubtful. If this skeleton continues to grow, will it one day be able to completely come out of his body?

At this moment, Zhang Haofei is using this silver-backed centipede to test his skeleton, which has been promoted to the perfect state.

The two white bone arms and the upper body appearing outside the body gave his skeleton more flexible attack methods, and its attack range was also greatly increased.

Seeing Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei reaching the perfection state one after another, and Zhao Lei also approaching the peak state, Tie Jun, Li Haotian, Bai Yan and Yu Shanshan were extremely envious. Unfortunately, their hatchlings were motionless and showed no signs of waking up.

This frustrated the four of them.

Zhao Lei was hunting silver-backed centipedes while constantly sensing the white light in his right hand.

Now that his white light no longer has energy overflowing, he only needs to hunt and absorb enough energy, and he can successfully break through the adult body and be promoted to the ultimate powerhouse.

At this moment, a figure suddenly appeared in the distance. It was very fast and kept approaching them.

They are active on the edge of Centipede Island, and it is easy to see them after entering Centipede Island.

Gu Manyao noticed it, turned to look, and immediately recognized the person. It was one of the powerful men Qiu Yuanfeng brought to introduce her and Wang Xuan that day, named Jiang He.

"Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, the leader has ordered that all of you return to Insect Town immediately!"

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