The last building on earth

Chapter 182: Mechanical God (the second update is here today, and an additional update is for the na

Wang Xuan saw everyone's performance, and most of them were the same as Tie Jun. The energy loss of the hatchling beasts had slowed down, but it had not completely stopped. Obviously, it would take a few days for them to break through to the ultimate state.

Only the white light in Bai Yan's right hand no longer overflows after absorbing new energy. This means that he only needs to hunt some more sand scorpions and absorb enough energy to successfully break through like Zhao Lei.

"Zhao Lei, you are now in perfect condition. You, Manyao and Zhang Haofei are leading the way. You have to practice by yourself, hunt the sand scorpions, and adapt to the newly acquired power as soon as possible."

Zhao Lei hummed and said, "I understand, don't worry, we won't embarrass you."

After saying that, he followed Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei, and the three of them lined up and walked forward.

"Wait a minute." Wang Xuan took out the map of Scorpion City, compared it, and then said: "Go in that direction."

He marked the entrance address of the mission "The Mystery of the Origin of Mechanical Beasts" on the map and decided to set off in that direction.

"Okay." Zhang Haofei swayed his body and rushed out first.

Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei followed closely behind them, followed closely by Tie Jun, Bai Yan and others.

Wang Xuan rode on Xiaoguai and followed behind.

This time after walking about a hundred meters, everyone was attacked by a group of sand scorpions again.

Nearly twenty sand scorpions appeared and immediately surrounded everyone.

Zhao Lei activated the "Forbidden Seal of the First Saint", and a white round wheel appeared in the Holy Eye, which was driven into the ground by him. The sand scorpions that appeared around him were suddenly sucked by a force and were unable to move.

Upon seeing this, Bai Yan immediately launched the "Witch Blood Spray" to weaken their combat power.

Gu Manyao and Zhang Haofei rushed out from left to right.

Wang Xuan nodded secretly, everyone's abilities worked well together, and their strength was definitely not weak.

Two metal tentacles were pulled out in the air, and Xiaoguai let out a faint low roar. His body was protected by an energy shield, and a pair of flame claws stretched out, easily tearing open the lower body of a sand scorpion and severely injuring it.

"Bai Yan, let's help you break through first." Wang Xuan knew that the energy absorbed by Tie Jun and Li Haotian would continue to overflow and be wasted, so it was better to help Bai Yan break through to the ultimate state first.

Bai Yan nodded, killed five sand scorpions in a row, and absorbed five white scales. The white light in his right hand shattered, and then re-condensed into a more powerful white light. He finally succeeded in breaking through the adult body, and was promoted to the fifth perfect master among the people. .

His witch blood had reached its peak state. The witch blood on his right hand surged along his right arm, chest and back, all the way to his left arm. Except for his head, his upper body was completely covered with witch blood, forming a A set of blood crystal armor, and his arms were covered in blood crystals, turning into a pair of blood crystal giant swords.

Seeing that Bai Yan has become a powerful person, Yu Shanshan's face showed joy. She was happy for Bai Yan.

"Another breakthrough. I don't know when it will be my turn." Li Haotian looked envious. He felt that although his Orion was awakened and had a connection with him, the white light in his right hand would still glow after absorbing the energy. Overflow, but the overflow speed is gradually slowing down, which means that Orion is changing.

"This kind of sand scorpion is really poor. It doesn't even have a crystal scale." Zhang Haofei killed a sand scorpion and kicked it away, shaking his head.

This time everyone stopped to rest for a while. Zhang Haofei saw four people appearing in the distance, surrounded by several sand scorpions.

"Those who seem to be from the Justice League, should we go there?" Zhang Haofei looked at Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuandao: "Ignore it."

The four people in the distance killed several besieging sand scorpions. They also saw the ten people on Wang Xuan's side, but they did not approach, but left towards the other side.

"Okay, let's continue." After a short rest, Wang Xuan stood up and asked everyone to continue going deeper.

For the next half day, everyone kept rushing towards the ancient temple that was the entrance to the "Origin of Mechanical Beasts" mission. They encountered sand scorpions from time to time on the way. Now Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, and Bai Yan were all strong men. Taking the lead and cooperating with each other, even the Sand Scorpions whose number exceeds twice theirs are no match for them.

"Bai Yan's witch blood can reduce the strength of these sand scorpions, and Zhao Lei's 'Forbidden Saint' can temporarily ban these sand scorpions and affect their speed. The combination of these two abilities is indeed powerful."

Wang Xuan gradually took less action now, mainly leaving it to Gu Manyao and the four others to hunt, while his mind began to be distracted by thinking about breaking the "life and death barrier".

He wasn't going to tell Gu Manyao and the others about this.

"If I can break through and help them break through to perfection, it will be much easier. Once they have accumulated enough, I will find a way to take them to some dangerous place. I will hide in the dark and wait for them to face helplessness." Monsters that resist are bound to be in danger of life and death... It would be better if they could break through, but if they can't, I can still rescue them at the most dangerous moment..."

After Wang Xuan thought about it, he slowly came up with the idea of ​​breaking this "life and death barrier". In fact, there was a method similar to cheating.

But this method has a premise. It is best not to know that there is a "life and death barrier" and that there are masters protecting you secretly. Only in this way can there be no chance, but it is possible to break through.

"But all this has to be done before I can break through."

Wang Xuan sighed secretly, there must be no monster that can threaten him in this Scorpion City, and his best hope is in the Insect Kingdom.

"The Insect Kingdom to the north of Insect Town is where the insect tide originates. There is a Hell Tower at the end of the Insect Kingdom, and the Fang of the Hell Dog is there. Monsters that can threaten my life may be found there. Waiting for this mission Once it’s done, I’ll go check out the Insect Kingdom and Hell Tower.”

After making the decision, Wang Xuan felt a little more relaxed. Under his instructions, everyone finally came to the ancient temple again.

Wang Xuan got off Xiaoguai's back and entered the dilapidated ancient temple. He peeled away the yellow sand in the ancient temple and immediately revealed a huge flat box. He opened the lid and revealed the entrance to the underground.

"I didn't expect there was an entrance here." Everyone gathered around, secretly amazed.

Wang Xuan summoned Xiaoguai, entered the combined state, and then slid down the entrance.

"There will be mechanical undead here, which are monsters with a five-and-a-half-star danger level. They are much more powerful than sand scorpions, and are equivalent to the average strength among the masters. You should all be careful."

Wang Xuan took out a lighting crystal and slid down first. The other nine people successively went down the landslide and entered the huge passage below.

"The ground seems to be full of broken mechanical beasts." Yu Shanshan took a look and was secretly surprised.

Gu Manyao said: "Look, there are rust spots on the surface. It must have been a long time."

Wang Xuan hummed and said, "This time I will lead the way."

After saying that, he released the fusion state with Xiaoguai and led the way. Tie Jun and Li Haotian were weak and walked in the team. After that, the four strong men Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei took Xiaoguai to the rear.

Ten people and one beast moved forward along this passage, and soon encountered the mechanical undead.

The five-and-a-half-star dangerous mechanical undead was much more powerful than the Sand Scorpion, and Wang Xuan did not dare to be careless. Two metal tentacles were drawn out like giant pythons.

This time Wang Xuan didn't hold back anymore, he opened the way first and killed all the way.

Gu Manyao, Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei and Bai Yan are also constantly practicing to cooperate with each other, honing their combat experience and improving themselves in battle.

Soon Wang Xuan led everyone to the end of the passage and opened the stone door at the end.

The stone door was relatively dark. Wang Xuan held the lighting crystal in his left hand and walked in slowly.

Inside this stone gate was a huge factory that seemed to have been abandoned for many years. Wang Xuan saw a lot of rusty giant machines, but no one could recognize what these machines were.

Seeing the parts of mechanical beasts scattered everywhere on the ground, Zhao Lei narrowed his eyes and said, "Is this a factory for manufacturing mechanical beasts?"

When Xiaoguai entered here, he seemed a little restless.

Gu Manyao said: "It should be about the same. The name of this mission is The Mystery of the Origin of Mechanical Beasts. I encountered the mechanical undead before, and there are so many mechanical beast parts scattered on the ground. This place should have been a factory that produced mechanical beasts very early on. .”

Zhao Lei said: "It seems that this is where the mechanical beasts originated. It seems that the mechanical beasts are manufactured in these factories, just like factories that manufacture robots, capable of mass production. The only difference is the technology of this factory The level is very high, much better than us humans.”

Wang Xuan's thoughts were similar to theirs. He walked slowly inside while observing his surroundings.

This giant factory is more than 20 meters high and more than 100 meters long and wide. It has rows of giant machines that look like assembly lines in a factory, but now they are all abandoned and shut down.

Wang Xuan took out the parchment and found that the map on it had changed to look like the giant factory in front of him, and the mission content on it had also changed.

"This is an abandoned mechanical beast factory. There is a huge secret hidden here, which is related to the reason why this mechanical beast factory was abandoned. If you search carefully, you may find something."

"Is there a huge secret hidden? Everyone, look for it and tell me if you find anything, but don't stay too far away from each other to avoid danger."

Under Wang Xuan's instructions, everyone spread out and began to search along the abandoned factory assembly lines, hoping to find something.

Wang Xuan looked at the giant machines and saw mechanical parts scattered everywhere on the ground. He didn't find anything special for the time being. After everyone walked in for about a hundred meters, they arrived at the end of the giant factory. At this end Against the wall, there is an office-like room surrounded by several giant glass windows. Through the glass, you can see that there are some tattered tables and chairs inside, with many parts stacked on them.

Wang Xuan pushed open the glass door with a metal tentacle, made sure there was no danger inside, and walked in slowly.

Approaching the table, I quickly saw a faint yellowing drawing on it with some parts pressed on it.

Take the pieces away and carefully pick up the drawing.

The material of this drawing is somewhat similar to parchment, so it has not broken after all this time.

This drawing uses a large number of lines to draw six mechanical patterns. Judging from the appearance of these mechanical patterns, they happen to be the six parts of the head, hands, feet and body.

"If these six parts are combined together, it seems to be a humanoid mechanical beast. Is there such a mechanical beast?" Wang Xuan pondered.

Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei also walked in and began to search everywhere, hoping to find something.

Wang Xuan couldn't see anything more valuable on this drawing, so he turned it over, only to find that there were lines of tiny characters written on it, and they were words he knew, but they looked scattered.

Wang Xuan read on.

"The superiors have already decided on the investment plan..."

"The technology for mass-manufacturing mechanical beasts is already very mature, but they are not satisfied."

"They were obsessed with creating life... which was once the domain of the gods..."

"...But, they are not satisfied with the power of the mechanical beasts, they want to create the ultimate mechanical beast..."

"Give Him divinity..."

"He will be the god among all mechanical beasts..."

"The Mechanical God plan is going smoothly, and he will obtain divinity..."

"The situation is very wrong. Regarding His test today, all the data are perfect, but it is too perfect, but it makes people feel something is wrong..."

“…He deceived us…”

"'s over..."

After seeing the last sentence "It's over" written above, Wang Xuan carefully checked other places and found no similar written records.

He carefully read these fragmentary records again, and then handed them to Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei for them to take a closer look.

Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei crowded together and looked at the lines of words on it, with shock on everyone's face.

"What do you think?" Wang Xuan looked at them.

"If the record above is true..." Zhao Lei once again used his talent of thinking and reasoning, narrowed his eyes, and said: "The owner of this mechanical beast factory seems not satisfied with the mechanical beasts produced. He wants to Create the ultimate mechanical beast, the so-called mechanical god written above, but it seems that there is something wrong with this mechanical god. Is this the reason why this factory was abandoned?"

Wang Xuan hummed and said, "Judging from the current text, this should be the meaning."

Gu Manyao pondered: "Not only that, something terrible must have happened. Of course, if the record above is true, then where is this mechanical god?"

As she spoke, she turned over the drawing, pointed to the six mechanical patterns drawn on it, and said, "Could it be that the so-called Mechanical God refers to the humanoid mechanical beast pieced together from these six parts?"

Wang Xuandao: "Everything is possible. If this is the answer the mission wants us to find, then the mission should have a hint."

As he spoke, he took out the parchment again and checked the task content on it, but found that there was no change. Isn't this the reason why the Mechanical Beast Factory was abandoned?


Wang Xuan frowned slightly and was about to speak when he suddenly felt the ground shake violently.


Everyone was shocked, and then there was another "boom", and the ground shook again.

Wang Xuan swayed and flew out. The ground shook for the third time. A huge mechanical arm appeared and slammed into the ground, causing the ground to shake.

This mechanical giant arm reaches two meters in length, which is larger than the average human body.

With the help of hitting the ground, it flew into the air, jumped twenty or thirty meters, landed and hit the ground again, and then took off again, approaching them quickly.

Everyone was shocked when they saw this power. Gu Manyao suddenly shouted: "Mechanical God?"

Wang Xuan also immediately understood that the mechanical giant arm that appeared was very similar to one of the six mechanical patterns drawn on the drawing. It looked like it should be a left arm, but this mechanical giant arm did not look complete. There are a large number of metal parts missing, and densely packed silk threads are exposed inside.

Wang Xuan opened the eye of the illustrated book to observe, but found that there was no information about this mechanical giant arm in the eye of the illustrated book.

In just a short period of time, this giant mechanical arm with a large number of metal parts missing appeared. It seemed to have self-awareness, propped up to the ground, rose into the air, and crashed towards them.

"Everyone, get out of the way!" Wang Xuan shouted, and took the initiative to meet him. The two metal tentacles extended to the limit of six meters and drew towards the giant mechanical arm.

With a crisp "snap" sound, the two metal tentacles hit the grabbed mechanical giant arm. Wang Xuan felt a powerful force burst out from the mechanical giant arm, and immediately bounced his two metal tentacles away. This two-meter-long giant arm appeared in front of him in an instant. Two of its five fingers were missing. The remaining three giant fingers spread out and photographed Wang Xuan.

Seeing how powerful it was when it shook the ground, Wang Xuan had already guessed its terror. The metal tentacles were shaken back. He was not surprised. He swayed and the metal tentacles on the left wrapped around his arm. The metal tentacles on the right wrapped around his arm and connected with it. Flesh and blood combine to form a giant arm of a monster.

With a "boom", Wang Xuan punched the giant mechanical arm that was photographed horizontally.

The giant mechanical arm vibrated, and Wang Xuan was surprised. His punch failed to blast it away.

The little boy on the other side stretched out a pair of flame-wreathed claws, jumped up in the air, jumped forward, and instantly landed on top of the giant mechanical arm, and the flame claws grabbed it.

Tie Jun, Li Haotian, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande and others were only adults and had escaped far away.

Zhao Lei and Bai Yan, one used "Forbidden Saint" and the other used "Witch Blood Spray".

As soon as "Forbidden by the First Saint" came out, under Zhao Lei's control, the giant mechanical arm in the air was affected and suddenly sank slightly.

The "Witch Blood Spray" activated by Bai Yan sprayed a large amount of witch blood on it in an instant and penetrated inside.

Gu Manyao clasped the two-meter giant blade in his hands, caught the moment when Zhao Lei trapped the giant arm with "Forbidden Saint", and slashed on it in the air.

A harsh sound rang out, and the terrifying knife energy came out of the body and passed over the mechanical giant arm, but the surface of the seemingly incomplete mechanical giant arm was not damaged at all.

There was a "boom", and a faint low roar came from the little boy's throat. Its flame claws caught sparks on the mechanical giant arm, but could not completely grasp them. Instead, they were bounced upward by the mechanical giant arm and flew into the air. Smashed out.

Zhao Lei's "First Saint's Ban" can only seal it for a moment.

This mechanical giant arm is far more terrifying than anyone imagined. In Wang Xuan's opinion, it is even more terrifying than the six-star dangerous Sand Scorpion Lord and Green Poison Lord.

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