The last building on earth

Chapter 193 Confrontation of Transcendent Power (Arrived today, please vote for me)

The king insect is slowly squirming and slowly approaching everyone.

Around it were densely packed insects.

Except for a few leaders, it was the first time for everyone to see so many types of bugs.

There are armored bugs, red bullet ants, seven-star spiders, kissing bugs, plum blossom mantises, giant wasps, snake dragonflies, jade centipedes, human-headed scorpions, titan giant earthworms, giant czar katydids...

Countless insects of all kinds support the king insect, but compared with the king insect, they are as small as a group of ants.

The king insect approached within a thousand meters of everyone, and everyone felt an overwhelming aura of terror sweeping over them. Whether it was the five leaders who had surpassed the Zhen state, or the Zhen state powerhouses such as Tang Ruoyu, Chu Boyu, and Chen Daolin, they all felt My whole body was cold, and chills ran down my spine.

Only Wang Xuan's face was slightly distorted, showing a look of difficulty.

Since the beginning of the insect wave, his Eye of Fear has absorbed a lot of fear power. The fear energy released by thousands of people in Insect Town is so powerful that his Eye of Fear has faint signs of evolution. If nothing else, this When the insect wave ends, his "Eye of Terror" will evolve to become more powerful.

But he didn't expect that the King Bug summoned the Green Poison Lord, and the Green Poison Lord began to react, causing his Eyes of Fear to react. He immediately used the Green Poison Lord's spiritual soul as a medium to fight against the King Bug's summons.

The power of fear resisted the power of the King Insect, and the endless fear energy was consumed. Although Wang Xuan had just drank a bottle of physical water, he still looked like he was struggling.

To the north of Insect Town, the Green Poison Lord was more like falling into chaos. It turned its back to Insect Town for a while, assuming a posture of guarding Insect Town, and then faced Insect Town, as if it wanted to enter Insect Town.

It kept screaming from its mouth, which was an order given to the Green Poison Scorpion.

This order is also completely different. One moment, the green poisonous scorpions are asked to guard the insect town, and the next moment, the green poisonous scorpions are asked to attack the insect town.

On the high walls surrounding Insect Town, thousands of people witnessed this strange scene. They looked at the green poisonous scorpions in all directions. For a while, they all turned around with a roar and headed towards Insect Town, pretending to attack them. For a while, they stopped collectively, and then again He turned back with a splash, his back facing them, like loyal guards gathered outside the insect town.

Because these green poisonous scorpions had helped them resist the attack of the ghost mantis before, after the ghost mantis retreated, although the green poisonous scorpions did not leave, thousands of people in the insect town did not attack them, but just watched their strange behavior. , confused and confused.

"In the last insect wave, the king insect also appeared at the end, and then quietly retreated, indicating the end of the insect wave. Why is it different this time? Instead, it seems to be approaching us?"

When the leader of the Justice League said this, there was a hint of fear in his tone.

This king insect is almost invincible in the world of Insect Town. Not to mention that their strength is suppressed now, even if they are not suppressed, they are no match for this king insect.

Xu Jian said slowly: "Let's take a look at the situation. If we approach us again, retreat immediately."

Even he had no idea. If the King Insect continued to approach Insect Town, the only thing they could do was to immediately escape back to Insect Town and take the elevator to leave.

Wang Xuan felt that the energy of the Eye of Fear in his forehead was being continuously depleted. The king insect in the distance opened its mouthparts as big as a house and let out a strange roar again.

Following this strange roar, Wang Xuan suddenly felt a pain in his forehead, and his eyes of fear seemed to be hit by an invisible force. Then he had a splitting headache in his head, as if a heavy mountain was pressing down on him, and his body felt like it was in an instant. Falling into the ice cave, he seemed to be completely frozen from the inside out. He couldn't even move a finger or even blink his eyes.

"What ability is this?"

There was also a hint of fear in Wang Xuan's eyes. Even if he encountered the King of Fear before, he had never encountered such a situation.

Of course, the fear king at that time was sealed, but the king insect thousands of meters away was not.

Is this the true power of the king insect? It actually used the Green Poison Lord to directly activate the Eye of Terror to attack Wang Xuan.

At this moment, Wang Xuan lost his connection with the Green Poison Lord, and the Green Poison Lord got rid of his fear control.

A scream sounded, and the Green Poison Lord screamed at the green poisonous scorpions around it. However, it did not attack the insect town. Instead, it commanded the green poisonous scorpion army and surged towards the Scorpion City.

Obviously, the King Insect regained control of it, but it did not order the Green Poison Lord and the Green Poison Scorpion army to attack Insect Town, but let them return to Scorpion City.

As the king insect slowly approached, everyone began to retreat, and soon they found that Wang Xuan was standing there, motionless.

"Wang Xuan, retreat quickly!" Xu Jian couldn't help shouting in a low voice.

Facing the King Insect, he was terrified, fearing that the louder sound would attract the King Insect's attention.

Wang Xuan heard Xu Jian's cry and secretly complained in his heart.

He has now lost control of his body. This terrifying power of the king insect has invaded his spiritual consciousness and confronted his Eye of Terror. Now his spiritual consciousness has become a battlefield between the two sides.

At this moment, even if he wanted to take out the Book of Titans to summon the existence hidden at the end of the bottomless darkness, he couldn't do it.

To summon that kind of existence, you must take out the Book of Titans, spray your heart blood on it, and use the blood as a guide to summon induction.

Seeing Wang Xuan motionless, Xu Jian hurriedly ran over, only to find that Wang Xuan's face looked stiff, as if something was wrong.

"Wang Xuan!" Xu Jian shouted again. Seeing that he still didn't respond, he understood that there must be something wrong with him, so he immediately picked him up and took him to retreat to Chong Town.

"Let's go back to Insect Town!"

Wan Qianying turned around first and ran towards Chong Town.

Several leaders realized that something was wrong with this insect wave, and they wanted to return to Insect Town first. Only then did they see the retreating Green Poison Scorpion army from a distance.

"What's going on? The green poisonous scorpions from Scorpion City? How is this possible? Didn't it say that the bugs in the insect tide are all from the North Kingdom? The scorpions from Scorpion City are also here?"

The leader of the dynasty couldn't help shouting. He had experienced the last insect wave, and he had also heard people talk about previous insect waves. In all previous insect waves, the insects that appeared were all from the North Kingdom. This was the first time that there were insects from Scorpion City. scorpion.

Wang Xuan's body was stiff and unable to move. He let Xu Jian hold him. He could only see the sky a hundred meters above him.

He had a splitting headache, as if it was about to explode. The competition between the power of fear and the power of the King Insect became more and more fierce. Although he had strong mental and soul power, he could not bear it at this moment. The eye of fear on his forehead was squeezed by invisible force. , it seemed to explode.

His heart beat like a drum, and suddenly, blood flowed out of his nostrils.

Xu Jian hugged him and followed Wan Qianying and others as they ran back all the way.

Originally, they were thirty-one people, and they were considered the strongest group in Insect Town. This time, the insect wave invaded the North Kingdom. So far, fourteen people have died. Only five leaders and Wang Xuan are still alive. , Tang Ruoyu, Chu Boyu, Qiu Yuanfeng, Gongsun Xiaoyan, Chen Daolin and other seventeen people.

As for Insect Town, due to the protection of the Green Poison Lord and the Scorpion Army, the casualties were not serious. The actual number of dead was no more than 400, and most of them were adults. Many of the most powerful people were injured. but not the dead.

Without the protection of the Green Poison Lord and the Scorpion Army, when those ghost mantises entered the Insect Town, at least half of the more than 3,000 people would have been killed or injured, even if the entire group was not wiped out.

On the wall, Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei and others were waiting anxiously. They went all out in this battle, but fortunately there were no casualties.

When they saw the crowd returning from a distance, they became excited. When they saw Wang Xuan being held in Xu Jian's arms, they were all stunned and immediately understood that Wang Xuan must have been seriously injured.

However, with Wang Xuan's strength, no matter how seriously injured he was, as long as he was not killed on the spot, he would be fine, so they were not too worried.

The people on the wall were busy making way for a gap. The seventeen people who returned quickly passed through the wall and entered the insect town along the piles of insect corpses on the ground.

Only then did Xu Jian let go of Wang Xuan.

"Wang Xuan!" Gu Manyao, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others hurriedly gathered around.

You Ao, Xiang Jingnan, Liu Weijie and others also came over. Suddenly seeing that Mou Gang and Jiang He were not among the crowd, their hearts sank and they all looked at Qiu Yuanfeng and Gongsun Xiaoyan.

Gongsun Xiaoyan's eyes were red and she shook her head towards them.

These people immediately understood what was going on.

Xiang Jingnan and Jiang He had a very good relationship and couldn't help but punch the ground, making their whole bodies tremble slightly.

"What happened to those scorpions just now? Ghost Mantis didn't attack Insect Town? What happened?" Wan Qianying and the leaders of the dynasty returned and immediately felt something was wrong.

Based on their previous experience, it took them so much time to kill the Titan giant earthworm, giant king mantis and king mantis before the mantis army retreated. After such a long time, those ghost mantises would definitely enter the insect town, not to mention. To destroy the insect town, it would be reasonable to have at least half of the casualties, but in the current situation, the ghost mantis has not even invaded the insect town. It is unreasonable no matter how you think about it.

When they heard that the Green Poison Lord was commanding the Green Poison Scorpion army to defend the Insect Town and resist the attack of the Ghost Mantis, the leaders were stunned.

"Is there such a thing? Are these scorpions in Scorpion City protecting Chong Town?" Wan Qianying had a look of disbelief on her face.

The leader of the dynasty had a look of surprise on his face and said, "No wonder we saw so many green poisonous scorpions leaving when we just returned. It turned out to be like this."

Xu Jian put Wang Xuan down and saw that his muscles were stiff, the crystal eye that opened in the middle of his forehead was strange and inexplicable, as if it was about to bulge out of his forehead, and blood was constantly leaking from his nostrils.

"So serious?" Xu Jian frowned, thinking of Wang Xuan's final move, when a glowing mechanical giant arm appeared outside his left arm. The power of that blow had surpassed that of Zhen State. It should be because of that blow now. The attack was counterattacked, but I didn't expect it to be so serious.

Gu Manyao and Zhao Lei both saw that Wang Xuan's condition was serious and looked nervous. Zhao Lei seemed to have thought of something and immediately looked up to the other side, only to see Meng Lian and Cheng Aiguo walking towards this side quickly.

"Meng Lian, hurry up, come and see Wang Xuan!" Zhao Lei shouted.

Meng Lian nodded slightly towards him, came to Wang Xuan, raised her right hand, and an elf appeared from her right hand. The elf used to be only the size of a fist, but now it has grown to about a foot, with a large number of light fragments scattered all over her body, surrounding Turning around Wang Xuan, these light fragments continued to merge into Wang Xuan's body.

Xu Jian glanced at Meng Lian and saw that her face was solemn and she exuded a holy and pure aura, which made his eyes light up slightly. He did not expect that there was such a unique girl in Chong Town.

Tang Ruoyu hugged each other and stood silently not far away watching. She seemed not interested in anything. This time she was looking at Wang Xuan silently unexpectedly, and seemed to be paying attention to Wang Xuan's life and death.

They all thought that Wang Xuan was backlashed when he used his mechanical giant arm to kill the giant king mantis. No one knew that his body and soul were now a battlefield, and the power of fear and the power of the king insect were going on in the air. The most brutal fighting.

Meng Lian sacrificed the elf and continued to use her most powerful healing ability to cure Wang Xuan. Soon a look of surprise appeared on her face.

She felt that Wang Xuan's body was like a bottomless abyss, endlessly swallowing the life force released by the elves, but Wang Xuan's condition showed no improvement.

At this moment, the eyes of fear on Wang Xuan's forehead bulged more and more seriously, as if they could spurt out of his forehead at any time. Blood began to flow out not only from his nostrils, but also from his eyes, mouth and ears.

"Meng Lian, how is he?" Gu Manyao's face was full of anxiety, but she was helpless now and could only worry.

Meng Lian's face became paler and she did not speak. She just pursed her lips and concentrated on controlling the elf.

Xu Jian took out three bottles of healing water and poured them into Wang Xuan's body at once.

A terrifying scream sounded again, and many people screamed in surprise from the wall. Some people even instinctively retreated and fell from the ten-meter-high wall.

Xu Jian was frightened when he saw this, and hurriedly climbed up the high wall again, only to find that the King Insect commanded countless Zerg armies, and had already approached within 500 meters of the Insect Town.

This situation has never been seen before. It is the first time that the king insect is so close to the insect town. For the thousands of people in the insect town, it is the first time to see the true face of the king insect. It is twenty meters high and 20 meters long. The black maggots that were more than a hundred meters long made everyone's hair stand on end, and they felt helpless in their hearts.

How can they resist such a giant insect?

Wan Qianying and the new leader of Rakshasa also appeared next to him, watching the king insect slowly approaching.

"What happened to this insect town? This insect tide is getting more and more terrifying each time. The difficulty of the previous insect tide is at least within the range that can be resisted. The last insect tide was surprising. The higher-ups still violated the rules and paid a huge price. , and then Chong Town was saved. I didn’t expect that this time, there would be no solution..." Wan Qianying murmured to herself, with an incomprehensible look in her eyes.

"Leave, we have tried our best, but it is a pity for Wang Xuan. I originally thought that this would be a new star with a great future, but it is a pity..." The leader of the dynasty also appeared and saw the king insect slowly approaching. , let out a sigh, full of regret.

"Insect Town is over, this is the first few towns..." Xu Jian's eyes showed a trace of reluctance and helplessness.

Several leaders have made up their minds and decided to abandon Insect Town and leave here.

At this moment, Wang Xuan could feel the powerful life essence being continuously released from Meng Lian's hatching beast spirit, pouring into his body continuously. Even a person who had just died could not be instilled with such a powerful life essence. , it is possible for them to be reborn.

But this life essence is of no use to Wang Xuan now.

The fear power that his Eye of Fear had absorbed during this period was almost completely offset by the power of the king insect. After that, the power of the king insect devoured him crazily, trying to completely obliterate his soul consciousness.

He had the Book of Titans but could not use it.

The blood in his body was boiling under the squeeze of the King Insect's power, continuously seeping out from his seven orifices.

Although the power of fear is not inferior to the power of the King Insect, Wang Xuan only obtained the Eye of Fear not long ago. This Eye of Fear is in its most elementary state. How can he resist the King Insect?

The Eye of Terror is squeezed by the power of the King Insect and may explode at any time.

Although the real target of the King Insect is the Eye of Fear, which represents the King of Fear, and it is not Wang Xuan, Wang Xuan is now the owner of the Eye of Fear, which means that the city gate is on fire, affecting the fish in the pond, and he is the unlucky fish. .

The Eye of Terror was destroyed by the power of the King Insect, and he could not withstand the power of the King Insect. His body, mind and soul would be shattered and exploded together.

Meng Lian's delicate and beautiful face was covered with beads of sweat. She had tried her best, but Wang Xuan gave her the feeling that the breath of life was getting weaker and weaker, as if she would die at any time.

Wang Xuan was filled with reluctance. His journey from being trapped in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza to the present was full of hardships and experienced many life and death crises. He finally arrived in Chong Town, and he was not willing to die in any case. here.

"I don't want to die. As long as I can move my hands, I can take out the Book of Titans... and I have a chance to survive..."

Wang Xuan desperately tried to lift his arms, and suddenly a large amount of blood spurted out from his mouth, nose, ears and eyes. There was a crisp sound in the Eye of Fear in the middle of his forehead, and blood gushes out from all sides. Wang Xuan only felt There was a rumble in his mind, like a thunderclap.

The king insect approached 500 meters from the insect town, and the five leaders were about to turn around and leave. Suddenly, the king insect stopped, opened its mouth suddenly, and let out an earth-shattering roar.

The invisible power of the King Insect surged into Wang Xuan's body like an overwhelming force, trying to shatter the Eye of Fear he possessed.

Perhaps knowing that he was about to be broken, the Eye of Fear was also struggling fiercely.

From all directions, more than 3,000 residents of Insect Town, including the five powerful leaders, were filled with endless fear because of the approach of the King Insect and the terrifying roar.

Suddenly, this almost endless fear energy surged toward the Eye of Fear.

This is the fear from the hearts of more than three thousand people. When they are gathered together, the power of fear is so powerful that it can collide with the overwhelming power of the King Insect.

These two almost transcendent forces collided in Wang Xuan's body. He was originally stiff and unable to move. He suddenly opened his mouth and violently spurted out blood. The blood in his body was compressed and almost all the blood was spurted out. At this moment, his heart was filled with excitement. Unwilling to be unwilling, his right hand suddenly moved, and he instinctively clenched it tightly into a fist. He wanted to punch out all the power in his body, and wanted to destroy the long-range King Insect.

With a "boom", the white light in his right hand exploded, and the wall of light, which had absorbed so much energy from the white scales and became extremely strong, suddenly exploded into thousands of light fragments.

The white light was broken.

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