The last building on earth

Chapter 197 Totem (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan didn't know where his idea came from. It suddenly appeared and sent a chill down his spine.

Although he knew in his heart that this possibility should be unlikely, otherwise it would be too terrible, not to mention that the elder was using soaking potion to suppress the backlash of the hatching beast. If he had really been swallowed by the hatching beast, he should not continue to soak in it. It's in the potion.

But he understood that the instinct of the Warcraft was warning him. Although he didn't know the reason at the moment, he was still a little more wary and didn't dare to believe what they said.

Seeing that Wang Xuan agreed to be the leader of the Xuan Gang, Xu Jian was very happy and said: "Wang Xuan, congratulations. From now on, you will be the leader of the Xuan Gang in Chongzhen."

"Xu Jian, you have to do a good job in the specific handover work. If Wang Xuanqian doesn't understand anything, just ask Xu Jian."

"I have already asked people to handle the matter in Rakshasa City. Wang Xuan, since you are already the leader of the Xuan Gang, you don't need to worry anymore... Of course, in Chong Town, you should try your best to get along with the other four leaders. Good relationship... After all, our positions are the same, and we have a common enemy, which is the building that traps us..."

After the elder said this, he slowly sank his head into the potion, soaked his whole body in it, and slowly closed his eyes.

Xu Jian bowed once more to the elder, then bowed his hands to the five people sitting on the blue stone seat, then pulled Wang Xuan and retreated.

It wasn't until he left the hall and closed the door again that Xu Jian let out a long breath. It seemed that he had also felt depressed in the hall just now.

Wang Xuan felt a little relieved. He had always been uneasy due to the instinct of Warcraft before. Now that he was out of the hall, this uneasiness disappeared.

This made him feel more and more that there seemed to be something wrong with the elders and the five people in the hall. Otherwise, why would the instinct of Warcraft be so uneasy?

Or is it that this elder and those five people are too powerful, which is why the World of Warcraft is uneasy?

"Chief, where are you going now? Are you going back to Insect Town?" Wang Xuan looked at the sky outside and it turned completely dark. He looked up at the sky. If it weren't for the fact that there weren't any stars visible above, he would have almost suspected that he was currently on earth. Somewhere in a primeval forest.

"Okay, of course you can also get familiar with Xuancheng." Xu Jian pointed around and said, "Look, the places covered with plants outside are all uninhabited places. The outsides of the houses in this area look relatively clean. They are all inhabited by people. In fact, Xuancheng is similar to Insect Town. The organization is relatively loose, because basically no one who can enter Xuancheng is weak. Everyone is relatively independent and does not like too many restrictions. .”

"Is the elder the leader of Xuancheng?"

Xu Jian said: "Yes in name. I heard that the elder has been here for many years, so he knows the most. If we have any questions, we will ask him. If you want to live in Xuancheng for a long time, you can use those abandoned houses You can just pick a house and tidy it up yourself, and no one will care about you. It can be said that you are still very free here. Of course, the only thing you need to abide by is that you cannot go down casually after entering this world. This rule It is expressly prohibited, otherwise you will be severely punished if you are discovered.”

Wang Xuan nodded and looked at Xuancheng, which looked very dark under the night. In comparison, it was not as lively as Insect Town and was lifeless. He didn't like it very much. He felt sick all over after just staying here for a while. Feeling comfortable, he said: "Then let's go down first."

"Okay." Xu Jian nodded and walked outside with him.

Just after walking for a while, several iron-winged demon owls appeared in the sky again, hovering above.

Xu Jian and Wang Xuan stood against the wall. He raised his head and murmured: "The Iron-Winged Demon Owl is a little weird tonight. He keeps appearing above here."

Wang Xuan said softly: "Is it rare to see you?"

Xu Jian said: "I come up here occasionally, but basically I rarely encounter them. Tonight I encountered them twice in a row, which is indeed rare."

At this moment, a sharp and piercing scream came from the distance. Judging from the sound, it was not far from here, maybe just a few kilometers away.

This kind of scream is very strange. When you hear it, it is like a sharp needle piercing the eardrum, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

As the scream sounded, the several iron-winged demon owls that were hovering above suddenly changed their direction and flew in the direction of the scream.

Xu Jian had a surprised look on his face and said, "What happened over there?"

As he spoke, he quickly ran toward the high wall on the other side.

Wang Xuan was completely unfamiliar with this place and could only follow Xu Jian. At the same time, he heard a voice coming from the other side, but it was in a relatively clean building not far away. The doors of some houses were blocked from the inside. It opened and several figures appeared.

They were obviously alerted by the scream and wanted to come out to check the situation.

Wang Xuan knew that although this Xuancheng looked lifeless on the surface and there seemed to be not many people, the people who could live here should basically be super strong people, and no one dared to underestimate them.

He followed Xu Jian and climbed along the fifteen-meter-high wall. He soon reached the wall and looked into the distance.

There were several other figures walking out of the house, their bodies swaying continuously. Each of them was very fast, and they also climbed onto the wall.

Wang Xuan followed the direction in which the iron-winged demon lords were flying, and saw that about a few kilometers away, there was another sharp and piercing scream, and there was a faint light of fire between the towering trees that were tens of meters high. The flickering was just because the trees were so lush and each tree was so tall. Even if something really happened there, it was covered up. Everyone could only vaguely see the faint flickering light of fire, and some seemed to be fighting. Sound, it's hard to see anything else of value.

"It's about six kilometers away...that should be Mei Xiaosen's territory." Xu Jian murmured.

"Who is Mei Xiaosen? There seems to be a fight there, and those iron-winged demons all jumped down." Wang Xuan saw the iron-winged demons flying past in the sky turning into a few small black dots, and then It fell down in the air and quickly disappeared into the primeval forest.

"Well, he must have been attacked. This Mei Xiaosen is a very powerful person. Before coming here, he was very similar to you. He is the type of genius who makes a name for himself. Of course, he is not from Insect Town, but from Ghost Town. He originally belonged to our 'Xuan City', but he didn't stay in 'Xuan City' for long before he went out independently with his people and established his own force. It was in that place that he was attacked by monsters now. Attacked."

Wang Xuan was startled and said, "Can I still go out independently?"

Xu Jian smiled and said: "Of course, it is said that Xuancheng's organization is relatively loose, so many powerful people have gone out independently to establish their own forces. There are a large number of ancient city ruins in this primitive forest. As long as you find the right If you gather a group of people who are willing to follow you, you can become an independent force. It is not just Xuancheng, but actually the five major cities are almost the same. Of course, in name, you still need to respect the five major cities as the leader, and sometimes you will obey them. The transfer orders of the five major cities, if the five major cities are compared to five countries, then these independent parties, large and small, are a bit like the vassal states that were enfeoffed during the ancient Zhou Dynasty."

Wang Xuan nodded and acknowledged Xu Jian's metaphor, and he somewhat understood.

"No wonder there aren't many people in Xuancheng. Could it be that most of the people went out independently?"

"Yes, there are not many people left in Xuan City now, especially the elders who have been back-bitten by hatched beasts. The situation is getting more and more serious. Basically, they are soaked in the potion every day and have no intention of managing Xuan City anymore. , if it weren’t for your special situation this time, he probably wouldn’t have met you.”

"Most of the people who are staying in Xuancheng now are those whose bodies have been attacked by hatchling beasts. They basically stay in the house and will not come out. Therefore, more and more people are going out independently, and some are going out independently. The power actually exceeds that of Xuancheng."

Wang Xuan thought for a while and said: "After entering the super state, what is the approximate rate of backlash in the body?"

Xu Jiandao: "It mainly depends on strength. They are both super states, and they are actually divided into several levels. The higher the level, the greater the probability of backlash, and vice versa. So most of the people who are backlashed are terrible. Remember The elder once said that strictly speaking, the super state is divided into six levels based on strength."

"So many six levels?" Wang Xuan was a little surprised and asked: "Which six levels?"

"The elder said that for most people, hatching beasts can grow to the super state, which is basically the peak. Some people come in early, and after continuous accumulation over time, plus opportunities and the like, even though they are both super There is a big gap in strength between the two states. The lowest level is definitely the one that has just broken through to the super state and does not have many opportunities and adventures. It is the weakest among the super states."

"The second level is the middle level. In addition to the hatching beasts you own, you also have some special abilities obtained by some adventures, or you are gifted and very sensitive to combat, or you have become a super state for a long time just by working hard. , the strength will naturally gradually improve to a certain extent."

"As for the third level, it is the superior one among the super states. These people generally have been in the super state for a certain period of time, have special opportunities, and have first-class talents."

"Going higher, that's the limit of top, pinnacle and legend."

"This kind of super state must be possible only if you get a great opportunity. It is impossible to rely solely on yourself or hatched beasts."

After hearing what Xu Jian said, Wang Xuan was thoughtful. He had received several opportunities, including blue crystal scales, the left arm of the mechanical god, ghost wings, etc. However, he did not know that his current strength was within the six levels of the super state. Which level does it belong to.

"Chief, what level do you belong to now?" Wang Xuan was a little curious.

Xu Jian smiled and said: "Don't call me leader. You are the leader of the Xuan Gang now. Wang Xuan, I fell in love with you at first sight, so you can just call me by my name."

Wang Xuan said: "Okay, you are older than me, I will call you Brother Jian."

Xu Jian smiled and hummed, and said: "It's okay, you can call me whatever you want. As for me..."

He thought for a while and said: "It is definitely stronger than the average person who has just entered the super state. It can barely be considered as a medium level. In fact, most people can become a super state. As long as they have time to hone it and no major accidents, they can basically reach the middle level. , as for going up further, you don’t just have to rely on yourself, you also need some luck.”

Wang Xuan understood that what Xu Jian meant by luck was adventure, just like if he didn't have enough luck, how could he obtain special treasures like blue crystal scales and ghost wings.

But these treasures are hard to come by and require enough luck.

At this moment, there was a continuous sound of explosions in the distance, and deep in the dark forest, there were faint lights flickering and exploding.

"Using so many explosive crystals in a row? It seems that the battle at Mei Xiaosen is very fierce." Xu Jian frowned slightly.

The few people who climbed up the wall with them saw the continuous explosions and jumped down one after another. With a sway, they disappeared among the towering trees.

Wang Xuan guessed that they should rush over for reinforcements.

"Brother Jian, do we want to go over and have a look?" Wang Xuan came to this third level world for the first time and was full of curiosity about everything here. Especially here, the super state's strength will not be restricted and can be used to its fullest. He also wants to know, what super state can do? What level will the true combat power of a strong person reach?

Xu Jian shook his head slightly and said: "One more thing is worse than one less thing. After all, Mei Xiaosen left Xuancheng and went out independently. Unless they take the initiative to ask for help, it is not good for us to go. Those few people just went over to investigate the situation secretly. I'm not here to help."

"Forget it, let's go." As soon as Xu Jian said this, there was a loud "boom" in the distance.

The sound was earth-shattering, like thunder. It happened so suddenly that even Xu Jian was startled. Xuancheng, which was originally lifeless, also lit up with a lot of light because of the loud sound. Apparently many people in the houses were alarmed. .

Wang Xuan opened his eyes wide and looked towards the distance where the loud noise was coming, with a look of disbelief on his face.

Deep in the distant forest, he saw a towering tree walking.

This big tree is at least a hundred meters high. Because it is far away, it is impossible to see its specific appearance. I can only vaguely see that it is a huge black shadow that looks like a big tree with a giant crown. In this primitive land Moving in the forest.

Around this big tree, there are giant tentacle-like roots. These roots take root in the ground and can move.

Xu Jian also saw it and opened his mouth slightly.

Wang Xuan was stunned and said: "A big tree that can move? Isn't that the tree of origin that the elder said?"

Xu Jian shook his head and murmured: "As soon as the Iron-Winged Demon Owl appeared, I felt that there was something abnormal tonight. I didn't expect that it even appeared. It is the totem of this forest. It can be said that this primitive forest is its totem." Territory, every once in a while, it will come out to patrol the territory at night, but fortunately, as long as you don't offend it, it won't hurt you, so it can be regarded as a relatively neutral existence."


"Yes, this third level world is unfathomable and almost boundless. In addition to us humans trapped in it, it also hides endless creatures and various ancient life forms. Among them, the most powerful life form is what we call For totems, I currently know of seven in total, and what you see now is one of these seven totems, and we regard it as an ancient tree totem."

"These seven ancient totems each have their own positions. Some are neutral, while others regard us humans as foreign invaders and hate us. Of course, they are also close to human totems. We humans can survive here because we have obtained that A totem protection close to humanity."

Wang Xuan listened to Xu Jian's explanation and looked deep into the forest. The ancient tree totem had disappeared into the darkness and disappeared.

"Let's go, you will know everything later."

After Xu Jian finished speaking, he stopped staying, turned around, and ran towards the distance along the wall.

Wang Xuan followed him closely, and the two of them soon arrived in the direction they originally came from, and Xu Jian jumped down.

Jumping outside Xuancheng, Xu Jian ran towards the broken glass columns a hundred meters away.

Under the cover of night, Wang Xuan noticed that there were faint white scales flickering on the rune stone carvings on the ground around here. If viewed from a distance, these white scales formed a huge ring here with a diameter of about tens of meters.

"When you enter here, you will be in the safe zone. In the future, in this third layer of the world, if you are really in danger, you can enter here. No matter how dangerous the monster is, it will not be able to enter here and hurt you."

Xu Jian pointed to the rune stone carvings around him and said: "These rune stone carvings are the nemesis of those monsters. They dare not approach them. Even the plants in this forest have such terrible vitality, but they didn't use any force when they got here, so the ground here is still there." It’s all bare.”

While talking, he led Wang Xuan to the elevator with "Insect Town" hanging in it.

"Brother Jian, when we were in Chong Town, we came up from Elevator No. 8. If we changed to another elevator in Chong Town and went to the third floor, would we go to a different place?"

"The ten elevators in Insect Town can go down to different first floors, but going up will lead to this third-level world, but they will appear in ten different places in this third-level world. The first seven are now The places where the elevator goes have been completely destroyed and cannot be used. Only the place where the eighth elevator appears has not been completely destroyed and is relatively safe. As for elevators No. 9 and No. 10, they are equivalent to backup and lead to the third floor. The function has not been activated yet. Unless the No. 8 elevator is completely destroyed and cannot be used, the No. 9 elevator will be activated."

After hearing Xu Jian's explanation, Wang Xuan realized why the people coming down from above appeared from the No. 8 elevator. If they want to come here, they must pass through the No. 8 elevator.

"It turns out that the passages leading up to the first seven elevators have been destroyed. It seems that the next elevator will only be used if the previous elevator is destroyed."

"Yes, thanks to so many spare elevators, otherwise the place would have been cut off from Insect Town long ago."

Xu Jian pressed the button next to the elevator as he spoke. The elevator door opened and the two of them walked in.

Xu Jian pressed the button leading to the second floor. The elevator door closed, shook slightly, and began to descend.

Wang Xuan was curious and tried pressing the button on the fourth floor, but found that there was no response when pressing the button on the fourth floor.

"It's useless. The passage upwards is completely destroyed. It's impossible to take the elevator to floors above the third floor."

Wang Xuan hummed and retracted his hand, but the elevator suddenly shook violently.

Something happened suddenly, and the two of them were slightly shocked when they were in the elevator.

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