The last building on earth

Chapter 209 Giant Ship (Today, please vote and subscribe)

In his eyes of fear, he felt that the four leaders around him had fear in their hearts. On the contrary, Tang Ruoyu's mentality was relatively calm and he had no strong fear. The fear power around him was vague and seemed to be present in all directions. , and there seems to be none, and the location cannot be determined specifically.

Even the Eye of Fear was ineffective. Wang Xuan could only put it away, stretched out his hand, and touched the glass cylinder behind him. He found that the surface was slippery. He originally wanted to climb up the glass cylinder, but as long as he could climb High, you can see far, and you may be able to discover something, and even have the thought of climbing up a few hundred meters to see the building with the tip of the iceberg revealed in mid-air.

But this glass cylinder is too smooth and cannot be destroyed. There is no place to apply force and no place to borrow force. Unless they are flying birds with wings, they will not be able to climb up even with their strength.

Just as Wang Xuang had this idea, he suddenly noticed a black spot appearing in the sky in the distance. The black spot came very quickly, and he quickly saw that it was an iron-winged eagle owl.

Everyone saw the iron-winged eagle owl and immediately stood close to the glass column. They all seemed afraid of the iron-winged eagle owl flying in the sky.

"It's the Iron-winged Eagle Owl. This guy's strength is not inferior to that of a medium-level super-powerful person, and he can fly in the air. He is very difficult to deal with. The most troublesome thing is that it will attract its companions. If you see it, you should avoid it. Okay." Huang Qingzhi explained to Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu while standing still against the glass cylinder.

"As long as we stand still against a big tree, wall, rock, etc., it will be difficult for this guy to spot us because it has poor eyesight and is only sensitive to moving things."

While Huang Qingzhi was talking, the iron-winged eagle owl seemed to be attracted by the huge thing that appeared in the sky and approached upwards.

Everyone looked attentive and watched as the iron-winged eagle owl quickly rushed to the junction of the ten glass columns and the huge building. At this moment, an incredible scene appeared.

The iron-winged eagle owl suddenly became like the fragmented space, its body blended into it and became a part of the fragmented space.

This scene is very strange. The iron-winged eagle owl is like a painting, suddenly broken into many pieces, frozen in the void forever, no longer moving.

Everyone looked at this strange scene, with chills running down their spines and feeling a sense of creepiness.

Looking at each other, they all saw a trace of fear on each other's faces. Wang Xuan's eyes of fear felt the deepest, and he immediately felt strong fear energy in the bodies of the people around him.

"Who can tell me... what is going on?" Huang Qingzhi raised his head and murmured.

The shy look on Gong Yangxuan's face disappeared and turned into a solemn one, and he slowly rubbed his hands together.

Wang Xuan looked at Tang Ruoyu.

Even several leaders felt deep fear, but the fear energy in Tang Ruoyu's body was much weaker, which meant that she felt far less fear from what she saw in front of her than these leaders.

Tang Ruoyu seemed to know that Wang Xuan was looking at her, and she tilted her head slightly and glanced at him.

Their eyes met, and the two sides quickly avoided each other.

Wan Qianying was still calm and said: "No matter what, the most important thing now is to find a way to find the five major cities. Now there are various signs that something incomprehensible must have happened here. We don't have time to take our time here." Researched."

Xu Jian hummed, looked around, and walked towards the glass column, saying: "Since tracking the crystal is ineffective, let's try to see if we can climb up the glass column. Of course, not too close to the top, as long as we can climb Just be taller than the surrounding trees. The surrounding trees are too tall and block our view..."

As he spoke, he showed six animal arms and grabbed the glass cylinder, trying to climb up. However, he found that the glass cylinder was very smooth. No matter how strong he was, he could not root out of thin air on it and could not climb up at all.

Wang Xuandao: "This glass cylinder is too slippery. I can't climb up. I can only find a big tree to try." As he said this, he walked towards a towering tree not far away. No one else had a better way. , followed him one after another.

Wang Xuan soon saw that on the edge of these ten glass cylinders, there were stone carvings with runes on the ground, forming a circle with the ten round glass cylinders enclosed in it. According to Xu Jian and others, this place belonged to Security No. 9 area, it is said that monsters want to approach here, these runic stone carvings will play a role in protecting this place.

In the area protected by the rune stone carvings, there is no grass growing on the ground. But outside the protective circle of the rune stone carvings, there are weeds one meter high growing on the ground. The surrounding areas are densely packed with towering trees that are tens of meters high. Everyone The line of sight is blocked and it is impossible to see the situation in the distance.

Wang Xuan picked a tree that seemed to be the tallest in the surroundings, at least forty or fifty meters tall. He stretched out his metal tentacles and extended them up to the limit of seven meters. Then he plunged into the trunk of the tree. With the help of the power of the metal tentacles, he quickly Go up.

Xu Jian showed six beast arms, like a six-clawed humanoid spider, climbing up the big tree.

Wang Xuan used two metal tentacles to move up and down alternately. From the perspective of the people below, he seemed to be hanging in the void, rising straight up, like flying from the ground, while Xu Jian moved his six arms together, like an ape climbing. Climbing at a speed not much slower than Wang Xuan's, the two of them reached the top of the tree in no time, one after the other.

The other four people stayed under the tree, looking around from time to time, hoping to find something.

Wang Xuan stood on the canopy of the tree, climbed up and looked into the distance, looking into the distance, and was slightly startled.

Only then did he discover that deep in the forest far away, there was a place where the sky was broken. The break in the sky there was much more serious than here, and the scope of the impact was at least ten times wider than here. In the shattered space, what looked like half a giant ship appeared.

It was too far away, and Wang Xuan could not describe how huge this giant ship-like thing was. The towering trees tens of meters high below were almost negligible compared with this giant thing. This terrifying giant came from at least a thousand meters in the air. It appeared, fell straight down, and plunged straight into the forest below. Because it was too far away, it was impossible to see the destruction of the forest below.

"Wang Xuan, is that... is that a fallen aircraft carrier?" There was a faint tremor in Xu Jian's voice.

The scene they saw from a distance was so shocking that they almost felt suffocated.

Wang Xuan murmured: "It looks like a super luxurious cruise ship, but it is too huge. It is probably ten times bigger than the largest aircraft carrier on the earth. The broken mid-air is at least a thousand meters above the ground. This huge The ship fell from there, but you couldn't see the head or tail. These kilometers were just a part of its true form..."

Xu Jian took a deep breath, barely suppressing the shock and fear of the unknown in his heart, and said with some difficulty: "Wang Xuan, tell me, what on earth are these? What happened a few days ago? The broken building, the falling The giant ship that fell down, now I’m starting to wonder… whether the five major cities are still there…”

Facing the building with the tip of the iceberg above his head and the giant ship in the distance that seemed to have fallen from the broken void, he felt a sense of powerless despair in his heart. Even if all the superpowers in the five major cities united, so what? Can you fight against this power beyond imagination?

Xu Jian's belief was shaken.

Wang Xuan was much calmer than him. After all, he had personally seen the existence represented by the Book of Giant Gods, so his endurance now exceeded that of Xu Jian. He silently recorded the direction in which the giant ship appeared, and then quickly moved towards it. Down.

"Brother Jian, come down."

Xu Jian shivered when he heard Wang Xuan's voice, and then hurriedly followed him and slid down the thick tree trunk.

After falling to the ground, Wan Qianying hurriedly stepped forward to ask.

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Wang Xuan said what he had just seen, and then pointed his hand and said: "It should be in that direction. We can set off there. If nothing happens, maybe that is the No. 8 safety zone. Just because the giant ship fell, The elevator there was smashed, so elevator No. 8 can no longer go up.”

Wan Qianying and Huang Qingzhi heard the shock in their ears, and then they couldn't help but climb up to see what happened with their own eyes.

Xu Jian leaned against the tree trunk, panting continuously.

Wang Xuan silently observed the surrounding situation to prevent any accidents.

After Wan Qianying and the other four came down, Wang Xuan saw the expressions on their faces. Except for Tang Ruoyu who managed to look better, the other three looked as ugly as if they had seen a ghost.

"Wan Qianying, what do you say? Do you think the five major cities are still there?" Xu Jian looked at her.

Wan Qianying thought for a while and then said: "As Wang Xuan said just now, that should be the No. 8 safe area. Because the giant ship fell and destroyed the No. 8 safe area, thinking on the bright side, the giant ship only destroyed the No. 8 safe area. There are elevators and glass columns, but the five major cities are in the forest outside the safety zone and should not be affected."

She paused and continued: "I just took a closer look at the huge thing that was suspected to be a giant ship. It did look like a ship. It appeared from mid-air, and the bow fell downwards. It was this ship that appeared in mid-air. The body is huge, but the bow down is relatively small. Looking at it this way, the area that the bow can hit should not be large, and it is very likely that the five major cities will not be hit and damaged."

Hearing Wan Qianying's analysis, Wang Xuan glanced at her and thought that these leaders believed her and listened to her, which made sense. He also saw the giant ship in the distance, but he didn't think as much as she thought. .

"And you should have also noticed a detail, that is, the ship looks like it fell from the sky, and the sky seems to be missing a hole, which can support the ship without completely falling over, so we are completely It can be assumed that because the ship is too large, it is stuck in the gap in the sky and cannot fall out. If this is the case, the bow of the ship may not have touched the ground. If this is the case, it is even less possible for the five major cities. It was damaged, so Elevator No. 8 can no longer enter the third floor, but it can continue to run down without being completely damaged."

After hearing Wan Qianying's lucid analysis, everyone felt much calmer. Huang Qingzhi said: "Anyway, at least we know the direction now. We will know when we go there to see what happens."

Wan Qianying nodded and said: "Yes, no matter how much analysis is done, it is better to see with your own eyes and determine what is going on there, and then we can make the next step."

The others had no objections, and soon summoned their own mechanical beasts one after another, and determined the direction of the giant ship's fall. The six people began to ride the mechanical beasts, shuttle through the vast and boundless virgin forest, and set off towards the distance.

Wan Qianying took the lead, followed closely by Gong Yangxuan, who had powerful defensive means, and then Tang Ruoyu, with Xu Jian and Huang Qingzhi on both sides.

Wang Xuan was the strongest, but he fell to the back of the team.

Except for Xiaoguai, the mechanical beasts of the other five people were all running at full speed. Xiaoguai could keep up with them as long as he took his time.

The six mechanical beasts were like six arrows, trampling on the weeds one meter high, bypassing trees and bushes, and flying into the distance.

Suddenly, a strange roar came from the distant sky.

Wan Qianying hurriedly raised her head and immediately shouted: "No, Iron-Winged Demon Owl, everyone stand against the tree quickly!"

Wang Xuan looked up and saw several iron-winged demon owls appearing in the sky. Judging from the direction in which they were flying, they were heading towards them.

Apparently they were running wildly, and their high-speed movement alarmed them.

Everyone did not want to get entangled with these iron-winged demon lords, so they all rode the mechanical beasts to a stop, leaned against the nearby big tree, and calmed down.

These big trees are tens of meters high, with giant crowns supported above them. Each big tree is so thick that it requires several or even ten people to hug it. Compared with these big trees, everyone is as small as a few small ants.

In just a short period of time, at least a dozen Iron-winged Demon Owls gathered above and began to rotate above, obviously trying to identify the target below.

Wang Xuan narrowed his eyes slightly and saw black shadows appearing in the distance. Apparently there were more iron-winged demon lords gathering here.

An iron-winged demon lord has the strength to rival a medium-level super-powerful person. It is considered the true overlord of the air in this third layer of the world. The most terrifying thing is that they move in groups and are very difficult to deal with. Once provoked, they are almost immortal. endlessly.

When people like Wan Qianying and Xu Jian encountered them, they would choose to avoid them as much as possible.

Wang Xuan rode Xiaoguai close to a big tree, and Tang Ruoyu stood in front of him riding the giant mechanical tiger.

Wang Xuan looked at her back, then looked up at the nearly twenty iron-winged demon owls hovering in the sky. At this moment, he suddenly felt a strong uneasiness in his heart.

Although he didn't know where the danger came from, he unfolded his ghost wings in an instant, first protecting behind him, and then the four metal tentacles on his right hand extended out to protect the front of him and the top of his head.

At the same moment, several green shadows suddenly hung down from the big tree next to them. They were several green ivy branches, like several giant pythons. They reached down as fast as lightning. One wrapped around Tang Ruoyu's neck, and the other two wrapped around Tang Ruoyu's neck. Her arms lifted her up in the air.

The incident happened suddenly. Tang Ruoyu didn't have Wang Xuan's instinctive warning ability, so he was caught off guard and didn't even resist at all.

Only when her neck was entangled did she realize that something was wrong. She wanted to resist and stretched out her hands to break the ivy wrapped around her neck. Her arms were also entangled. She had been hung up and she couldn't breathe immediately.

Everyone was shocked. Wang Xuan reacted quickly. He waved his right hand and pulled out four metal tentacles at a faster speed.

There was a crisp "snap" sound, and the ivy hanging on Tang Ruoyu's neck was instantly cut off. Green juice splashed out. The two-meter-long giant sword appeared in Tang Ruoyu's right hand and spun around in the air. The two green vines holding her arms were cut, and the white tiger lying on the giant sword rose into the air, turning into a white tiger three to four meters long, climbing and leaping up the towering tree, making a sound like The sound of cicadas chirping sounded, and everyone saw a green monster rising above a branch.

The monster's body is like a green caterpillar, climbing on the thick branches above. Looking up from the bottom, it is difficult to spot it because it is blocked by the branches.

From both sides of its body, ivy-like tentacles extend out, with four on each side. Usually these ivy tentacles are wrapped around the branches. Everyone seems to think that they are ordinary ivy and will not pay attention at all. No one knows. This is the terrifying weapon it uses to capture its prey.

One of the eight ivy tentacles on its body was cut off by Wang Xuan with a metal tentacle. Tang Ruoyu cut off two of them and landed on the back of the giant mechanical tiger below again. The white tiger she released flew across the tree trunk and pounced in the air. on, wanting to tear this green monster into pieces.

Suddenly, green vine tentacles appeared, beating the white tiger that rushed towards him wildly.

The white tiger stretched out its claws and grabbed several of them, but when more than a dozen ivy tentacles were pulled down frantically, it couldn't bear it and finally fell down, turning into a white rainbow light and returning to Tang Ruoyu's giant sword. superior.

After a false alarm, Tang Ruoyu's face turned a little pale. The six of them saw green vine tentacles suddenly appearing on the big tree they were leaning on, hanging down all over the sky. All the green vine tentacles were hanging down from the big trees in this area. There were hundreds or even thousands of ivy branches, and everyone was attacked.

No one could have imagined that the towering trees around would be covered with such green monsters. They were found on almost every branch. The number was so numerous that it made people feel numb. They had been dormant before. Until now, everyone When you break into their territory and stop, they suddenly attack.

Wang Xuan was also instantly attacked by more than a dozen ivy tentacles from above. At the same moment, he opened the eye of the illustrated book and captured the information about this monster.

"Name: Periwinkle, race: plant, danger level: ★★★★★★ (six stars), Periwinkle is a plant that likes to parasitize in the bodies of butterfly and moth larvae, and develops with these larvae As a symbiont, the seeds of the vine will take root in the larvae, affecting and controlling their thinking, causing them to slowly become fibrotic and evolve into this kind of special life form between plants and animals. They are omnivorous. The creatures are attached to trees and can usually make a living by sucking tree sap. When prey approaches, they will suddenly attack and rely on the eight vines that grow out to catch prey. They have no teeth and cannot chew and tear prey into pieces. When prey is caught, they will rely on the liquid secreted from the mouthparts to anesthetize the prey, slowly melt the prey and swallow it. Many prey are still alive when they are preyed on, and they can only watch their bodies being melted and eaten. They eat very slowly. , a large prey may take a week or even half a month to be completely digested and killed by them.”

Wang Xuan's scalp went numb after sensing this information.

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