The last building on earth

Chapter 221 Gods and Buddhas (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

A long roar sounded, and the rock giant launched by Youkai pounced in the air, blasting into the shrinking eight-petal blood-red tongue.

Immediately afterwards, Tang Ruoyu appeared, clasping her hands together with the two-meter giant sword in her hand. She completed the fusion with the white tiger, and her strength had broken through to the upper level of the super state. A gleaming white light appeared on the two-meter giant sword, and suddenly It flew out in the air and turned into a huge sword wheel, slamming into the shrinking eight-petal blood-red tongue.

Blood spattered, and the eight-petal blood-red tongue was hit by the rock giant and Tang Ruoyu's sword wheel, and immediately exploded, revealing a terrifying black hole that looked like a bottomless abyss.

Xi Muxue fell on a glass mirror, steadied her body, and fired wildly with the Gatling gun in her hand, sending bullets all over the sky into the black hole in the center.

In addition, Huang Qingzhi, Xu Jian, Zhao Dong, Sun Yaofei and others who were a little further away threw explosive crystals and smashed them all in.

"Boom, boom, boom" big explosions sounded one after another, and black mud was blown up all over the sky.

Wang Xuan activated the left arm of the Mechanical God again.

A large number of glowing metal parts appeared and floated around his left arm, forming a mechanical god's left arm that was more than two meters long.

With a bang, the left arm of the mechanical god shrouded in light flew out into the air, and blasted into the black hole below along with the exploding crystals.

A stream of black blood suddenly spurted out from the black hole, like a fountain, spraying dozens of meters high upwards.

Everyone was shocked, fearing that the black blood was poisonous, so they all evaded it.

But the squirming black mud below suddenly flowed down and melted, revealing the skeleton inside.

No one can visually estimate how big the skeleton is. It must be at least a hundred meters tall. They don't know what kind of creature it is because it is too huge to see its specific appearance.

The surface of this skeleton was originally covered with a large amount of black sludge. Now the sludge melts and flows downward, revealing it.

In this skeleton, there is a mass of flesh and blood, like an egg cocoon. The original eight-petal blood-red tongue took root from this mass of flesh and blood. Now these blood-red tongues and this giant mass of flesh and blood like an egg cocoon have been exploded. A large amount of black blood spurted out.

Immediately afterwards, a ball of black substance squirmed and rolled out from the black blood spurted out.

This mass of black material looks very much like an immature human embryo, and there is an umbilical cord-like thing on it that is connected to the giant mass of flesh and blood that exploded.

No one knew what it was, but when it appeared, there was a large amount of black sludge-like liquid flowing down from the surface.

After seeing it, Su Tang immediately stretched out two transparent hands, stretched it to the limit of more than ten meters, and grabbed the black embryo.

Although he didn't know what it was, he was certain that it should be the core of the rot and mutation here. If he could catch it and kill it, it would be of great benefit.

He struck very quickly, but the black embryo was even faster. It rolled out of the tattered flesh and blood like an egg cocoon, and suddenly bounced up. Su Tang missed the blow, but saw the black embryo fall to the newly revealed body below. On the skeleton, it rose into the air again, and the umbilical cord, which was originally connected to the egg cocoon and flesh and blood, broke from it, and black blood spurted out.

Zhu Han shouted loudly, raised his right arm, and the ice beast opened up, spraying ice arrows.

Ice arrows flew out one after another, and the black embryo kept flashing and rolling, trying to escape. To avoid all these ice arrows, the Gatling machine gun in Xi Muxue's hand unleashed its power.

"Boom boom boom——"

The eight rapidly rotating giant gun barrels were spraying fire, and bullets were flying wildly in the sky. Although the black embryo dodged a large number of bullets, it was still hit. Dense holes immediately appeared on the surface, and there was black blood in every hole. flow.

It was shot, and when it slowed down, Zhao Jinsong from "Sand Town" happened to stand in front of it.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's physical strength was almost exhausted. While putting away the left arm of the Mechanical God, he took out the stamina water and just drank it. Although he saw the black embryo appear, he was unable to catch up.

You Kai and Tang Ruoyu landed on the skeleton below and stepped on the giant ribs that appeared on the skeleton. The curved ribs were like small arch bridges. They ran wildly along the ribs to catch up, but unfortunately Zhao Jinsong was too late. step.

Zhao Jinsong saw that the opportunity had come, and there was no way he would miss it. He activated the hatching beast, and white haloes appeared on his right arm. There were faint runes flashing on the surface of each halo. His hatching beast was very powerful, and these white haloes Auras each have their own uses.

With a thought, the first white halo flew out. This was a control halo that could trap the black embryos rushing over. The second white halo flew out immediately. This halo contained powerful rune power. , you can put all the power of the runes into the enemy's body, detonating and destroying them from the inside.

After that, there are defensive auras, entangling auras, and thunder auras, each with their own magical effects. He is confident that he can kill the injured black embryo and win this power.

The first white halo instantly hit the rolling black embryo that was rushing over. It immediately took effect and changed dramatically, trapping it inside. It immediately shrank to trap it.

The second halo he activated followed closely behind.

Unexpectedly, at this moment, the black embryo surrounded by a white halo suddenly twisted and changed, with limbs stretching out from inside. It was originally curled up like a human embryo that had been developed for several months. At this moment, the limbs stretched out, and the original The shape of the embryo changes into that of a newly born baby.

In particular, one part of it is slightly raised, looking like a baby's head. The originally smooth surface has slightly sunken into several holes, making it look like the five senses and seven orifices of a human being.

All these changes happened in an instant. When the embryo stretched out, the white halo surrounding it cracked and suddenly shattered.

Zhao Jinsong opened his eyes wide, with an incredible look inside.

He didn't expect that his control halo would break after trapping the enemy. This was the first time he encountered it.

His heart trembled, as if he had received some kind of heavy blow. Another white halo controlled by his right hand fell and hit the head of the baby that had evolved from a black embryo.

The baby raised his head, and in the holes like seven orifices, including the holes for the eyes, there seemed to be two rays of light flashing past. The baby made of black mud suddenly rose into the sky, and the white halo that hit its head shattered. It cracked, Zhao Jinsong was hit on the belly by it, groaned, and his body was lifted up into the air by it.

Everyone saw the scene and looked shocked.

"Old Zhao——" Mou Xing, Chu Dong, and Xi Muxue were all from "Sha Town" like Zhao Jinsong. They were all the leaders of the five major forces in "Sha Town". They couldn't help but screamed, but at this moment they wanted to rescue them. It was too late, and I could only watch as Zhao Jinsong was pushed up into the sky by the baby made of black mud, flying at least ten meters high.

Zhao Jinsong was roaring, still thinking about resisting and struggling, trying to activate the defensive aura to protect himself, but unfortunately everything was too late. When he and the baby were falling, the baby stretched out a chubby little hand. , still dripping with filth, was inserted into his open and roaring mouth.

Starting from Zhao Jinsong's mouth, his skin and flesh began to rot.

The speed of decay was visible to the naked eye. By the time they fell back to the skeleton below, Zhao Jinsong had lost the power to roar. The flesh on his face was completely rotten, and even his eyeballs fell off, revealing the skull inside. The white neck bones were also rotted down from the neck.

Seeing Xi Muxue's Gatling gun firing bullets wildly, the filthy baby grabbed Zhao Jinsong's rotten and exposed neck bones and threw him out.

Zhao Jinsong flew into the storm of bullets and was immediately beaten into a hornet's nest. Xi Muxue panicked and hurriedly stopped firing.

And the baby had shrunk into a ball again, bounced up, and reached dozens of meters away in two consecutive leaps, faster than anyone else.

By the time Wang Xuan, You Kai, Tang Ruoyu, Mou Xing and others chased after him, Zhao Jinsong had already turned into a skeleton with rotten skin and flesh and internal organs, and the baby dripping with filth had already fled here and disappeared.

The surroundings became quiet, and the black mud and filth below flowed into the underground cracks deep below and disappeared. In this deep pit with a radius of one or two kilometers, a city-like building was revealed. Although it looked rotten on the surface, The main body is still relatively intact.

In the center of the building, there was a giant skeleton with a length of more than a hundred meters. After careful observation, everyone gradually discovered that the shape of the giant skeleton was somewhat similar to that of a human being.

However, has there ever been a huge human being over a hundred meters tall?

The fourteen people who were still alive trampled on the skeleton below, gasping violently. The appearance of Zhao Jinsong's death in the end was chilling. Even a super-powerful man who had experienced hundreds of battles still felt... There was a hint of fear.

The mysterious baby that escaped and disappeared seemed to be able to make people rot in an instant. Could it be that everything they encountered before and now was dominated by its power?

What is its true origin?

The deaths of four people, Hao Yuantong, Qi Yingzhi, Gu Zijian and Zhao Jinsong, cast a shadow over everyone's hearts. Even You Kai, whose face was livid at the moment, stared in the direction where the baby disappeared just now and remained silent for a long time.

"What should we do now? Leave here?" Finally, Huang Qingzhi broke the silence.

After being delayed here for so long, everyone saw that the sky was getting a little cloudy, and they understood that it would be impossible to reach the giant ship before dark today.

Wan Qianying licked her lips and then said: "The building below is a bit weird. Do you want to go down and have a look?"

Mou Xing's voice was still booming, and he said: "The trouble now is that thing that just escaped. It can easily kill Lao Zhao, and it looks like it has just been born. It may continue to grow. If it targets us, , if the enemy is in darkness and we are in the open, then it will be troublesome."

Mou Xing's words made everyone feel cold, even Wang Xuan frowned.

Wan Qianying said slowly: "Looking at what happened just now, it seems that the baby was born from the egg cocoon left in the skeleton. If you calculate it this way, it should be the descendant of the skeleton. It's just such a huge skeleton. , what kind of creature is it..."

Several of the people have the ability to observe and capture monster information. Unfortunately, including Wang Xuan, no one can see the information about the baby that just disappeared and the skeleton.

Huang Qingzhi said: "The shape of this skeleton looks like a human, especially the curved bones, like ribs, and the center should be its vertebrae. It is really similar to us humans, but much larger. This guy may have been a giant during his lifetime. It would be great if we could find its head and see if it is really the same as a human head."

Youkai, who had been silent for the whole time, glanced at him and said, "It's easy to find its head." As he spoke, he jumped up and suddenly ran along the huge spine-like bones, and soon reached the end. Then he jumped down and said, "Its skull is right here, but it's just as big as a house."

Youkai's voice came from below, and everyone gathered over. Wang Xuan ran along the suspected spine, and soon saw a giant skull falling down at the end. The skull was huge, just like Youkai's. I mean, it has to be as big as a house.

Everyone looked over.

Wang Xuan looked at the skull. It was almost exactly the same as a human being. The only difference was that it was many times larger.

"It's indeed magical. It's exactly the same as our human skulls. Are there really giants with a height of more than 100 meters living here?" Huang Qingzhi looked at it with a hint of surprise on his face.

Zhu Han said: "There is indeed a race of giants in the legend. If there is such a giant, why did it die here? Is the baby just now its descendant?"

"It's a pity that we can't find any information. I wonder if we can find clues in these buildings." Xu Jian said while looking around.

There are various buildings all around, but they are badly damaged.

Wan Qianying counted the teeth in the skull's mouth.

"What are you counting your teeth for?" Huang Qingzhi asked curiously.

Wan Qianying ignored him. After counting, she let out a sigh of relief and said, "Do you know how many teeth it has?"

When she asked this question, everyone was startled and looked at her, then looked at the teeth of the giant skull, but didn't see anything special.

Wang Xuan was reminded by her, but he could see some differences. The teeth in the mouth of this skull seemed to be very dense, and the number should be more than that of ordinary humans.

"Forty, it has forty teeth in its mouth." Wan Qianying looked at everyone and said in a deep voice.

Youkai said: "So what if there are forty teeth? What does it mean?" Most people had the same idea as him and found it a bit baffling.

Wan Qianying said: "Actually, most of us humans have twenty-eight to thirty-two teeth. We also know that the number of teeth has nothing to do with destiny. However, in ancient times, there was a saying that the number of teeth was related to destiny. Stand up and think that a person with thirty-four teeth can be crowned a king or a noble, thirty-six teeth are the appearance of an emperor, thirty-eight teeth are a saint, and forty teeth are a god or a Buddha."

Everyone was in a daze when they heard this, and then looked at the giant skull next to them, and saw that the skull was full of complete teeth.

"Of course, maybe this is just a coincidence, but I didn't expect that someone really has forty teeth... If according to legend, this is the appearance of Buddha, which is a characteristic only possessed by gods."

Wan Qianying said softly, reaching out her hand and gently touching the teeth in front of her that were each larger than her own.

Xu Jian said: "According to this legend, the original identity of this skeleton should be that of a god or Buddha."

Xi Muxue said: "So, the baby who escaped and disappeared must be the son of God or the son of Buddha?"

Youkai smiled coldly: "What kind of gods and Buddhas have such evil abilities that can make all gods and Buddhas rot? As a result, I rotted here first and turned into a withered skeleton."

As he spoke, he punched the skull in front of him.

Although he was strong, the skull was hard. When he hit it, it was like hitting a piece of steel as thick as a mountain. The skull did not move at all, but he felt a faint pain in his palm. Obviously, he did not believe in gods and Buddhas.

Mou Xing said: "There is no point in worrying about these things now. We must be prepared to prevent the escaped baby monster from reappearing to attack us."

No one is afraid of it when fighting head-on. What they are really afraid of is a sudden attack.

Wang Xuan had been observing the surroundings. His instinct of monsters prevented him from being careless. This area was vaguely enveloped in an aura that made him uneasy. Suddenly, he discovered something. He jumped up and soon arrived at a place. Under the building.

Although the building looks dilapidated, it can still be seen that it was originally a six-story building. Judging from the main structure of the building that remains today, it does not look like an ancient building, but very similar to that in a modern city. Old dilapidated six-story residential area.

The original black mud flowed along the cracks in the ground and disappeared. Wang Xuan looked at the dilapidated building, slowly walked around, looked inside, and frowned.

The figures around them flashed, but it was Tang Ruoyu and Xu Jian who appeared.

"How's it going? Did you find something?" Xu Jian knew Wang Xuan better. When he saw him coming here suddenly, he must have discovered something.

Wang Xuan pointed at the ground and said, "Look what this is?"

Xu Jian watched the mud dissipate, and saw something covered in mud in the dilapidated six-story building. It looked like a chair and a black table on the ground.

Xu Jian didn't see what it was for a moment, so Wang Xuan waved out his metal tentacle and slammed it on it.

There was a crisp "pop" sound, and the thing suddenly cracked from the middle, revealing a white ceramic-like substance inside. Looking at a sewer pipe with a diameter of about ten centimeters on the ground, Xu Jian suddenly woke up and lost his voice: " Is this a toilet?"

He was greatly surprised. Everyone thought this was an ancient town buried underground, but they didn't expect to suddenly see a modern toilet here, which was completely unexpected by Xu Jian.

Wang Xuan nodded slightly and said: "Yes, judging from the layout here, it should be a bathroom. Look here again. It was a kitchen before. This rotten-looking thing is a range hood, but it has been soaked in the mud for too long. It’s hard to see unless you look carefully.”

"The things and styles here are very modern no matter how you look at them."

When Wang Xuan said this, he took a breath.

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