The last building on earth

Chapter 241 Horrible Foreign Object (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Barty wanted to retreat and dodge, but all the steel feathers that had not been inserted into her body were suddenly pulled out. She let out a muffled grunt, and her mind was slightly confused. With a "boom", Wang Xuan fell in the air, and the giant arm of the monster in his right hand struck hard. on her chest.

With a scream, terrifying power exploded in Barty's chest. Even though she was in the state of merging with the mechanical beast and had double defenses, she could not withstand it. The mechanical shell and the Qinglian suit on her body shattered and exploded in an instant, and Wang Xuan was The monster's giant arm punched a huge bloody hole from the chest to the back.

Barty's vitality was extremely tenacious. Even so, she was not killed immediately. He raised his hands to fight back. Wang Xuan penetrated her body with the giant arm of the monster, lifted her up in the air, and then smashed her out.

With a "boom", Barty's head hit the ground this time. The ground was made of a special material that was harder than steel. It was not damaged at all. Her head shattered together with the Qinglian helmet on her head, and her brains splashed out.

Seeing a ball of white light appear, the soul consciousness struggling fiercely inside was immediately wiped away by the invisible force in the dark, and turned into a pure energy, which he absorbed.

After absorbing the white light energy of Corbett and Barty one after another, Wang Xuan only felt his second ghost wing vibrate violently, and there was a faint crunching sound inside. It soon grew again, from 1.6 meters to 1.6 meters. At 1.7 meters, it was only 30 centimeters shorter than his first ghost wing.

Once it grows to two meters, this second ghost wing will be considered truly complete.

All this is a long story. In fact, it only took a few seconds from the time Corbett took action to Wang Xuan's killing of Batty. Tie Jun used a giant diamond shield to protect his body and wanted to intervene, but he was not qualified to intervene. Gu Manyao was Wang Xuan was knocked away and fell out. His internal organs were shocked and he spit out a mouthful of blood. He just got up from the ground and was about to pounce to help. Wang Xuan had already finished off the man and woman.

After a blow to the left arm of the Mechanical God, it automatically disintegrated and turned into white light again. It merged and returned to his body. Wang Xuan let out a long breath. Although he killed these two people, his physical strength was almost exhausted. This Mechanical God Although the left arm attack is extremely powerful, it is too draining of stamina.

If the situation hadn't been critical just now, he would have killed Corbett instantly, otherwise he wouldn't have used it casually.

Watching Wang Xuan slowly sit down and rest, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun stepped forward. Gu Manyao's injuries were not serious and her powerful self-healing ability was working. Seeing that no new enemies appeared around, she did not take out the healing water.

"Are these two madmen? They were chatting so well, why did they suddenly attack us?" Gu Manyao looked at the bodies of the two people, still unable to understand why these two people would attack.

Tie Jun said: "Are you trying to rob us of our property?"

He feels that the only reasonable explanation is this. Those who can enter here are all super-powerful people. Who doesn't have some crystal scales and various materials on their body? If you kill people and seize treasures, you can easily accumulate a large amount of needed crystal scales.

After entering the central city on the third level, they realized how important these crystal scales were.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "It's hard to say, maybe there are other reasons."

As he spoke, he, Gu Manyao and Tie Jun, stripped off the belts and equipment from the two corpses.

Corbett is wearing a third-level flawless golden scale suit. The golden scale armor was damaged by him and can no longer be repaired, but the other four pieces are intact. As for Barty's Qinglian suit, his helmet was damaged. , although the breastplate was pierced by him, no more than one-third of it was damaged, and it was slowly repairing itself. Except for the helmet, the remaining four pieces can be used.

Tie Jun got the golden scale suit, and Gu Manyao got the Qinglian suit. Then they only needed to build a golden scale armor and a Qinglian helmet to complete the third-level flawless suit, which saved a lot of crystal scales.

Wang Xuan opened the storage belts of these two people and took a look. There were a lot of crystal scales and various supplies inside, so he put them away and waited until they got out of the Hell Tower before slowly counting them.

While he was sitting and resting, he was holding a bottle of stamina water in his hand. If something went wrong, drink the stamina water and his stamina would be restored immediately. Otherwise, if there was no temporary danger, he could just wait for his stamina to recover naturally and save a bottle of stamina water. water.

Gu Manyao and Tie Jun each put on the flawless equipment they had just obtained. Although they could not activate their equipment skills due to the lack of one piece, their strength still improved.

While Gu Manyao and Tie Jun rested with Wang Xuan, they observed the huge dark passage and talked about Corbett, Batty and the Trin Town and the third world they mentioned.

"The town they mentioned is not among the Hundred Towns we know. I think there may be more towns besides the Hundred Towns we are familiar with. There may even be more than one third-level world." Gu Manyao Tell me your guess.

Wang Xuan snorted and said: "It is possible that we are still too weak and know too little information. Maybe it has something to do with the destruction of the glass cylinder on the third floor. I think the elders in the five major cities seem to know. Not much."

"Why do you say that?" Gu Manyao asked a little strangely.

Wang Xuan talked about Tang Ruoyu and said, "These elders don't know that the central teleportation channel in the safe zone can be repaired. Otherwise, the five major cities must find a way to repair the teleportation channel in the center of the No. 8 safe zone. Of course, there is another possibility. The transmission channel in Security Zone 8 is too damaged and cannot be repaired."

Gu Manyao said in surprise: "This Tang Ruoyu has such a long history. I remember that she was trapped in the underground parking lot of Longmao Plaza like us. She was also a newcomer like us. She only entered a day or two earlier than us at most."

Wang Xuandao: "She is different from us. I suspect she is from a higher floor, such as the fourth or fifth floor."

Tie Jun said: "I don't know what the fourth, fifth and higher floors will be like?"

Gu Manyao said: "The road to the fourth floor is blocked. It is impossible for us to enter higher floors. Speaking of which, after the hatching beast evolves to the super state, will it really reach the end? Wang Xuan, you should You’ve absorbed enough energy, what do you think?”

Wang Xuan's magical beast had already absorbed enough energy, but there was no sign of continuing to grow. After hearing Gu Manyao's inquiry, he said: "What I can know now is that this super state has six levels, each one is stronger than the last, but when it comes I don’t know if it can continue to grow after reaching the limit of the super state, or what conditions are needed to grow.”

"The strength of Corbett and Barty feels very scary. I'm afraid they have reached the super-top level or even above." Gu Manyao was still frightened when she thought of the previous scene. If Wang Xuan had not suddenly knocked her away, her head would have been knocked by Corbitt. The shovel flew away.

"Well, at least they are at the top level, close to the peak." Wang Xuan expressed his speculation. One-on-one, the strength of Corbett and Barty is probably still higher than that of Youkai.

Gu Manyao scolded: "They are close to the peak, and they can be killed by you instantly. Then they are at least the peak, or have reached the limit of super state."

Wang Xuan shook his head and said, "I don't know either."

Having said this, he stood up and said: "Let's go, I'm almost recovered. Let's go see what's in the stone gates on both sides first. The harvest from this trip is not small. Even if we don't gain anything from this trip, our trip will made money."

He just took a quick look and found out that the storage belts of Corbett and Barty were very important. The number of medium-sized crystal scales in each belt was at least over a hundred.

Released four metal tentacles, Wang Xuan walked towards the nearest stone door on the left.

The stone door was tightly closed, and he used his metal tentacles to slowly push it open from a distance of several meters.

When the stone door was pushed open, Wang Xuan immediately saw a huge stone chamber inside, with a figure in the stone chamber facing away from them.

With a slight chill in his heart, the four metal tentacles controlled by Wang Xuan immediately tightened, and a faint blue light appeared inside.

His monster instinct sensed the terrifying figure. This was definitely another powerful existence.

But when he took a closer look, Wang Xuan suddenly felt that the figure looked familiar.

When he slowly turned around, he finally saw it clearly.

Half of this man's body was human, but the other half was melted and ulcerated, with a translucent viscous liquid constantly flowing out.

There was nothing in his eye, and he seemed to be at a loss.

The last time Wang Xuan entered the Hell Tower, he had seen him at the end of the first floor. He was a lost person without consciousness. He didn't expect that he would now enter the second floor.

The last time I saw the Lost One, I felt how powerful he was. Now that Wang Xuan's strength has improved a lot, he still feels that the Lost One is terrifying.

There was nothing in this huge stone chamber except for the lost one wandering inside.

Wang Xuan quietly retreated, signaling Gu Manyao and Tie Jun not to make any noise.

Gu Manyao and Tie Jun also saw the lost man. They originally wanted to take action, but after seeing Wang Xuan's gesture, they could only retreat with him.

It wasn't until he was more than 20 meters away that Wang Xuan whispered: "That's called the Lost One. There's no need to disturb it. Let's go." He led the two of them along the giant passage and walked towards another stone door.

There were a large number of stone gates on both sides of this giant passage, but there were tens of meters between each stone gate. They left the stone gate where the lost man was and soon arrived at the second stone gate.

Wang Xuan still quietly opened the stone door with his metal tentacles, and then took a closer look inside.

This stone door is also a huge dark stone chamber, with a length and width of 20 meters. In the center is a round stone pillar about one meter high. On the stone pillar is a basketball-sized stone ball, which appears to be stained with blood. A human corpse lay beside it.

Seeing that this corpse was wearing a full Qinglian suit, it was obvious that he was not a weakling.

Apart from the body and the one-meter-high circular stone pillar, there was nothing else in the stone chamber.

After making sure he didn't see any monsters or dangers, Wang Xuan took out the lighting crystal and walked in.

After getting closer, I noticed that the deceased who fell on the ground had pale skin, large pores, and very rough skin. He was another white man, about 27 or 28 years old.

From the outside, the cause of his death could not be seen. His clothes and armor were not damaged, and he looked like he had slept here. However, Wang Xuanneng could sense that the man had no breath of life.

"How did this man die here?" A look of surprise appeared on Gu Manyao's face. She looked at the man on the ground and then at the blood stained on one side of the column: "Could this be his blood? Strange, look. There is no blood left at the corner of his mouth, it doesn't look like he spit out blood, and there are no wounds on his body, could it be blood left by someone else?"

As he spoke, he looked at the green lotus helmet on the head of the corpse on the ground.

She is short of a Qinglian helmet now. With this helmet, her Qinglian set is complete.

Wang Xuan was also curious about the cause of the man's death. He used the metal tentacles to take off the storage belt on his body, glanced at it and put it away. This was the fourth storage belt he had obtained, and then put it on the corpse. Several pieces of Qinglian equipment were peeled off.

After confirming that there was nothing wrong with the equipment, he gave the Qinglian helmet to Gu Manyao.

Gu Manyao replaced her original ghost helmet and put on this Qinglian helmet. She finally had a set of Qinglian and could activate its set skills.

Wang Xuan put away the remaining equipment and looked at the corpse on the ground. The body looked intact, without any wounds, and it did not look like he had died of poisoning.

"How did he die?"

Tie Jun squatted down and examined the body carefully, trying to find out the cause of death.

Wang Xuandao: "Forget it, since you can't tell, let's go. A super-powerful man died here mysteriously. Maybe there is some danger here that we don't know about."

Seeing that Tie Jun wanted to take a closer look at the body, Wang Xuan immediately stopped him. Although his magic beast had not sensed anything was wrong yet, he wanted to prevent Tie Jun from touching the body and prepared to take them away from here just in case.

Tie Jun heard Wang Xuan's words, hummed, and was about to stand up. Suddenly, the corpse's closed mouth was opened from the inside, a green light flashed, and he fell to the ground. Tie Jun felt his eyes darken, and he was soaked by a wet ball. Something dripping on my face.

He was shocked when something happened suddenly. He hurriedly reached out to grab it, but he saw this green thing moving at a terrifying speed. It was like a soft creature, less than the size of a fist, with a tentacle sticking out from it, and it reached his ear in an instant. Drill toward his ear.

Tie Jun was not as fast as it. He stretched out his hand but failed to catch it. There was a trace of fear on his face. He finally understood how the super-powerful man on the ground died.

This green monster can actually penetrate into the human brain through the seven orifices, destroying the human brain from the inside and eating it completely, leaving no trace on the outside.

Seeing that the green foreign object was about to burrow into his ear, four metal tentacles suddenly appeared silently, opened together like claws, and grabbed the green foreign object, followed by four metal tentacles following the green foreign object. It was wrapped around, almost forming a metal ball without any gaps, completely wrapping the green foreign object inside.

Wang Xuan saw that the green foreign object resembled a soft-bodied creature with no bones and could get into holes as small as ears. The four metal tentacles entangled each other and activated the "entanglement and strangulation" ability, trying to crush it completely.

He reacted much faster than Tie Jun. When Tie Jun touched the corpse on the ground, he was on guard. When he saw the corpse on the ground suddenly opening its mouth, he activated four metal tentacles. Fortunately, the green foreign object completely penetrated Tiejun captured it in his ears.

It only took half a second for this green foreign object to get into Tie Jun's mind, and he would be unable to do anything.

As the "Entanglement and Strangulation" started, green juice flowed out from the gaps between the entangled metal tentacles.

Tie Jun escaped, was in shock, and was about to speak when Wang Xuan suddenly let out a low roar: "Get out!" and was hit hard.

There was a "boom". Before Tie Jun could understand what happened, he was hit by Wang Xuan with his shoulder. He let himself go and flew out of the stone gate.

Gu Manyao was very close to the stone door. After hearing Wang Xuan's words, she hurriedly raised her head and found that the corpse on the ground had green foreign objects coming out of its mouth, ears, and nostrils.

What's even more terrifying is that the one-meter-high stone pillar in the center sank silently into the ground at some point and disappeared. A hole appeared below. At this moment, a woman appeared in the hole. She was completely naked. Her face, neck, chest and abdomen, and legs were covered with fist-sized fists. These sarcomas are constantly rupturing, and green foreign bodies are crawling out.

Their speed was extremely terrifying. They bounced up as fast as lightning. In just an instant, Wang Xuan was hit by several of them. They followed the mechanical shell of Wang Xuan's body and rushed toward the seven orifices of his head.

And I don’t know how many such green foreign objects are hidden in the body of the corpse on the ground. In addition, the woman covered with sarcoma crawled out, and she was green in the blink of an eye, which made people’s scalp numb when they saw it.

Wang Xuan reacted quickly and knew something was wrong. He knocked the iron army away first and rushed out. He waved a metal tentacle and grabbed the stone door on one side. He wanted to escape and then closed the stone door to put these unknown people away. All the green monsters are locked inside.

Although he didn't know whether the gaps in the stone door could stop these green foreign objects.

His illustrated eye could not capture any information on these green foreign objects, and he had no idea where they came from.

Fortunately, Gu Manyao was the closest to the stone gate, so she saw something was wrong, so she jumped out, followed closely by Wang Xuan. The two ghost wings behind him flapped violently, and a dozen green foreign objects that had just jumped over were caught by him. His ghost wings flew away, followed by a bang. As soon as he rushed out, the stone door behind him was closed by the metal tentacles he controlled.

The stone door was closed, and there was a gap below. When Wang Xuan noticed it, he secretly screamed that it was over.

These green foreign objects have drilled out along this gap.

Several green foreign objects climbing on Wang Xuan jumped onto his helmet in an instant and headed towards his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

They were too fast, and Gu Manyao and Tie Jun had no time to help him. Looking at the green foreign objects crawling out, they all felt fear.

Wang Xuan knew something was wrong. Once they got into it, no matter how powerful he was, there was nothing he could do against them.

At this moment, it was too late to use the metal tentacles, so he opened his hands and grabbed his head and face.

Just grabbing two of them with both hands was like grabbing two pools of snot, and they looked indescribably uncomfortable and weird.

Immediately after him, he felt a foreign object enter his nostril, and a green foreign object penetrated part of his body.

In shock, Wang Xuan stretched out his hand to grab it. He was faster than the green foreign object. He immediately grabbed the green foreign object in his hand, pulled it out of his nostrils, and threw it into the distance with all his strength.

In just a short period of time, a large number of green foreign objects emerged from the gap under the closed stone door. Each green foreign object was only the size of a fist, and could extend a large number of small tentacles, rising into the sky like streaks of green lightning. The speed is frightening.

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