The last building on earth

Chapter 246 New City

Wang Xuan noticed that the glass cylinder would slowly absorb the blood of these monsters, and saw faint blood-red threads appearing on the glass cylinder, slowly extending upwards and intertwining, forming a dense blood-red silk network.

As a large amount of blood was drawn in, these blood-red threads continued to extend upward along the glass cylinder.

Wang Xuan saw that these elders also knew how to use monster blood to repair the buildings in the safe zone. It seemed that the transmission channel in the center of the No. 8 safe zone had not been repaired before. It should be because the damage was serious and could not be repaired. It was not that these elders did not understand.

Among the four black-robed men belonging to "Rakshasa City", one of the black-robed men suddenly swayed and suddenly arrived in front of the glass cylinder. The black robe expanded, and several tentacles with suction cups protruded from it. Use the tentacle suction cup to suck on the smooth surface of the glass cylinder and start climbing up.

The surface of this glass cylinder is too smooth, making it difficult for ordinary people to climb up. The tentacle suckers extended by the black-robed man have strong adsorption capabilities, which allows him to climb up easily.

Many people gathered under the glass cylinder and looked up, watching the figure of the man in black robe getting smaller and smaller. His speed was very fast, and in a short time he followed the glass cylinder to several hundred meters. in mid-air.

Wang Xuan understood that the man in black robe climbed up to observe the repair status of the glass cylinder.

Almost all the blood from the corpses of more than two hundred humanoid monsters was squeezed out by them, and all the blood was poured at the bottom of the glass cylinder.

It is too difficult to completely repair ten glass cylinders, so everyone wants to repair one of them first. In fact, as long as they can repair one, it is enough for them.

Wang Xuan noticed that more and more people were gathering around him. The large number of people in these five major cities was beyond his expectation. Of course, these people also included many small and large forces that had gone out independently. Now something unexpected happened. These independent forces, large and small, have returned to the five major cities again.

The man in black robe observed for a while, and then slid down the glass cylinder, getting faster and faster, until he was about tens of meters down, and then used the tentacle suction cup again to offset the downward impact. The original falling speed Slowing down, and finally falling steadily to the ground.

"How is it?" asked one of the men in black robes belonging to "Rakshasa City".

"The effect is not great. If you want to repair it, you must find a more powerful monster." The black-robed man who landed on the ground retracted the tentacles with suction cups and replied in a slightly low voice.

Hearing these words, these men in black robes sighed slightly, with more or less disappointment in their tone.

"To repair the upward passage, the energy required is unimaginable. Just relying on these monsters is indeed impossible..." One of the men in black robes from "Phoenix City" slowly spoke. Listening to the voice, it was obviously a woman. , then she turned around on a giant mechanical horse and said in a deep voice: "Let's go, let's rebuild 'Phoenix City' first."

After saying that, she rode the giant mechanical horse and began to run towards the outside of the light barrier.

Several men in black robes followed closely, and then a group of super-powerful men belonging to the "Phoenix City" supported them and ran towards the forest outside.

"We are also going to rebuild 'Xuan City'."

Elder Xuancheng gave an order and led five men in black robes, followed by Mei Xiaosen and other super powerhouses. Xu Jian said with excitement: "Rebuild Xuancheng, I understand. The elder decided to rebuild the No. 9 safe zone." Rebuilding the five major cities in this area, with the protection of the five major cities, these monsters can no longer easily destroy the light shield."

Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao followed Xu Jian, and together with a group of Xuan Gang leaders from various towns, followed the crowd towards the oncoming forest.

Wang Xuan noticed a detail. The five major forces chose different directions. Basically, they were divided into five directions with the No. 9 safety zone as the center. He understood in his heart that there were many things hidden in the forest in this area. Ancient ruins, these five major forces will each choose an ancient ruin to settle down and rebuild the five major cities. As Xu Jian said, the five major cities will be equivalent to guarding the No. 9 safety zone. If there is any accident here, they will be able to detect it immediately.

This is also the reason why the five major cities were located near Security Zone 8 that day.

There are many buildings in this area, and it is not difficult to find five habitable ancient cities. Although these buildings are completely covered by plants, they are integrated with this virgin forest.

But with everyone's ability, these plants can be easily removed.

I quickly found a building closest to the No. 9 Safety Zone. Judging from the scale, it should be equivalent to the insect town. It can only be regarded as a small town. There are many towering trees growing inside, and the surrounding walls and the buildings inside are covered with dust. The plants were submerged, and it was only possible to tell from the appearance that this was an ancient town.

Following the order from the "Xuancheng" elder, hundreds of super-powerful men took action together and began to cut down trees, remove weeds, and clean up the vines and other plants that covered the walls.

Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao also started to help, clearing away the vines covering the wall in front of them. Gu Manyao showed the demon chi knife in his hand and cleared it quickly.

Xu Jian on the other side was even faster. Four beast arms appeared on his back. Adding his own pair of arms, there were six arms in total. They each held different weapons, such as chopping claws and chopping vegetables. He could easily cut through the large piece of green vines in front of him. It was chopped down.

At this moment, a young man came over, looked at Xu Jian and Wang Xuan, and said, "Please follow me, the elder wants to see you."

Wang Xuan was slightly startled, and looked up, only to see the six men in black robes still riding on the back of the mechanical beast a hundred meters away. There was also a group of people surrounding them. One of the men in black robes, It was the elder of "Xuancheng" who was looking at them at the moment.

Xu Jian was a little surprised, and hurriedly put away the six weapons, retracted his beast arm, and said: "Wang Xuan, let's go, it must be that your performance just now was too good, the elder must have noticed it, and now he wants to see us. "

Xu Jian walked over with a smile as he spoke. Wang Xuan followed without saying a word.

Under the leadership of the young man, the two came to the six black-robed men and saluted the elders.

Beside them, there were also several leaders of the Xuan Gang in the town, including Su Tang from "Beast Town" whom he was familiar with, and Chu Dong from "Sand Town". And was called over by the elders.

Su Tang was not weak at first, but now he has entered Central City and mastered the basic hatching beast skills, and his strength has been further improved. Chu Dong is also about the same, and he is considered the best among this group of Xuan Gang leaders.

Xu Jian was self-aware and understood that he was just average among a group of Xuan gang leaders, not outstanding. Now that he was called over by the elders, it was probably because Wang Xuan took advantage of him.

The elder stretched out an arm wrapped in black cloth from under his black robe, raised it slightly, indicating that they did not need to be polite, and then asked them what happened after they discovered the malfunction of the No. 8 elevator.

The leaders of the Xuan Gang took turns telling the story, and the elders listened quietly, occasionally nodding slightly.

When they heard that they had discovered Safe Zone No. 10 and entered Central City through the teleportation channel, many people around had a look of surprise on their faces. However, the elder and the other five men in black robes were unable to see because they were covering their heads and faces. expression.

Xu Jian mentioned that under Tang Ruoyu's prompting, they repaired the transmission channel from Safe Zone No. 9 to Central City. In fact, he was very curious and wanted to ask the elders about Tang Ruoyu's situation. Unfortunately, there were many people here and the time was not suitable.

After listening to the stories of the leaders of the Xuan Gang, the elder nodded slightly and said, "You are serious."

After that, the leaders of the Xuan Gang withdrew and continued to help clean up the plants covering the surface of the ancient town, but the elder asked Wang Xuan to stay.

"Wang Xuan, I just saw that you performed very well. In just a short period of time, you have already reached the peak of super state and have strength close to the limit."

The elder's tone was very gentle and said: "I heard they said that there are three stone gates in the central city. You can get basic, intermediate to advanced hatching beast skills by points. You have probably acquired the intermediate skills now."

Wang Xuan thought to himself that the elder's vision was really poisonous, and he could actually see that he had obtained the intermediate skill of hatching beast, so he nodded and admitted it, thinking that he judged that he was close to the super state limit, but when the elder appeared just now, he actually did not fully explode. Power, that's why he made such a comment. If he exploded with all his power, would it be considered the true limit of the super state?

"But don't enter the high-level stone gate just yet."

Hearing the elder's words, Wang Xuan was startled and couldn't help but said: "Why." He had planned to enter the Hell Tower this time, harvest enough crystal scales, and enter the high-level skill stone gate.

The elder said: "Because this is a great opportunity to help you break through the limits of the super state. After becoming a super state, if you want to make your hatching beast grow, it will be completely different from before. You must let your hatching beast reach the peak of the super state. Only with strength can there be hope.”

"Of course, the stronger the strength, the greater the hope of breakthrough, so I hope that you can reach the super state limit with your strength, and then enter this advanced skill stone gate, and then you can hope to take advantage of the opportunity of understanding this advanced skill to break through the super state in one fell swoop. .”

After listening to the elder's words, Wang Xuan understood that above the super state, the hatchling beast can grow to a higher form, and only when the strength reaches the peak of the super state can there be hope, and the probability of breaking through the super state limit is naturally higher than the peak. big.

"I understand, thank you elder for reminding me." Wang Xuan nodded, very grateful, and felt the elder's care for him, but he thought of the instinctive uneasiness of Warcraft when he first met the elder that day. At that time, he guessed that his strength might be too far away. Unlike elders, when facing a powerful presence, the instinct of Warcraft will naturally produce uneasiness.

But now that he is strong enough, he is not afraid even if he faces this elder, but for some reason, the vague feeling of uneasiness inherent in this monster's instinct still exists.

"Work hard. The future of Xuancheng depends on you." When the elder said this, he tilted his head slightly and looked at Mei Xiaosen, who had been standing on the other side.

Mei Xiaosen laughed, walked out, and said, "Your name is Wang Xuan, right? You're doing well. We can get close to each other."

As he spoke, he suddenly took three steps in a row and suddenly approached Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan's heart was suffocated, and he immediately felt a huge pressure. This invisible force shrouded down from all directions, and suddenly it was as heavy as a mountain on his back. If it were someone with weaker strength, just this, he would immediately If you can't hold it any longer, kneel down on the spot.

Wang Xuan remained calm, secretly activating the power of the blue crystal scales in his body, combining the power of his magical beast and ghost car, and burst out together, fighting against this increasingly powerful force, but with a smile on his face, he nodded. He said: "Yes, I hope I can give you more advice in the future."

"Haha, there's no point in giving advice. We are all from Xuancheng, and we will be brothers from now on. It's okay to give each other advice." Mei Xiaosen was smiling, looking as if he had seen something interesting, and he was getting more and more excited.

To outsiders, no one could tell that they were harmonious on the surface. In fact, they were secretly competing. Only the elders of Xuancheng and five people covered in black robes seemed to notice something and looked at their faces together.

Wang Xuan felt the increasingly powerful power coming from Mei Xiaosen, and could only continue to improve his strength to resist. He kept a smile on his face, but was secretly shocked in his heart.

This Mei Xiaosen's strength is simply unfathomable, at least it is at the limit of the super state, and it is possible to even surpass the super state.

Suddenly, all this power flowed backwards and disappeared.

Wang Xuan secretly breathed a sigh of relief, but Mei Xiaosen looked at him carefully before nodding and saying: "It's indeed good, a rare good seedling. No wonder the elder is so fond of you."

There was no longer the casualness in his tone, but a hint of appreciation. This time, the appreciation was obviously from the heart.

The two competed secretly. Although it was not clear who was winning or losing, Wang Xuan was able to keep his composure and even a proud person like Mei Xiaosen express his praise. This was shocking enough. The elders and the five men in black robes all saw it. It's in my eyes and I know it in my heart.

"If the passage to the top can be repaired this time, you are all the ones who have the chance to go up." When the elder said this, he suddenly seemed to be touched by some emotion. He sighed, raised his head and looked towards the sky, with an infinite sound in his voice. Sigh.

Then he waved his hand, indicating that Mei Xiaosen and Wang Xuan could move freely.

Wang Xuan resigned and left, and went back to find Gu Manyao and Xu Jian. Five to six hundred super-powerful men took action together, and it still took half a day to finally completely clear away all the plants in this ancient town. This place was also unknown. The ancient town, which had been submerged in the forest for many years, once again revealed its true appearance.

Although it has gone through vicissitudes of life, the buildings in the ancient town are still relatively intact. In the center of the ancient town, there is a sealing altar that looks like a pagoda. However, this sealing altar has long been destroyed, and there is nothing inside.

A man in black robes held a flag with a black bracelet in his hand. He quickly went up the pagoda sealing altar and soon reached the top of the sealing altar. He placed the flag representing "Xuan City" on the altar. Above, this means that this ancient town will be the "Xuan City" among the five major cities in the third layer of the world.

After that, hundreds of people began to clean up the buildings in the ancient town. Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao were both super strong men and members of "Xuan City". They were both qualified to choose their own buildings here, but they both needed their own Take matters into your own hands to tidy up.

While hundreds of people were busy, Wang Xuan saw a group of people led by Elder Xuancheng standing guard in front of one of the walls, opening the gate of the ancient town that had been closed for many years. This group of people gathered there, as if in Waiting for something, including Elder Xuancheng, the five men in black robes, and Mei Xiaosen were all there.

"Weird, are we waiting for an important person? Are there other people in Xuancheng?" Wang Xuan saw it from a distance and was secretly surprised. Soon he saw movement coming from the distance, and groups of iron towers rose from the forest. Winged Demon Owls, but these Iron-winged Demon Owls are just hovering in mid-air, as if they want to attack downwards, but they are also afraid of something.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan saw groups of people riding mechanical beasts starting to pour out of the open door.

The elder led a group of five men in black robes and other people and retreated to the side. More and more people came in. Many people heard the noise and walked out of the building that was being tidied up.

In a short period of time, at least a thousand people poured in from outside. When Wang Xuan saw this, he understood a little. The hundreds of people led by the elders before were just the vanguard of "Xuan City", and these talents who appeared now were considered "Xuancheng" is a real large force.

"I should have thought of it earlier. The five major cities should have existed for a long time, and there are also a large number of independent forces of varying sizes. Similar to Mei Xiaosen, who also led a group of people to go out independently before. Now these independent The forces have also returned, how can it be possible that there are only five or six hundred people in total?"

After Wang Xuan thought about it clearly, he was not surprised. As the thousands of people entered, behind them appeared carriages pulled by mechanical beasts, all covered with animal skins. Except for the four exposed It was difficult to see clearly what was loaded on the carriage. Wang Xuan guessed that it might be the materials originally in Xuan City. The storage belt might not be able to hold them, so he used these carriages to transport them.

As more and more people entered, this new "Xuan City" became more and more lively and began to become full of vitality. Although Wang Xuan did not see the other four cities, he imagined that the situation should be similar to here.

Although this forest is full of monsters, perhaps it is because there are too many humans and powerful people. These monsters felt their powerful aura and knew that they were not easy to mess with. They did not appear to harass them, but retreated. .

Seeing the night getting darker, Wang Xuan decided to go back to Insect Town to rest for the time being so that he could enter the Hell Tower early tomorrow morning.

Leaving this Xinxuan City, Wang Xuan headed towards the No. 9 Safety Zone. He soon saw people coming and going in the safety zone. There were also many people entering various elevators to go to Hundred Towns, and there were also people passing through the central transmission channel. , enter Central City.

Looking at the surrounding areas, the five new cities have begun to gather a large number of strong human beings, and the monsters such as tree monsters, mushroom men, piranhas, and forest wolves that have been wandering around have also disappeared.

There are five major cities guarding this No. 9 safe zone. Unless there is a catastrophe that is irresistible to human power, ordinary monsters alone will not be enough to destroy and threaten this place.

Wang Xuan looked at the rune stone carvings on the ground in the safe area. The large holes in the ground that had been destroyed had also been filled in. Everything seemed to have restored its former stability and harmony.

The light mask in the No. 9 safety zone disappeared. Wang Xuan had just approached, but he saw the elevator door belonging to "Insect Town" suddenly opened. A figure flashed, and Tie Jun rushed out with an anxious look.

During today's battle, Tie Jun never showed up. Wang Xuan guessed that he was on a mission and didn't know the news here, so he didn't come up, but he didn't expect him to show up at this moment.

"Brother Tie?" Wang Xuan called out immediately when he saw him.

Seeing Wang Xuan, Tie Jun's eyes lit up and he rushed over: "Something big happened in Chong Town!"

With Tie Jun's calmness and stability, he could be so anxious and panicked. Wang Xuan's heart sank, and he immediately understood that this must be an extremely serious incident.

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival to everyone in advance! ! !

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