The last building on earth

Chapter 258 The Mysterious Lord takes action (please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan followed the crowd, not daring to get too close, and controlled dozens of steel feathers formed by the decomposition of ghost wings to attack from a distance.

The steel feather was unable to penetrate the white rhinoceros' skin, and could only penetrate through its blackened wounds that were deep enough to show the bones.

Although the white rhinoceros is leaving, it is not fleeing into the distance as everyone imagined. Instead, it maintains the dignity of the totem. Its limbs, which are like pillars of heaven, still appear slow and powerful. Every step it takes makes a muffled sound like thunder. This area The forest floor shook slightly.

Wang Xuan saw that the white rhinoceros was clearly running away, but it looked so calm. The scene in the animal world where he watched a group of lions hunting giraffes came to mind. He thought of those lions biting the giraffe, lying on its back, or hanging on it. On the body, the giraffe always seemed unhurried, eating leaves as he walked, with the lion hanging all over his body, until he finally collapsed from exhaustion and became the lion's food.

He always couldn't understand the behavior of giraffes when he saw this before, but he never expected to see a similar situation on the white rhino at this moment.

"The giraffe's behavior may be interpreted as a lack of intelligence, but the white rhinoceros is one of the seven strongest totems in the world. In any case, it cannot be said to have a low IQ. Did it know that it could not escape, so it gave up its escape? Choose to die with dignity? Or does it not care about our attacks at all, and it still has its trump card unused?"

Wang Xuan thought in his mind and kept an eye on it, quietly producing a few defensive crystals just in case.

There were many people who had the same idea as him. After all, the white rhino's departure was too calm. It didn't look like he was fleeing, but rather like he was leaving calmly, not taking the hundreds of super-powerful men seriously.

Sure enough, as it walked out of the attack range of the central city's defense system, it suddenly opened its mouth and let out a long and strange roar.

As this strange roar sounded, the mammoth giant rhinoceros in the surrounding forest began to collectively open their mouths, roaring and resonating, followed by a rumbling sound, and thousands of mammoth giant rhinoceros surrounded them in a fan shape, heading towards Then they launched an attack.

These mammoth giant rhino groups are the white rhino’s trump card. It is not afraid of attacks from others at all.

In its eyes, insignificant humans are not qualified to challenge it.

Each mammoth giant rhinoceros has strength comparable to the top super power. Thousands of mammoth giant rhinoceros launched a sprint, kicking up dust and yellow leaves all over the sky. The roars were deafening. Four to five hundred super power people, He was immediately besieged by them.

Hundreds of super-powerful men who were originally unsure about the situation breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the mammoth giant rhinoceros surrounding them in groups.

If the white rhino's trump card is just the mammoth giant rhinoceros group, it is not something to be afraid of. The only thing everyone is afraid of is the white rhino itself, fearing that it has some trump cards that it has not revealed. Although the mammoth giant rhino group looks terrifying, overwhelming and unstoppable, Among these four to five hundred super-powerful people, the weak ones are all top-level super-powerful people. Among them, there are even more powerful super-powerful people. There are even extreme super-powerful people. They don’t treat these mammoth giants at all. Rhino sees it.

As the two sides approached, the conflict broke out in an instant. The super-powerful men on the periphery took action one after another, attacking the mammoth giant rhinos that were charging up to resist their collision.

The sound of "boom, boom, boom" explosions was heard endlessly, and large flames rose up and turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, quickly igniting the forest to block these mammoth giant rhinoceros.

All kinds of roars and hisses rang out, as thousands of mammoth rhinos clashed head-on with hundreds of super-powerful men, and the scene immediately became bloody and tragic.

More than half of the super-powerful people changed their targets and took action to resist the attack of the mammoth giant rhinoceros. The other half of the super-powerful people were still frantically attacking the white rhinoceros.

Killing the white rhinoceros will not only relieve the central city from being destroyed, but also repair the glass passage upwards. Moreover, if anyone can grab the final blow and kill the white rhinoceros, the amount of energy gained will be unimaginable.

It is hard for anyone to imagine what gains can be gained from killing a totem with a human body. After all, it has never happened before.

The only thing that is certain is that there will be great benefits. Everyone is jealous of this opportunity and does not want to miss it.

Facing the frenzied attacks of hundreds of people, the white rhinoceros still maintained its previous pace and walked deeper into the forest.

Although all kinds of abilities that weaken the combat power have been hit on it, and everyone has tried their best to attack crazily, but at present, it seems that the impact of all their attacks on the white rhinoceros is not particularly obvious. The real serious trauma it suffered , still left to it by the two metal pillars from Central City.

The more Wang Xuanyue attacked, the more frightened he became. This white rhinoceros was really terrifying. It had been at least a minute or two since they attacked. However, the continuous attacks of hundreds of people, even if they were not scraped, hit the white rhinoceros. There is not much difference in scraping.

It could hardly dodge the various attacks from people and accepted them all. Only when an attack hit a terrible wound on its head, it would slightly move its head to avoid it.

Wang Xuan noticed this detail and thought, could it be that the real vital point is on the top of the head?

With this idea, he immediately moved forward, controlled dozens of steel feathers, and began to focus on the bone-deep wound on the head of the white rhinoceros.

In addition to Wang Xuan, many people noticed this detail. Mei Xiaosen jumped up and rushed out of the group of people, surpassing the white rhinoceros, and then circled around from the front. The iron dragon flag appeared again, carrying Xunxun with him. The wind whistled towards the wound on the head of the white rhinoceros.

There were several people following Mei Xiaosen, both men and women, each with unfathomable strength. In Wang Xuan's opinion, their strength should have exceeded the peak of the super state, and they were most likely to be the real super state. By.

Among these men and women, one man wore a metal plate, which represented a strong man from the City of Justice. He threw out a bronze war spear.

This bronze war spear dragged a cyan rainbow light in the air, and roared through the air. In terms of lethality, it was even more lethal than the dozens of steel feathers controlled by Wang Xuan, and it shot the white rhino's forehead wound quickly.

Another woman, from "Phoenix City", raised her right arm, and snow-white rune patterns appeared on half of her body. The rune patterns were knotted one by one, forming a half set of rune armor. She yelled, and snow-white cold air erupted from the half set of rune-patterned armor. Wherever the cold air blew, ice formed, forming snowflakes in the air and falling around.

She appeared in the snowflakes flying all over the sky like a goddess of ice and snow, majestic and majestic.

As she raised her right arm, countless snow-white runes appeared and swirled, and the snowflakes roared in the sky, forming a huge ice and snow wind column, blasting towards the white rhinoceros.

This woman has the power to control ice and snow and is famous in the five major cities. Wang Xuan saw it and was secretly surprised, understanding that this was a super strong person who was not inferior to Mei Xiaosen.

There is another man from the "King City", holding a scepter in his right hand, which can control the surrounding rocks. Rocks appear in the air and smash towards the white rhinoceros crazily.

In addition to these super strong men taking action, more than twenty men in black robes also surpassed the white rhino and began to intercept from the front. Among them, the man in black robes stretched out his hands. As the black robes flew, the lower half of his body was exposed, and his whole body was covered with long hair. It is covered with forest black hair and has a face shaped like a black ape.

Wang Xuan knew him, he was one of the five black-robed men from "Xuan City".

Due to the backlash from the hatchling beast, he was half human and half ape, and could no longer return to his normal human appearance. He could only cover himself with a black robe. At this moment, he used all his strength to open his mouth and let out a scream that was almost like an ape's cry. He kicked off his feet and flew into the air. He stood up, grabbed out a pair of ape claws, jumped under the belly of the white rhinoceros in front of him, and clawed into the huge burnt wound. The ape in his body climbed up along the huge wound, trying to climb up. Go to the top of the white rhinoceros' head and attack the vital points on its head.

This ape man in black robes was so bold. Many people saw it and were secretly frightened. Others also followed suit. A man in black robes from the "King City" also jumped up and landed on the white rhinoceros. He looked into the open wound on his belly, trying to get into the body of the white rhinoceros and then destroy it.

Many people followed suit and jumped up one after another. Soon the wounds on the surface of the white rhino's body were filled with people. They tried their best to destroy the wounds and wanted to drill directly along the wounds.

The white rhinoceros has always been unhurried and very calm. Even if it was seriously injured and was attacked wildly by hundreds of super-powerful people, it did not show any panic.

Until this moment, when everyone climbed into the large number of wounds on the surface of its body and began to drill into its body, the white rhino finally seemed to be truly irritated. It suddenly stopped, raised its head, and opened its bloody mouth. From his mouth, he let out a sharp roar, and white light appeared again on the curved white rhino horn.

"Everyone, be careful!" the Phoenix elder from "Phoenix City" screamed. She understood that the white rhinoceros emitted this white light, which was so powerful that no one could stop it. Of course, each attack would consume a lot of physical energy, so it was not Under special circumstances, it will not launch casually.

Seeing the curved rhinoceros horns glowing, many people distanced themselves one after another, clenching the defensive crystal in their hands with their left hands. Once the white light released hit them, they would immediately crush the defensive crystal.

Unexpectedly, the rhinoceros horn did not emit terrifying white light, but white light exploded from the wounds on the surface of its body.

With a "boom", many people who climbed into its wound were caught off guard and were blasted by the white light, roaring and shattering immediately.

Even the most powerful person in the super state cannot withstand the terrifying blow of the white rhinoceros.

Among them, the black-robed ape who had climbed on top of the white rhinoceros was preparing to attack the wound on the white rhinoceros' head. He didn't expect a white light to erupt from the wound and submerge most of his body.

Wang Xuan saw that most of the black-robed man's body disappeared in an instant, and blood spurted out like a fountain from the remaining body. Without even a scream, the remaining body fell from the white rhino's head in the air.

This was one of the twenty-two men in black robes whose strength was second only to the five elders in the five major cities. He was so powerful that he was even more powerful than the peak super powerhouse. He didn't expect to die like this.

Wang Xuan saw this and was shocked. The dozens of steel feathers he blasted out were also submerged in white light and disappeared immediately.

The energy that the white rhinoceros burst out this time was simply unbelievable. Most of those who climbed onto its body were wiped out. A few people escaped, including the black-robed man from the royal city. Fall down.

The white rhinoceros was seriously injured. After this terrifying blow, the pressure released from its whole body was obviously weakened. At the moment when the power of the white light all over its body weakened and converged, something suddenly burst out from the ground below its belly. It broke out of the ground and instantly hit a wound on the belly of the white rhinoceros.

The speed was so fast that most people didn't see clearly what was coming out of the ground. Even Wang Xuan, who was as powerful as Wang Xuan, could only barely see that it was a metal humanoid with patterns all over the surface, along with the open wounds on the belly of the white rhinoceros. He got in and suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, the white rhinoceros unleashed a terrifying blow, the white light converged, and its vitality and blood were at their weakest. Suddenly struck by this blow, its hundred-meter-long body suddenly shook and stopped in place. Suddenly, a large number of people appeared in its belly. Blood flowed and gushed out.

Almost at the same moment, on a towering tree not far away, a figure soared into the air from the canopy of forty to fifty meters high, and landed on the head of the white rhinoceros with a "boom".

This figure is tall and tall, two meters tall. He is wearing full armor, like a god descending from the earth. He is holding a knife in both hands. The knife is roaring and the whole body is glowing. It is like a two-meter-long light blade, slashing at the head of a white rhinoceros in the air. In the gaping wound on the head.

The blood was like a fountain, the white rhinoceros roared and hissed, and the huge body was shaking violently. The two-meter-high armored giant sank in with both man and knife.

Wang Xuan stopped and was stunned. He couldn't see clearly the figure that emerged from the ground and penetrated into the belly of the white rhinoceros. However, it suddenly appeared from the tree crown on one side and jumped into the wound on the head of the white rhinoceros with a knife. He could see the two-meter giant clearly.

This is the Xuan Lord who appeared in Xuan City before.

Previously in Xuan City, Xuan Master suddenly attacked Wang Xuan, and later said that he passed the test, and then slept in a metal coffin. Wang Xuan could not have imagined that at this moment, he would be fully armed and wearing heavy armor, hiding in the canopy on the side, grabbing this person. Perfect opportunity, one hit.

The single horn on top of its head was surrounded by the white rhino's fatal vitals. It suddenly suffered a heavy blow, and it roared. Its huge body swayed and became unstable. It fell down like a jade pillar pushed down by a golden mountain. .

The huge body, which was hundreds of meters long and weighed an unknown number of tons, fell down at this moment. The power was astonishing. Where it fell, everyone retreated in horror. Once it was pressed by it, even if it was made of steel, they would not be able to survive. They all have to be pressed into discus.

The towering trees that were crushed immediately broke and fell over. A mammoth giant rhinoceros that retreated slowly was crushed. It didn't even have time to scream, and its bones and flesh rotted into pieces, turning into a ball of flesh.

Seeing the white rhinoceros fall heavily, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. It was only then that he truly believed that it was really possible for everyone to kill the white rhinoceros.

Although there were many of them before, most of their attacks were like scraping and could not hurt the white rhino at all.

Xuanzhu followed the wound on the white rhino's head and killed it and did not appear. However, the fallen white rhino was struggling, with blood flowing from its mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

Wang Xuan understood that in addition to Xuanzhu, there was another person like him who had gotten into the body of the white rhinoceros. They were wreaking crazy destruction inside the body of the white rhinoceros.

It is too difficult to kill the totem. The body as big as a hill is too powerful for humans. Anyone who touches it is like a worm shaking a tree. The only hope is to enter its body and start destroying it from the inside.

Wang Xuan heard an explosion sound inside the body of the white rhinoceros, but through the thick flesh, the sound of the explosion was very dull.

Groups of super-powerful men began to jump on the white rhino's body, burrowing through the superficial wounds and wreaking crazy destruction inside its body.

From all directions, countless mammoth giant rhinoceros rushed up like crazy. They seemed to know that the totem of their clan was in bad shape, and they tried desperately to save it.

All kinds of roars were heard. One by one, the mammoth giant rhinoceros risked their lives and attacked frantically in a way that almost killed them all. This immediately caused huge pressure on everyone. From time to time, some super-powerful people were severely injured. Originally, everyone worked together to resist steadily. He had resisted their impact, but now he couldn't resist it and began to retreat.

But no matter how crazy they are, they can't get close to the white rhinoceros in a short time. More and more people get into the white rhinoceros and begin to destroy it from the inside.

Wang Xuan looked at this scene and deeply realized what it means to have an elephant killed by too many ants.

Even the supreme totem of the third level world may be killed by humans who are far less powerful once it weakens.

Wang Xuan understood that the most fatal blow came from the mysterious master. This mysterious master was really terrifying. He broke the white rhino's forehead with a volley and hit its vital part, causing it to fall down.

When it fell down, the outcome was already determined. All kinds of explosions were heard in the body. On the surface of the body, there was a faint white light flashing. These white lights were converging towards the horn on its forehead.

This totem is like a centipede insect, dead but not stiff. It still has to fight for the last time. All the energy in the body gathers into the rhinoceros horn, and the curved horn shines again.

The instinct of a super-powerful person is very sensitive. Wang Xuan's monster felt uneasy and immediately distanced itself, understanding that although the white rhinoceros was at the end of its crossbow, this last blow must be extremely powerful and no one could withstand it.

The strong men who originally got in sensed something was wrong, so they emerged from the wounds on the surface of its body and jumped out, all trying to distance themselves.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang in its belly, a huge wound opened, and a figure appeared and emerged from it.

This figure was three meters tall, and its whole body was made of steel and metal, covered with exquisite patterns. However, it was covered with blood at the moment, and bright metallic luster shone all over the body.

Let’s talk about the achievements. This book is finally a high-quality product. The high-order order is over 10,000 yuan. Thank you for your strong support. Thank you all! !

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