The last building on earth

Chapter 261 The true face of Xuanzhu (please vote and subscribe)

"What's going on?"

Wang Xuan was slightly surprised when he saw that Mei Xiaosen looked a little mysterious and said that he wanted to help.

Mei Xiaosen's strength is unfathomable. From the people he has seen so far, only the Xuan Lord and Rakshasa King should be stronger than him. Others, including the elders of the five cities, Wang Xuan is not sure. will defeat him.

What kind of help does such a person need to do for himself?

Mei Xiaosen looked around and then said: "This is not the place to talk. Come with me and find a place where no one is around to elaborate."

After saying that, he walked towards an elevator not far away.

Wang Xuan saw the word "Star Town" hanging above the elevator. He had been to "Star Town" before for the equipment and materials mission, and knew that the town had been destroyed and had completely turned into a world inhabited by monsters such as star beasts.

Mei Xiaosen opened the elevator and walked in. Wang Xuan did not follow him immediately, with a trace of hesitation on his face.

Mei Xiaosen's behavior is a bit strange. Although he is not necessarily afraid of Mei Xiaosen, if the other party brings him to Star Town, there are some back-up arrangements. Wang Xuan cannot activate the Book of Titans now, and he is not absolutely confident that he can protect himself.

"What on earth is so secret that we can't talk about it here?" Wang Xuan said as he looked around. Everyone was busy, and no one paid any attention to the two of them.

When Mei Xiaosen saw that Wang Xuan had not come, he guessed his concerns. After thinking about it, he could understand. After all, he was not very familiar with Wang Xuan. If he suddenly wanted to take him to the abandoned Star Town, anyone else would be suspicious. , could only walk out again and said: "Then let's talk while we talk."

After saying that, he walked out of the mask.

Wang Xuan followed this time.

Mei Xiaosen did not speak, but walked faster and faster, and soon passed through the light barrier and walked towards an uninhabited forest.

Wang Xuan was a few meters behind and his brows gradually furrowed. He could see that Mei Xiaosen not only acted strangely, but also looked slightly anxious.

With his strength, what could make him so anxious?

Originally, Wang Xuan thought that Mei Xiaosen had asked him to go to some mysterious and dangerous place to find a special opportunity. Since Mei Xiaosen was not strong enough alone, he asked him to come together. If they join forces, there may be hope, but Now seeing Mei Xiaosen's appearance, Wang Xuan ruled out this conjecture.

Finally, Mei Xiaosen stopped in front of a towering tree that was forty to fifty meters high. Using his hands and feet, he suddenly climbed up the tree.

"Wang Xuan, how about we come up together and enjoy the scenery here?"

Mei Xiaosen's voice came down, and Wang Xuan saw that he had climbed twenty or thirty meters up in an instant. He responded, and with a thought, metal tentacles appeared, placed on the tree pole, and climbed up easily.

Four metal tentacles intertwined, Wang Xuan's hands and feet did not move, as if he was suspended in mid-air, constantly rising up. When he climbed to the top of the tree forty or fifty meters, Mei Xiaosen was already standing on one of the thick branches. , condescendingly looking at the surrounding scenery.

From this angle, you can see the "King City" not far away, and you can also see the "Rakshasa City".

As for "Xuan City", it was the farthest away from them and was obscured by trees and could not be seen.

"No one is eavesdropping here, so we should be able to talk." Wang Xuan was a little wary, so he stopped three meters away from Mei Xiaosen. If he wanted to make a sudden move, he could react to it.

Mei Xiaosen didn't seem to notice Wang Xuan's caution. He just took a breath and said softly: "Wang Xuan, before killing the white rhinoceros, have you seen Master Xuan?"

Wang Xuan was startled, and suddenly thought that he had had similar doubts when he met Mei Xiaosen before, that is, had Mei Xiaosen passed the examination of Master Xuan before? If it passes the assessment, what will be the result?

He finally vaguely understood why Mei Xiaosen was so cautious. Maybe his so-called help was not really to help him, but to talk about something related to Xuan Master, so... he was so cautious. Of course, it was also possible. He was entrusted by the mysterious master or the elder, and his real purpose was to test himself. It seemed that he needed to be extra careful to prevent falling into a trap.

"I've seen it." Wang Xuan did not deny it.

"Sure enough, I have seen you. I know that based on your performance, you will definitely be targeted by Xuan Master and the others. They will never let you go. As long as there is hope of breaking through the super state, they will not let you go."

Mei Xiaosen whispered to himself.

"What do you mean?" Wang Xuan frowned.

Mei Xiaosen turned around, looked at him, and then slowly sat down on the canopy of the tree, leaning against a thick branch, looking somewhat free and easy.

"Sit down. Don't be wary of me. I have no ill intentions towards you. I told you from the beginning that I came to you for help."

Mei Xiaosen waved his hands, showing a harmless expression. Wang Xuan also looked at him, quarreling in all directions. The other party acted so casually, and he was so wary, but he was inferior.

Wang Xuan smiled lightly and sat down on the tree crown three meters away.

"Can I say it now? Brother Sen, this is not the attitude of asking for help. If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid he would have turned around and left long ago."

Mei Xiaosen smiled and said: "I know you will not leave, and I also guessed the scene and encounter when you saw Master Xuan. You should be full of doubts in your heart and want to find out the reason."

These words all spoke to Wang Xuan's heart. Looking at Mei Xiaosen who was three meters away from him and the smile on his face, Wang Xuan really couldn't see through the guy in front of him.

"I'm quite busy. If Brother Sen just wants to chat with me, I'm afraid I won't be able to accompany him."

Wang Xuan's face soon showed a faint smile. Before he knew Mei Xiaosen's true intention, he would not reveal anything too much.

After saying that, Wang Xuan stood up from the tree crown, stretched out a pair of ghost wings from his back, and was about to jump down and leave.

Mei Xiaosen watched him stand up and suddenly said: "Wang Xuan, have you passed the examination of Master Xuan?"

Wang Xuan's heart moved slightly, but there was no expression on his face. He just frowned and said, "Mei Xiaosen, what exactly do you want to say?"

When Mei Xiaosen said this, he suddenly sighed and said: "Don't be wary of me. Our experiences are the same. I have also been tested by Master Xuan. If we don't unite, we will only end up dead."

Hearing these words, Wang Xuan's originally opened ghost wings stopped, then slowly converged, and turned to look at Mei Xiaosen again.

"The only outcome is death..." Wang Xuan whispered to himself, chewing on the meaning of this sentence, and continued: "You mean, because we have accepted the assessment of the Xuan Master, we must die?"

Mei Xiaosen nodded slightly and said: "It means the same thing. Of course, if you can't break through the super state, nothing will happen. But if you want to break through the super state, you will die."

The ghost wings behind Wang Xuan retracted and disappeared, and he sat down again, still three meters away from Mei Xiaosen in front of him, and said: "Tell me more specifically, why is it the time to die if you break through the super state?"

Mei Xiaosen had a smile on his face and said, "Aren't you leaving?"

Wang Xuan looked at the guy in front of him and frowned again. He wanted to punch him. He said that the guy talked like squeezing out toothpaste. Chatting with him was really unpleasant. If he hadn't wanted to know the reason, he would have been there long ago. So he left, too lazy to communicate with him too much.

Looking at the expression on Wang Xuan's face, Mei Xiaosen seemed to know what he was thinking. Without waiting for his response, he continued: "The reason is actually very simple. The Master Xuan will take action and kill us when we are about to break through the super state. "

"Why? He doesn't want us to break through the super state?"

Mei Xiaosen sighed, then slowly lowered his voice and said: "That's not true. Of course he hopes that we can break through the super state, but he hopes that it is not us who can break through the super state, but the one inside us..."

When Mei Xiaosen said this, he suddenly turned over his right hand, and a mass of matter appeared on his right hand. This matter fluctuated endlessly, had no fixed form, and was somewhere between a liquid and a solid. It seemed a bit strange. This was a mass of matter with no fixed form. It was exactly His hatchling.

"My hatching beast is called Zhelian. This guy now has a strong self-awareness. It is always thinking about devouring my soul and consciousness and occupying my body..."

"Of course, this is a problem that everyone who has reached the peak and limit of super-state growth needs to face. The stronger we are, the more we need to face the danger of being backlashed by our own hatched beasts at all times."

Wang Xuandao: "Just like the elders and those men in black robes, they were back-bitten by hatching beasts?"

Mei Xiaosen shook his head and said: "They were not completely back-bitten by the hatchling beasts, but they just failed to break through the super state, and now they have become the loyal lackeys of the Xuan Master."

There was a hint of disdain in Mei Xiaosen's tone as he said: "After failure, there is basically no hope of making another breakthrough. Their potential has been exhausted, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Wang Xuan was startled. He always thought that the elders and those men in black robes became half-human and half-monster because they were back-bitten by the hatching beasts. Although he had doubted whether their consciousness was completely swallowed by the hatching beasts, he did not expect that they had broken through the super state. This is caused by failure.

"So, if you fail to break through the super state, you will turn into this half-human, half-monster?" Wang Xuan showed a look of surprise on his face. If this is the case, then the danger of breaking through the super state is too great.

Mei Xiaosen said slowly: "The hatchling beasts in our body have grown to the super state limit, and their self-awareness has become quite strong. They will take advantage of our breakthrough to launch their first attack, trying to devour our soul consciousness. The process of taking over our bodies is indeed dangerous.”

"But what is really scary is not the hatchling beasts that want to take advantage of the opportunity to bite us, because people who can grow to the limit of super state generally have extremely strong willpower. It is difficult for hatching beasts to devour their souls and consciousness, and most of them will have a hard time succeeding. .”

"The real danger is Master Xuan. He will take action at the critical moment of breakthrough. He will seize the most critical moment to erase our soul consciousness and let our body be occupied by the soul consciousness of the hatching beast."

"If the breakthrough is successful, we will become the same people as Xuanzhu. Otherwise, if the breakthrough fails, we will end up becoming half-human and half-ghost like the elders and those black-robed guardians. But no matter which one we are, we will The soul consciousness of human beings no longer exists, and what exists in our bodies is the soul consciousness of the hatchling beast that has replaced us."

When Mei Xiaosen said this, Wang Xuan's fearful eyes felt the trembling and a trace of fear coming from the depths of his soul. From this alone, it was certain that he was not lying.

Although he had vaguely guessed this possibility, Wang Xuan still felt indescribable shock when he heard it said from Mei Xiaosen's mouth.

He took a deep breath and then slowly said: "So, Xuan no longer a human being?"

Mei Xiaosen smiled bitterly and said: "I don't know how to describe it, because the hatchling beast has swallowed the soul and consciousness of a human being and will obtain all the memories of this human being. It will even inherit or disguise itself as the same personality as this human being. Others can't see anything at all." Flaw, this hatchling beast has taken away everything from this human being, including memory, personality, and body. It has claimed itself as this human being and inherited his identity and everything. However, his inner soul consciousness is indeed no longer what it once was. That human became the soul consciousness of the hatching beast."

When Mei Xiaosen said this, he shook his head slightly and his expression became ugly.

"Wang Xuan, do you understand how scary this is? Just like me, the me in front of you, Mei Xiaosen, maybe one day later, I will no longer be me, but in your eyes, I am still the Mei Xiaosen I used to be. But the real me has been devoured long ago and no longer exists. I have been taken over by others and am living as Mei Xiaosen. You can understand how terrible and sad this is."

Wang Xuan listened quietly and looked at Mei Xiaosen in front of him. He could feel the horror and weirdness.

"Xuanzhu... elders, and those black-robed protectors, are you sure that their human consciousness has been swallowed by the hatching beast? Apart from that, there is no one else?" Wang Xuan thought for a while and asked again.

Mei Xiaosen nodded and said: "Yes, only when we break through the super state, the Mysterious Master will have the opportunity to take action, so he will only focus on people like us who have the chance to break through."

"How do you know all this?" Wang Xuan remembered something and looked at Mei Xiaosen.

Mei Xiaosen said slowly: "That's because of one person..."

When he said this, he suddenly raised his voice slightly and said: "Qianxue, come out."

As his voice spread, Wang Xuan immediately felt the breath of life appearing under a big tree not far away. Apparently this man had hidden his breath of life in some way before, and it was not until this moment that he could see the breath of life. Release it.

This man came very quickly, moved under their big tree, quickly climbed up, and soon reached the top of the tree, emerged from it, and appeared next to Mei Xiaosen.

This is a very young woman who looks very beautiful, but there is a faint coldness all over her body.

Wang Xuan was slightly startled when he saw her. This woman was no stranger to him.

This woman can reveal half of her snow-white rune-patterned armor. She has fought side by side with Mei Xiaosen several times in the past, and she is a strong person at the super extreme level of "Phoenix City".

There are not many super-powerful people like them, even among hundreds of super-powerful people, they are very conspicuous, so Wang Xuan recognized her at a glance.

"Her name is Bai Qianxue. Like me, she is about to break through the super state. She has an extremely rare special ability called the 'Eye of the Rune King', which can see through the essence of people."

Mei Xiaosen closed his mouth after saying this. Bai Qianxue beside him sat down cross-legged. Suddenly she turned her right hand and a rune pattern appeared on her palm. Then she put her hands together and formed several seals in succession. Seems very complicated.

Then she closed her eyes. Gradually, rune patterns appeared one after another on the surface of her body, and finally gathered in the center of her eyebrows. There was a rune pattern rising from the center of her eyebrows, turning into an eye. , faintly glowing, shining towards Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan didn't feel anything, but Bai Qianxue was suddenly shocked and opened her eyes suddenly.

There was a look of shock on his face, and he lost his voice: "You merged with the soul of the hatching beast?"

Hearing this, Mei Xiaosen was also startled and suddenly stood up from the tree crown.

Wang Xuan looked at Bai Qianxue in front of him. He never expected that the Eyes of the Rune King would be so magical. It could be seen that his soul consciousness was fused with the soul of the hatching beast.

Mei Xiaosen stretched out his right hand, and suddenly a large iron flag fell down and was nailed to a tree pole. He suddenly felt like he was facing a powerful enemy, his eyes glowed with strange light, and he stared at Wang Xuan, ready to take action at any time.

"Don't be nervous. Although he is fused with the soul of the hatchling beast, he is dominated by the human soul. He is still a human."

Bai Qianxue spoke again to comfort Mei Xiaosen.

After hearing these words, Mei Xiaosen, who was about to take action, let out a slight breath, relaxed, and withdrew his right hand, the big flag disappeared.

"I didn't expect that such a thing really happened. Have you found the Tree of Source? According to legend, only the fruits on the Tree of Source have the ability to merge the human soul with the soul of the hatching beast, completely eliminating them. Such a hidden danger." Mei Xiaosen looked at Wang Xuan curiously, with a strange light in his eyes.

Wang Xuan shook his head, not knowing how to explain it for a moment.

Bai Qianxue has put away the Eye of the Rune King. It is not easy to use the Eye of the Rune King. It requires preparation for a period of time in advance. Therefore, she has not secretly observed Wang Xuan before. In addition, as long as she has not tried to break through the super Basically, the state will not be backlashed, so they did not doubt that the current Wang Xuan would be backlashed by the hatching beast, and they did not expect that such a situation would happen to him.

Seeing Wang Xuan's appearance, Mei Xiaosen knew that Wang Xuan had his own secret and didn't want to say more, so he stopped forcing it. After all, everyone has their own opportunities and secrets.

"Since you have assimilated with the hatching beast, when the Xuan Master tests you, he may think that you are one of his kind..."

Mei Xiaosen's expression suddenly changed.

"If that's the case, you can definitely gain their trust. Maybe you can use Xuanzhu to find out some information that we don't know. Has he told you anything special?"

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "No, he just said that after I passed the exam, I would hunt white rhinos..."

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