The last building on earth

Chapter 272 Changes in the Giant Ship (please vote and subscribe)

This is the true face of the Lord of Justice. Wang Xuan noticed that there were many cracks on the bones of the Lord of Justice, and he knew in his heart that this was the wound left by the arm of the Mechanical God, and he had not fully recovered.

As he thought, the white light on his left arm appeared and turned into a large number of glowing metal parts, which were combined again into the mechanical god's arm.

The Lord of Justice's single eye turned in his head, and he let out a low, hoarse roar. The sand pillar rising into the sky suddenly collapsed, like a sand sea waterfall, pouring down from the sky, rushing towards Wang Xuan.

He knew the power of the mechanical god's arm attack, so he struck first and launched an all-out attack.

Bai Qianxue shouted, spitting out a mouthful of blood again, and sprayed it on a large number of snow-white runes under her control. The surrounding rune formations sped up again, and the power to suppress the Lord of Justice was once again strengthened.

Mei Xiaosen wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, waved his right hand, and thrust the iron-cast dragon flag straight to the edge of the pit with a loud sound. The dragon flag made a hunting sound, and rounds of invisible power burst out from it. This power cooperated with the large array of rune patterns. , suppressing the Lord of Justice with all his strength.

Suffering from double suppression, the Lord of Justice sank slightly, and the surging sand waterfall was affected, and his momentum weakened slightly.

What is truly terrifying is the Eye of Terror activated by Wang Xuan.

No matter how powerful the Lord of Justice is, in this area only a few hundred meters away from the giant ship, invisible fear is everywhere. As long as there is fear, it will be controlled by Wang Xuan's Eyes of Fear.

He can infinitely amplify this fear, and the eyes of fear on his forehead glow faintly, spraying out the power of fear contained in them.

The Lord of Justice City was shaken and fell down again along the pouring sand waterfall.

With his previous experience, he knew something was wrong. The yellow sand flowing on his body exploded completely with a loud bang. Almost at the same moment, the arm of the mechanical god carrying the shining white light struck in the air, breaking through the sand waterfall and exploding. of yellow sand.

Although the Lord of Justice dodged quickly, the lower half of his body was still hit. The strips of snake-like flesh and blood wrapped around the body surface were shattered and exploded together with the left arm bone and ribs. A huge hole was made in the upper body, and the remaining body was thrown out diagonally. Rolling close to the ground, he pushed his feet towards the ground, and a large amount of yellow sand was lifted up, supporting his body and rushing outside like a soaring cloud and mist.

No one could have imagined that the righteous city lord, a powerful man in the seventh form and one of the five city lords, would actually choose to escape.

The Mechanical God's arm failed to completely defeat him. Wang Xuan secretly screamed a pity and quickly took out another bottle of stamina water and drank it to restore the large amount of physical energy that had just been activated by the Mechanical God's arm.

Elder Rakshasa, Elder Xuancheng and four other men in black robes saw that even the Lord of Justice City had escaped and how dare they stay where they were, they immediately turned around and fled.

After one blow, the mechanical god's arm automatically decomposed into a large number of glowing metal parts. These parts turned into white rainbow lights and headed towards Wang Xuan's left arm.

The ghost wings behind Wang Xuan flapped, and he jumped up, chasing the woman in black robe who was last covered with tumors all over her body.

The woman in black robe knew something was wrong, and was busy firing poisonous arrows while crushing the defensive crystal in her hand to defend herself against Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan felt that the energy on the outside of his left arm was surging. The fourth ghost wing might grow out of it at any time. The hatchling energy of the black-robed woman in front of him was exactly what he needed.

Perhaps by absorbing the energy of the black-robed woman's hatched beast, his ghost car could grow a fourth wing.

The ghost wings flapped continuously, generating a huge thrust. When he saw the black-robed woman crushing the defensive crystal, a light curtain appeared. He immediately moved sideways, trying to bypass the defensive light curtain in front of him and attack again.

Suddenly the ground softened and collapsed, turning into a large amount of yellow sand. However, the escaping Lord of Justice stopped again, raised his arms, and suddenly turned the surrounding ground into yellow sand from a distance of more than ten meters.

He had just jumped out of Bai Qianxue's rune formation to suppress him, and the true fighting power he had suddenly returned. He immediately turned around, and the true power of his seventh form exploded, instantly turning a dozen meters in radius into yellow sand. Just now Wang Xuan, who was catching up, stepped on his foot and fell forward, knowing that something was wrong.

In the fight with the strong man in the seventh form, it can be said that even the slightest loss of control may lead to death. The moment he fell forward, he activated the "Ghost Car Armor" and the three ghost wings came together to form a close circle around the body. Armor protection without blind spots.

The power of the three ghost wings merged into one in his body, and the power of the ghost car was exerted to the extreme. Each steel feather was vibrating slightly, relying on this vibration to offset external attacks.

Just now, he used his "ghost car armor" to block the black light attack of the man in black robe with one horn.

The black light can cut through gold and jade, making it indestructible, but it can only leave traces on the surface of the "Ghost Car Armor" and cannot cut it open. This shows how powerful the "Ghost Car Armor" is in defense.

The Lord of Justice suddenly exploded. When he saw Wang Xuan trapped, he immediately punched the air with his right hand. The flesh and yellow sand attached to his right arm flew out together, entangled each other, and turned into a big hand formed by the fusion of flesh, flesh and yellow sand. , as big as a round table, with a single blow in the air, it was like Mount Tai pressing down on the top, almost at the same time as Wang Xuan unfolded the "Ghost Car Armor", it hit it hard.

If Wang Xuan reacts even half a second late, the consequences will be disastrous.

Although he was protected by the "Ghost Car Armor", Wang Xuan still felt his body shake, and there was a buzzing sound in his mind. The power of this big hand's blow was as heavy as a mountain, making him feel breathless in his chest, his throat felt sweet, and blood flowed to his face. Yong, this power was so powerful that he was horrified.

One blow failed to seriously injure Wang Xuan. The Lord of Justice frowned, but he saw Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian and others rushing forward one after another, and the rune formation appeared all around again.

The fear in his heart became strong again. Knowing that Wang Xuan must have exerted some special power again, and wanted to use fear to influence him, the Lord of Justice immediately retreated and distanced the two sides.

Away from the giant ship, he felt the fear in his heart fading.

Wang Xuan was in the "Ghost Car Armor", rolling against the yellow sand on the ground, activating the Eye of Terror with all his strength, but felt that the Lord of Justice retreated again. He originally wanted to use the Eye of Terror in conjunction with a strike from the Mechanic God's arm, but now he has put it away. This idea.

The Lord of Justice pulled away, but Bai Qianxue's runic formation and Mei Xiaosen's iron dragon flag couldn't keep up, and couldn't suppress his power. In this situation, it would be difficult for his Mechanical God arm to hit him, let alone Said one hit will kill.

Stopping the pursuit, Wang Xuan put away the "ghost car and armor". Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Li Tianjiao and others who rushed up stopped one after another. Without Wang Xuan to rush out first, how could they dare to approach the Lord of Justice.

The righteous city lord and the fleeing Rakshasa elders and other black robes also stopped. The two sides temporarily stopped attacking with a distance of twenty or thirty meters.

Wang Xuan slowly put away the fearful eyes in the middle of his forehead.

The Eye of Terror was overloaded, and there was tearing pain in the forehead at this moment. Seizing this opportunity, he was busy putting away the Eye of Terror and letting it rest.

The flesh and blood originally wrapped around the bones of the Lord of Justice are growing, growing more and more, gradually condensing into complete muscles, and his body is returning to its original appearance.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly and retreated again. Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue and others retreated with him, opening a distance of more than thirty meters between the two parties.

Seeing them retreating, the Lord of Justice and others did not approach, but stopped where they were.

The Lord of Justice's face slowly grew out, covering his huge one eye, but his pale face was bloodless. At this moment, his face was slightly distorted, making him look very ugly.

In the battle just now, not only did they fail to kill a single person on the other side, but they lost four of their companions in a row. This was simply a great shame and humiliation.

"City Lord, this giant ship is too weird. How about we go back to the five major cities first?" Elder Rakshasa thought that there was no chance of winning against Wang Xuan and others now, and it was very dangerous. The best option now is to return to the five major cities immediately. , and then move reinforcements. As long as the Rakshasa King comes back, with the Rakshasa King and the Lord of Justice, no matter how weird the giant ship is or how terrible Wang Xuan's fear power is, they can easily kill Wang Xuan and others.

The Lord of Justice naturally understood the true meaning of Elder Rakshasa's words, but as a strong man in the seventh form, he could not help a few super states. He felt angry in his heart and felt extremely aggrieved. He had no choice but to do so. Neither wanted to leave.

Various thoughts popped up in his mind, and he was thinking about how to deal with the eight people in front of him.

At this moment, he was not suppressed, and his eyes glowed with a terrifying light, staring at Wang Xuan who was thirty or forty meters away. Wang Xuan had an iron dragon flag next to him, and there was a large formation of runes around it. As long as he If he gets close, he will be under this double suppression, unless he can kill Mei Xiaosen and Bai Qianxue first.

But the real trouble is not the double suppression, but the fear.

As his thoughts turned, the ground around him became more and more desertified. Under the influence of the Lord of Justice, a large amount of yellow sand continued to boil. A ten-meter radius turned into a sea of ​​sand. Even the elders of Rakshasa and Xuancheng retreated. Arrived further ten meters away.

Wang Xuan watched the yellow sand on the ground boiling more and more violently. The Lord of Justice was gradually erupting in power. The Rakshasa elder behind him fired several haloes, covering the Lord of Justice and increasing his combat power.

Seeing that the deserted area was getting bigger and bigger, and gradually approaching, Wang Xuan did not hesitate to retreat again and distance himself.

At this moment, the Lord of Justice City suddenly roared, controlled the yellow sand from a distance of thirty to forty meters, and set off a sandstorm. The yellow sand roared across the ground, forming a huge tornado of yellow sand, heading towards Wang Xuan. , Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue and others came in.

Although he was still able to control such a terrifying sandstorm from a distance of thirty or forty meters, everyone was shocked by the true power of the unsuppressed Justice City Lord. Of course, there was also the aura-enhancing effect of Elder Rakshasa. It can be said that in the aura increase, The current Lord of Justice is even more powerful than the average seventh form powerhouse.

"Retreat!" Wang Xuan immediately retreated and distanced himself. Although the closer he got to the giant ship, the greater the fear and the greater the danger, but at this moment no one was willing to confront the sandstorm controlled by the Lord of Justice.

The retreating people soon discovered that yellow sand appeared in all directions, and they were already enveloped in a sandstorm.

"You are so arrogant, do you think you can kill us even though we are so far away?" Wu Tian let out a loud shout, and the bronze war spear in his right hand suddenly reborn on the ground. A green rainbow lit up from the war spear, and immediately Soaring into the sky, he began to dance the war spear with both hands, making a whirring sound. His whole body was enveloped in a blue rainbow, fighting against the sweeping sandstorm.

Fang Taozhong raised the scepter in his right hand, causing sand and stones on the ground to fly and pile up around everyone, forming a stone wall to protect everyone. Under his control, the stone wall pushed forward, blasting into the sandstorm. , want to open a channel.

Fang Taozhong and Wu Tian opened the way, and everyone followed closely behind, rushing out of the roaring sandstorm. No matter how terrifying the sandstorm was, the Lord of Justice was still controlling it from a distance of tens of meters, and the power was somewhat attenuated. It seemed astonishing, but in fact It is difficult to kill people at the extreme level of super state.

Wang Xuan was alert while following the crowd back. With the knowledge of the righteous city lord, how could he not know that the sandstorm could not kill them, so why did he do this?

When he saw Bai Qianxue retreating with everyone, the talisman formation she was maintaining naturally collapsed. He immediately understood in his heart that the real purpose of the Lord of Justice was to make everyone retreat so that Bai Qianxue could not maintain the talisman formation. , that means his real killing move...

As soon as he had this idea, he knew something was wrong, so he immediately opened the Eyes of Fear, only to see a figure coming silently in the roaring sandstorm all around. If the Eyes of Fear hadn't been able to sense and capture the other party's fear, even Wang Xuan would have It is difficult to find the Lord of Justice in this roaring sky filled with yellow sand.

He used the sandstorm to cover himself up, and had already sneaked in quietly, preparing to launch a fatal blow. When Wang Xuan used the Eye of Terror to catch him, the Lord of Justice had already appeared in front of him, without the talisman formation and the iron dragon flag to suppress him. The righteous city lord was so fast that Wang Xuan only had time to activate the Eye of Terror and strike with all his strength.

The power of the Eye of Terror spurted over, and the Lord of Justice let out a muffled groan and sluggishly sluggish. Wang Xuan quickly seized the opportunity to use the "Ghost Car Armor", and then heard a "boom", and the Lord of Justice returned to normal. , hitting the "Ghost Car Armor" with terrifying force, Wang Xuan was knocked into the air and rolled and flew out.

The unsuppressed Justice City Lord is too strong, and even the Eye of Terror can only affect him for a moment.

At the same moment, a terrible roar sounded, and Wang Xuan, who was knocked away, saw at this time that in the roaring sandstorm around him, a big hand formed by the condensation of yellow sand appeared, and struck hard from top to bottom. It blasted towards the people who had just rushed out of the sandstorm.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that the real target of the main city lord was not him. He might know that it was difficult to kill him instantly, so Huang Sha's big blow was the real killing move.

His main targets were Bai Qianxue and Mei Xiaosen, but due to the influence of the Eye of Fear just now and the fact that everyone was rushing out at full speed, Huang Sha's big hand volley went wrong and failed to hit the Justice City Lord who wanted to kill the most except Wang Xuan. Bai Qianxue or Mei Xiaosen died, but Li Tianjiao was hit.

Huangsha's big hand struck in the air, and the power was so great. With one strike, Li Tianjiao exploded together with the armor she was wearing. Her bones and flesh were shattered immediately, and she was smashed into a ball of mud, with white light flying out from inside. Before he could even utter a scream, he was beaten to death.

Seeing Li Tianjiao being beaten into a pulp, everyone was helpless, and they all felt trembling. Then they saw Wang Xuan tumbling in the air and rushing out of the sandstorm. The Lord of Justice City swayed and chased after him. He opened his right hand and was about to attack Mei Xiaosen. , Wang Xuan, who was rolling in the air, let out a violent roar: "Quickly suppress him!"

Once again, he activated the Eye of Terror with all his strength, and the three ghost wings behind him opened and decomposed together, turning into steel feathers that filled the sky, shaped like a violent storm, and blasted towards the Lord of Justice City crazily.

When Bai Qianxue and Mei Xiaosen heard Wang Xuan's violent roar, their wits trembled. They came to their senses and immediately stopped their escape. One of them activated the talisman formation with all their strength, and the other waved and threw the iron dragon flag.

Li Tianjiao would die because they were frightened by the seemingly terrifying sandstorm, and their instinctive reaction was to escape quickly. This gave the Lord of Justice City a chance. If they had not messed up, Li Tianjiao would not have died at all.

The Lord of Justice was once again affected by Wang Xuan's Eye of Fear, his body sluggish, and the sound of steel feathers in the sky was heard, and his whole body was immediately pierced, and his whole body was covered with steel thorns, like a hedgehog.

Mei Xiaosen and Bai Qianxue seized this opportunity, and the double suppression of the Iron Dragon Clan and the Rune Formation appeared. The Lord of Justice felt his body sink, and his speed slowed down. The muscles in his body squirmed, and the steel feathers pierced in one by one. The muscles are squeezed and sprayed out.

Wang Xuan's left arm glowed white, and he was about to activate the mechanical god arm when suddenly there was a loud roar from the direction of the giant ship behind him.

When something happened suddenly, everyone was taken aback and instinctively looked towards the giant ship.

Even the Lord of Justice City raised his head, only to see a piece of the hull corroded and broken on the surface of the giant ship hundreds of meters away. It fell downwards and hit the ground heavily, making a loud noise.

As the piece of hull broke and fell, a gap appeared on the surface of the hull. The blurry black shadows that were originally struggling inside immediately swarmed out and fell down like dumplings.

Everyone's eyes widened when they saw this scene. Even Justice City forgot to continue attacking Wang Xuan, but instinctively took a few steps back.

"How could..." Mei Xiaosen saw it from a distance, his eyes widened as well, with a look of shock on his face.

A terrifying low roar sounded, and everyone's eyesight was extremely strong. Even though they were hundreds of meters away and in the dark, they could still clearly see a large number of humanoid monsters appearing in the gap in the hull and swarming out.

Wang Xuan is no stranger to these humanoid monsters. They are all three-meter-high Ala trolls.

The strength of the Ala Troll is approximately equivalent to that of the top warriors in the super state, so it is not something to be feared by Wang Xuan and others.

But the number of Ala Trolls pouring out at this moment was really staggering. In just the blink of an eye, thousands of Ala Trolls rushed out of the gap.

They jumped from the gap to the ground, raised their heads, and let out earth-shattering roars, seemingly full of excitement.

Wang Xuan saw that among these Ara trolls, there were also a large number of trolls with four arms. These were the Ara troll elites. They were stronger than ordinary Ara trolls and were approximately equivalent to the peak super-powerful ones.

They roared wildly, and soon became a mass of darkness, surging towards the direction where Wang Xuan and others were.

Behind them, more and more Ala trolls appeared from the gap, but among the Ala trolls that came out, there were more and more elite trolls with four arms. Soon, the first one with six arms appeared. The Ala Troll appeared, then the second, then the third...

The six-armed Ala Troll has a combat power comparable to that of a super-powerful person.

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