The last building on earth

Chapter 276 Skeletons of Gods and Buddhas (please vote for me)

Wang Xuan seized the opportunity, jumped up, and with the help of the four ghost wings, he landed firmly at the teleportation formation in the safe area in an instant, and met up with Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, and Fang Taozhong.

It wasn't until he got here that he felt at ease, but he saw the green fox standing far away on the canopy of the tree, its mouth slightly opened, the green tail that wrapped around the strange baby gradually tightened, and the green light slowly released from the tail.

The strange baby opened its mouth and let out a scream, which was full of pain.

It was struggling constantly, with black rotten power surging in its body, fighting against the cyan fox.

Wang Xuan and Mei Xiaosen all stood at the teleportation formation, but they did not enter and leave immediately. He wanted to see the results of the situation of the cyan fox and the strange baby.

If something goes wrong, he can enter the teleportation array at any time, open the channel, and leave here.

The strange baby was struggling continuously, and all its rotting power was suppressed by the cyan light. It was obvious that it was no match for the cyan fox.

At this moment, there are still an endless stream of Ala Trolls surging out of the giant ship. The number of Ala Trolls gathered in this area has reached an astonishing number of more than 5,000. What a powerful force this is, enough to Everything is swept away in this forest.

At this moment, they seemed to be affected by the screams of the strange babies. They all opened their big mouths and roared, rushing toward the canopy where the cyan fox was.

The cyan fox still stood on it, motionless, but opened its mouth, and cyan light began to appear in its mouth. The light converged, and it sucked towards the thousands of Ala trolls that had gathered.

With one breath, the flesh and blood of these crazy and raging Ala trolls began to disappear. The original muscles collapsed and soon turned into skinny skeletons. They fell heavily while running, and a white light appeared. Fly towards its open mouth.

This scene shocked Wang Xuan and Mei Xiaosen, each of them looked in disbelief.

The green fox just took a breath and sucked these thousands of Ala trolls into mummy skeletons?

Among them are the powerful six-armed Ara Troll, and even the Troll King who can rival the seventh form.

Thousands of white rays of light appeared, like fireflies all over the sky. They projected streaks of white rainbow light, concentrating towards the cyan fox's mouth. Countless white rays of light gathered together and collapsed into its mouth, like a vortex of light. .

The cyan fox is devouring these white lights.

The seven Wang Xuan people standing in the teleportation array were unscathed, and the damage from the cyan fox did not affect them.

Wang Xuan suddenly thought of something. He once heard Xu Jian and others say that there are seven totems in this third-level world. Some are hostile to humans, such as the white rhinoceros, and some are neutral, such as the ancient tree totem, and there are totems close to humans. .

Could it be that the green fox in front of me is a totem that is close to humans?

Everyone stood beside the teleportation formation, watching the cyan fox swallowing thousands of white rays of light. Each white ray of light represented an incubated beast that had grown to a super state. When so many white rays of light came together, it was so huge. energy of?

Wang Xuan thought that the cyan fox had swallowed the energy of the white rhinoceros before, and now it had swallowed up these thousands of white rays. The energy it had absorbed had reached an unimaginable level.

Could it be that the real purpose of throwing the monster babies into the giant ship before was to use the monster babies to corrode the giant ship, release these Ala trolls, and then devour them as rations?

While the cyan fox swallowed thousands of white lights, it contracted its cyan tail, tightening it continuously to wrap around the strange baby.

The strange baby kept screaming loudly, unable to resist the power of decay, and its body began to twist.

Wang Xuan and the others looked at it from a distance and felt frightened. They understood that the cyan fox was preparing to kill the strange baby.

"It's amazing..." Wang Xuan heard Mei Xiaosen murmuring next to him.

Perhaps frightened by the fear of the cyan fox, even the Ara troll no longer appeared in the gap of the giant ship in the distance. The fuzzy black shadows that were originally struggling there all disappeared, and the giant ship became silent.

In this night, only the screams of the strange baby were left.

The whistling sound became more and more intense, and there was a rustling sound in the distant forest. Wang Xuan sensed it, and suddenly turned his head to look into the distance, only to see a huge figure appearing in the darkness in the distance at some unknown moment.

This figure emerged from the canopy of forty to fifty meters high. He took long strides. Each step could reach hundreds of meters, crushing a large number of towering trees. The huge body was at least hundreds of meters high.

Mei Xiaosen, Bai Qianxue, Wu Tian, ​​Fang Taozhong, Chang Jing, and Bao Chong were all alarmed, and turned their heads to look into the distance, with horrified expressions on their faces.

The screams of the strange baby are getting more and more intense. It is struggling desperately. The cyan fox is slowly digesting more than five thousand pieces of white light. The cyan tail is only slowly shrinking, oppressing the strange baby and forcing out the more powerful rotten power from the body. .

The huge figure in the distance moved very fast. When it appeared from the darkness in the distance, it quickly approached within a few kilometers. Wang Xuan could clearly see that it was a humanoid skeleton hundreds of meters high. Its head alone was as big as a hill. When Qiu appeared a few kilometers away, Wang Xuan took a deep breath and finally understood.

He had seen this human-shaped skeleton before. The strange baby was born from the human-shaped skeleton. This human-shaped skeleton had forty teeth. According to legend, only gods and Buddhas had forty teeth. This human-shaped skeleton was suspected to be the remains of gods and Buddhas.

"I didn't expect humanoid skeletons to have life?" Wang Xuan looked at the humanoid skeletons appearing in the distance, and then watched the cyan fox completely swallowing thousands of white rays of light. The cyan tail wrapped around the strange baby, but never actually strangled it. , and suddenly he understood.

The cyan fox deliberately tortured the strange baby, and it seemed that its real purpose was to use the strange baby to summon this humanoid skeleton.

"What is the purpose of this cyan fox?" Wang Xuan looked more and more and felt that this cyan fox was unpredictable.

The strange baby was still roaring loudly, and the humanoid skeleton took another step. Suddenly, it raised its arm bone and swooped over from a few kilometers away.

An invisible wave of air emptied out, and the air within a few kilometers began to fluctuate violently. The humanoid skeleton moved towards the cyan fox.

The power of the move was earth-shattering. The cyan fox stood above the canopy of the tree, swaying slightly. It rolled up the tail of the strange baby and swept it out sideways. A ray of cyan rainbow light hit the bullfighting, dyeing the night into turquoise.

It is impossible to describe how terrifying the power in this is. Wang Xuan's current strength is comparable to that of a strong man in the seventh form. It is still incalculable at this moment. This level is beyond human imagination.

The humanoid skeleton approached, stretched out its skeletal palm, pulled out a towering tree that was forty to fifty meters long, used it as a weapon, and threw it in the air.

With a sneer, the towering tree, driven by the terrifying power, broke through the heavy air waves. Countless branches and leaves could not withstand it, and they were broken and destroyed. When the big tree flew a thousand meters, there was only a thick tree pole in the center, with the front end at The air quickly contracted due to friction, and flames rose up. The front end was as sharp as a spear, swirling with flames, and shot towards the cyan fox.

There was a loud "pop", and the green fox's green tail swung, hitting the tree pole that was shot at, and the burning tree pole was exploded in an instant.

The humanoid skeleton shook its body, grabbed out with both hands, and pulled up the big trees around it. They used them as weapons and threw them at the green fox from the air. In the blink of an eye, they were densely covered with spears and tree branches burning with flames. Cover the cyan fox.

The humanoid skeleton stepped towards the cyan fox.

The cyan fox waved its tail curled with the strange baby, and kept waving, a series of green rainbows intertwined, and the flaming trees that shot towards them exploded and shattered in the violent explosions. The void was like a fireworks feast, filling the sky. They are all explosive flames, brilliant and brilliant.

The cyan fox stood still, but the humanoid skeleton kept approaching. The distance between the two sides was getting closer and closer. Suddenly, the humanoid skeleton reached out and grabbed the cyan fox's tail. It wanted to rescue the man. A strange baby with a curled tail.

A strong cyan rainbow light was released from the cyan tail. The cyan fox swayed slightly, and a cyan rainbow light suddenly rushed out from behind and turned into a second tail.

With a "boom", the second cyan tail that appeared hit the humanoid skeleton's head hard.

This blow shook the head violently, and a looming shadow exploded on the head. As soon as the shadow appeared, it shook the second tail of the green fox back.

When he noticed the vague shadow appearing on the skull of the humanoid skeleton, the cyan fox immediately turned around completely and rushed towards the humanoid skeleton. Behind him, one after another cyan rainbow light rose into the sky. Wang Xuan and Mei Xiaosen Only then were the seven people shocked to realize that every cyan rainbow light rising into the sky was a tail.

At this moment, the cyan fox showed his true power.

The loud "rumbling" sound is endless, and the cyan rainbow light transformed into tails one after another continues to whip the head of the humanoid skeleton. The terrifying force vibrates down the head. The humanoid skeleton, which is 100 meters high, is shaking violently. , and soon, a large number of fine marks appeared on the bones of its body, and the bones began to be unable to withstand the power attack of the cyan fox.

Strangely enough, although the bones all over its body began to show fine cracks, the head that was continuously whipped by the cyan tail not only did not show any fine cracks, but instead gradually became brighter, with a layer of crystal-like jade luster faintly appearing on the surface.

The power of the green fox is overwhelming, and its power is mighty. It is like a god descending into the world, looking down at the world. The green tails continue to whip out, and the humanoid skeletons that are suspected to be the remains of gods and Buddhas have no power to parry. An endless stream of power flows along the head. Passing downwards, the whole body resounded with a continuous cracking sound like exploding beans.

Finally there was a loud crack, and the right calf bone of the humanoid skeleton could not withstand it first, and suddenly exploded into countless fragments, followed closely by the left calf bone, then the thigh bone, vertebrae, ribs, Neck bones…

Amidst the terrifying sound, Wang Xuan watched the bones of the humanoid skeleton in the distance shatter and explode. Only the head became brighter and brighter, becoming crystal clear. Even though it withstood the continuous attacks of the cyan fox, it still showed no wear and tear. Obviously, this There is something special about the head.

Wang Xuan's heart suddenly moved, thinking that this head had forty teeth. Could it be that this head was really the remains of gods and Buddhas?

Watching the humanoid skeleton collapse and shatter, the head was glowing, and the cyan fox's attack became more and more fierce. A series of cyan rainbow lights shot into the sky, crisscrossing, and continued to hit the head. The terrifying rumbling sound continued. The whole world is shaking.

"What exactly does this cyan fox want to do?"

Mei Xiaosen and others saw this with fright, and they all felt fear.

The powerful strange baby was completely suppressed by the cyan rainbow light at this moment, and had no strength to struggle. However, the cyan fox did not really kill it, but only used one of its tails to wrap around it, neither killing it nor letting go. Open it.

In the gap of the giant ship in the distance, no Ala trolls appeared anymore. All the trees in this area were destroyed. The humanoid skeleton, which was a hundred meters high, except for the head, the body was completely shattered. The remaining head was as big as a house. As he continued to attack, more and more glistening light appeared on the surface, and the whole body shimmered. There was some kind of vague shadow flickering in it, which looked extremely strange.

Wang Xuan slowly realized that there must be something hidden in this head. The real purpose of the cyan fox should be this head, but he didn't know what was hidden in the head.

After such continuous beating for an unknown amount of time, countless green rainbows completely submerged the head. Finally, the head's endurance seemed to reach its limit, and a buzzing sound suddenly sounded inside.

Following this sound, a ray of light suddenly shot out from his head.

The light shot up into the sky and shot out a beam of light, which tore open the sky for a long time.

The green fox immediately restrained all its tails and returned to its original appearance, only to see the glowing head ringing continuously, and a huge beam of light reaching into the sky. In this beam of light, various runes emerged, including a large number of Complex and difficult-to-understand talisman formations either appeared or disappeared. The whole world was vibrating and vibrating. Gradually, a vague shadow appeared in this sky-reaching light pillar. The shadow continued to fall downwards, emerging from the void. Appear, press down.

This change shocked everyone, including Wang Xuan. Everyone opened their eyes wide with an incredible expression.

No one could have imagined that this strange scene would appear after the head was whipped to the end.

The slowly descending blur gradually became real. It looked like an ancient city, but it looked dilapidated on the surface. I couldn't see how big it was. I could only see the majestic and broken city walls, incomplete towers, and towering towers. The pagodas and temples are full of continuous Sanskrit sounds.

This is a Buddhist city that looks like it has been destroyed.

As the sky-reaching beam of light released by the head gradually converged, the Buddhist city that descended from the sky finally stopped when it was suspended about twenty or thirty meters above the ground. It just appeared from the void, revealing the iceberg of the Buddhist city from mid-air. A corner.

The head that had been struck countless times by the green fox was originally crystal clear, but now it looked dim and headless, as if it had lost all spirituality and turned into an ordinary skeleton.

The green fox rolled up the strange baby that had stopped struggling, and suddenly jumped up. Its hundred-meter-long body soared into the air, easily catching up with the Buddhist city that was only twenty or thirty meters suspended in the void, and jumped over the towering city wall. As if being sucked into this Buddhist city, the huge body fell into it and quickly disappeared.

The surroundings became silent. In addition to the thousand-meter giant ship in the distance, there was now a hanging Buddhist city. In addition, there were the remaining skeletons of the Ara trolls all over the land.

The skeletons were densely packed, with the number exceeding five thousand.

The humanoid skeleton, which was suspected to be the remains of gods and Buddhas, was completely shattered except for the head. The green fox took the strange baby into the Buddha City and disappeared. Elder Rakshasa and Elder Xuancheng also disappeared with the help of the teleportation array. Thousands of them All the Ara trolls turned into withered bones, and now only seven of them are left here.

After being stunned for a minute or two, the seven people slowly recovered from the shock. They looked at each other and felt that they had a thousand words to say, but they didn't know where to start.

Suddenly, from the gap in the distant giant ship, after a moment of silence, figures emerged again. These figures surged out, but they were Ala trolls one after another.

They appeared again, jumping out one after another along the gap, like dumplings, and in the blink of an eye, hundreds of Ala trolls jumped out.

These Ala trolls jumped out, looking like crazy. They did not rush towards Wang Xuan and others, but towards the broken Buddhist city suspended twenty or thirty meters in the void.

With their strength, they can easily jump 20 to 30 meters in the air, jump onto the Buddha City, lie down on the city wall, and then climb over along the city wall. It seems that there is something hidden in the Buddha City. Some kind of treasure that has a fatal temptation for them.

Seeing the hordes of Ala trolls appearing and rushing madly towards the Buddhist city suspended in the void, Wang Xuan and the others felt a strange feeling in their hearts.

Mei Xiaosen said: "Everyone, do you feel like there is something hidden in this strange city?"

Wu Tiandao: "I can finally see that the real purpose of the cyan fox is this city, but I don't know what the head is that can summon this city."

There were a large number of runes floating around Bai Qianxue's body. There were runes flickering in her brows. She opened the Eye of the Rune King and said slowly: "This head is the real remains of gods and Buddhas. This summoned It is the city of the Buddhist Kingdom... This city has a Buddhist treasure... Obtaining this treasure can transcend it, and there is also the fruit of Buddha hidden in it... Whoever can obtain it can become a god and Buddha. I think this is the blue fox's Purpose."

"Transcend yourself and become a god or Buddha..." When everyone heard this, their hearts moved slightly and they all became curious.

Fang Taozhong shook his head and said: "It's a pity that the green fox is too powerful. Even if there is any Buddha treasure or Buddha fruit hidden in this Buddhist city, no one can snatch it. It's a pity..."

Bai Qianxue shook her head and said: "That's not necessarily the case. Treasures like this are all destined to be inhabited by fate, not entirely by virtue of strength. Although the green fox is powerful, it does not necessarily belong to it..."

Mei Xiaosen said: "So, if we go in, we can hope to get this opportunity?"

Bai Qianxue hummed and said: "So those Ala trolls have poured in. If my eyes of the Rune King are not mistaken, this should be a great opportunity. Whoever can get this opportunity can truly transcend, even To become a god or a Buddha, you just don’t know whose hands it will fall into.”

Wu Tian paused at the cyan war spear in his hand and said, "If it's not all about force, then we can go in and try our luck."

Although everyone has different understandings of gods and Buddhas, the things that the cyan foxes are so eager to obtain must be the supreme treasure. If any of them can obtain this opportunity, the benefits they can obtain will be unimaginable.

Everyone was excited at this moment.

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