The last building on earth

Chapter 288 Buddha Corpse (please vote and subscribe)

There was a soft sound of "rustling" in the darkness on the left, and then a figure crawled out from a large number of fragments of clay Buddha statues.

The Troll King was frightened and immediately stopped and put away his giant spear to prevent any accidents.

Wang Xuan held the lighting crystal in his left hand and took a look. The woman crawling out from the fragments of the Buddha statue was Gu Manyao.

Gu Manyao looked embarrassed and frightened. When she saw Wang Xuan, she immediately showed a look of surprise and hurriedly got up and ran towards him.

When the Troll King saw another human coming, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly turned around, jumped towards the darkness on the other side.

Apparently it changed its mind and did not want to fight Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao here, but chose to leave here first.

Everything here is weird and dangerous, even the king of the trolls has to be extremely cautious.

Watching the King of Trolls leave, Wang Xuan did not pursue him. He watched Gu Manyao rushing up and was about to speak. Suddenly, with a sneer, a thick tree root like a python appeared in Gu Manyao's right hand and headed straight for his head and face.

The blow came so suddenly that Wang Xuan was caught off guard. Seeing that it was difficult to dodge, he was about to be hit in the face by a tree root, piercing his skull.

Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan's body swayed, and he ducked out of the way as if he was predicting the future. With a wave of his right hand, four metal tentacles appeared and wrapped around Gu Manyao.

"Who are you!" Wang Xuan growled in his mouth, the four metal tentacles contracted, and the crackling sound was heard endlessly. A large number of cracks appeared on the surface of Gu Manyao's body. She opened her mouth slightly, but did not make a sound. There was a weird smile on her face, and her body Suddenly it shattered like a clay sculpture, leaving only broken soil on the ground.

Wang Xuan slowly put away the metal tentacles. When he saw Gu Manyao appear before, he was originally happy, but soon felt something was wrong. He opened the Eyes of Fear and could sense even the trace of fear in the heart of the Troll King. Got it, Gu Manyao looked frightened when she appeared, and her heart should be full of fear. Why couldn't I feel the slightest fear in her mood?

Then there are only two possibilities, one is that the fear on her face is a disguise, the other is that she is not a human at all, or in other words, she is not a life.

So when Wang Xuan saw Gu Manyao running towards him, he was on guard, so that he could avoid Gu Manyao's sudden attack and counterattack.

Looking at the broken soil all over the ground, Wang Xuan knew that he had guessed correctly. The Gu Manyao who appeared was in the second type and was not a life at all.

"Is all this caused by that big tree? Did it attack everyone, or just me?"

Wang Xuan felt uneasy. He had the Eye of Fear and could tell in advance that Gu Manyao was fake, but it would be hard to tell if it were anyone else. If everyone had experienced a similar experience, it would be worse than good.

"What is hidden in this so-called Buddhist city, and what is the true face of that big tree."

Wang Xuan opened the Xumi Mustard Seed space while thinking, took out the elementary night vision water, drank it, and then put away the lighting crystal.

Obtain the ability of night vision, and then carefully observe the surroundings. The Eye of Fear senses fear all the time, and can capture the vague aura of fear of the King of Ala Trolls, who is moving away. Obviously, the King of Ala Trolls is leaving. Here, it is rushing towards the distance.

Suddenly, the King of Ala Trolls stopped moving, and then there was a sound in the distance, which sounded like the sound of fighting.

At the same moment, Wang Xuan once again sensed and captured another extremely thin, almost ignored trace of fear, which meant that the King of Trolls Ala had met another person.

With his heart moving, Wang Xuan immediately ran in the direction of the King of Trolls Ala.

Four metal tentacles were released, two of which were protecting the top of the surrounding area, and the other two were wrapped around the arms. Although they were not fused with flesh and blood and turned into giant arms of Warcraft, if something went wrong, they could be fused in an instant to form giant arms.

Jumping over the base of the clay Buddha statue in front of him, with the help of night vision, Wang Xuan saw a faint light flickering in the distance. The King of Ala Trolls waved the giant spear in his hand, and there seemed to be a ball of silver all over his body. The light wraps around and the momentum is amazing.

The opponent slashed out streaks of sword energy, colliding with the giant spear, making loud noises from time to time. Wang Xuan knew with just one glance that the person fighting with the King of Ala Trolls was Tang Ruoyu.

Although Tang Ruoyu is a super-state extreme powerhouse, the white tiger sleeping in her body has grown extremely fast. Even if it is not as good as the ghost car, it is not much different. When combined with the power of the white tiger, she can compete with the perfect powerhouse in the seventh form. A battle.

At this moment, she held the two-meter-long white tiger giant sword in her hand and entered the fusion state with the white tiger. A looming shadow of the white tiger was shrouded outside her body. Every time the sword was struck, a giant sword energy of four to five meters was erupted. , slashed at the giant spear swung by the King of Ala Trolls, causing a loud sound.

In a short period of time, the two sides were evenly matched and it was difficult to tell the winner.

Wang Xuan speeded up and sprinted over at full speed. He could see that although the two sides seemed to be tied at the moment, Tang Ruoyu was already trying his best, and the King of Ala Trolls dealt with it calmly. If it was really a life and death fight, Tang Ruoyu now Should be slightly weaker than the Troll King.

The two ghost wings behind him appeared, and with a roar, the ghost wings flapped. Wang Xuan accelerated again, and soon rushed within a hundred meters. The troll king noticed Wang Xuan who was sprinting over, and seemed to know that it was difficult to defeat him. The giant spear vibrated violently and buzzed. Suddenly, it was like thousands of attacks. The shadow of the spear was like a mountain, and the sound of clanking was endless. It blasted away the giant sword energy that Tang Ruoyu had chopped at, forcing Tang Ruoyu to Staggered and fell back.

Wang Xuan let out a low roar from his mouth, accelerated again, and sprinted up instantly. The ghost wings behind him decomposed, and steel feathers were carried by the fierce wind, and they shot up like a rain of arrows.

The Troll King stretched out his right arm, and the giant spear in his hand spun, resembling a giant shield, protecting his body.

Steel feathers shot on it one after another, making a huge sound. It kicked off the ground with both feet, rose into the air, stretched tens of meters, and rushed towards the dark place in the distance.

Seeing the Troll King fleeing again, Wang Xuan did not pursue him. He took back the flying steel feathers and stopped.

Tang Ruoyu also stopped and gasped slightly. She had just fought against the King of Trolls and she had gone all out. It could be said that she did not dare to be careless at all. Her physical strength was severely depleted. If Wang Xuan had not arrived, she would have been unable to defeat the giant. The Demon King.

"How is it?" Wang Xuan looked at Tang Ruoyu with a hint of concern on his face.

Tang Ruoyu shook his head, saying that he was fine, and the white tiger shadow shrouded outside his body was shrinking.

"Why are you here? We all jumped onto that big glowing tree just now. Do you know what happened next? Is that really the Tree of Source just now?"

Wang Xuan thought about the strange experiences he had encountered before, but he didn't know if Tang Ruoyu had similar experiences. Especially since Tang Ruoyu had a mysterious origin and was suspected of being from the above world, maybe she would know some secrets.

Through the Eye of Fear, it is certain that Tang Ruoyu in front of him is a real life, unlike Gu Manyao who just appeared.

"I don't know if it is the Tree of Source, but that tree has the power to manipulate space. We have always been under its control. From this point of view, it may really be the legendary Tree of Source."

Tang Ruoyu took a gentle breath.

Wang Xuan's previous guess was the same as hers. When he heard what she said, he nodded slightly and said: "It seems that the Ala trolls and the monsters in the forest that came here before were basically stuffed into these Buddha statues. I don’t know what method was used to kill them all.”

Thinking of Zhang Haofei and Lin Baiyu, if it weren't for the devil sleeping in their bodies, they would be dead now.

"But if it really is the Tree of Source, why are the fruits dry and rotten?"

Hearing what Wang Xuan said, Tang Ruoyu was startled and said, "Have you picked the fruit?"

Wang Xuan nodded and recounted his previous strange experience. After listening, Tang Ruoyu showed a look of disbelief on his face, raised his head slightly, and murmured: "So, we can emerge from the control of that tree, That should be the reason why you picked the fruit, otherwise I'm afraid we will be controlled in that special time and space forever."

"It seems that this city..."

When Tang Ruoyu said this, he suddenly put away the giant white tiger sword in his right hand and stroked his head with both hands, with a look of painful struggle on his face.

Wang Xuan stepped forward in surprise and said, "What's wrong?"

Tang Ruoyu covered her head and shook her head slightly. In just a short time, cold sweat covered her forehead and face, and she was obviously suffering from some kind of pain.

Wang Xuan thought about what she once said, that she had lost her memory, but when she saw certain special scenes, she would think of some things from the past. Now that she suddenly showed such a painful look, could it be that she was remembering something now? ?

Tang Ruoyu covered his head for about a minute, then slowly let go of his hand, his face becoming very pale.

"How are you now?" Wang Xuan looked concerned.

Tang Ruoyu said: "A large number of memory fragments suddenly appeared in my mind just now, and I had a splitting headache. But these memory fragments are very messy. I can only know that they are related to this city. I saw hatching beasts in the fragments. This city is different from what we have." It’s related to hatchlings.”

Wang Xuan was startled and asked: "This Buddhist city is related to hatching beasts?" From the large number of clay Buddha statues he saw just now and the destroyed temple before, it can be seen that this city should be related to the legendary gods and Buddhas, but now Tang Ruoyu said This one was related to hatching beasts, which made him frown, a little hard to understand.

What is the connection between gods and Buddhas and hatching beasts?

Tang Ruoyu said: "I don't know either, but in the fragments that just appeared, I saw a large number of hatchling beasts...falling from the sky. The scene was terrifying."

When she said this, a look of lingering fear appeared on her face. She raised her head and suddenly looked into the darkness in the distance, saying: "Let's go, I have a feeling, it's right there."

After she finished speaking, she suddenly sped up and ran forward.

Wang Xuan understood that she had remembered something. Now that she was running forward, she must have had her intentions. He said no more and released his metal tentacles to protect himself. He swayed and followed her silently.

After leaving the base of the broken Buddha statue, the surrounding area was dark, like a chaotic and uncivilized world. A large number of collapsed clay statues could be seen all around, all of which were still Buddha statues of various shapes.

Some Buddha statues were not destroyed. Wang Xuan didn't know if there were corpses hidden inside. Now he was not in the mood to destroy these Buddha statues one by one. He followed Tang Ruoyu, either avoiding the Buddha statues or jumping over some obstacles blocking the road ahead. Broken Buddha statue.

Soon, Tang Ruoyu in front stopped, and a ruins of collapsed buildings appeared in front of them. Among the ruins, there was a complete Buddha statue that was not damaged.

This Buddha statue is about ten meters high. It looks ordinary, with hands clasped in front of the chest, wearing a cassock, lowered eyebrows, and kind eyes.

The building outside the Buddha statue collapsed and was in ruins, but the Buddha statue enshrined in the middle was not damaged. It looked a little different from ordinary clay Buddha statues.

At this moment, Tang Ruoyu stopped in front of the ten-meter-high Buddha statue. He stretched out his right hand, and a two-meter-long white tiger sword appeared.

Wang Xuan saw that Tang Ruoyu was very concerned about the Buddha statue, and just as he was about to speak, she suddenly jumped up to a height of more than ten meters, swung the white tiger giant sword in her right hand, and slashed at the Buddha statue.

A huge sword energy appeared and cut diagonally along the Buddha statue.

Seeing blood seeping out from the incision, Wang Xuan understood that the inside of the Buddha statue was probably hollow, stuffed with monster corpses.

Tang Ruoyu's sword was very powerful, splitting the ten-meter-long Buddha statue in half from top to bottom. Seeing the split Buddha statue falling to both sides, Wang Xuan suddenly realized that he had guessed wrong.

This Buddha statue is different from the previous clay Buddha statues. It is not hollow inside, nor is it stuffed with the corpses of monsters such as the Ala Troll. This Buddha statue looks like it has real flesh and blood. Although it is dried and decayed, there is still some blood left inside, which is faintly visible. It was glowing with blood, and every drop was crystal clear. It was obviously not ordinary blood.

As soon as the Buddha statue was split in half by Tang Ruoyu, the remaining blood seeped out and flowed down the statue drop by drop. When it reached the air, it suddenly evaporated, seeming to return to the original nature of the world.

"What on earth is this?" Wang Xuan took out the lighting crystal again, opened it, released a bright light, and looked closely. The Buddha statue that was split in two not only looked like it had real flesh and blood, but there was something else hidden in its body. A creature that also dries and withers.

This creature curled up into a ball and was split in half by Tang Ruoyu. Its original appearance could no longer be seen. It could only be barely discerned that this curled up creature should also be of the same type.

"Tang Ruoyu, do you know what this is? This Buddha statue looks like a dried creature, and there is another parasitic creature in its body." Wang Xuan looked at Tang Ruoyu.

Tang Ruoyu put away the giant white tiger sword in his hand, with a solemn expression on his face, and said, "This is the body of a Buddha, and what is sealed in its body is a creature we call a hatchling beast."

Wang Xuan was slightly shocked and said, "Is this the memory you just remembered?"

Tang Ruoyu nodded and said: "Yes, I think about it now. The Buddha used his own body to seal the hatching beast and turned it into a Buddha corpse. Whether it was the Buddha or the hatching beast, the power of both sides was consumed by the passage of time. Only when it is completely exhausted and the body is dry and rotten can I easily cut it open."

"Then why did this Buddha seal the hatchling beast? Could it be that this Buddha, like us humans, gained the power of the hatching beast, but eventually suffered the backlash of the hatching beast and sealed it?"

As Wang Xuan spoke, he looked at the Buddha corpse that was split in half, and at the huddled hatchling beast inside, which seemed to be a little different from the hatchling beasts they had.

Tang Ruoyu shook his head and said: "I don't know about this, there should be more ahead."

As she spoke, she raised her head and looked forward, swaying her body to avoid the Buddha corpse in front of her that she had split open.

Wang Xuan followed and soon saw the second building that was mostly destroyed. It looked like a pagoda, with a Buddha statue enshrined in the center. Now most of the pagoda collapsed, and the damage was not as serious as before. The center enshrines a Buddha statue. The Buddha statue is also about ten meters high.

Without saying a word, Tang Ruoyu rose into the air with the giant white tiger sword, and slashed out a sword light again, cutting open the enshrined Buddha statue.

As before, this Buddha statue is not a clay sculpture, but is made of real flesh and blood. There is also a curled-up monster sealed in its body. However, it has gone through so long that both the Buddha statue and the curled-up monster inside have long since withered and decayed. Only one ball of Buddha's blood was still crystal clear, and its Buddha nature was immortal. When it was cut open by Tang Ruoyu, the Buddha's blood flowed out and returned to the nature of heaven and earth.

After checking it carefully, Tang Ruoyu avoided the dilapidated pagoda and continued running forward without saying a word.

Wang Xuan followed her and soon saw two pagodas appearing in front of him again.

Each pagoda is about ten meters high, but they are all dilapidated. In the center, there is a Buddha statue made of real flesh and blood, which stands motionless in the pagoda.

Wang Xuan originally thought that these were just clay sculptures of Buddha, so he didn't care about them and didn't take a closer look. Now that he knows that these Buddha statues are actually transformed into real living beings, he pays attention to their facial expressions, especially the ethereal look on their faces. Wu's smile felt inexplicably strange.

"Are there hatching beasts sealed inside these Buddha statues? Tang Ruoyu said that these Buddha statues were all Buddhas during their lifetimes. The Buddha referred to here is just a name. Does it really refer to the legendary gods and Buddhas?" Wang Xuan's mind flashed. With this thought, Tang Ruoyu swung his sword energy again and slashed it sideways, cutting open a pagoda and the Buddha statue inside.

There was crystal clear blood dripping from the cut area. Looking at the wound, it was still dried real flesh and blood. Tang Ruoyu did not destroy another pagoda and the Buddha statue inside, but continued to run forward.

As they ran along, they soon saw more pagodas again.

Most of these pagodas are dilapidated, and there is a Buddha statue inside. Each Buddha statue is intact, with an inexplicable smile on its face, frozen there, as if it were eternity.

Tang Ruoyu no longer destroyed these pagodas and Buddha statues, but just kept running forward between these pagodas.

Wang Xuan followed behind, and the more he looked, the more frightened he became. In the seemingly dark and chaotic space ahead, there stood countless pagodas. These pagodas became larger as they went further back. At first, they were only a dozen meters high. Gradually it became more than 20 meters high and more than 30 meters high.

The pagoda is becoming more and more grand, and the Buddha statues enshrined inside are becoming larger and larger.

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