The last building on earth

Chapter 295 Imitator (please vote)

Tang Ruoyu flipped out in the air, curled up, put his hands on the ground, and rose into the air again, like an eagle attacking a rabbit, and once again rushed towards the short, fat man who had just been shaken by her sword.

She was in the process of merging with the White Tiger, and borrowing the power of the White Tiger, she was now able to fight against an ordinary perfect strong man. She clasped her hands together with the two-meter-long White Tiger sword in her hand, and slashed it down in the air again.

The power of this sword was even more powerful. Several tangible sword auras flew out from the giant sword. Each sword aura was four to five meters long, completely covering the stumpy man who fell back. He had no choice but to force himself to avoid it. block.

Tang Ruoyu is now stronger than before.

Because of the sudden appearance of these five people, she was disturbed and could not truly break through to the perfect form. However, the two fragments she harvested contained a lot of energy, which was absorbed by the white tiger in her body. The power of the white tiger grew, and her body The tiger stripes on the surface are looming, she is in the white tiger fusion, and her strength has also been greatly improved.

Tang Ruoyu understood that the short and fat man in front of her was very strong. Even among the perfect strong men, he was not weak. Although her strength had improved, it was impossible to kill him, so her real idea was to do everything possible to entangle the short man. The fat man creates opportunities for Wang Xuan.

Yao Tiande, Lin Baiyu, and Wang Siqi had similar thoughts to hers. They tried their best to entangle the lord of the royal city and prevent him from freeing his hands to attack Wang Xuan.

Wan Qi is dead, Wang Xuan takes back the mechanical god's arm, and now he can use all his strength to deal with the skinny man who has been chasing him.

The hatchling beast of this skinny man is extremely weird and terrifying. The "Phantom of Impermanence" combined with the "Hand of Impermanence" can even keep up with Wang Xuan's "Ghost Car at Night".

The strike from the mechanical god's arm also shocked him. Wang Xuan turned around, and the five ghost wings opened together and turned into steel feathers. They suddenly shot over like a violent storm, covering the skinny man in all directions.

At this moment, the handsome man who had been standing by and watching also took action.

Originally, he thought that if four perfect strong men attacked together, they could easily take down Wang Xuan and others. You must know that if Wang Xuan was not a different kind, under normal circumstances, a perfect strong man could defeat ten against one. Ten super states.

Perfect versus super state is simply crushing, not to mention that now there are four perfect strong men taking action together, especially among them there is a perfect strong man who is not inferior to the Rakshasa King, there is no need for him to take action again, until Wang Xuan suddenly activated his mechanical god arm and killed Wan Qi with one blow. Only then did he realize that he had underestimated Wang Xuan.

His heart was shaken, and with a push of his feet, he rushed forward in an instant. His speed was even faster than that of the skinny man's impermanent phantom.

Zhao Lei, who had been strengthened once, also took action at the same moment. He leaned down, hit the ground with his right hand, and activated the "Forbidden Saint".

As his strength increased, the power of "Forbidden Saint" also increased. In the area affected by "Forbidden Saint", the enemies targeted by him felt their bodies sink in an instant, as if there was an invisible force on the soles of their feet. Pulling and sucking them in.

Immediately following the "Forbidden Sage" was the "Pillar of Holy Light", the target of which was the handsome man who suddenly took action.

Zhao Lei's "Holy Eye" and "Holy Mark" have long locked onto the handsome man. According to his "Holy Eye", this handsome man who has never made a move is the most powerful among these enemies, so As soon as the handsome man made his move, he took the lead and used "Forbidden Saint" in conjunction with "Pillar of Holy Light" to launch a fierce attack.

Sure enough, the handsome man paused and was briefly absorbed by the "First Saint's Ban". The "Pillar of Holy Light" struck down, and he accepted it all.

Zhao Lei showed a look of satisfaction on his face, and after the "Pillar of Holy Light" came the "Cross Holy Light" from the air. These three moves were almost done in one go, and even people who were more powerful than him couldn't dodge them.

The cross-shaped holy light blasted into the pillar of holy light, and the handsome man roared. The cross-shaped holy light split from his chest, trying to tear him into four pieces.

Wang Xuan launched an anime Sky Steel Feather attack. The skinny man's "Impermanent Phantom" was similar to Wang Xuan's "Ghost Car Night Walk" and could not be used continuously. He exited from the "Impermanent Phantom" state, and there were steel feathers shooting from all directions. Wang Xuan didn't see how the skinny man moved, but these steel feathers stuck to his body and failed.

"What's going on?" Wang Xuan frowned, vaguely feeling that something was wrong. He followed Gang Yu and struck with the monster's giant arm. The attack that was originally a sure shot still failed. When he struck out with his giant arm, he realized that he was so far away. The skinny man still had an inch left, almost grazing his body.

This feeling of hitting nothing with one blow was very uncomfortable. The skinny man's impermanent hand stretched out. He had no time to dodge. One of the impermanent hands hit his left arm and immediately penetrated his monster arm. This impermanent hand It is like an illusory existence, passing through and then retracting without any stagnation. The giant arm of the monster is intact and intact.

Wang Xuan was stunned and suddenly felt something was wrong. His left arm of the monster suddenly lost consciousness and hung down softly. The metal tentacles originally fused inside appeared and peeled off automatically. His left arm of the monster returned to the shape of a normal human arm.

He was so shocked that he didn't have time to think too much, so he immediately started the "Ghost Car Night Drive", leaving an afterimage on the spot and increasing the distance between him and the skinny man.

Sure enough, the afterimage he had just left was penetrated by the hand of impermanence and shattered with a bang.

With his left arm hanging by his side, unconscious, Wang Xuan hurriedly took out a bottle of intermediate healing water from the Xumi Mustard Seed space on the right and drank it, while activating the "Ghost Car Bloodline".

His ghost car has grown to this point. It has grown five wings and has mastered three special abilities, namely "Ghost Car Armor", "Ghost Car Night Walk" and "Ghost Car Bloodline".

"Ghost Car Bloodline" is to stimulate the blood of Ghost Car hidden in the blood, and explode more powerful Ghost Car power. From the time it was understood and mastered to now, this is the first time it has been actually used in battle.

Although the "Ghost Car Bloodline" is powerful, once activated, it will become more and more powerful, but it also has side effects, that is, it will double the loss of physical energy and will not last long.

The impermanence of this skinny man's hatched beast is really weird, and seeing that the handsome man who had been standing by just now also suddenly took action, and judging from his speed, it seemed that he was faster than the people in front of him. Wang Xuan understood that if they could not win quickly, they It's dangerous.

No longer hesitating, he took out a bottle of intermediate physical strength water and drank it, while activating the "Ghost Car Bloodline" with all his strength, hoping to use the power of the ghost car's blood to reactivate his unconscious left arm.

All the steel feathers that had just been shot returned to form five ghost wings outside his body. The ghost wings flapped. The intermediate physical water and healing water were playing a huge role in his body, and there was a faint sound in the blood in his body. Hearing the sound of "gurgling", Wang Xuan kicked his feet on the ground and rushed out again.

Zhou Tianzhi locked his eyes firmly on the skinny man, deducing the scene of him dodging those steel feathers just now.

Hundreds of steel feathers struck with all their strength, but all of them failed. I didn't even see how the skinny man dodged. There must be something wrong with this.

As Zhou Tian Eye deduced, he immediately discovered the real reason.

The reason why I didn't notice how the skinny man dodged was because he didn't dodge, but stayed where he was. The real reason was that the steel feathers actively avoided his body and shot out, so one of them missed.

He immediately thought that among the abilities of the hatchling beast that captured the skinny man before, in addition to the "Phantom of Impermanence" and "Hand of Impermanence", there was another ability, that is, "Mental Interference".

Wang Xuan understood instantly.

This man's "impermanence" can activate "mental interference" at critical moments, so Wang Xuan thought that the steel feathers he controlled attacked the skinny man. In fact, under the "mental interference", Steel Feathers actively avoided it under his control. Skinny man, all in vain.

However, there must be great restrictions or high costs for activating mental interference, so if it is not an absolute must, this man will not use it casually. If he could use it at any time without restrictions, he would have killed him long ago.

All these thoughts flashed through his mind. After Wang Xuan understood it, he seemed to pounce on the skinny man, but his body suddenly ran away diagonally, leaving only afterimages in place.

This skinny man was too strong and it was too difficult to kill him, so Wang Xuan changed his target.

The Gui Che bloodline in his body is stimulating, and his physical energy is burning endlessly. His speed has further broken through. At this moment, his speed has faintly surpassed that of a perfect powerhouse like the Rakshasa King.

If Xuanzhu, Zhengyi City Lord or Wan Qi can only be regarded as ordinary perfect strong men, then Rakshasa King can be regarded as at least a middle-level perfect strong man.

The skinny man activated the "Phantom of Impermanence". He originally thought that Wang Xuan was rushing towards him, but what he didn't expect was just an afterimage of Wang Xuan left behind. The real Wang Xuan had already arrived behind the short and fat man.

The short and fat man held a bone spear, and first severely injured Geng Jianming. He wanted to attack Wang Xuan, but was intercepted by Tang Ruoyu. He fired sword energy one after another and went all out. Although the short and fat man was powerful, it was difficult for Tang Ruoyu's attacks to hurt him. , but in this short period of time, there were four or five meters long tangible sword energy in all directions, forcing him to wave his bone spear to form a protective shield to resist the tangible sword energy that was slashed down one after another.

The visible sword energy struck the bone spear one after another, causing a sharp clang sound and sparks flying everywhere.

For a moment, the short and fat man was trapped by Tang Ruoyu. He tried his best to resist Tang Ruoyu's crazy killing and was unable to escape.

Wang Xuan seized this opportunity and suddenly abandoned the skinny man. In the state of "Ghost Car Night Walk" and "Ghost Car Bloodline", he burned the power in his body and exploded with the strongest blow except the mechanical god's arm.

The skinny man couldn't catch up, and the handsome man on the other side realized that something was wrong, but he was hit by Zhao Lei's "Forbidden Saint", "Pillar of Holy Light" and "Cross Holy Light" in succession, although these attacks only caused him pain. He was injured, but it was too late to intercept Wang Xuan.

"Be careful with the alien bones!" The handsome man shouted loudly. The short and fat man who was resisting Tang Ruoyu's attack with all his strength was shocked. Suddenly he felt something was wrong. He almost didn't have time to think about it. He only heard a bang, and his bone spear was struck by a terrifying force. Hit with force.

Wang Xuan, who rushed forward, caught the trajectory of the bone spear of the short and fat man in the eyes of Zhou Tian. He was in the state of "Ghost Car Bloodline", and with the addition of intermediate healing water, his originally unconscious left arm recovered and connected with it. The metal tentacles fuse to form a giant arm of Warcraft.

A series of blue lights appeared above, and combined with the power of the blue crystal scales, the left arm of the monster accurately hit the bone spear.

Inspired by the "Ghost Che Bloodline", the power of this punch has reached the level of a moderately perfect strong man. The short and fat man only felt the bone spear vibrating in his hand, and his palm was hot. He couldn't hold it, and the bone spear was about to fly away. out.

Unconscious, he immediately activated the "Alien Bone Armor", transforming his whole body into invulnerable alien bone armor. He kicked off his feet and jumped out diagonally, trying to dodge.

Wang Xuan finally seized this opportunity, how could he let him escape? If he missed it, when the skinny man and the handsome man pounced on him, the situation would be reversed immediately.

The monster's right arm followed and smashed out with a bang, hitting the short and fat man in the chest.

Although the alien bone armor is invulnerable, it cannot withstand Wang Xuan's burning "Ghost Car Bloodline" plus the power of blue crystal scales and magical beasts. The three merge into one. The power of this punch is even less powerful. The mechanical god arm is not far behind either.

The alien bone armor that was said to be invulnerable was shattered in an instant. The short and fat man opened his mouth and let out an earth-shattering roar. The body that turned into alien bones was beaten into two pieces starting from the chest. The lower body remained in place, and the upper body and the head flew out in the air. .

The hatchling beast of the short and fat man is called Alien Bone, and it has extremely powerful defensive capabilities. However, once the alien bone armor is broken, his vitality is far inferior to that of perfect strong men like Wan Qi and Xuan Zhu. His body is broken from it, and he In the roar, a large amount of blood spurted out from the original alien bone body. The alien bone was restoring its original body of flesh and blood. A ball of white light appeared and flew towards Wang Xuan.

After successfully killing the short and fat man, Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly took out another bottle of intermediate physical strength water and drank it.

Killing two perfect strong men in a row and absorbing their energy, the energy was absorbed by the outside of his left leg, but there was no big reaction.

Obviously, if you want Gui Che to grow a sixth wing, you need more energy. Even the energy of a perfect and powerful person is difficult to satisfy the current Gui Che.

All this is a long story, but it actually only lasted twenty or thirty seconds. The five perfect strong men appeared, Wan Qi and the short fat man died, and the handsome man, the skinny man and the king of the royal city who were still alive saw the alien bones being killed. Boom, after the white light appeared, their hearts were shaken, and they all looked at Wang Xuan with disbelief.

If they hadn't witnessed it with their own eyes, it would be hard for them to believe that such Wang Xuan was not even a perfect strong man.

The handsome man suddenly let out a long roar, and the power of the cross holy light shot out of his chest was forced out of his body. His body swayed. Although Zhao Lei had been strengthened once, he also had the "Holy Eye" and "Holy Mark" to capture the opponent. As for the attack trajectory, although he caught the handsome man's attack, his body could not keep up with the reaction. When he came to his senses, the handsome man had grabbed his neck, lifted him up in the air, and then smashed him down hard.

With a "porphy" sound, Zhao Lei's head hit the hard ground below. If the power of the devil in his body hadn't suddenly burst out to protect his head and face, his brain would have burst and he would have died immediately.

Under the protection of the devil's power, Zhao Lei hit his head and made a hole in the ground, but his head was not injured.

The handsome man saw this and became even more angry. He held Zhao Lei without letting go, but used it as a weapon and swung it towards Wang Xuan.

Zhao Lei is protected by the power of the demon and is difficult to kill. However, the power of the demon is more than enough to protect himself. Zhao Lei cannot control it to attack or kill the handsome man. Now he is directly used as a weapon by the handsome man.

Wang Xuan successfully killed the short and fat man, and he breathed a sigh of relief. There are now three of the five perfect strong men left, and their pressure has been reduced a lot.

Tang Ruoyu immediately turned around and joined forces with Yao Tiande and Zhang Haofei to attack the lord of the royal city.

Wang Xuan saw Zhao Lei being grabbed by the handsome man, and dodged with his body. Two metal tentacles were released and wrapped around the handsome man.

Behind him, the skinny man once again entered the "Phantom of Impermanence" state, approaching silently.

Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye captured the handsome man's hatching beast information at the same moment.

"Name: Imitator, Growth Form: Perfect, Unknown Abilities, Uncapable."

Sensing the information, Wang Xuan's heart trembled slightly. He could only capture the name and growth form of this handsome man's hatchling beast information.

"Imitator? This hatchling's name is a little weird."

Just as this thought passed through Wang Xuan's mind, he suddenly noticed that the handsome man in front of him swayed, and his body seemed to turn into a paper man. Then he began to stack up, draw a perfect arc in the air, and go around to the other side of him. .

The sound of vehicles traveling at high speed and rolling over the ground was heard all around.

The passage of time around him seemed to slow down, and Wang Xuan's pupils dilated slightly. The scene in front of him was indescribably familiar to him. This ability was actually his own "ghost car driving at night".

This handsome man actually has the power of "ghost car driving at night"?

He suddenly understood why the other hatchling was called "imitator".

This was the first time he encountered such a strange hatchling beast. In front of him was a handsome man performing the "Ghost Car Night Walk", and behind him was a skinny man entering the "Phantom of Impermanence". Although he was shocked, Wang Xuan still entered the "Ghost Car" without hesitation. Night Walk", while launching a mechanical god arm attack.

With his current strength, if he launches the mechanical god arm attack again, even a perfect middle-level powerhouse like the Rakshasa King can be killed with one blow.

Although Lin Baiyu, Wang Siqi, Zhang Haofei, Yao Tiande and others tried their best to block the handsome man for Wang Xuan, it was a pity that they were in the "ghost car driving at night". In the eyes of Wang Xuan and the handsome man, they seemed to be in slow motion, These people were directly ignored by the handsome man. He left behind a series of afterimages and came around Wang Xuan, while Wang Xuan went around in the opposite direction. Both sides were "ghost cars traveling at night" and went around each other. Who There is nothing anyone can do.

The mechanical god arm activated by Wang Xuan, in conjunction with the "Eye of Zhoutian", targeted the Lord of the Royal City on the other side who had just been intercepted by Tang Ruoyu.

The skinny man and the handsome man, one in the "Phantom of Impermanence" and the other in the "Ghost Car at Night", are extremely difficult to kill. The only way now is to kill the Lord of the Royal City first, and then unite with Tang Ruoyu and everyone else, can we hope to kill the skinny man. Man and handsome man kill.

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