The last building on earth

Chapter 321 Nine Palaces (please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan and others have also entered the fourth layer of the world, and they know that it is indeed a vast ocean. There are peaks on the ocean, and there are a large number of buildings on each peak. They have even seen giant steel cities, but what they see there is All are Westerners.

At this moment, none of them interrupted, but listened quietly to Ning Chuan's introduction.

"The fourth level has many forces, at least one or two hundred, each occupying different mountain areas. Among them, it has the most mountain areas. The most powerful ones are the East, the West and the North. The outside world will also call us the East. The World, the Western World and the Northern World.”

"Our Eastern world is dominated by Orientals, and nine major factions have been formed, which are called the Nine Halls."

Zhao Lei couldn't help but said: "I understand, are there the five major cities we are familiar with in these nine palaces? Like Xuancheng, Phoenix City and so on."

Ning Chuan nodded and said: "Yes, the five major cities you know represent the power of the five palaces belonging to which side among the nine palaces, including the King's Palace, Phoenix Palace, Rakshasa City, Xuan Palace and Justice Palace."

"The remaining four halls are our true Eastern human forces, including the Flame Hall, Dragon Hall, Yaksha Hall and the Temple where we are located."

Having said this, Wang Xuan has already understood that among the nine halls of power in the Eastern World, five halls are owned by hatching beasts, and the other four halls are owned by human forces, and the third level of the world where they are located should be exactly where the hatching beasts are. Within the scope of the Five Halls, almost all the strong men on the fourth level they encountered before were hatched beasts.

If it weren't for the eleven people from Ningchuan who were suddenly teleported here through the magic circle in the Hell Tower today, they still wouldn't have known that there were pure Eastern human forces outside these five halls, and it might even be difficult to come into contact with them.

Wang Xuan was a little hard to understand and said: "Shouldn't we humans and those monsters who were swallowed by the hatchlings be in opposing positions? Why are they still collectively called the Nine Halls? That Bai Xue also said that she will be the future master of the Nine Halls , can she still lead the Nine Halls? Will you also respect her as the Lord of the Nine Halls?"

Zhang Haofei said: "Yes, these guys have always wanted to kill us. If we weren't so lucky, we wouldn't be alive now. You and them should also be in an antagonistic relationship. Why are they still collectively called the Nine Halls? What kind of bullshit is there? The Lord of the Nine Palaces?"

Zhang Haofei spoke rudely. Ning Chuan was a high-ranking figure in the "Yan Palace". How could anyone dare to speak like this in front of him? He frowned slightly and glanced at Zhang Haofei, but he didn't get angry. He only looked at Wang Xuan and explained patiently. Said: "The relationship between hatchling beasts and us humans has always been that of life and death enemies, and because we have a common enemy, we must cooperate at some point."

"What is the common enemy? The Western world and the Northern world?" Wang Xuan thought that those Westerners would take action when they saw them, and the two sides were obviously in a hostile relationship.

Ning Chuan shook his head and said: "Although our worlds are in a hostile relationship, they are not the real enemy. In essence, whether it is us humans or the hatched beasts that devour humans, they are all humans in origin. "

"They all count as human beings?" Everyone was startled when they heard this and looked at Ning Chuan.

Zhao Lei said with some difficulty: "Human beings swallowed by hatchling beasts are considered human beings? Aren't they monsters?"

Ning Chuan said: "The hatching beast devours humans and merges with the human soul consciousness, but the hatching beast's soul consciousness dominates, rather than completely annihilating the human soul consciousness. There is a big difference between the two. It can be said that the hatching beast The beast devoured humans and still possesses some human characteristics, just like we have the power of the hatching beast. Although we are not swallowed up by the soul consciousness of the hatching beast and occupy our bodies, we still have the power, soul and consciousness of the hatching beast in our bodies. Existence, you say, can we really get rid of the influence of hatchling beasts completely?"

Ning Chuan's words silenced everyone. Before this, everyone had never thought about this aspect carefully. The only thing they knew was that humans and these beasts devoured by hatched beasts are mortal enemies. Once they encounter them, they will fight to the death.

"Actually, the real difference between us humans and them is whose consciousness is dominant. We humans need the power of hatching beasts, and hatching beasts also need us humans as carriers. It is for this reason that we both fight and cooperate with them. Especially when faced with a common threat.”

Wang Xuan listened quietly, thinking that Ningchuan had been talking for a long time and he still hadn't said who the common enemy of humans and hatchlings was. Now he could only be sure that it was the hatching beasts or the people of the Western world, although there was fighting or hostility between the two sides. , but they are not real life and death enemies.

Zhao Lei finally couldn't help but interjected: "Then what is the common enemy of us humans and hatchlings?"

Ning Chuan said slowly: "Our common enemy is the intruders outside this building. They belong to an intelligent race like humans, and they also have the power of hatching beasts, but their relationship with us humans and hatching beasts is different. We humans and the hatchlings are close to symbiosis. The difference is only whose soul consciousness is dominant, but they directly possess the power of the hatching beasts. The hatching beasts are equivalent to their nutrients. These intruders are our real enemies. "

Hearing what Ning Chuan said, Wang Xuan suddenly thought of the Cangqiong Building where the tip of the iceberg appeared in the third layer of the world, the giant ship falling from the sky, and the Ala Troll, Winged Agatha and Green that appeared from the Cangqiong Building and the giant ship. Monsters like Aden also possess the power of hatchlings. Could it be that they are the invaders he is talking about?

Zhao Lei's mind was spinning very quickly, and he immediately asked: "Is it Ala Troll, Agatha or something?"

Ning Chuan glanced at him and said, "Yes, but the Ala Trolls and the Agatha Tribe are only the weakest races among these invaders. Together with the Aden Tribe, they are the lower three tribes among these invaders and belong to the vanguard. But if you want to invade, the more powerful you are, the more restrictions you will have, and it is for this reason that we are still able to fight against them."

After hearing what Ning Chuan said, Wang Xuan finally had a preliminary understanding of this world, and also understood why more powerful intruders did not appear. It was because powerful beings would be restricted by this building, and they would have to cross if they wanted to enter. difficulty.

"Wang Xuan, come back to Yan Palace with me. I believe that the palace masters will be very surprised when they know about your situation." Ning Chuan finished roughly introducing the situation of the fourth layer of the world, and finally opened his mouth to invite Wang Xuan to Yan Palace.

Wang Xuandao: "Can we go directly to the Yan Palace?" He saw that the eleven people from Ningchuan appeared here directly through the magic circle, which was obviously different from the way they entered the third floor of the Hell Tower layer by layer.

Ning Chuan shook his head and said: "The Hell Tower has its own rules. Because this tower only exists in various second-level worlds, it follows a special rule, that is, which second-level world does the person entering the tower enter from? , when you leave, you will inevitably return to this second-level world. No one is exempt. Although we can use the advanced teleportation crystal with recording function to record the coordinates here and directly teleport to and from the Flame Palace, but because you are passing through the second-level world, If you enter the second layer of the world, even if you follow us and teleport out, you will definitely appear in the second layer of the world that you originally entered, and will not be able to enter the Flame Palace."

Wang Xuan was stunned. He didn't expect that the Hell Tower had such rules. This meant that they entered here from the Hell Tower in the Insect Town world. No matter what method they used to leave, they would still appear in Insect Town.

"But you don't have to worry. I just need to know which mountain in the fourth layer of the world you are leading to. We can go to this mountain to pick you up. As long as you enter the Flame Palace, those guys can't do anything to you."

"What is a mountain domain?" Zhang Haofei asked curiously.

Ning Chuan said: "There are countless mountains in the vast ocean of the fourth-level world. Each mountain has a large number of buildings. These mountains are called mountain domains, and there is a third-level world underneath each mountain domain. , as long as you take the elevator of your third-level world to the fourth level, you will appear in a mountain area, but the mountain area you will appear in must belong to the sphere of influence of the five halls, the Hall of Justice or the Phoenix Hall. We I need to break into it to pick you up.”

A young and beautiful woman behind Ning Chuan said: "Do you want to just break in? I'm afraid..."

She didn't say what she said next, but Wang Xuan vaguely heard some meaning. Although Ning Chuan said it simply, it would be far from simple for humans to break into the sphere of influence of the Five Halls belonging to the hatchling beasts.

"Will there be a conflict if you break into their range?" Wang Xuan thought of Bai Xue's hatred for him. If she were to know, he would never let it go.

Ning Chuan smiled lightly and said: "Don't worry, I will return to Yan Palace immediately to inform you of the news and make arrangements in advance."

As he spoke, he took out a crystal and handed it to Wang Xuandao: "This is a crystal for positioning. You only need to bring it with you. When you enter the fourth floor, I will know your precise location and know your location." Whichever mountainous area it is located in, we will come to pick you up as quickly as possible."

The ten young men and women behind him all had expressions of shock and excitement on their faces. They naturally understood what Ning Chuan meant by what he said.

The Eastern World is owned by the Nine Palaces, and each has its own different mountain range. The two sides have both fought and cooperated. Now Ning Chuan said that he would break into the other party's mountain range to pick up Wang Xuan. That is almost not much different from invading. After all, It is hard to imagine what kind of stormy waves it will set off, and it may even lead to an all-out war between the four human palaces and the fifth palace controlled by hatching beasts.

Ning Chuan seemed to know what the ten men and women behind him were thinking. He looked back at them and said, "You are still young and don't know what the Book of Giants represents. Since Wang Xuan was chosen for this second Book of Giants, it means Now that Wang Xuan is qualified to compete for the future Lord of the Nine Halls, the Snow Demon is no longer the only choice. As long as Wang Xuan and the Book of Titans are here, we humans have hope of rising again. So I believe that as long as the higher ups know this news, no matter what No matter what the price, he will definitely take action."

Hearing Ning Chuan's solemnity, the ten young men and women behind him all looked solemn and nodded to express their understanding.

"Okay, then you ten guys will continue your mission. I will return to the Flame Palace immediately. Wang Xuan, remember my words, take this crystal and go to the fourth floor immediately... No..."

He pondered slightly, seeming to be thinking about how long it would take to prepare for his return to Yandian. After thinking about it, he said: "We need some time to prepare. Let's do this. We have agreed on three days. After three days, you can take the elevator and go there immediately. The fourth floor.”

Wang Xuan nodded, and Ning Chuan suddenly frowned again and muttered: "It's still not safe. Since you have had a conflict with the snow demon, she must know your importance and will definitely find a way to kill you in case they enter." Hell Tower, found you..."

He shook his head as he spoke, feeling that Wang Xuan's current situation was dangerous, and said: "How about you stay with them now, with them by your side, even if you encounter them, you will still be able to fight."

As he spoke, he looked at the ten young men and women around him and said, "Whether you have completed the mission is no longer the most important thing, but to ensure Wang Xuan's safety within these three days."

These ten people all nodded one after another, indicating that they understood.

"But once you leave the Hell Tower, they can't follow you. Everything is up to you."

After speaking, Ning Chuan opened the storage space on his body, took out three crystals and said: "These are three teleportation crystals, which can be teleported randomly. In case of emergency, use the teleportation crystal. This teleportation crystal can also shield the breath. As long as If you use it, no matter how powerful they are, they won't be able to find you in a short time."

Wang Xuan was not polite and accepted these three teleportation crystals. He originally had thirteen teleportation crystals and now has a total of sixteen teleportation crystals.

With these teleportation crystals, we have confidence. These teleportation crystals are very precious. Even Bai Xue, who is known as the future Lord of the Nine Halls, only has thirteen crystals in his storage belt. Ningchuan can give himself three at one time. It can be said to be very commendable. The ten men and women who came with him all looked envious in their eyes.

A teleportation crystal may mean one more life. You can imagine how precious it is in this world.

Originally, Wang Xuan only believed half of Ning Chuan, but seeing that he could give him the teleportation crystal so generously, his trust in him immediately increased to 80%. As for the remaining 20%, Wang Xuan's character was such that he would never treat anyone. Believe it 100%, but have to be more cautious. In such a world where the jungle is strong and the jungle is strong, he doesn't dare to trust anyone completely.

After all, he didn't have Bai Qianxue's Eye of the Rune King, so he couldn't really tell whether the group of people in front of him were real humans or hatchlings. He could only judge by their words, deeds, and behavior.

Wang Xuan was very curious that Ning Chuan could believe that he was a human being. Judging from his appearance, he probably did not have the Eyes of the Rune King similar to Bai Qianxue, otherwise he would not have been so surprised when he found out that he was a human being. .

After receiving the teleportation crystal, Wang Xuan couldn't help but asked curiously: "Why do you believe so much that we are human beings? It seems that hatchling beasts can tell who is human and who is hatching beast, but we humans cannot tell who is human. Who was swallowed up by the soul consciousness of the hatching beast."

Ning Chuan heard his question and laughed and said: "I really don't, but Yan Palace has a way to distinguish who is a real human being and who is a hatchling beast. As long as you arrive at Yan Palace, you will naturally know it clearly. Besides, you can master it." When writing the Book of Titans, I believe that the Book of Titans will not choose two people who are both hatchlings. For this reason alone, I believe that you are human."

Wang Xuan nodded slightly. It turned out that Yandian had a way to tell who was a human and who was a hatchling. No wonder he believed in himself so much.

"Wang Xuan, if you still have any questions, just ask them. If nothing happens, I will return to Yan Palace immediately."

Hearing Ning Chuan's question, Wang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Just now you said they came here to complete a mission, but you didn't know what the mission was?"

Ning Chuan smiled slightly and said: "Zhao Zisheng, please explain this to Wang Xuan. If there are no other questions, I will go back first."

He seemed a little anxious, obviously anxious to report the matter about Wang Xuan and the Book of the Titans.

The person he called Zhao Zisheng was a young man with a tall figure, wearing a set of beautiful silver-white armor. His face was like a jade, and there was a heroic spirit between his eyebrows. When he stood upright, he looked like a javelin.

"Yes!" After hearing Ning Chuan's instructions, Zhao Zisheng immediately responded and faced Wang Xuan again to speak.

Ning Chuan held a crystal in his left hand. White light appeared on the crystal, covering him. In the light, a rotating magic circle appeared. He was drowned by the light in the magic circle.

Wang Xuan understood that what Ningchuan was activating now should be the advanced teleportation crystal that he mentioned before that could record the location. He was teleporting back to Yan Palace.

As the white light converged, the magic circle disappeared, and Ning Chuan had disappeared here.

Wang Xuan looked at this advanced teleportation crystal with some envy. It would be much more convenient if there was such a crystal that could record the location and teleport at will.

After Ning Chuan left, the ten young men and women who came with him visibly breathed a sigh of relief and became more relaxed.

Zhao Zisheng was serious and said: "The ten of us coming to the Hell Tower are a selection operation for the Yan Palace. Mr. Ningchuan is our team leader and an observer. However, because of you, Brother Wang, under special circumstances, he is now returning to the Yan Palace. Your Majesty, he just gave permission for you to act together with us."

"The selection operation of Yan Palace?" Wang Xuan showed a look of surprise.

Zhao Zisheng said: "Yes, we must choose the best one among us to represent Yan Palace and participate in the competition among the younger generation among the nine palaces."

Another young woman said: "All those who can participate are the younger generation of the Nine Halls, and their strength must be limited to the perfect level. The ten of us have competed before, and the result is difficult to determine the winner. This time we will directly He was transported to the Hell Tower, where the final winner will be decided."

Zhao Lei said: "What will determine the final winner?"

The young woman said: "It's very simple. Whoever can obtain the Fang of the Cerberus will be the final winner."

Hearing this, Wang Xuan's heart moved slightly. They also entered the Hell Tower aiming at the Cerberus Fangs. They reached the third floor. Although they encountered a large number of Cerberus, they failed to obtain the Cerberus Fangs. Unexpectedly, what happened before them The method used by the ten people in the Flame Palace to compare their strengths and weaknesses was also the Fangs of the Cerberus.

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