The last building on earth

Chapter 326 Yaksha Palace (please vote and subscribe)

The whistling ice and snow swept away the smoke in the hall. By the time Bai Xue noticed the lost person wandering inside, the ice roar had already enveloped the lost person, freezing it instantly, freezing it into a human-shaped icicle.

Wang Xuan was frozen as an afterimage, but his body had shot through the air and entered the deepest part of the hall.

Bai Xue didn't care about the frozen lost person. Her body floated up into the sky and chased after Wang Xuan.

The majestic old man chased outside the main hall. As soon as he set foot, he suddenly discovered that there was a "click" sound on the surface of the frozen lost man's body. The ice formed shattered, and there were squirming things in his half-melted body. Transparent tentacles soared into the sky. These transparent tentacles opened up like a large net, and headed towards the white snow flying in the sky.

This big transparent net bag came over so fast that it was as strong as Bai Xue's and it made my heart tremble.

As he thought, pieces of ice shields appeared, protecting the body and blocking the coming net. The lost man's originally confused eyes now turned to staring straight at Bai Xue. In his half-melted body, transparent matter continued to flow. As it squirmed outward, it seemed as if thousands of slender tentacles had sprouted, drawing towards Bai Xue crazily.

These tentacles hit the ice shield condensed by Bai Xue, and the ice shield began to melt. In the blink of an eye, Bai Xue found that there were such transparent tentacles in all directions, intertwined with each other, forming a large cocoon, and actually surrounded her.

Whatever these tentacles came into contact with, everything began to melt. The situation was strange. Bai Xue did not dare to be careless. He raised his right hand and activated the "Ice and Snow Barrier", forming a barrier of whistling ice and snow around himself to resist countless intertwined tentacles.

Wang Xuan seized the opportunity when Bai Xue was blocked by the Lost One, and rushed into the depths of the hall at full speed. He soon discovered that there was an exit deep in the hall, and there were stairs leading down from the exit. Obviously, through the stairs, one could enter deeper into the Hell Tower.

Wang Xuan didn't know which floor he was on in the Hell Tower at this moment, so he could only go down the stairs.

Under the stairs was a dark-looking cave. There was nothing in the cave. Wang Xuan entered the cave. Considering that he had entered a higher level of the Hell Tower, he did not dare to be careless. The six ghost wings on his body were slightly spread. This cave There are several irregular holes of different sizes around, leading to nowhere.

Wang Xuan randomly picked a cave entrance and rushed in. Inside the cave entrance was another vast and dark cave.

He heard a low growl as soon as he broke in. There were several giant dogs lying in the cave. He broke in and startled them, and immediately let out a low growl and stood up.

These giant dogs have two heads, and they are double-headed hellhounds with a dangerous rating of seven and a half stars.

Wang Xuan already understood when he saw this. Entering the deeper level of the hell tower, the danger here has obviously increased. Here, the two-headed hell dog should be just the most common monster.

Fortunately, his ghost car has evolved a sixth wing, so he can fight even the super-perfect eighth-form hatchling, and the two-headed hellhound cannot threaten him yet.

He swung his body forward to meet him. In order to fight quickly, he used his half-beast body to cooperate with Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer. The power of Demon Beast and Demon Slayer was brought into full play. Even the powerful two-headed hellhound could not withstand Demon Slayer's attack.

These five double-headed hellhounds were quickly killed. The energy of the white scales in the double-headed hellhound's body was much more powerful than that of the hellhound. It was absorbed by the ghost car and monster in his body, and the energy in his right hand immediately fluctuated violently.

There are several openings on the four walls of this cave, making it look like a maze. This is exactly what Wang Xuan wants. Even if Bai Xue can get rid of the obstruction of the lost person and chase him here, he wants to chase him in this maze-like place. Your own difficulty will also be greatly increased.

"I don't know how long the aura shielding of the teleportation crystal can last. As long as I'm in this aura shielding, they won't be able to find me quickly."

While Wang Xuan was meditating, he randomly selected a cave entrance to enter. Inside this cave entrance was a larger cave. There were eight double-headed hellhounds in this cave. They all woke up due to his intrusion and let out low roars. Come up.

Just as Wang Xuan guessed, the Hell Tower on this level is like a maze, with countless caves connected to each other. In each cave, there are more or less two-headed hell dogs, rarely just one or two, and many more. There can be more than a dozen of them.

Wang Xuan's Warcraft is in need of energy, and hunting these two-headed hellhounds can get a lot of energy. This makes Wang Xuan reluctant to leave, and he keeps hunting two-headed hellhounds in these caves.

When you are tired, stop to rest, drink high-grade nutrient solution and stamina water, and then continue hunting when you are full of energy.

Bai Xue did not appear again because she was blocked by the Lost One and the majestic old man, or because this place was like a maze. Wang Xuan was not disturbed and could concentrate on hunting monsters and harvesting energy here.

As he continued to absorb white scales, the energy fluctuations in his right hand became more and more violent, gradually reaching the limit. The ghost car energy on the right side of his head also accumulated a lot, but it was still early to reach the energy required to grow the seventh ghost wing. .

Finally, after killing an unknown number of two-headed hellhounds, the white light group in his right hand no longer absorbed new energy, and all the energy was absorbed by the ghost car.

Obviously, the energy required for his monster's growth and evolution is full.

But the energy required was enough, but the monster did not evolve like the ghost car.

"The hatching beast is getting harder and harder to grow as time goes by, but this time I don't know what the conditions are for it to grow."

Wang Xuan stopped to rest, looked at the corpses of several two-headed hellhounds in front of him, and fell into deep thought.

After killing so many two-headed hellhounds along the way, he got a lot of hellhound fangs and kept them all.

Now that the energy required by Warcraft is full, how can we break through perfection and advance to the true eighth form of power?

He was confident that if his magical beast could break through to perfection and cooperate with the same power of the ghost car, he would be able to truly fight Bai Xue.

"Should we continue to draw the power of the world into our body to further strengthen our body? Or do we have other requirements... It would be great if I could return to Insect Town now. With the help of the power of the stone pillars in Insect Town, I might gain some insights."

Wang Xuan sat aside, meditating on the white light in his right hand, hoping to gain some understanding.

There was no sound in the cave. After sitting cross-legged in the darkness for an unknown amount of time, Wang Xuan slowly entered a deep state of meditation.

During meditation, I constantly sense the subtle changes in the white light in my right hand. As the first form of Warcraft grows and evolves to the perfection of the seventh form, the white light changes differently every time it grows.

The energy that can be contained in it is becoming more and more powerful. When it reaches perfection, the energy that can be contained in the white light is extremely powerful. Wang Xuan does not know how many hell dogs and two-headed hell dogs he has killed before finally filling up the white light. .

Wang Xuan could feel the violent fluctuations of energy in the white light. It seemed that he could break through the white light and surge out at any time, but he always seemed to be restrained by something and could not truly break through.

In his deep meditation, the power of the world came quietly, entered along his body, and finally seemed to be attracted, actively moving towards the white light in his right hand.

This kind of change was unprecedented. Wang Xuan's heart was moved. Could this be related to the breakthrough of perfection?

The power of the world came into contact with the white light in his right hand and began to slowly penetrate inside.

When he broke through the super state before, the power of the world entered his body, which only strengthened his body and did not penetrate the white light. Now that this happened for the first time, Wang Xuan suddenly realized something in his heart.

If breaking through the super state is to use the power of the world to strengthen the body, does it mean that breaking through to perfection is using the power of the world to break the white light in the right hand?

With the enlightenment, Wang Xuan more carefully understood and controlled the power of the world, only daring to let it penetrate into the white light one by one, and experience the subtle changes in it.

In the deep meditation, without knowing the passage of time, Wang Xuan suddenly had an instinct and woke up from the deep meditation.

When he opened his eyes, he immediately heard movement. This was someone moving, approaching him at an extremely fast speed.

Could it be that Bai Xue found herself again?

My heart trembled slightly, and I didn't bother to meditate on the induction anymore. I immediately turned around quietly and stood up. I saw a figure flashing out of the entrance of the cave where I had the induction and appeared in the cave.

Seeing this person, Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief.

The person who came was none other than Ning Chuan, a high-ranking member of Yan Palace.

Following Ning Chuan were Zhao Zisheng, Zhou Mei and other mountain masters under Yandian, while Bai Yan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others were missing.

When Wang Xuan saw Ning Chuan suddenly leading a group of them to this place, he immediately understood that the ability of the teleportation crystal to shield the breath should have failed. Ning Chuan could accurately locate and find himself through the crystal given to him.

"Wang Xuan." When Ning Chuan saw Wang Xuan, he strode forward and said, "It's true that you actually came to the fifth floor of the Hell Tower. The snow demon probably wouldn't have expected it."

After hearing what Ning Chuan said, Wang Xuan knew that this was the fifth floor of the Hell Tower.

Wang Xuan nodded towards them and said, "Where are my friends? Aren't they with you?" In the Hell Tower now, Bai Xue and others are afraid that they are hunting for him everywhere. If Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others are with them, they will only It's not safe either.

Ning Chuan said: "Don't worry, the palace master values ​​them very much. Not only has he arranged for people to protect them, but he also has people to point out the key to their breakthrough. If nothing else, they should hopefully break through to perfection in the next day or two."

When Wang Xuan heard what he said, he felt relieved and understood that the Lord of Yan Palace's high regard for Zhao Lei and others was probably related to the fact that they had the remnant souls of the Demon God in their bodies.

Ning Chuan looked at the seven or eight two-headed hell dog corpses on the ground, with a strange look in his eyes, and said, "Wang Xuan, were all these two-headed hell dogs killed by man?"

He knew that Wang Xuan's strength would not be inferior to that of a mountain master like Zhao Zisheng. He was definitely one of the best in perfection, but the strength of the two-headed hell dog was comparable to the super state limit. If one-on-one, Wang Xuan would kill the two-headed hell dog. It's not difficult to fight a dog, but facing a group of two-headed hellhounds, it's hard for him to stand a chance of winning, let alone killing these seven or eight two-headed hellhounds.

Wang Xuan nodded. Seeing Wang Xuan nod, Ning Chuan shook his head with emotion and said: "No wonder the Book of Giants chose you. It's really not easy. If you can break through perfection, it will be unimaginable."

When Wang Xuan heard what he said, his heart moved and he asked for advice on how to break through perfection.

After hearing Wang Xuan's inquiry, Ning Chuan did not hide his secrets and said: "The principle of breaking through to perfection is very simple. The first step is to break through the super state, attracting more powerful world power into the body, and tempering the body again. The second step is to draw the power of the world into the white light of the hatching beast, and use the power of the world to break the white light. However, while destroying the white light, you also need to use the power of the world to condense and generate new white light. This step is the last step. It is difficult, if you are not careful, it will be extremely dangerous, and it will take a long time. Of course, there may be exceptions for some special geniuses."

After hearing Ning Chuan's introduction, Wang Xuan knew how to break through perfection. It seemed that just meditating on his own and introducing the power of the world into the white light mango was certainly the right thing to do, but before that, he needed to use the power of the world to temper his body again.

If you want to further temper your body, you need to borrow a more powerful power from the world, and you need to control the right amount. If you are not careful, you may die violently. This step alone will be very difficult, not to mention that there will be more difficult things later. Step two.

"They have been trapped in this level for a long time. It is not easy to break through perfection." Ning Chuan said while pointing to Zhao Zisheng, Zhou Mei and others. They are the most outstanding talents of His Highness Yan, but if they want to break through perfection, Still difficult.

Wang Xuan hummed and nodded. He originally wanted to break through to perfection here. If he had enough strength to fight Bai Xue, he would naturally not be afraid of their arrests. But after hearing what Ning Chuan said, it was not easy to break through to perfection. This made Wang Xuan He frowned.

"I made an agreement with you to enter the fourth floor in three days, but now there is some trouble. The other party will definitely send people to guard the entrance and exit of the Hell Tower in Insect Town, or even the elevator. I'm afraid it will be impossible for you to enter the fourth floor."

Wang Xuandao: "What should I do now? How do I enter the Flame Palace?"

Ning Chuan said: "I followed the hall master to visit the other three hall masters before and told them about you. They all said that they would help me. I believe that these hall masters will soon come up with a solution. This snow demon Although she relies on the Book of Titans and is arrogant, she is not even the palace master now. If several palace masters come forward to protect you, they will not dare to do anything rashly..."

As soon as Ning Chuan said this, a slight hum suddenly came from the distance.

Hearing this voice, Ning Chuan's expression changed. Wang Xuan turned around first and looked towards the entrance of a cave. He saw a figure appearing in the entrance of the cave, appearing like a ghost, appearing quietly.

The snort just now came from him, and he seemed to be a little disdainful of what Ning Chuan said.

The man who suddenly appeared was about thirty-seven or eighteen years old. He was as gentle as jade and wore a long robe. He looked like a scholar. It was the first time Wang Xuan saw him and he didn't recognize him. However, Ning Chuan's expression changed and he looked down. A voice called out softly: "Master of the Hall of Justice?"

The middle-aged scribe who suddenly appeared was the master of one of the nine halls, the "Hall of Justice."

Ning Chuan did not expect that he would suddenly appear here, and was greatly shocked. He immediately put into a fighting posture, and his hatching beast "Black Cloud" appeared, forming a black mist that enveloped his right arm.

It was already shocking that Bai Xue brought people to track Wang Xuan. Ning Chuan never imagined that the Lord of Justice, the Lord of the Nine Halls, would actually visit the Hell Tower in person.

The Lord of the Hall of Justice ignored Ning Chuan, but looked at Wang Xuan, as if to see what was special about him. While looking at him, he slowly approached.

Ning Chuan could only stand in front of Wang Xuan, shrouded in black clouds, and soon turned into a giant black spider. It was the special ability "Giant Transformation" he mastered. Facing the Lord of Justice Hall, Ning Chuan did not dare to There's not the slightest carelessness.

Unfortunately, the Lord of the Hall of Justice still didn't stop and walked straight towards Ning Chuan, who transformed into a giant spider.

"Wang Xuan, the situation is not right, use the teleportation crystal to escape immediately." Ning Chuan put on a fighting posture and reminded Wang Xuan to run away quickly. He had no confidence that he could stop the Lord of Justice.

Zhao Zisheng, Zhou Mei and others who came with him simultaneously displayed their hatched beasts, forming a large formation and blocking the other side, ready to go.

"We have laid a dragnet here. How many times do you think he can escape using the teleportation crystal?"

The Lord of the Hall of Justice spoke, his voice calm, with a hint of pity. This is the kind of pity that only victors have.


Suddenly, a man's voice sounded like metal.

When this voice came, the face of the Lord of Justice Hall changed slightly, and he stopped. Instead of continuing to hit Ning Chuan in front of him, he turned his head and saw a tall man stepping into another cave not far away. Walked out.

This man is nearly two meters tall and is wearing a set of yellow armor with a pale golden light. He looks like the legendary King Kong, walking like a dragon and a tiger, heading towards the Lord of the Palace of Justice.

Ning Chuan was overjoyed when he suddenly saw this man in yellow armor. He immediately breathed a sigh of relief and hurriedly saluted: "Ning Chuan has met Master Yaksha."

This man who suddenly appeared like a king was the master of Yaksha Hall, one of the nine halls, belonging to the human side.

"It's true that you will appear here." The face of the Lord of Justice showed a look of surprise, showing a hint of surprise that the Lord of Yaksha would suddenly appear here.

"You can appear here, why can't I come?" The Lord of Yaksha Hall suddenly laughed and quickly approached the Lord of Justice Hall three meters away before stopping.

The two sides faced each other with a distance of less than ten meters, and the airflow around them began to change subtly. The two palace masters opened their eyes, prepared for battle, and stared at each other motionless.

Ning Chuan, who was closest to them, began to retreat. Zhao Zisheng, Zhou Mei and others formed a large formation to protect Wang Xuan. With Ning Chuan included, it would be difficult for even a palace master-level powerhouse to take action against Wang Xuan. Defeat their large formation in a short time.

Wang Xuan did not expect that the two palace masters would confront each other one after another for his own sake. At this moment, he was not in a hurry to use the teleportation crystal to escape. He wanted to see how powerful the Yaksha Palace Master and the Justice Palace Master were. Compared to a being like Bai Xue, is he stronger or weaker?

Although the Lord of Yaksha Hall and the Lord of Justice Hall did not take action, their pressure on each other became stronger and stronger, and they began to compete based on the strength of each other's pressure.

The contest between the two sides had just begun when a figure appeared again at a cave entrance in the distance. The figure flashed and suddenly came to the side of the Lord of Yaksha Hall and the Lord of Justice Hall.

The woman who suddenly appeared was Bai Xue. As soon as she appeared, the temperature here began to drop drastically.

A little later than Ning Chuan and the two palace masters, Bai Xue finally caught up.

As soon as Bai Xue appeared, before she could take action, a majestic old man followed closely behind and used flames to seal her ice and snow. It was the Lord of the Flame Palace who arrived.

"The ghost is still here." Bai Xue glanced at the majestic old man who was chasing after him. She was extremely angry, but she couldn't get rid of him. She simply ignored him. Instead, she quickly increased her speed and headed towards the people who were protected by Ning Chuan, Zhao Zisheng and others. Wang Xuan in the center.

As long as Wang Xuan can be killed, all problems will be solved.

Before Bai Xue took action, a huge magic circle suddenly appeared in front of Ning Chuan, Zhao Zisheng and others.

White light was ejected from the magic circle, and several figures were shrouded in the light, passing through the light and walking outside the magic circle.

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