The last building on earth

Chapter 354 The End of the Sky (please vote and subscribe)

Many people looked deep into the clouds. Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang led them and slowly advanced. Although they could see that Zhou Mingrui's situation was getting more and more difficult, no one came to help.

Wang Xuan saw that the ends of the clouds were full of flames. These flames came from the sky and rolled down with overwhelming power. But strangely enough, wherever Zhou Mingrui broke into, the flames would go out.

"Wang Xuan, does the so-called "Tongtian Road" just follow this direction to the end of the sky?" Zhao Lei asked softly beside Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "I'm not very sure. I just heard Mr. Qian say that this is the first level of Sky Fire. It seems that there should be a second level or a third level. Let's just wait and see what happens..."

As soon as he said this, his heart moved slightly, and the monster instinct sensed it. He lowered his head and looked down, and soon saw a figure appearing on the sky-high road formed by countless corpses and huge rocks below.

The figure was very fast, moving up the road and chasing them.

Mr. Li led a group of elders and the chief and deputy hall masters to stay below. There was no obstruction. Anyone who was willing to enter Tongtian Road was welcome.

Wang Xuan was slightly startled when he saw the person coming.

He didn't expect to see Tang Ruoyu again under such circumstances.

Tang Ruoyu has changed a lot. She has put on a set of white fourth-level equipment. In the past, she had an overwhelming aura that made it difficult for people to get close to her. But now this aura has become restrained, which means that she A lot more mature.

You don't need to feel Wang Xuan deliberately to see that she is at least the ultimate level of powerhouse.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others were all looking at her. Like Wang Xuan, they did not expect Tang Ruoyu to suddenly appear.

"This woman is so elusive, I didn't expect that she would suddenly appear here." Zhao Lei whispered.

Wang Xuan hummed softly, and when he saw Tang Ruoyu again and saw that she was fine, for some reason, his mood suddenly improved a lot.

Although the Tongtian Road is dangerous and unpredictable, he seems to have more confidence and courage.

Tang Ruoyu also saw Wang Xuan and the others in the team, slowed down and stopped behind them.

"It seems that she still has the same character, being so unsociable, and even after not seeing each other for so long, she won't even come to say hello..."

Wang Xuan whispered to himself and wanted to take the initiative to say hello to her, but seeing that she was dozens of meters behind and obviously not ready to join him, he gave up the idea and turned his head to look up. Zhou Mingrui's roar from deep in the clouds became more and more intense. , the giant squid he manifested was completely engulfed in flames, and he was rolling in the flames.

Above the flames, amid rolling clouds, buildings were faintly visible.

When he saw the looming building, Wang Xuan showed a look of surprise on his face.

It was only then that he discovered where the so-called Tongtian Road led to.

At the end of the clouds, above the void, there is a huge building that reveals the tip of the iceberg.

wang The Tongtian Road that others had been mentioning turned out to be a similar building at the end.

Zhou Mingrui's whole body was shrouded in flames, and he kept trying to move upward, trying to get close to the building coming out of the crack at the end of the sky.

Around the building, fire lotuses formed by endless flames are constantly emerging, burning all outsiders who want to get close to ashes.

Wang Xuan followed behind Mr. Qian, Mr. Wang and others. The group followed the path to the sky formed by bones and huge rocks, and slowly went deeper. As they got closer, they could feel Zhou Mingrui's power more and more.

Zhou Mingrui's strength is far superior to that of Bai Xue who is fused with the demon crystal. The incoming Lord of the Nine Halls is indeed extremely powerful. There are layers of glow around his body. This is a special treasure he has mastered. Relying on He struggled to hold on to the flowing rays of light in this sky fire, gradually approaching the building at the end.

Finally, he fought his way through the fire lotus and entered the building.

As he entered the building, the original billowing fire automatically went out, and everything around him became quiet.

Qian Laodun took the crutch in his hand and immediately sped up.

Following closely behind were the nine palace guards and a group of elders carrying the "Arrow of Judgment". Wang Xuan and others also followed closely behind.

Because of Zhou Mingrui's clearing of the way, they went all the way deep here without encountering danger, and quickly reached the building at the end.

At the end of the sky is a terrifying space crack, with a large number of cracks appearing all around. From these cracks, you can see a corner of an unimaginably huge building emerging from the inside.

Right in front of them, they could see a gray-white wall with a very huge window. The window was broken, and Zhou Mingrui got in through this window.

Mr. Qian turned around, looked at the people behind him, and said slowly: "From now on, we will truly enter the Tongtian Road. Everyone must be careful. Danger is everywhere here."

Mr. Qian's words spread far and wide, and everyone became awe-inspiring. Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei and others looked at each other. Only then did they realize that the real danger started from entering the building.

Wang Xuan was very curious about the building that appeared from the end of the sky. They could not see the whole picture of the building now. They could only see through the cracks in the space in front of them that they were gray-white walls with huge windows. In the distance, a huge hole can be seen in the wall, and some steel bars as thick as an arm are exposed in the surrounding walls. From this, we can only guess that this is a very majestic and huge building. Apart from that, there is no other way to see it. Nothing comes out.

Wang Xuan thought of the indescribable unknown antiquities he had encountered in the third world that day, which looked like a huge transparent mushroom. They almost killed the ancient tree totems in the third world. After that, the unknown antiquities entered the third level. The building revealed in the sky of the layer world disappeared.

Wang Xuan has never seen it again. He doesn't know what happened to it. And is there some relationship between that building and the corner of the building in front of him?

While Wang Xuan was deep in thought, Mr. Qian began to instruct the palace guards to enter through the window.

The first to enter were the thirty-two palace guards from the "Hall of Justice."

In terms of personal strength, these palace guards are not powerful, they are all just a group of strong men in perfect form.

Their real strength lies in the fact that they have undergone special training and cooperated with the formation. Thirty-two people are as one, and even the master-level experts may not be their opponents.

Although it is a window, it is actually larger than an ordinary door and can accommodate several people entering and exiting at the same time.

With Zhou Mingrui taking the lead, the risks they had to bear were much smaller. The thirty-two palace guards quickly entered.

After that, Qian Lao also jumped into the window with his crutch.

The palace guards came in one after another, and the group of elders followed with the "Arrow of Judgment". After that, it was the turn of Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei, and then Tang Ruoyu.

Wang Xuan entered through the window, and felt that it was very dark inside, like a huge sloping upward passage. However, the huge passage was in tatters all around, with huge cracked holes everywhere, and broken steel bars extending from the edges of the holes. It turns out that any steel bar is as thick as an adult’s arm.

Wang Xuan stretched out a metal tentacle and wrapped it around one of the steel bars to test its toughness. He was secretly surprised to find that the steel bar could not be bent easily.

Obviously these steel bars are specially made and their toughness is beyond imagination.

This means that if you want to destroy the surrounding passages and make huge holes one by one, you will need a lot of destructive power.

As they entered the sloping upward passage, the team of more than 300 people stretched extremely long. Perhaps for the purpose of protecting Wang Xuan and others, they were placed in the safest rear of the team.

Going up the inclined passage, more than three hundred people began to speed up. The passage gradually widened, and more and more huge windows appeared around it.

These windows were severely damaged. Through the windows, it was vaguely visible that the other side of the windows was full of dark spaces. These spaces had no end in sight, and there was a strange atmosphere everywhere.

"Where does the so-called road to open heaven lead to? Can it save the humans on the fourth level?" Wang Xuan found it more and more difficult to understand as he looked at it. Suddenly, there was a rumble in front of him.

The sound was dull, like thunder, but immediately in front of everyone, a large number of rocks appeared above the increasingly wider path.

These rocks were tumbling and falling towards them at extremely fast speeds.

More than three hundred of them gathered in this huge passage, facing the rocks falling from above, unable to dodge at all.

"This is a meteorite, resist!" Mr. Qian shouted.

Following his order, the thirty-two palace guards from the "Hall of Justice" led by them immediately staggered out of the way, and a huge magic circle began to appear under their feet.

The magic circle rose up, forming a white light shield, which spread out above, protecting everyone below in the white light shield.

Obviously, Mr. Qian and the others had already prepared, and it was not unreasonable to let these thirty-two palace guards take the lead. What they were best at was this defensive formation. Once activated, the light shield would be impregnable.

Wang Xuan, who was in the team, saw the rolling and falling rocks above hitting the stretched white light shield, making a huge noise, and densely packed meteorites falling with astonishing power. The thirty-two palace guards resisted with all their strength, and every one of them had a face. Everything changed color.

The power of this falling meteorite was beyond his imagination.

Mr. Wang, who had been following Mr. Qian, finally said: "Yaksha Guard!"

As she spoke, the thirty-two Yaksha guards from the "Yaksha Palace" soared into the air together, and a magic circle also appeared under their feet.

Among the nine palace guards, in terms of defense, the guards from the Hall of Justice and the Yaksha Hall are the most powerful.

The formation activated by thirty Yaksha guards raised a huge golden light and rushed forward to help the guards from the "Hall of Justice" above, while resisting the falling meteorites.

Mr. Qian stood still, holding his crutches with both hands, and said slowly: "It seems that the second test is the meteorite."

The two palace guards took action with all their strength. The white light shield and the golden light curtain protected everyone. Not only did the meteorites appearing above not attenuate, but they became more and more numerous and more powerful. They fell too fast and caused friction. The air begins to create flames.

Wang Xuan looked at the terrifying power of these falling meteorites and understood that these were not ordinary meteorites. If this continued, neither of the two palace guards could hold on.

Soon, two palace guards from "Xuan Palace" and "Yan Palace" came to help one after another.

Although they are not good at defense, they can only use offense instead of defense at this moment. They start to launch a powerful magic circle, forming a stream of divine light and hitting these fallen meteorites to reduce the burden on the other two palace guards. pressure.

"Lao Qian and Lao Wang, it is not the solution for us to be passive like this. We must find a way to break through in order to break through this level."

Among the group of elders at the rear, a tall elder ducked behind Mr. Qian and Mr. Wang and said in a deep voice: "Use the Arrow of Judgment, seize the opportunity, and break through."

Mr. Qian nodded slightly and said, "This is the only way."

Soon, the sixteen elders held the "Arrow of Judgment" upwards. They grasped the handles in their hands together, and the sixteen handles began to emit white light. They gathered together and suddenly sprayed out a huge arrow-shaped white light. It spurts upward.

The power of the "Arrow of Judgment" was so terrifying that even the Demon God was killed that day, let alone these falling meteorites.

With one arrow, a large number of meteorites shattered and disappeared in an instant. The palace guards above seized the opportunity, supported the white light shield and yellow light curtain, and immediately rushed upwards. Others followed closely and began to move.

The power of the "Arrow of Judgment" disappeared, and the sixteen elders looked exhausted. The shot just now almost drained the power from their bodies.

Fortunately, the group of elders had been prepared, and a new group of sixteen people immediately replaced them and continued to move forward. Those who retreated took out the stamina water and drank it to restore their physical strength.

"Come again!" As Mr. Qian shouted, the sixteen elders who had just been replaced launched the "Arrow of Judgment" again.

The powerful "Arrow of Judgment" destroyed almost all the meteorites that appeared above and disappeared. Everyone seized the opportunity and rushed upward at full speed.

After three consecutive arrows, everyone finally rushed to the end of the huge passage, and all the meteorites completely disappeared.

"The second level passed..." Mr. Qian let out a sigh of relief.

Wang Xuan looked at the "arrows of judgment" carried by the elders.

The power of this great weapon is so great. With its existence, what can stop it on this road to heaven?

At the end of this sloping passage are two giant stone doors that are tightly closed. There is a gap in the stone doors that can barely accommodate a person.

The leading palace guard dispersed, and the sixteen elders behind him walked up again carrying the "Arrow of Judgment".

"This gap was left last time. Last time, we stopped here. Going forward, it is really a completely unfamiliar place. We must open this road, and everyone must fight with 120,000 points. Spirit." Mr. Qian's voice spread far away, and this time even his face showed a solemn look.

"Please, you must open this door this time."

Following Qian Lao's order, everyone around them took a few steps back, and the arrow of judgment was already aimed at the two tense stone doors from a distance, and white light was gathering.

After an earth-shaking loud noise, white light hit two stone doors.

Numerous cracks appeared on the surface of the two stone doors, and they exploded immediately. The "Arrow of Judgment" struck and shattered the two doors blocking everyone's way.

Everyone stopped, watched the stone door shatter, and looked inside together. Suddenly, Mr. Qian swayed and rushed forward, as if he wanted to rush in, but then stopped, his body shaking slightly.

A group of palace guards were afraid that he would make a mistake and hurriedly followed him.

Wang Xuan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others were also moving forward slowly. They looked at a huge passage inside the broken stone door. A giant squid clung to the passage, motionless and had lost its breath of life.

This giant squid is Zhou Mingrui's true form.

he died.

The newly appointed Lord of the Nine Halls died like this. When everyone saw the corpse of the squid, they were greatly shocked.

Wang Xuan understood that Zhou Mingrui should have gotten in through the gap in the two stone doors just now, but he did not know what danger he encountered here and died quietly here.

Several elders came forward and came to Mr. Qian. They all belonged to the hatchling beast side. They looked very angry when they saw Zhou Mingrui's death. They all had the ability to observe. At this moment, the full treatment was turned on and they peeked inside, wanting to see clearly. reason.

Wang Xuan also opened the Eye of Zhoutian, and Zhao Lei opened the "Holy Mark" and "Holy Eye". A cross wound was opened on the back of his right hand, and his eyes rolled inside to observe the situation inside the stone gate from a distance.

For a while, no one dared to enter casually.

After observing for several minutes, no one could figure out the cause of Zhou Mingrui's death. Mr. Qian finally ordered the palace guards to enter.

Thirty-two palace guards from the "Hall of Justice" entered carefully first, each of them ready to launch a defensive formation at any time.

Everyone else was watching quietly.

The thirty-two people walked in one after another without incident, and soon they surrounded the dead Zhou Mingrui's giant squid corpse.

Then the palace guards from the "Yaksha Palace" also walked in, and then Mr. Qian, Mr. Wang and a group of elders entered.

Everyone showed off their magical powers, opened up their own voyeuristic abilities, and constantly observed the situation in all directions.

Wang Xuan's "Eye of Zhou Tian" failed to see any danger around him, nor could he see the cause of Zhou Mingrui's death.

Mr. Qian came to Zhou Mingrui's body and raised the crutch in his right hand. The crutch released a stream of faint light. This light enveloped Zhou Mingrui's body. The giant squid's body was slowly shrinking, gradually changing, and finally recovering. For Zhou Mingrui's human appearance.

"Have you seen the cause of his death?" Mr. Wang looked at Mr. Qian and asked in a low voice.

Mr. Qian had a very solemn look on his face, shook his head slightly, and looked around with his eyes.

Although Wang Xuan opened Zhou Tian's Eye, he still didn't realize anything. At this moment, a vague consciousness suddenly sounded in his mind: "Get"

This was the voice from the Mechanic God. Unexpectedly, it would suddenly remind him of the danger. Wang Xuan's heart skipped a beat. Could it be that the Mechanic God had noticed something and immediately responded secretly: "Do you know where the danger is?"

Although his monster instinct was sensitive and he could feel a trace of uneasiness, he could not find the reason for it.


"Inside? What do you mean?" Wang Xuan was stunned and wanted to ask. Suddenly, a scream rang out, and he saw one of the thirty-two guards from the "Justice Hall" suddenly waved the knife in his hand and scoffed. With a loud bang, he cut off the head of the person next to him.

Blood spurted from the neck, the severed head rolled out, and the headless body fell heavily.

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