The last building on earth

Chapter 368 King Insect and Hungry Ghost (please vote and subscribe)

This strange roar lasted for a long time, and the hundreds of people following Wang Xuan stopped like Wang Xuan and looked in the direction of the strange roar, with a trace of fear on their faces and eyes.

The scream of the king insect is very unique and different, and everyone can recognize that it is the sound of the king insect.

In the past, whenever the King Insect kept roaring, it meant that an insect tide was about to appear.

But now the insect town has suffered a series of changes, and the insect tide has not appeared again.

This time the evil spirit invaded Insect Town, and the rolling fog not only enveloped the entire Insect Town, but now began to spread in all directions. The King Insect, which had been sleeping deep in the northern Insect Kingdom, was finally awakened.

The king insect roared, and soon the chorus of all insects came from all directions, responding to the call of their king.

There was a rustling sound from the distant hills.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan's monster instinct sensed a hint of uneasiness, and he immediately yelled, leading everyone to speed up again and run towards the Hell Tower in the distance.

From all directions, there were rustling sounds, which seemed to be the sound of crawling insects. This was a sign that there was a gathering of insects.

Once they were besieged, although Wang Xuan was not afraid, the last few hundred people in Chong Town following behind him were in bad shape.

Even Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God did not dare to say that they would be able to protect their safety in the insect wave.

The best way now is to take everyone as soon as possible and hide in the Hell Tower first.

"If my guess is correct, I am afraid that the king insect is summoning a tide of insects to fight against the invasion of evil spirits."

Wang Xuan was meditating while running towards the distance. The strange roar coming from the distance was getting louder and louder. They were approaching the King Insect. It seemed that the King Insect was very fast away from the Hell Tower at this moment.

Soon, Wang Xuan saw a large number of insects appearing in the distance.

These bugs have hard shells and are covered in armor. They are the three-star dangerous armored bugs and the three-star semi-dangerous giant armored bugs.

The strength of these bugs is comparable to that of ordinary sub-bodies and the strongest among sub-bodies.

These armored bugs did not surround them, but were crawling quickly, like a tide, rushing towards the direction of Bug Town.

"The last insect wave was caused by armored bugs. It seems that the insect wave is about to begin."

Wang Xuan looked at the flood of armored bugs and giant armored bugs. On the other side, there appeared red bullet ants and a four-star spider with four spots on its back.

They are more powerful than armored bugs, reaching a four-star danger level and can rival adults among humans.

More and more bugs are appearing in the distance. There are giant bullet ants and five-star spiders that can rival the strongest adults, as well as giant bullet ants and six-star spiders that are even more powerful and can rival the strongest in the state. emerge.

The Hell Tower was finally in sight, and Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. He finally saw the King Insect.

The body of the King Insect, which was as big as a mountain, was slowly rising upwards. It appeared on the other side about a kilometer away from the Hell Tower. It kept making strange screams and its body was squirming.

Around the king insect, the giant king ant queen and the seven-star spider king appeared. They were very powerful, reaching a six-star danger level and could rival the super-powerful ones.

"It seems that they will have a battle, but I don't know what the outcome will be."

Wang Xuan looked into the distance while thinking, knowing that the insect tide was taking shape, and the evil spirit energy from the distance had not yet reached here. It seemed that the battle between the king insect and the evil spirit should be still a while away. He happened to take advantage of this time, Get everyone settled first.

It is too dangerous for everyone to stay here. The insects gathering here are getting closer and closer to them and may rush over at any time.

"Everyone go into the Hell Tower." Wang Xuan shouted softly as he asked the Machine God to lead hundreds of them into the Hell Tower.

The weakest monster in the Hell Tower can compete with the super strong ones. With the strength of Li Haitang and others in their perfect state, adult body and sub-body, entering would mean death, so Wang Xuan could only let the Mechanical God clear the way to protect them.

Hundreds of people followed the Machine God and poured into the Hell Tower.

Entering the first floor of the Hell Tower is a huge passage. Wang Xuan entered last and asked everyone to stay here.

"Mechanical God, please protect them for now. I will be back soon."

As Wang Xuan spoke, he took out the advanced teleportation crystal, recorded the coordinates here first, and then activated the teleportation crystal to leave here and return to the main hall.

Everyone felt incredible as they watched Wang Xuan being shrouded in a white light and disappearing with the white light.

I cleverly guessed that it should be a prop similar to teleportation.

Someone whispered softly: "Is that a teleportation treasure? Can you teleport away from here directly?"

"That should be the case. If that's the case, why doesn't he just take us and teleport away? Can only one person be teleported at a time?"

"You are so stupid. We are not strong enough now and can only stay on the second floor. We can't even go up to the third floor. He is so powerful. He can at least teleport to places like the third or even fourth floor. How can he take us there?"

People who originally had doubts suddenly understood when they heard this.

Of course Wang Xuan didn't know what they were discussing in private. He appeared holding a high-level teleportation crystal and felt that his surroundings were enveloped by white light. When the white light disappeared, he had arrived at the main hall.

Entering the main hall, he immediately summoned several palace guards, activated the advanced teleportation crystal again, and teleported with these palace guards to the coordinates of the first floor of the Hell Tower that had just been recorded.

Li Haitang and other hundreds of people saw that Wang Xuan had just left. Suddenly, a white light appeared again. The light converged. Wang Xuan left and returned. This time, there were several people following him.

"These people will protect you."

Wang Xuan told these palace guards and asked them to stay here temporarily to protect Li Haitang and others. After that, he put away the Mechanical God and walked out of the Hell Tower.

He wanted to see how the insect tide was doing.

After leaving the Hell Tower, the first thing you see is all kinds of giant bugs all over the mountains and plains, rushing towards the Bug Town like a tide.

All kinds of insects roared one after another, and the sound was extremely loud.

In a short time, the insect tide completely broke out, and the huge king insect, with its squirming body, was slowly approaching the insect town.

The evil spirit has covered the entire Insect Kingdom. When he walked out of the Hell Tower, Wang Xuan saw a light mist surrounding him.

"Fortunately, as I suspected, the evil spirit cannot invade the Hell Tower for the time being."

Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. This hell tower is very special. According to the information he obtained before, it seems that there are gods of hell. The hell messenger is the messenger of the hell gods. The administrator of the eighth floor, the hell priest, can Communicating directly with the gods of hell and relying on the power of the gods, all this represents the special nature of the Hell Tower.

The evil gods on the first level of the world can control the power of evil spirits to invade the town on the second level, but presumably they will be wary of the power behind the Hell Tower and may not invade the Hell Tower.

Wang Xuan guessed correctly. There was no need to worry about the safety of Li Haitang and others for the time being, and he began to approach Chong Town.

The endless tide of insects is surging towards Insect Town. Although the energy of these evil spirits has enveloped the entire world of Insect Town like clouds and mist, it has not yet been controlled by the power of evil spirits. Wang Xuan speculates that there may be a fight with the King Insect. related.

He thought about the day when he used the Eye of Terror to control the Green Poison Lord, but in the end the Green Poison Lord was influenced and controlled by the King Insect. Obviously, the King Insect has the ability to control all insects.

Ghost wings appeared on Wang Xuan's body, and he suddenly jumped into the sky with a whooshing sound. At his current speed, he quickly arrived at Insect Town.

In the Insect Town at this moment, the energy of evil spirits was surging, and countless giant insects were madly climbing over the high walls and rushing towards the town.

Wang Xuan saw that those rushing to the front were armored bugs and giant armored bugs.

Their strength is not strong, with a danger level of only three to three and a half stars, and their strength is equivalent to that of a sub-body among hatchling beasts.

At this moment, in Insect Town, there are a large number of goblins, goblins, stone statues and other monsters infected by evil spirits, all of which entered from the first floor.

In terms of strength, they were much stronger than these armored bugs. When Wang Xuan saw it, there were corpses of such armored bugs and giant armored bugs all around.

Wang Xuan understood that although these armored bugs and giant armored bugs were weak, there would be giant bugs such as bullet ants and spiders later, and they would become stronger and stronger enough to fight against these evil-infected monsters. .

What is truly terrifying are the dozen or so huge black shadows wandering around the Insect Town at the moment.

From a distance, these are human-shaped black shadows moving in the clouds and mist. Up close, you can see that they are about ten meters tall, skinny and skinny, but with a huge belly. They look like the legendary hungry ghosts.

Wang Xuan immediately thought of the monsters that looked like hungry ghosts that he saw in the Evil Spirit Gate that day.

However, those hungry ghost monsters locked in the Evil Spirit Gate were up to a hundred meters long, while the hungry ghost monsters that appeared in Insect Town were only one-tenth of their height.

"The black shadows that appeared in the elevator before are probably them. They are ten meters tall and I don't know how they climbed out."

Wang Xuan pondered as he landed on the roof of a five-story building in Chong Town. He had no plans to take action for the time being, but wanted to see how King Chong dealt with these invading monsters.

As he had guessed, the insect tide was no match for these evil monsters at first, and countless insects were killed. However, with the subsequent arrival of the fiery red bullet ants, giant bullet ants, giant bullet king ants, elite giant king ants, and four-star spiders, Five-star spiders and six-star spiders appeared one after another, and both sides began to suffer casualties from each other.

The hungry ghost monsters wandering in the insect town did not take action. They seemed to be wandering aimlessly. Even Wang Xuan, who landed on the top of the five-story building, chose to ignore them.

Wang Xuan's Zhou Tian Eye could not capture the information of these monsters, and could only sense the powerful evil spirit contained in their bodies.

Unlike those monsters that were invaded and controlled by evil spirits, they should be real creatures belonging to the world of evil spirits, but their strength is unknown.

Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye could not capture their information, so he opened the Eye of Fear and sensed their emotions from a distance. He found that no matter whether they were monsters controlled by evil spirits or monsters from the insect swarm, there was almost no fear.

The two sides were fighting madly.

With the improvement of his strength, Wang Xuan now rarely uses the power of the Eye of Fear. This is now a hidden trump card of his. He will not use it casually unless absolutely necessary.

As the level of contact becomes higher and higher, the fear caused by these strong men or powerful monsters causes his eyes of fear to constantly change.

The current Eye of Fear has grown from the original second form to the third form. Its Eye of Fear contains special rune power.

In addition to being able to sense, absorb and control the power of fear, the Eye of Fear that has evolved to a higher form can also actually emit the power of fear.

The strange roar was getting closer and closer. Wang Xuan turned around and saw that the huge body of the king insect had appeared outside the town.

The wandering hungry ghosts and monsters stopped and seemed to be aware of it. They raised their heads and looked towards the north.

They sensed the presence of the king insect.

The King Insect approached the Insect Town, and the monsters infected by the evil spirits in the Insect Town began to feel uneasy, obviously suppressed, and showed signs of collapse.

The existence of king insects is unimaginable to them.

Those ten-meter-high hungry ghost monsters began to open their mouths and let out low roars. They were originally in a confused state, and finally seemed to wake up. They all faced the direction of the king insect. Suddenly, the two nearest hungry ghost monsters , jumped into the air, jumped hundreds of meters, and rushed towards the King Insect that had just approached the wall of Insect Town.

The remaining dozen hungry ghost monsters also rushed towards the king insect.

Almost at the same moment, the king insect that moved outside the wall suddenly bowed its body and rushed out along the wall.

The body of the king insect, which was a hundred meters long, was shoveled out in the air, and its head raised high hit the two hungry ghost monsters that rushed towards them in the air.

There was a sound of broken bones and flesh in the bodies of these two hungry ghost monsters, and they suddenly exploded with a snap.

Wang Xuan watched from afar and took a deep breath. Although he was already a terminal-level existence, he still felt a bit shocked when he saw the power that the King Insect exploded.

In the past, he was not strong enough. He only knew that a being like the King Insect was unimaginably powerful, but he did not know how powerful it was.

But now, he could vaguely see it.

During the impact, two hungry ghost monsters were instantly killed. The king insect moved its huge body, climbed over the wall, and headed towards the hungry ghost monsters in the insect town.

The buildings in this insect town are all specially made and are very strong and difficult to destroy. The king insect obviously did not want to destroy the buildings here, but deliberately avoided these buildings and attacked the hungry monsters.

As for the goblins, goblins and gargoyles infected by the evil spirits, they could not withstand the powerful pressure of the king insect and retreated one after another. Countless giant insects poured into the insect town and began to massacre.

Wang Xuan looked at it and felt that the fierceness of this king insect was beyond his imagination. It seemed that it hoped to settle the chaos in the insect town.

Although those hungry ghost monsters were powerful, they were no match for the king insect. A dozen hungry ghost monsters were quickly killed by the king insect.

But the evil spirit surging out of the ten elevators was getting stronger and stronger.

When the King Insect killed these dozen hungry monsters, a dull rumble came from the ten elevators. The dull sound became louder and louder, and the entire insect town seemed to be shaking.

Soon, a big hand stretched out from one of the open elevator doors. The big hand was like a pile of boneless soft meat, which kept squirming out along the elevator door. The pile of meat became more and more, and when it poured out of the elevator, Afterwards, the flesh continued to take shape, bulging upwards, and arms, shoulders, and bodies appeared.

Finally, a hundred-meter-tall hungry ghost appeared. Wang Xuan had seen it in the Evil Spirit Gate that day. These hungry ghosts had been locked there, but now they were freed.

The 100-meter hungry ghost can be compared with the Overlord Insect in terms of body shape, and its head is almost close to the sky of Insect Town. It took a long stride and stepped in front of the Overlord Insect in one step. It stretched out its hands and leaned down slightly.

The King Insect hit the ground, and its huge, round body rose into the air and hit the hungry ghost like a mountain in front of it.

The hungry ghost opened his arms and hugged the king insect that hit him, and they fell backward together.

"Boom!" There was an earth-shattering sound, and the fallen hungry ghost pressed against a building.

Although these buildings are extremely strong, they are still damaged, and many have cracks on their surfaces.

The king insect twisted its body and entangled it. The two behemoths began to roll along the buildings and started fighting.

Wang Xuan was stunned from a distance. He didn't expect that the king insect and the hungry ghost would fight in this way. It looked like two ordinary humans falling to the ground and wrestling with each other. There was no order, but their power was too powerful. Even so, it was simply impossible. They were fighting and fighting together, and the power was still astonishing. Even the specially built buildings in Chong Town began to be unable to withstand it, and there were more and more cracks. Finally, one of the small buildings collapsed after being hit several times.

Wang Xuan saw the king insect fighting with the hundred-meter hungry ghost. At first glance, they seemed to be equally matched, so he understood that the king insect could not deal with the invasion of evil spirits.

After all, there are many hundred-meter hungry ghosts like this in the evil spirit gate, but now only one appears, which can already fight with the king insect, not to mention the more powerful evil god.

The king insects and hungry ghosts quickly rolled onto the square. Those giant insects and evil monsters that were slow to escape would immediately explode into a pile of rotten flesh if they were crushed by them.

The king insect kept making strange screams, and its bloody mouth opened violently, spraying juice.

The juice sprayed on the surface of the hungry ghost's body, making a sizzling sound and emitting a large amount of smoke. This was the first time that Wang Xuan had seen the king insect spit out highly corrosive venom.

Obviously, it realized the power of the hungry monster in front of it and started to fight hard.

The hungry ghost monster was sprayed with venom, and its skin and flesh rotted. It let out a huge roar in pain. A pair of big hands kept grabbing at the body of the king insect. Every time it was grabbed, it could tear off a piece of the king insect's body with a lot of juice. Meat.

There was a muffled sound again in the ten elevators, and a big hand appeared from inside, followed by a large amount of boneless flesh being squeezed out.

Wang Xuan understood that this was the second hundred-meter hungry ghost that was about to appear.

If the king insect is attacked by two hundred-meter hungry ghosts, it will be defeated and may even die here.

A strange roar sounded, and the king insect suddenly twisted its body, raised its huge tail, and slapped it hard.

With a bang, the hundred-meter hungry ghost who was fighting together was slapped in the belly. The hungry ghost couldn't bear it and staggered and fell back.

The King Insect's body curved, ejected suddenly, and suddenly rose into the sky, and rushed in along the huge black hole that appeared above the Insect Town Square.

Wang Xuan was stunned. He never imagined that the king insect would suddenly give up the fight, soar into the sky, and enter the huge black hole that appeared after the rotten bow disappeared above.

Even he didn't know which world this black hole led to.

Then the second 100-meter hungry ghost appeared in the elevator.

Thank you to all the book friends who gave tips, thank you! !

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