The last building on earth

Chapter 376 Gods of Hell (please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan was stunned by the mechanical god's words.

"Are you these so-called gods originally human?"

Mechanical God said: "These gods of hell were once humans... As long as humans are strong enough, they are gods."

Wang Xuan somewhat understood that these hell gods were originally human beings. Perhaps like himself and others, they had hatching beasts or other special abilities. When their power reached a certain level, in the eyes of future generations, they would be god.

"Although it is dead... the power in its body is still there... maybe it can be used to deal with... the evil god."

Wang Xuan's heart was moved by the mechanical god's words. He looked at it and said, "Use its corpse to deal with the evil god?"

"Yes... the evil god has not fully recovered his power... and is in a state of weakness. If this god's corpse... is discarded, the power retained in its body will inevitably conflict with the power of the evil spirit... even if the evil god cannot be killed. will definitely be seriously affected..."

After hearing the words of the Machine God, Wang Xuan nodded secretly and looked at the faint blue light in the cracks of the corpse in front of him. The more he sensed it, the more he felt that this blue light was similar to the blue crystal scales he obtained.

Could it be that this corpse also possesses a blue crystal scale?

"It's just how to take this divine corpse out." Wang Xuan frowned. Is it going to be put into the Sumeru Mustard Seed Space? As soon as he had this idea, his body suddenly vibrated slightly. His heart moved. He opened his palms and runes appeared from his palms. , the magnificent Gate of the Underworld appears above.

The runes glowed, and the two closed stone doors of the Underworld Gate opened and fell down in the air, covering the corpse below. When the stone doors closed again, the space was slightly distorted, the Underworld Gate disappeared, and the corpse on the ground also disappeared.

"I just found out that the Gate of Underworld still has this ability."

Wang Xuan's face showed a trace of excitement. He had long guessed that the Yellow Gate must be a kind of treasure, and it would never have the ability that he had shown before. Now his guess was right, the Huangquan Gate could also be used to store thing.

The corpse was loaded in just now.

"Let's go and see what else is in this so-called hell."

Wang Xuan swept forward, and half of the Mechanic God's body swayed and arrived in front of him.

The ground ahead became more and more dilapidated, with a large number of bottomless black cracks appearing on the ground, and no one knew where they led.

Except for the corpse of the god he just encountered, the world is dead silent and there is nothing. All that can be seen is the dilapidated earth and the broken space around it.

At the end, the ground had completely collapsed, leaving only some scattered black rocks floating in front. Wang Xuan began to fall downwards along these scattered black rocks, and suddenly saw a glimmer of white light in the darkness deep below.

The God of Machinery also sensed it and immediately accelerated and dived downwards.

Wang Xuan also followed closely and rushed toward the place where a ray of white light appeared below. Soon the white light became stronger, and there were faint energy fluctuations inside.

Wang Xuan is somewhat familiar with this energy.

"This is……"

Wang Xuan was a little surprised. As he continued to approach, he soon saw a huge figure occupying the darkness in the white light in the distance. This was a giant tiger that was a hundred meters long.

"Bai Hu, could it be Tang Ruoyu?"

The energy fluctuations that Wang Xuan sensed before reminded him of the white tiger. The remnant soul of the white tiger was parasitic in Tang Ruoyu's body. The presence of the white tiger here meant that Tang Ruoyu was also here.

He and the Mechanical God were so fast that they were soon close to each other. Wang Xuan looked at the 100-meter-long phantom of the white tiger, which was gradually showing signs of condensing into reality. Once it completely transformed into a real existence, this meant that Then the white tiger will truly wake up.

The white tiger is a legendary holy beast and one of the totems representing the East. Its strength is unfathomable. Although it is just a remnant soul, if Tang Ruoyu can really enter here, it means that she has cleared the nine floors of the Hell Tower. Enter this real world of hell.

"The last time I saw her was on Tongtian Road, not long ago. Could it be that her strength has improved so quickly?"

Wang Xuan looked at the white tiger that was about to turn into its real form. It was hard to imagine what kind of adventure Tang Ruoyu had encountered recently, which actually showed signs of turning the white tiger's shadow into reality.

"But the statue that suppressed the evil god is exactly the same as her. Her true identity is not the owner of the statue that suppressed the evil god, right? Just because something happened, she is reborn again?"

Wang Xuan was guessing that if Tang Ruoyu was really the owner of the statue that suppressed the evil god and was reborn, it would be reasonable to have such strength.

Slowing down and getting closer, Wang Xuan finally saw the familiar silhouette in the white tiger's shadow.

Tang Ruoyu still looked the same as before. There was almost no flaw on her white face with her eyes closed. She sat cross-legged in the void. In front of her, there was a mutilated arm. The wound on the mutilated arm was faintly blue. Colorful light flashes.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that this mutilated arm came from a hell god. One of the white tiger's paws was placed on it, and it was continuously drawing energy from the hell god's severed arm.

"No wonder there are faint signs that it will become real. It seems that her white tiger can swallow the power of this god's arm..."

"Strange, did she come in from other places and didn't encounter the complete divine corpse on the way?" Wang Xuan was a little curious, and the voice of the mechanical god rang: "She can't swallow the complete corpse, only this broken corpse Only with the arm... can we hope to absorb energy..."

"That's it." Wang Xuan nodded and understood. The energy contained in the complete corpse was too terrifying, and it was even prepared to be used to deal with the evil god. Although Tang Ruoyu's white tiger was powerful, it could not absorb the energy of the complete corpse. Only this unknown Which hell god's arm comes from is the most suitable for her now.

"Mechanical God, can you see her current strength?" Wang Xuan whispered as he opened the Eye of Zhou Tian and observed Tang Ruoyu in the distance.

Seeing that she was absorbing the energy of the severed arm, Wang Xuan did not come closer to disturb her.

"Her current strength... is very strong..." The mechanical god's voice sounded in his mind, responding to him.

"Inside the Gate of Evil Spirits, I once saw a statue. The statue suppressed the evil god. Later, the statue collapsed, and the evil god was released."

When Wang Xuan said this, he paused before continuing: "The appearance of the statue is exactly the same as hers. Mechanical God, since you have also gained divinity and been revered as the Mechanical God, do you know the identity of this statue?" Who is the master?"

The Mechanical God heard Wang Xuan's words, and the headless half of his body was floating there, with a faint white light emerging from the surface. It seemed to be observing Tang Ruoyu from a distance, thinking about something.

It was silent for about twenty or thirty seconds, and then the voice rang in Wang Xuan's mind: "The evil god is very powerful. If it fully recovers its power, unless I...recover all of my body, will it be possible to fight...can I fight with a body?" The statue's ability to suppress the evil god... even me... couldn't do it."

Hearing what the Mechanical God said, Wang Xuan took a deep breath. This meant that the owner of the statue that looked like Tang Ruoyu was definitely a real big shot. Even if the Mechanical God was in a complete state, he would not be his opponent.

"If there really is...such a being...its strength is's a pity that I have no memory of her..."

Wang Xuan snorted lightly. At this moment, a white ball of light appeared in the dark depths below. This ball of light kept fluctuating, changing its shape, and was rushing upward at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Xuan Zhou Tian's Eye caught it from a distance and saw that the target of this white ball of light was Tang Ruoyu who was in meditation.

"Block it!"

Wang Xuan didn't know what this white ball of light was, but he couldn't let it affect Tang Ruoyu who was meditating. He drank low and took the initiative to meet the white ball of light.

When he got close to the white light ball, he saw clearly that it was a ball of glowing liquid. The liquid expanded like a ball, trailing a white light tail, appeared from below, and crashed up at extremely high speeds.

Two huge ice dragons appeared on both sides of Wang Xuan's body, entangled with each other, and rushed forward, followed closely by eight jet-black wings, entering the ghost car's semi-awakening state.

The two ice dragons blocked the giant ball of light liquid. With a bang, the ice dragon shattered and exploded. Although his ice dragon suit had evolved to flawless quality and the defensive effect of the ice dragon shield was greatly improved, it still could not block the light liquid. Giant ball.

A big mechanical hand appeared in front of Wang Xuan, resisting the light liquid.

The deus ex machina takes action.

The giant ball of light liquid was blocked by one of its hands. It fluctuated violently and suddenly exploded with a bang.

The mechanical god was caught off guard, and the giant mechanical arm that blocked the light liquid was exploded.

Although Wang Xuan could feel the power of the explosion through the Mechanical God and it could hurt the Mechanical God, the power was probably beyond the level of awakening.

The giant ball of light liquid exploded, and there was a crackling sound in the body of the mechanical god. White light was constantly intertwined. The mechanical giant arm that had been blown up regrown in the white light.

"This is the remaining... energy of the gods of hell... The gods' soul consciousness has been completely wiped out. These energies that have not been completely wiped out... they only have instincts... they should have felt the energy fluctuations in the severed arm and been attracted here. ...This energy and the severed arm may come from the same source...Trouble..."

The mechanical god's voice sounded in Wang Xuan's mind, explaining the origin of the giant ball of light liquid. When he said the last sentence, he suddenly seemed to have discovered something and rushed downwards.

Wang Xuan also saw it immediately, and in the darkness below, there were clusters of white light spots.

These white light spots are expanding. Although they are still far away, Wang Xuan has already guessed that these white light spots should be similar to the giant balls of light liquid just now. They contain the energy left by the gods, and judging from the number, they are densely packed. There must be Dozens of them gathered here collectively.

A powerful machine god also sensed trouble. A giant ball of light liquid had just exploded and injured its arm. If these dozens of balls were completely detonated, the energy level of the explosion would be too much for it to withstand.

These white light spots appeared extremely fast and quickly approached the bottom. Wang Xuan looked at them one by one with his Zhoutian Eye and found that they were all formed of light liquid, but they were not in solid form, or giant spheres formed by light liquid, or Dragging a long tail, resembling a comet, or swinging a long white tail, like a giant python, and constantly changing shapes, each mass of light liquid contains frightening energy.

Once these energies are blocked, they will cause an explosion. If they are not blocked and are attracted by the same source, they will concentrate on the broken arm in front of Tang Ruoyu.

The energy in the broken arm was not stimulated before and would not attract them. Now that Tang Ruoyu has reached a critical moment, the energy in the broken arm has been fully stimulated, finally attracting the energy that was originally scattered everywhere.

Wang Xuan has entered the dual awakening state of Warcraft and Ghost Che, pushing his strength to the limit, and even began to consider whether to take out the Book of Titans to stop these light liquids and protect Tang Ruoyu.

The mechanical god's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Use the Gate of Underworld..."

"Gate of Underworld?" Wang Xuan was startled. How can Gate of Underworld fight against these approaching light liquids?

Before he had time to think too much, he thought, and the runes appeared in his palm. As a contractor of the Gate of Underworld, the runes were activated. Immediately, the majestic and huge Gate of Underworld appeared in front of him. As he thought, the runes appeared. Suddenly, the huge Gate of Hell stood in front of him and the Mechanical God, protecting Tang Ruoyu who was meditating above.

These dozens of groups of light liquid rushed up at full speed, and the Gate of Underworld suddenly appeared. These light liquids rushed towards the Gate of Underworld.

"Open!" Wang Xuan raised his right hand, and the runes in his palm flickered. Under the control of his thoughts, the two closed stone doors of the Underworld Gate opened with a bang, and yellow mist spewed out from inside. The group of light liquid rushed into the yellow mist and disappeared into the gate of the underworld with a hiss.

Wang Xuan was busy closing the opened Gate of Underworld. In his sea of ​​consciousness, he could sense the situation inside the Gate of Underworld. The complete corpse that had just been installed was lying quietly in it. Dozens of these groups The light liquid rushed in and started running around, trying to escape, but the two giant stone doors were closed. They could not escape and started to hit the two stone doors.

The two stone doors remained motionless despite the impact of the light liquid. Obviously, even the remaining energy of the gods could not destroy the stone doors.

"It seems that the Gate of Underworld has a wide range of uses. If there are enemies that cannot be dealt with, using this trick to directly imprison the enemies in and temporarily trap them is also a solution."

Wang Xuan let out a sigh of relief. If he hadn't used the Gate of Underworld to shut down the light liquid and let it burst out, not even the Mechanical God could stop it, let alone Tang Ruoyu who was in a meditative state.

Although Tang Ruoyu was in meditation, she could still feel everything that was happening in the outside world. The white shadow outside her body was constantly changing and seemed to be devouring it at an accelerated rate. Suddenly, a tiger claw grabbed the severed arm, lifted it up, and followed closely. The severed arm quickly withered downwards, revealing the bones inside.

And this white tiger phantom grabbed the right claw of the broken arm and began to become real, with snow-white hair growing on it.

Tang Ruoyu opened her eyes at the same moment, the cold light in her eyes flashed away, and she stood up.

Looking at the Gate of Underworld suspended in the void, a look of surprise flashed across her face. It was obvious that the Gate of Underworld that appeared mysteriously surprised her.

Wang Xuan didn't know how she entered here, but now it seemed that her method of entering here was different from his own.

At this moment, inside the Gate of Underworld, dozens of groups of light liquid were crashing around like headless flies, but they were unable to destroy the Gate of Underworld. During the impact, these light liquids began to explode.

After the explosion, all the energy and power that exploded were isolated in the inner space of the Underworld Gate. Strangely enough, the energy from the explosion began to quickly transform into yellow mist.

The yellow mist that had become thin immediately became thicker.

"Strange, something is wrong. The yellow mist here was swallowed by the origin of Warcraft before, and now it is still stored in my chest. When did the gate of the netherworld have yellow mist again? And the energy generated by the explosion of these light liquids is also Turned into mist.”

"Could it be that this is another ability of the Gate of Underworld?"

Wang Xuan remembered that it was because his Warcraft swallowed the yellow mist that the Warcraft actively grew, broke through to the ultimate level, and grew to the end of its ninth form.

Wang Xuan's mind became active. This Gate of the Underworld should have the energy to convert the energy entering it into yellow mist. What is the real function of this yellow mist? Can hatching beasts grow and evolve? Or is there another purpose?

Sensing the yellow mist in his chest again, sensing the thick yellow mist that had just been born from the Gate of Underworld, Wang Xuan's brows wrinkled slightly, then relaxed again.

With a thought, the space around the Gate of Underworld was slightly distorted, and soon the magnificent gate disappeared into the void.

He turned his head and looked, and at some point, the 100-meter white tiger shadow had disappeared. Tang Ruoyu was quietly suspended in the void, watching him.

"Long time no see." Wang Xuan grinned and took the initiative to say hello to Tang Ruoyu.

"Well, thank you."

To Wang Xuan's surprise, Tang Ruoyu, unlike last time, responded to him this time with a hum and a nod of thanks.

"If there are many people, she probably won't have this attitude. But when no one is around in private, she will relax her vigilance and treat me much better."

"Why are you here?" Wang Xuan was a little curious.

Tang Ruoyu heard his inquiry and glanced at the Mechanic God.

"It is a mechanical god, but its complete body has not yet been recovered, so it looks a little weird now."

Wang Xuan explained.

"Mechanical God... I've heard of the strongest mechanical beast gaining divinity." Tang Ruoyu thought for a while and spoke.

Somewhat unexpectedly, the tone of Tang Ruoyu's words seemed to be familiar to the God of Machinery.

Wang Xuan's heart moved slightly and he said, "Tang Ruoyu, I saw a statue on the first floor that looks exactly like you."

"Oh?" Tang Ruoyu looked at Wang Xuan with a hint of astonishment on his face.

"That statue suppressed an evil god who looked exactly like you. Unfortunately, it collapsed now. The evil god came back to life without the suppression of the statue."

Wang Xuan briefly talked about the situation of the Evil Spirit Gate, whether it was useful or not, but since a statue that looked exactly like Tang Ruoyu appeared there, telling her might remind her of something.

After hearing what Wang Xuan said, Tang Ruoyu had a thoughtful look on his face.

After a full minute of pause, she finally spoke again: "I see, I understand."

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