The last building on earth

Chapter 379 The Evil God and the Seed (Arrived today, please vote and subscribe)

Wang Xuan rose into the air, his muscles all tense. Even though he had made several preparations, he was still nervous.

After all, the other party is an evil god.

The demonic beast was half-awakened, and the ghost car was half-awakened. The blue crystal scales in the body exploded to the limit. He stretched out his right hand, and a five-meter-long demon slayer appeared. There were streaks of blue light on it, and he was thrown out in the air. The target is exactly in the vortex formed by the large amount of evil spirit energy.

The skull of the evil god is hidden deep in the vortex.

Demon Slayer: Demon Slayer carried the energy of the monsters, ghost cars and blue crystal scales into the vortex, and exploded with a bang.

Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand, and opened eight ghost wings on his body, turning into hundreds of steel feathers and shooting towards them in the air.

As the energy vortex exploded, a huge skull appeared inside.

Hundreds of steel feathers shot out like a rainstorm, shooting towards the skull.

A harsh sound sounded, and the steel feathers continued to hit the skull, exploding sparks, and one of the steel feathers shot into the skull's two black hole-like eye sockets.

Finally, two rays of light emerged from the unresponsive skull, and the skull began to lift upwards.

The two steel feathers that were shot into shattered into pieces, exploding into pieces and spraying out.

Wang Xuan immediately continued to control hundreds of steel feathers to fly towards the skull while retreating violently.

Sure enough, once the evil god awakens, his power is earth-shattering. The evil spirit energy around him rolls around, revealing the black water inside. With a splashing sound, the skull moves upward, and a huge body begins to rise up along the black water. The huge palm broke through the black water, raised it, and opened his big hand to grab Wang Xuan, who was retreating violently.

The evil god's exposed body was full of rotten flesh. It had obviously recovered a lot compared to the last time, which meant that its strength had improved again.

Seeing the evil god grabbing him from the air, Wang Xuan immediately activated a diamond crystal.

He knew how fast he was retreating, making it difficult to escape.

Sure enough, the evil god grabbed Wang Xuan with his big hand. Although he was thousands of meters away, his big hand fell down and caught Wang Xuan.

Fortunately, Wang Xuanti activated a diamond crystal first, and his whole body was surrounded by a protective shield of golden light.

In case the diamond crystal couldn't withstand it, Wang Xuan still held the Book of Titans in his left hand and spurted out a mouthful of blood, ready to activate at any time.

The protective shield formed by the diamond crystal fluctuated violently and seemed to be broken at any time, but fortunately it was not crushed by the evil god in an instant.

The evil spirit energy below surged, and Tang Ruoyu rushed out from it. Outside her body, a hundred-meter-long white tiger phantom expanded. One of the front paws became real, rising into the air, and rushed towards the evil god, trying to Block the evil god's giant arm for Wang Xuan.

With a "boom", another evil god's arm came out through the black water and hit the white tiger from the air.

The white tiger with a pair of real front paws was so powerful that it probably far surpassed the level of awakening, but when it encountered a blow from the evil god, it was instantly destroyed.

Tang Ruoyu groaned, witnessing the terror and power of the evil god for the first time. She used her right hand to throw the Tree of Origin toward the exposed black water below.


Suddenly, a vague roar sounded, and two rays of light suddenly shot out from the skull of the evil god's skull, seemingly locking on Tang Ruoyu. The sound was filled with tremors, and the rising body of the evil god began to rise. He retreated downwards, trying to escape back into the black water below.

Wang Xuan saw that the diamond crystal could no longer block it, and was about to activate the Book of Giants when he suddenly found that the evil god took the initiative to let go of his hand and shrink down, and his heart moved.

Could it be that the evil god saw Tang Ruoyu's appearance and mistook her for the god who once suppressed and sealed him? So you are afraid and want to escape?

Before the evil god could escape back to the black water below, the Origin Seed thrown by Tang Ruoyu fell into the black water, submerged into it, and disappeared. Following a loud bang, the evil god soaked the black water again, and this time even the skull sank into it. , disappeared.

The hundred-meter hungry ghosts around him also fell silent. Tang Ruoyu came to Wang Xuan and wiped away a wisp of blood seeping out of the corner of his mouth.

The white tiger was destroyed by a blow just now, and she was also shocked and seriously injured.


Wang Xuan whispered to himself, the Origin Seed was thrown into the black water, like a mud cow entering the sea, without any reaction, while the Evil God was completely submerged into the black water and disappeared without any movement.

The hundred-meter hungry ghosts on the other side retreated one after another, but the demons formed from the smoke did not stop. Instead, they began to crazily devour the evil spirits here, trying to become stronger.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others began to roar and tried their best to control the demon gods in their bodies, not daring to let them continue to grow stronger, otherwise the remnant souls of the demon gods would become stronger and stronger, and they would become more and more dangerous.

Hearing Wang Xuan whisper to himself, Tang Ruoyu said: "It's begun."

As soon as she finished her words, there was another loud roar, and the evil god who had just been completely immersed in the black water appeared again, breaking through the turbulent black water and rushing out.

Its eye sockets spurted light, and its body roared faintly. Wang Xuan felt the huge willpower surrounding him, and this will was full of anger.

The evil god was truly angry.

The huge body was rising upwards, angry flames were spraying from its eye sockets, a pair of giant arms were raised, and they were beating around wildly.

The targets of one of its giant arms were Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, while the other giant arm was raised and struck at the seven demon gods who were frantically devouring the energy of evil spirits.

Wang Xuan activated the Book of Titans without hesitation, stimulating the golden light in it to protect Tang Ruoyu.

"Quickly retreat!" Wang Xuan yelled and retreated with Tang Ruoyu.

Those demon gods that were devouring crazily were attacked by the evil god, and the terrifying power shrouded them. They were awakened, and they no longer cared about devouring the power of the evil spirit, but took action one after another to fight against the evil god.

These seven demon gods who had completed the atomization joined forces and exploded with overwhelming power, facing the giant hand that the evil god slapped at them head-on.

The second demon god Agares, who has three heads: a man, an ox, and a sheep, is completely atomized, and a hell dragon appears under him. It opens its bloody mouth and lets out an earth-shattering roar. It rides on the hell dragon. Rushed forward.

The third demon god Vasak has a head like a triangular skull. Although his eyes only have two black holes, he is known as the seer, the king of the past, and the lord of the future. It seems to be able to see through everything. When the evil god's giant palm strikes, He had already changed direction before, avoiding the evil god's attack and heading towards the black water below.

The first demon, Beelzebub, the king of flies, the fifth demon, Marbus, who looks like a lion, has the upper body of a mule and the lower body is a lion, the sixth demon, Walliver, who is known as the Duke of Thieves, and the seventh demon, Ah, who has the body of a wolf and a snake's tail, and breathes fire from his mouth. Meng, and the eighth demon god Barbatos who wears a cuckold and a gray cloak.

Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, Qian Lao and Tie Jun retreated far away, keeping the distance. Even if Qian Lao awakened the strong, they did not dare to be involved. The current energy explosion was beyond imagination. In his hands Hold the advanced teleportation crystal and defense crystal and be ready to activate at any time.

Agares, who rushed first, was hit by the evil god's giant palm. The hundred-meter-high second demon god was destroyed together with the hell dragon he was riding, and exploded into smoke and disappeared.

As if he had been hit hard, Zhang Haofei opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood. His suspended body fell down like a meteor.

Tie Jun, who was retreating, saw this and knew something was wrong, so he immediately rushed out to pick up Zhang Haofei.

Then Beelzebub, the King of Flies, Malbus, the Healing Demon, Walliver, the Duke of Thieves, and others joined forces to narrowly block the evil god's giant palm.

"Roar——" The evil god seemed to be very angry. The seven orifices of the skull were continuously sucking in the evil spirit energy from all around, and from the open mouth, a black beam of light was violently sprayed out.

The black light beams hit these smoke demon gods, and the sound of popping pops was endless. Whether it was the first demon Beelzebub or the healing demon Marbus, they all exploded in an instant.

Wang Xuan watched from the other side, terrified. Relying on the golden light erupting from the Book of Titans, he narrowly blocked the evil god's other big hand. He felt that the Book of Titans held in his left hand was as heavy as a mountain and might not be able to support it at any time.

Tang Ruoyu who was following him looked calm, staring at the black water in the distance, and suddenly said: "It's begun!"

Following these words, colorful rays of light burst out from the black water, and the rays of light spread in all directions.

In the twilight, a small tree took root in the black water below and continued to grow upward.

This small tree was as black as ink. It continuously pumped out black water and stretched out its branches at an alarming speed. Black leaves appeared.

An earth-shattering roar sounded. The Evil God Statue, half of its true form emerging from the black water, suffered heavy damage. It lowered its head suddenly, not caring about attacking those Demon Gods or Wang Xuan any more. The black beam of light ejected from its mouth instantly locked onto the small dark tree. , shrouding it and wanting to destroy it.

A strange scene appeared. Although the black beam of light ejected from the evil god's mouth had the destructive power to destroy the world, the jet hit the small black tree. Not only did it not destroy it, but it accelerated the growth of the small black tree.

In a short period of time, the small black tree that originally emerged from the black water grew into a tree with a height of more than thirty meters.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the evil god closed his mouth, stopped spraying black light beams, opened his giant hand, and grabbed the dark tree.

Wang Xuan held the giant tree and retreated with Tang Ruoyu. He understood that this was the origin seed, but he didn't expect that such a strange dark tree would grow from being rooted in the black water.

By the time the Evil God's big hand grabbed the big tree, the pitch-black tree had grown fifty meters high above the black water. The black water below was violently turbulent, and roots as thick as pythons appeared. All around, vortices were formed, and an endless stream of black water poured into the vortex and was sucked in by the roots of the trees.

This big tree relies on crazy extraction of black water to keep growing.

The evil god's big hand grabbed the big black plant and began to use force to pull it out.

It was roaring, and the evil spirits from all directions began to flow back at a terrifying speed. It realized the real danger.

The energy fluctuations around him became more and more violent. Everyone realized that something was wrong and all retreated. Wang Xuan understood that the next step was the battle between the evil god and the origin seed. Who would destroy the pitch-black tree grown from the origin seed? The big tree is still the seed of origin that drains away all the power of evil spirits.

"It turns out that this is purification... It is said to be purification, but it is actually draining the energy from the black water..."

Wang Xuan stepped back and observed from a distance, watching the dark tree grow at a terrifying speed. In a short period of time, it had grown into a tree of 100 meters. Countless branches seemed to come alive and pierced towards the evil god's big hand. It even extracts the energy of the evil god.

The originally majestic glow and the surging evil spirit energy from all around repel each other, constantly colliding with each other, setting off energy tides like huge waves, causing terrifying and loud noises like the earth is shaking and the mountains are shaking.

Those hundred-meter hungry ghosts couldn't escape, and were caught in the energy tides. They couldn't resist it and began to break apart.

Everyone should run away first, otherwise they would be killed immediately if they were involved.

Earth-shaking changes have occurred within the entire Evil Spirit Gate. If no one had witnessed it with their own eyes, no one would have believed that a small sapling could cause such a horrific disaster.

"The seed of indeed the seed of the tree of origin, unbelievable..."

Wang Xuan heard the exclamation from Mr. Qian next to him. He was well-informed and one of the top beings among humans in the fourth layer of the world, but he was also full of shock at this moment.

The evil god was roaring. It stood in the black water. The black water below disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye, and was swallowed up by the dark trees. More and more tree roots, branches and leaves appeared around it, and more and more dark tree trunks appeared. Thick.

The power of the evil god is so powerful, but now the most powerful black beam of light cannot be used. He can only use his hands to pull out the big tree. He doesn't want the tree to be rooted in the black water. Although the evil god tried his best to tear off many branches, But more branches appeared.

The anger filling the air became stronger and stronger, and the evil god once again showed its power. This time, it used both hands to shoot at the big tree below.

The dark tree has grown to two hundred meters, rising to half the height of the evil god.

The real threat to the evil god is not the power of the dark tree, but its ability to drain the energy from the black water, and the black water... is the source of the evil spirit's energy and the foundation of the evil god.

This is the real reason why the evil god is terrifying and tense.

The dark tree grown by extracting black water can ignore all the energy attacks of the evil god. The evil god's attacks will only make it absorb energy and become stronger.

In desperation, the evil god could only use violence to destroy the big tree.

Two giant palms fell down, smashing a large number of branches and leaves, and then hugged the trunk, trying to pull it up.

The big tree continued to expand, and soon rose to 300 meters. The huge tree crown opened, and it had changed no smaller than the evil god. The colorful glow rising around it became increasingly dim and gradually disappeared. The surging evil spirit energy began to turn the dark tree into The submergence did not affect the dark tree, but made it grow faster.

The sound of crunching was endless, and countless tree roots extended in all directions, wrapping around the door of evil spirits. Those hungry ghosts were entangled in the tree roots, draining the energy from their bodies and turning into mummies.

The dark clouds and fog shrouding the world of goblins are rushing towards the gate of evil spirits, and the power of all evil spirits is flowing backwards.

The evil god hugged the dark tree, but soon found that he couldn't hold it anymore, because the tree began to become bigger than it, with a height of more than 500 meters, and countless roots and branches entangled it, which in turn entangled the evil god. Wrap it tightly and make it cling to this big tree in the sky.

The evil god struggled to escape, but it was already too late. Pieces of rotten flesh were falling off the surface of its body, turning into a pitch-black skeleton again.

Wang Xuan, Tang Ruoyu, Qian Lao, Tie Jun, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others all stopped in the distance and looked at the earth-shaking changes in the Evil Spirit Gate.

Wang Xuan glanced at Tang Ruoyu and became more and more curious about her origins. Now he was sure that she must be related to one of the three giant books, the Lord of the Seven-Pointed Star.

The changes before her eyes meant that her memory was correct. This origin seed really solved the evil god problem.

"From this point of view, the statue that looks exactly like her should really be left by heaven. But in this way, another question arises. With the power of heaven, it should be able to solve the evil god, but why did it just suppress it? What's the purpose? Where are the other six statues? Why do you say that if all seven statues fall, this building will be destroyed..."

Wang Xuan had too many doubts in his heart, and more and more dark tree roots appeared on the Evil Spirit Gate, like giant pythons, twisting in all directions. The roar of the evil god had disappeared. From a distance, it seemed like The big black tree was assimilated and covered and entangled by countless roots and branches. The big black tree had already grown up to a thousand meters and was still growing upwards. Almost all the evil spirits from all directions shrank into the evil spirits. inside the door.

Suddenly, Tang Ruoyu moved and approached the Evil Spirit Gate.

Wang Xuan saw this and hurriedly followed him.

Now the movement in the Evil Spirit Gate is getting smaller and smaller, and there should be no danger for the time being. Although the dark tree is scary, fortunately, it only targets the power of evil spirits and has no intention of attacking them.

Arriving at the Evil Spirit Gate, Tang Ruoyu was very courageous. He took a close look at the dark tree roots entangled with the Evil Spirit Gate. He swayed and suddenly entered the Evil Spirit Gate.

Wang Xuan was startled and glanced at the Book of Titans and the Advanced Teleportation Crystal in his hand. He was afraid that something might happen to her, so he followed her in.

Qian Lao, Tie Jun and others behind them all stopped and stayed outside the evil spirit door, not daring to enter casually.

Wang Xuan followed Tang Ruoyu and couldn't help but said: "Tang Ruoyu, it's very dangerous here."

Wang Xuan's head and eyes felt numb as he looked at the mummies turned into hungry ghosts all over the ground and the dark tree roots slowly squirming all around.

The growth rate of the dark tree began to slow down, and the black water below was almost drained away.

Wang Xuan looked at the bulge on the side of the big tree, which looked like a skeleton hundreds of meters high, and knew that this was the evil god who had been assimilated by the dark tree.

Thinking of how powerful the evil god is, with the power to destroy the world, but now a small origin seed has solved it, and ended up like this, Wang Xuan felt an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

In my heart, I felt a bit of awe for the mysterious tree of origin.

Now in Wang Xuan's heart, he has regarded the Tree of Source as at least comparable to the supreme existence represented by the three Giant Books.

As for who is higher between the Tree of Source and the three Giant Books, he can't decide.

Tang Ruoyu kept falling, and soon came to the bottom of the dark tree with its roots. It was originally submerged by black water, but now the black water disappeared, and the ground below was revealed.


Wang Xuan looked down and suddenly let out a sigh of surprise.

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