The last building on earth

Chapter 383 The Fifth World (please vote and subscribe)

What they saw was a round sphere that released infinite light and heat. It was shaped like the sun, but because of its relatively close distance, the round sphere looked much larger than the sun, almost occupying the space that their naked eyes could see. half of.

The white light they saw from the crack before all came from this round sphere.

Around this giant sun-like round sphere, you can vaguely see dense starlight, and the scene in front of you is actually a vast and boundless space.

Wang Xuan never expected that after walking all the way from this crack to this point, he would actually see the endless universe.

He barely had time to think about it when a terrifying force of attraction pulled him. He suddenly stumbled and rushed towards the huge white ball of light in front of him, like the sun.

Yao Tiande, who rushed out one step ahead of him, let out a wild roar and rushed towards the white ball of light faster than him.

Wang Xuan was horrified, and while roaring fiercely, he activated the double awakening of the monster and the ghost car without hesitation. The power of the blue scales in his body exploded, exerting all three powers to the limit, and entered the night walk of the ghost car, trying to stabilize the situation. Live the body.

Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others who rushed out after him were like him. They were first shocked by the scene in front of them, and then they all felt a terrifying suction force, pulling them towards the giant sun-like thing in front of them. The white light ball rushed away.

With their ultimate level of strength, they were unable to resist this sucking force. Feeling the danger, the demonic power in Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others naturally activated, and instantly manifested a huge demonic god formed of smoke up to 100 meters long.

These demon gods roared and exploded with powerful force one by one, trying to stabilize their bodies amidst this ubiquitous suction force.

With a bang, Yao Tiande, who was rushing the fastest, could no longer stabilize his body while roaring, and rushed away into the distance at extremely fast speeds, followed closely by Wang Xuan.

Even though he activated the full awakening of the ghost car, coupled with the semi-awakening of the monster and the power of the blue crystal scales, he was still unable to stabilize his body in the void. The power of this suction was so powerful that it was simply irresistible.

He barely struggled in it for a moment, and then followed Yao Tiande and rushed towards the giant light ball in front of him.

Faster than him is Tiejun.

There is no demon in his body, and he only relies on his ultimate strength, without the slightest ability to struggle and resist.

Tang Ruoyu was similar to Wang Xuan. He only relied on the white tiger to struggle for a moment, then fell headlong and shot after Wang Xuan.

The remnant souls of the demon gods in the remaining Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Lin Baiyu and Wang Siqi have awakened. They possess extremely powerful power. Compared to Wang Xuan and Tang Ruoyu, they performed much better. These demon gods Letting out a roar, he struggled against the ubiquitous pulling force, trying to stabilize his body.

Wang Xuan, who could no longer stabilize his body, knew that his current ability was not enough to resist the suction force, so he immediately took out the Book of Titans and the Advanced Teleportation Crystal.

He did not activate the advanced teleportation crystal first, but first tried to use the Book of Titans to see if the Book of Titans could resist this suction force, but he quickly gave up.

The power he inspired from the Book of Titans can only be used passively to resist some attacks, but the power of suction is everywhere, filling this time and space, and the power of the Book of Titans is ineffective against it.

Holding the advanced teleportation crystal tightly in his hand, Wang Xuan did not use it immediately because everyone was scattered. Now he could only wait for them to fall somewhere together, then gather everyone together, and then use the advanced teleportation crystal to escape together.

Therefore, Wang Xuan was not particularly panicked, but tried his best to stabilize his body, open the Eye of Zhou Tian, ​​and try his best to capture the true appearance of the huge white ball of light in front of him.

The demon gods in Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei behind them desperately tried to stabilize their bodies, but unfortunately they could only hold on for a few seconds before they could no longer hold on and rushed toward the oncoming white ball of light with a whistling sound.

Wang Xuan turned his head and saw it, and was secretly shocked. You must know how powerful these demon gods are, but they can't get rid of this strong suction force.

The wind roared in his ears, and Wang Xuan kept falling toward the white ball of light in front of him. As the distance approached, the white ball of light grew larger and larger in his field of vision. It originally occupied half of the space in his field of vision, and soon the entire field of vision Completely occupied by this white ball of light.

Everyone was falling towards the white ball of light. Whether it was the powerful demon, Wang Xuan, or Tang Ruoyu, they all became involuntary and unable to control or stabilize their bodies.

As they continued to approach, they rushed into the white light. Wang Xuan looked at the dazzling light in all directions, but there was no heat in this dazzling light.

This made Wang Xuan relax a little.

He originally thought that this white ball of light was similar to the sun, but he was not absolutely confident that they could withstand the terrifying temperature on the surface of a star like the sun if they fell into it.

When Wang Xuan passed through this white light layer and saw the vast dark red land, he was finally sure that the inside of this so-called white light ball was really a planet like the Earth or Mars.

However, the gravity of this planet is so terrifying that even the demon gods who have grown to the state of smoke cannot escape its gravity. They are all captured by the planet's terrifying gravity and fall irresistibly towards the dark red earth below.

As for how huge this planet is, Wang Xuan's Zhou Tian Eye's perception cannot see the whole picture, nor can it be estimated.

Fortunately, he has an advanced teleportation crystal. As long as they all fall to the dark red ground below, and then gather everyone together, they can escape from here with the help of the special ability of the teleportation crystal.

"This is actually a real planet. Is there really space beyond the crack? Yes, they said before that the fifth floor of this building may be boundless space. Could it be that, in reality, Is this the fifth level of the world?”

After Wang Xuan confirmed that this was really a planet, and that beyond the crack was the real universe, his mind suddenly turned, and he suddenly thought of the mysterious fifth-level world that he had mentioned to Mr. Li, Mr. Qian and others before. , there is a legend that the fifth level world is the universe.

"If this is true, could it be said that those powerful people who entered the fifth layer of the world and never came back were actually dragged into the planet because of this terrifying gravity? Because they could not escape the gravity of the planet, they returned Not coming?"

Wang Xuan suddenly thought of this possibility, and suddenly felt that something was wrong. Since he had a high-level teleportation crystal, how could those powerful finalists who had the ability to enter the fifth layer of the world not have it?

Since there is a high-level teleportation crystal, why can't I come back? No message? unless……

Thinking of a terrifying possibility, Wang Xuan clenched the advanced teleportation crystal in his hand and busily tried to activate it.

Then he discovers a horrifying truth.

In this terrifying gravity, the advanced teleportation crystal statue was suppressed by the invisible gravity and could not be activated.

Originally thinking that there was a teleportation crystal, Wang Xuan was not afraid at all, but now his expression suddenly changed.

This means that these people will be completely trapped and die on this dark red planet, and will never be able to leave.

The periphery of the planet is covered by a halo emitting white light, and the gravitational field affects this space-time. In this terrifying gravitational field, even time and space are slightly distorted, which makes Wang Xuan and his group fall faster and faster. The faster, but after breaking through the outer mask, the speed slowed down.

Wang Xuan understood that this was not because they were slowing down, but because the terrifying gravitational field of the planet made the passage of time here slower than the normal passage of time, so in their senses, they felt that their own The fall slowed.

Wang Xuan put away the advanced teleportation crystal and held the Book of Titans in his left hand. The three forces in his body stirred together to protect the surroundings. As they continued to fall, they rubbed against the surrounding air, and sparks appeared faintly on the surface of their armors.

As it continued to fall, approaching the dark red earth below, under the influence of the terrifying gravitational field, the friction became more and more intense, and the original Mars gradually showed signs of burning violently.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others are protected by the power of the devil and can ignore the power generated by this friction. The white tiger shadow summoned by Tang Ruoyu shrinks and tightly protects the surroundings, so it can also resist.

Wang Xuan's three powers were used together, and he could barely protect himself.

The only one in trouble was Tiejun.

There was no demon in his body, and he only relied on his own final strength. In this terrifying gravitational field, as he approached the ground below, he finally couldn't bear it anymore. The friction on the surface of his body reached the extreme, and flames suddenly rose violently.

He had already activated the "Vajra Combat Body" that the Hatching Beast King Kong had grown to finally comprehend, but he was still unable to resist it. Seeing that he might be burned to ashes in the fierce flames at any time, between life and death, his body suddenly With a buzzing sound, a ball of golden light expanded.

In this ball of golden light, a large golden face appeared vaguely, which seemed to be the head of Buddha.

The flame that was burning fiercely suddenly went out silently.

Seemingly affected by the power of the big golden face, the demon gods in Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others suddenly fluctuated violently, making them very uneasy. It seemed that the power of the big golden face in Tie Jun's body stimulated these demon gods.

Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye captured all this, and his heart moved slightly.

Mr. Qian has always said that Tie Jun had a strange encounter in Buddha City, and that some kind of power hidden in his body even surpassed the seventy-two Western Demon Gods.

It's a pity that I haven't seen Tie Jun burst out with his special abilities since then. It seems that he is just an ordinary strong man in the end. He relied on the protection of Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others to get here alive.

Now, Wang Xuan finally saw the power sleeping in Tie Jun's body for the first time.

As Mr. Qian said, this power can make these demons uneasy. This is the power derived from Buddha.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan and others looked shocked when they saw the phantom of the golden Buddha head appearing outside Tie Jun's body.

At this moment, everyone was getting closer and closer to the dark red earth below. Among them, Yao Tiande, who had fallen the fastest, had already entered within 10,000 meters.

The demon in Yao Tiande's body originally showed signs of backlash and went berserk. Because of this terrifying gravitational pull, he was captured by the unknown and mysterious planet. Suddenly, something unexpected happened. Perhaps out of self-preservation, the demon in Yao Tiande stopped its backlash and instead released its power to protect Yao Tiande. , falling downwards.

As they continued to approach the land below, everyone could see more and more clearly. Wang Xuan noticed that there were undulating mountains below, magnificent peaks, long and narrow rift valleys, and a large number of craters of varying sizes. He did not see any river.

Whether it is mountain peaks, rift valleys, or densely packed craters, they are all dark red.

The direction they fell was exactly one of the dark red peaks about two to three thousand meters high.

Yao Tiande was the first to hit the mountain.

In Wang Xuan's imagination, with Yao Tiande's collision, the dark red mountain peak of two to three thousand meters must completely collapse, and it may even cause a huge crater below.

Unexpectedly, under the protection of the Sixth Demon God Walliver, Yao Tiande hit the mountain with a loud bang, cracks appeared on the ground, and faintly collapsed into a pothole. In addition, this two or three thousand There is no damage to the mountain peak.

"Falling from such a high sky, impacting with such speed and force, only a small crater was created?" Wang Xuan was shocked when he saw this. How hard is the ground in this world?

He followed the fall. He did not have the power of the devil to protect him. He only relied on his current strength. He had no absolute confidence in whether he could withstand this terrifying impact. He immediately activated the power of the Giant Book in his left hand, and a faint golden light appeared, blocking the way. Ahead, take the first step to make contact with the ground below.

The golden light from the Book of Titans hit the ground, and as expected, the terrifying impact force was eliminated. Not even a small pothole appeared on the ground below. Wang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, turned over, and stood firmly on the ground.

Followed closely by Tang Ruoyu and Tie Jun.

Tang Ruoyu relied on the power of the white tiger's shadow, stretched out a pair of realistic tiger claws, and touched the ground below, followed by the hundred-meter-long white tiger's shadow that was constantly shattering.

Relying on the destruction of the white tiger's shadow to continuously offset the impact force, Tang Ruoyu finally landed successfully, but his face turned pale, and he was obviously not feeling well.

Tiejun was protected by the phantom of the golden Buddha's head. Under the impact, the power of the phantom of the golden Buddha's head was obviously much stronger than that of the white tiger. The phantom fluctuated violently with a bang, but it was not destroyed. After Tiejun landed steadily, , the phantom of the golden Buddha head converged within his body and disappeared.

Following them are Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Lin Baiyu and Wang Siqi.

They were all protected by the powerful demon power. The smoke demon hit the ground below, causing cracks in the ground and collapsing into a pit. When the smoke demon dispersed, the six Zhao Lei who were protected among them all escaped without any danger. come out.

Behind the six of them, there was a sudden bang, and another silhouette hit the ground, and then a large number of parts exploded. These parts emitted white light, and soon the light returned quickly in the direction of Wang Xuan.

It was the Mechanical God that also fell down. It could not escape the gravitational capture of this terrifying planet. It fell, and its body parts exploded during the impact. It turned into the heart of the mechanical beast again and was recovered by Wang Xuan.

After landing, Wang Xuan immediately took out the teleportation crystal and the advanced teleportation crystal again, regardless of checking the surrounding situation. He tried several kinds in succession, and was finally sure that no teleportation crystal could be used here.

After taking a breath, Wang Xuan's face turned extremely ugly. The gravity here made him feel depressed and uncomfortable, and every move he made was extremely difficult.

Yao Tiande came back to his senses, and the demon in his body was now quiet. Thinking of the danger just now, he was still frightened, and it took him a while to come back to his senses.

Zhao Lei opened his holy eyes and was busy observing his surroundings.

This is the top of a mountain, with nothing around it, only the dark red ground and pieces of similarly dark red rocks.

The gravity here was so strong that it was unimaginably terrifying. Everyone fell to the ground, and they were all adapting to the ubiquitous gravity. They felt as if their bodies were carrying hundreds of millions of kilograms of weight, which made them breathless. .

With their strength, in the previous world, they had the ability to easily escape gravity and fly into the sky at will. But here, any movement after landing is very difficult. Let alone flying, even jumping out is extremely difficult. .

"Wang Xuan, is the teleportation crystal useless?" Zhao Lei looked around while adapting to the gravity here. His face was pale and he looked at Wang Xuan with an ugly expression.

He also saw Wang Xuan take out the advanced teleportation crystal, but judging from Wang Xuan's actions, he had already guessed that the advanced teleportation crystal seemed to have failed.

"Yes, both the low-level teleportation crystal and this high-level teleportation crystal are useless and cannot be activated." Wang Xuan also looked ugly.

"What the hell is this place? How come there are such cracks in the Buddhist city on the third floor?" Zhao Lei couldn't help shouting.

Zhang Haofei suddenly said: "Gu Manyao also came out of this crack. Did she also fall here?"

This sentence made several people look at him.

"Yes, if nothing happens, this possibility is very high." Wang Xuan nodded, looked around again, and took a deep breath. Surprisingly, the air here was not much different from before, so they could Breathe freely.

Of course, with the abilities they have now, even if they don't breathe for a long time, it will not actually be life-threatening. Of course, it will have some impact on their activities.

"Are we unable to escape and will we be trapped here for the rest of our lives?" Yu Shanshan asked. She thought that even the demon gods had struggled desperately before and failed to escape the gravitational field here. It is conceivable that with their current strength, Facing the gravity here, there is nothing you can do, let alone escape from here and re-enter the crack.

"Wang Xuan, tell me, what kind of world is this? When we came out of that crack before, it was like space. Are we now falling on a planet?" Zhao Lei touched his nose, frowned, and said, "Could it be that , we followed the crack and left the building? Is this outside the building? "

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "No, if nothing unexpected happens, maybe this is the fifth floor of the building."

"The fifth floor of the building?" Yao Tiande and Wang Siqi couldn't help shouting, and looked at Wang Xuan together.

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