The last building on earth

Chapter 390 Transformation into a beast (please vote for me at the end of the month)

"Mechanical God, after the incubation period is over, what should we call him after his awakening?"

"After the incubation period is over, the next step will be to evolve into a beast, a transformed beast. This stage of transforming into a beast is divided into ten steps. You have just reached the threshold of the first step of transforming into a beast."

"Is it possible to break through the awakening and successfully transform into a beast? Is it related to the blue crystal scales? Mechanical God, do you know what these blue crystal scales are?"

Wang Xuan had never thought of asking the Machine God about the blue crystal scales before. It was only now, when he heard it talking about hatching beasts and ten-step beasts, that he realized that although the Machine God was a god created by humans, his memory was also He has not fully recovered, but he knows a lot, and he may know the origin of the blue crystal scales.

"Blue scales... are the key to transforming into beasts. Only by absorbing blue scales can you further transform into beasts. As for what blue scales are... they are actually higher-level white scales. Low-level monsters absorb the power of the world for a long time, and slowly Energy crystals are formed in the body, which are white scales, but because the strength of these monsters is too low, the energy crystals formed cannot satisfy the huge energy required to transform into beasts, so if you want to transform into beasts, you need blue scales with more powerful energy."

Wang Xuan listened quietly and felt the energy in the blue crystal scales in his body constantly converging towards his right hand. The essence of the blue crystal scales that he had been curious about for a long time was actually a higher level of white scales?

"The energy crystals formed in the bodies of low-level monsters are white scales... while the energy crystals formed in the bodies of high-level monsters... their energy has been highly compressed... forming a qualitative change. From the appearance... it turns blue. These are blue scales.”

"Monsters that can form blue scales in their bodies...most of them are very powerful. Of course, there are also some special monsters, which may not be very powerful, but because of their special nature, they will also form such high-quality scales in their bodies." Blue scales... You obtained this blue scale a long time ago... You must have encountered this kind of... special monster..."

After listening to the words of the Mechanical God, Wang Xuan finally understood the true origin of the blue scales, and he was inevitably a little disappointed. He originally thought that the blue crystal scales had some special origin, but now he knows that for some powerful monsters, , the blue crystal scales formed in their bodies may just be their standard equipment.

The blue crystal scale in my body could not be truly absorbed before because the monster was still in its incubation state. Until now, when I first stepped into the threshold of animal transformation, I could finally absorb the energy of the blue crystal scale and truly integrate it into the monster.

Unlike before, every time the energy of the blue crystal scales is used, it can only be regarded as borrowing, and then the energy will return to the blue crystal scales again.

"It's strange to say that only Warcraft can truly integrate and absorb the energy of these blue crystal scales. Gui Che has been fully awakened for a long time, but he can only borrow it and cannot really absorb it. What is the reason..."

While pondering for a moment, Wang Xuan thought of something and immediately asked the Mechanic God secretly: "When I obtained this blue scale, there was a residual consciousness in the scale. It once fought against the consciousness of the monster in my body, and both sides wanted to devour it. The other party, could it be said that the blue scales formed in the bodies of those powerful monsters all possess the remnant souls of consciousness?"

"That's not true... It seems like... the blue scale you obtained... is a bit special..."

"I see……"

Wang Xuan let go of his hand, and part of the energy in the blue crystal scales was completely integrated into the monster. There was a faint blue light flickering on the surface of his monster-turned right hand, but the energy in the blue crystal scales was not completely absorbed by the monster. , it will take some time to fully absorb it.

Now he has touched the threshold of beast transformation, returned to the fully awakened state of the monster, and sat down cross-legged again, trying to fully integrate the energy in the blue crystal scales into the monster.

However, he found that under normal conditions, he could not use the monster to truly absorb the energy from the fused blue crystal scales.

He could only enter the fully awakened monster state again before he could completely fuse the blue crystal scales.

The endless stream of energy was extracted from the blue crystal scales and truly fused with his right hand of the monster. The blue light that appeared on the surface of his right hand was originally extremely dim. As it continued to fuse, it gradually became brighter.

The skin that was originally as black as steel began to appear faintly blue.

Others were envious when they saw Wang Xuan fully awakened, and also entered meditation again. With the help of the special gravitational field of this interstellar and the extremely powerful power of the world, they continued to stimulate the origin of the hatching beast, hoping to enter the complete state like Wang Xuan. Awakening state.

The Mechanical God cannot practice and can only stand aside to protect everyone.

In this seemingly desolate dark red continent, Wang Xuan and a group of people are hiding behind the huge rocks deep in the giant crater. Except for the mechanical god who is guarding and observing the surroundings, everyone is looking for breakthroughs and wants to become stronger.

The special environment, coupled with the fact that the remnant soul of the Demon God in their bodies affects them everywhere, makes their breakthrough speed at least ten times faster than that of ordinary people. Among them, Bai Yan was the first to break through.

Bai Yan's talent has always been the strongest among Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei. Even the Lord of the Flies, the leader of the seventy-two demon gods, chose him. At this moment, he was also the first to successfully break through and fully awaken the hatching beast witch blood.

The fully awakened witch blood surged out, covering his whole body, and after solidifying, it formed a blood crystal giant five meters tall, like a blood crystal giant made of blood crystal swords. He raised his hands, and there was a crunching sound all over his body. This blood In the crystal, there is faint dark energy flowing, which is the power of the devil fused into it.

This means that the fully awakened Witch Blood is far more powerful than the normal awakened hatchling beast.

As soon as he put his hands together, the blood crystal swords all over his body made a crisp sound, and they were pieced together to form a five-meter-long blood crystal sword, which was about the same size as it. The blood crystal giant grabbed the blood crystal sword with both hands and took a step forward. , suddenly raised the giant sword and slashed out in the air.

A blood-red air wave was released along the blood crystal giant sword and slashed towards the ground. A terrifying crack was cut out of the hard dark red ground, causing the blood crystal giant sword to completely sink in.

This is because this interstellar has a special gravity, which makes the ground much harder than steel. If it were in other worlds, this area could be completely destroyed with just one strike of the sword.

Others were affected and opened their eyes one after another. They saw the blood crystal giant transformed by Bai Yan and looked envious at the power he exploded.

Wang Xuan also opened his eyes. During this period, he continued to integrate the energy in the blue crystal scales into the right hand of the monster. One right hand had faintly turned into dark blue, completely matching the black metal color of other parts of the monster's body. different.

As he continued to integrate the energy of the blue crystal scales into the magical beast, his strength further improved. If he had just reached the threshold of transforming into a beast before, now he is taking a step further on the road to transforming into a beast.

After Bai Yan successfully fully awakened, he swung his giant sword continuously and tried to master the awakened power in his body. As the Witch Blood successfully awakened, he realized a message about the release of the remnant soul of the King of Flies in his body, which made him immediately understand that the next path was Transform into beasts.

However, if you want to transform into a beast, you need to obtain the energy crystals in more powerful monsters, which are blue scales.

Only by absorbing this high-level energy crystal can the witch blood in the body further grow.

Unlike Wang Xuan, who has a blue crystal scale in his body that can transform into a beast. Now that he is fully awakened, he cannot obtain blue scales and cannot transform into a beast. He can only become familiar with the powerful power of the witch blood after awakening like the God of Machine. , and then just stay aside and wait for others to wake up.

For the past few days, everyone has been staying here, and they have never seen the Ice Thief's giant ship or the Pyroman's spaceship.

In this world, there is no difference between day and night. It is always shrouded in halo. After Bai Yan successfully awakened, Zhang Haofei felt that he was about to break through. His skeleton kept struggling in his body, thinking To get completely out of trouble.

As long as he is completely out of trouble, his skeleton will be fully awakened.

Suddenly, the mechanical god who had been silently guarding the side reacted. A pair of giant arms stretched out and climbed up the huge rock on the side.

Wang Xuan, who was meditating, had very sensitive instincts about monsters and opened his eyes accordingly.

Just now, he had a feeling, and immediately restrained his huge body, retreated from the monster state, and looked up at the sky.

But ten thousand meters above the sky, some looming fiery red light spots appeared in the halo layer.

Tang Ruoyu also opened his eyes immediately, looking towards the sky with a pair of clear eyes.

This fiery red light point slowly moved towards the distance along the halo layer above 10,000 meters.

"Here it comes." Wang Xuan stood up immediately. He knew that these slowly moving fiery red light spots were exactly the fiery red spacecraft they had been waiting for.

Looking at the number of slowly moving fiery red light spots in the halo layer, there must be nearly twenty, which represents nearly twenty fiery red spaceships.

"With so many flaming red spaceships, it seems like something big has happened." Wang Xuan mused while identifying the direction in which these flaming red light spots were moving. Others also got up one after another.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuanda rushed out first and started running towards the direction of the red spaceships in the halo layer.

Following closely were Tang Ruoyu, Mechanical God, Bai Yan, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan and others.

Everyone quickly climbed out of the giant crater and ran towards the distance of the dark red continent.

Wang Xuan had always suspected that Gu Manyao was related to the Burning Man civilization and wanted to find their lair. Now that he finally saw so many red spaceships, he immediately ran at full speed.

Taking a step forward, his body began to change. Eight metal tentacles appeared, wrapped around his body, and then merged with his flesh and blood, quickly transforming into a five-meter-tall monster.

His speed suddenly increased and he rushed into the distance at extremely high speed.

Followed closely by Mechanical God and Tang Ruoyu.

Tang Ruoyu summoned the 100-meter-long phantom of the white tiger, then converged the phantom and merged it with her body. This increased her strength and broke through the awakening early, entering the level of beast transformation. She immediately caught up with Wang Xuan and kept pace with him.

After that is Bai Yan who has broken through the awakening.

Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Zhang Haofei, Yu Shanshan and others fell to the rear, and the gap between the two sides was getting wider and wider.

While Wang Xuan ran wildly, he opened the Eye of Heaven and tried his best to lock on those flashing red light spots ten thousand meters above the sky.

It's a pity that these fiery red spots of light seem to be moving slowly in the halo, but they are actually moving very fast. No matter how fast Wang Xuan runs, he can only watch these fiery red spots of light getting smaller and smaller, getting weaker and weaker, and finally disappearing in the In the halo, disappeared.

However, Wang Xuan did not stop. Instead, he determined the direction in which he was running and continued running towards the distance.

Not surprisingly, the direction in which these spacecraft are flying in the halo should be the destination they need to go to. Although they cannot keep up with the speed of these spacecraft due to speed, as long as they stick to the same direction, it is possible to find the destination of these spacecraft. That place is most likely the base camp of these people.

Wang Xuan slowed down, allowing Zhao Lei and others who were thrown behind to catch up. After everyone reunited, they continued to run in the previous direction.

Afterwards, everyone ran for at least an hour or two, and white mountains gradually appeared in the distance.

There has always been a dark red continent all around, but now the white mountains appearing in the distance are particularly conspicuous. Everyone saw it from a distance, and there was a look of surprise on their faces.

Zhao Lei suddenly shouted: "That's a mountain covered by ice and snow!"

Wang Xuan grunted and said, "I understand where those fiery red spaceships are heading."

Zhang Haofei looked puzzled and asked: "Where?"

Zhao Lei's mind was spinning fast. Hearing what Wang Xuan said, he immediately understood and said, "Are they going to the territory of the Iceman civilization?"

"It shouldn't be wrong." Wang Xuan looked at the ice and snow mountains appearing in the distance, and could already faintly hear the sound of slight explosions coming from the distance.

Everyone was speeding up, and as they kept running, they finally saw the red spaceship again.

These fiery red spaceships have descended from the original halo layer to within a kilometer of the ground. More than a dozen spaceships appeared in the distance, with a large number of fiery red light pillars flashing continuously.

In the distance of everyone, the original dark red continent has gradually been replaced by the ice and snow continent.

There is a very obvious boundary line between the Dark Red Continent and the Ice and Snow Continent. As people approached, they began to feel the temperature dropping. Howling ice and snow appeared oncoming, and earth-shaking roars came from the distance. Those who had penetrated deep into the ice and snow world The spacecraft continuously fired fiery red light beams downwards. These light beams were so powerful that they swept along the frozen ground and cut deep grooves in it.

On this ice and snow continent, everyone saw giant beasts covered with ice and snow from a distance. The shortest of these giant beasts were seven or eight meters tall, and the tallest ones were tens of meters tall. They let out earth-shattering roars and roared. They opened their huge mouths, spraying ice mist or spitting out ice, and attacked the fiery red spaceship in the sky. Unfortunately, the distance was too far, and their ability was not enough to attack the spacecraft thousands of meters above. They could only continue to send out anger. Roaring, but unable to do anything.

From time to time, the spacecraft shoots down fiery red light beams to kill these ice and snow giants.

On the far horizon of the spaceship, a dozen giant ships also appeared, firing white light beams and attacking these spaceships.

The sky was full of fiery red light pillars and white light pillars intertwined, and earth-shattering explosions were heard endlessly. The two sides launched a fierce battle thousands of meters above the sky.

Wang Xuan and his group had just arrived when they saw a huge ship emitting black smoke from a distance, staggering and falling.

Although the number of spaceships and giant ships on both sides is equal, these giant ships are obviously difficult to defeat the spaceship. The fiery red light beam emitted by the spacecraft is more powerful and hits the target more accurately.

As a giant ship was shot down, the attacks from those spaceships became even more fierce. Behind these giant ships was a giant ice nest thousands of meters high. From a distance, it looked like an ice sculpture hive magnified countless times.

Around this ice nest, there are a large number of ice and snow giants gathered, including giant frost wolves and giant ice and snow bears. They are constantly roaring and roaring, guarding this ice nest.

The target of the spacecraft is obviously this giant ice nest.

"I understand, the base camp of the Iceman civilization should be the Ice Nest." Zhao Lei saw it from a distance and immediately woke up.

"It seems like the Fire Man has the upper hand, and the Ice Man's giant ships can no longer withstand it." Zhang Haofei murmured to himself.

Wang Xuan, the leader, slowed down. At this moment, they had entered the ice and snow continent and felt the biting cold wind coming. The ground was full of deep grooves cut by fiery red light beams. There were a lot of solidified blood and dead people in them. Ice and snow monster.

"Wang Xuan, what should we do next? Are we just going to follow them from such a distance?" Zhao Lei asked.

"Let's take a look first and see if there is a chance to capture a spaceship or a giant ship first. If we want to leave this world, we must use a spaceship or a giant ship."

Just as Wang Xuan said this, a low roar suddenly came from the distance in front of him, and from the corpses of a group of giant ice and snow beasts that fell on the ground, a giant wolf of seven or eight meters in length suddenly sprang out, its whole body like an ice sculpture, and it opened His blood-filled mouth sprayed ice mist, his eyes glowed faintly with red, and he suddenly jumped out and rushed towards the crowd.

Everyone approached quietly. Although they were extra careful, they still alarmed these giant ice and snow beasts.

Seeing the speed and power of this giant ice and snow wolf charging towards them, everyone was frightened.

Although they seemed a bit vulnerable to the fiery red beams of light from those spaceships, in fact they were very powerful in terms of strength and speed, definitely beyond the level of awakening.

Wang Xuan reacted the fastest. He stamped his feet suddenly and made a crisp sound. His whole body swelled up and he instantly transformed into a five-meter-high monster. He opened his arms to face the giant ice and snow wolf that rushed towards him. He opened his right hand and immediately opened his five fingers. A blue light lit up, and with a bang, it hit the giant ice and snow wolf's open mouth.

The giant ice and snow wolf had just sprayed out ice mist from its open mouth, but before it could be sprayed out, Wang Xuan hit him on the cheek first, causing his huge body to fall sideways.

With a kick of both feet, cracks immediately appeared on the frozen-hard-as-iron ground. The monster flew into the air, then fell heavily, riding on the body of the ice and snow giant wolf. With a wave of its giant hand, it hit the giant wolf's twisted face, and clicked. With a crisp sound, the giant ice and snow wolf's skull shattered, and blood mixed with brains splattered out.

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