The last building on earth

Chapter 392 The Ancestor (please vote for me)

Zhang Haofei, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Yu Shanshan and others also noticed Gu Manyao in the distance. Zhang Haofei's face was full of excitement and he couldn't help shouting: "Gu Manyao!"

His shout was loud and spread far away. Although the distance was extremely far and there were all kinds of earth-shattering noises all around, Gu Manyao's ears in the distance seemed to be very sensitive and she suddenly turned around and looked towards them.

Wang Xuan was excited and worried when he saw Gu Manyao.

Gu Manyao must have also obtained the power of blood. Is she now... still the same person?

It is not uncommon for hatchlings or other powerful beings to occupy their bodies and devour their souls.

Does she still know them now?

Just as Wang Xuang had this idea, he turned around and saw their Gu Manyao from a distance, suddenly rising into the sky. The blood-colored robe she was wearing clung to her body, perfectly revealing her graceful body curves. The blood-colored robe vaguely rising blood flames protected her. , drawing a perfect arc in the air.

On this earth with a terrifying gravity, she was ultimately no more than an ordinary person on earth. Gu Manyao suddenly rose into the sky and jumped hundreds of meters. What kind of powerful force did this require? What level of strength did she have?

Her speed was astonishing, and she could reach a hundred meters vertically. Groups of giant beasts roared at her and kept spraying ice mist to attack, but they could not catch her moving figure at all.

She was quickly approaching the crowd.

The group of people on the deck of the spaceship didn't seem to expect that she would suddenly give up the attack on the Ice Nest and rushed into the distance. When they were surprised, they were immediately chased by men in fiery red armor.

The fastest pursuers were the two-step beasts with two star-shaped symbols engraved on their armor chests. With their speed, they couldn't even catch up with Gu Manyao.

Soon, Gu Manyao landed in front of them.

A group of giant ice and snow wolves roared and charged towards her, opening their huge mouths and spraying powerful ice mist.

Gu Manyao's whole body was burning with blood flames. She ignored the giant ice and snow wolf rushing up from behind and the ice mist that flooded over. The blood-colored robe wrapping Miao Man's body suddenly opened with a hiss, and blood flames rose into the sky from within the robe. , shaped like a huge wave, with a bang, it instantly extinguished the ice mist and drowned a group of giant ice and snow wolves that rushed up.

These giant ice and snow wolves that were submerged by the blood wave roared and screamed. Their skin and flesh were peeled off piece by piece, and even their bones were eroded by the blood wave in an instant. This scene made everyone's scalp numb. When the blood wave disappeared, the ones that had just rushed up A group of giant ice and snow wolves, only a pile of withered bones remained.

Following closely behind, the few strong men in fiery red armor who had the ability to transform into beasts in the second step also caught up. They spread out and protected behind Gu Manyao, staring at Wang Xuan and the group with a look of surprise on their faces.

Gu Manyao's eyes swept along everyone's faces, and finally fell on Wang Xuan's face, showing excitement and excitement, and said: "Wang Xuan, why are you here?" As he said this, he walked up to meet Wang Xuan. .

Zhang Haofei also looked excited and shouted: "Gu Manyao, we all thought you had an accident. We didn't expect you to be here."

The strong men in fiery red armor who followed Gu Manyao looked at each other and understood in their hearts that these people knew Gu Manyao, and maybe they had been companions or friends.

Wang Xuan was also looking at Gu Manyao. He had been worried that Gu Manyao would have his soul and consciousness swallowed up and would not recognize them anymore. Now he saw Gu Manyao calling his name excitedly, and then he breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face as well, and said: " Just be fine."

Although he said so, Wang Xuan had been observing Gu Manyao silently, sensing her with the instinct of a monster.

Although Gu Manyao's current performance was very exciting, he always felt that something was missing, but he couldn't pinpoint the details.

Zhao Lei had already shouted: "Man Yao, you are really here. Now you are the most powerful among all of us. Tie Jun said he accidentally saw you before, so we found it all the way here. Unexpectedly, you seemed to have turned into... …their leader?”

Gu Manyao smiled and said: "This is a long story. I will tell you in detail after I capture the Ice Nest." Then she turned towards those strong men in fiery red armor and said: "These are my friends, you don't need to worry, continue Attack the Ice Nest.”

"Yes!" These people took the order and immediately turned around and headed towards the ice nest in the distance.

"Don't get too close to the Ice Nest, it's dangerous there."

After Gu Manyao confessed, he turned around and soared into the sky. The blood-red robe tightly wrapped his body and started heading towards the Ice Nest again.

Zhang Haofei watched Gu Manyao go away and laughed loudly: "This trip was not in vain. Not only is she fine, but she has become so powerful. If the devil hadn't been activated, none of us would be her match."

Wang Xuan didn't show much of a smile on his face, and his brows were slightly wrinkled together.

Zhao Lei came to his side and whispered: "Wang Xuan, do you think Gu Manyao...has changed? I'm not talking about strength, but character."

Wang Xuan turned his head and glanced at him, and found that Zhao Lei's face had the same hint of worry as his own.

"It seems that there is no change, but there seems to be some changes... Zhao Lei, are you suspecting that something is wrong with her?"

Zhao Lei touched his nose and said: "After the hatching beast devours the soul and consciousness of a person, it will also obtain all the memories that the person once had. Without special methods, it is almost impossible to distinguish. Of course, when I say this, I do not mean that she was hatched The beast devoured it, but doubted the power of blood she gained.”

"I remember you said before that this blood power is related to the bloody giant finger in the center of the Buddha City. We assume that the existence represented by this bloody giant finger saved Manyao and made her stronger. Then, this bloody finger Did the existence of the giant finger take action against Manyao's soul and consciousness? To put it bluntly, it is too easy for such an existence to erase or devour Manyao's soul and consciousness."

It was this situation that Wang Xuan was most afraid of. Hearing what Zhao Lei said, he muttered: "I'm worried about this too, but these are all our guesses. Is she still the same Man Yao as before? We still need to observe and contact her." Know."

Zhao Lei said: "There is no free lunch in this world. How could the existence represented by the bloody giant finger help Man Yao become so powerful for no reason? It must have some terrible purpose, just like the demonic power we obtained, this The remnant soul of the demon god has no good intentions, it only wants to be resurrected powerfully, swallow our soul consciousness, and occupy our body."

"It's like the power in Tiejun's body. Although there is no danger at present, I'm sure there will be hidden dangers sooner or later, just like the devil in our bodies."

After Zhao Lei said this, another group of ice and snow giant wolves rushed out in front of them and attacked them.

Wang Xuan looked into the distance. Gu Manyao was approaching the ice nest. In front of her, those powerful one-step beast-transformers or even the fiery-red armored men at the two-step beast-transformation level took action, rushed into the ice nest, and began to destroy inside.

Gu Manyao did not enter the ice nest, but stayed at the ice nest. An octopus-like ice man rushed out of the ice nest and tried to escape. She immediately waved him through the air, and bloody flames appeared, devouring the ice man and burning him to death.

Wang Xuan and his group did not approach the ice nest in the distance, but stayed where they were and fought with the giant ice and snow wolves that rushed up.

Every time a giant ice wolf falls down and dies, a blue scale will appear, which they can absorb to gain more power.

Now everyone is getting blue scales one after another, and has successfully entered the threshold of animal transformation from awakening.

Among them, Wang Xuan has made the most progress. On the surface of his demonic right hand, the blue light is flickering. The energy inside is getting bigger and bigger. He may reach the first level of beast transformation at any time.

As his strength gradually increased, it became easier and easier to kill these ice and snow giant wolves. In addition, the blue scales of the giant beasts killed by the mechanical god were also swallowed by his monsters, which allowed the monsters to absorb the energy of the blue scales. The speed is quite amazing.

Suddenly, an earth-shaking loud noise came from the ice nest in the distance, like an earthquake. The entire ice nest shook, and a large number of cracks appeared on the surface, with blood shining in the cracks.

The strong men in fiery red armor who originally rushed in rushed out along the exit of the ice nest.

The giant beasts around became panicked and began to flee in all directions.

Even Gu Manyao was retreating, watching the ice nest vibrate, sway, and collapse.

Wang Xuan understood that when these strong men in fiery red armor went deep into the ice nest, they should have used special means like powerful explosives deep in the core to detonate them from inside the ice nest, thereby completely destroying the ice nest.

The few remaining giant ice sculpture ships have abandoned their ice nests and fled into the distance.

Those fiery red spaceships did not chase, but took off and surrounded the collapsed ice nest, continuously firing fiery red light beams to kill those fish that slipped through the net.

The magnificent ice nest finally collapsed completely, and the large number of giant beasts that had gathered dispersed, leaving only corpses on the ground.

More than a dozen flaming red spaceships carrying people in flaming red armor began to leave, and only the flaming red spacecraft that Gu Manyao was on remained.

Gu Manyao did not leave with the team, but came again to look for Wang Xuan and others.

"Everyone, come with me." Gu Manyao sent out an invitation when she saw Wang Xuan and others.

Zhao Lei said: "Manyao, don't rush to leave now. You haven't told us what happened to you in Buddha City. How could you appear here and become the leader of those people?"

Gu Manyao glanced at Zhao Lei and then said: "I entered the Buddha City with everyone that day, and then I encountered the tree with glowing light. Everyone thought it was the tree of the source. It was full of fruits, but I couldn't pick them. I don’t know what happened after that, I just felt that my vision went dark and I lost consciousness.”

Wang Xuan listened quietly. What Gu Manyao was talking about was the first time they entered the Buddhist city.

"What happened next?" Zhao Lei asked.

Gu Manyao said: "When I woke up, I met the ancestor."

"Ancestor?" Everyone was stunned and looked at her.

Gu Manyao nodded and said: "Yes, I can't describe what kind of existence the ancestor is. It claims to be the ancestor of all living things. It says that the power of living beings is born from blood, and the ancestor controls the most primitive power of blood."

"And I am the one chosen by the ancestors."

When Gu Manyao said this, he showed a wry smile and said: "It sounds absurd, but it is the truth. I was also very surprised at the time why the ancestor chose me."

When she said this, she looked at Wang Xuan and said: "I had a treasure called Blood Corrosion before. This Blood Corrosion contains the power of Blood Corrosion. I have worked hard to fully master the power of Blood Corrosion. As for the origin of this blood erosion, no one knows."

"It wasn't until the ancestor talked about it that I realized that blood erosion is the ancestor's token. Whoever gets blood erosion is equivalent to being chosen by the ancestor."

Wang Xuan pondered: "Man Yao, the ancestor... what is he like?"

Gu Manyao shook his head and said: "You may not believe it. I don't know how to describe it. In other words, I haven't really seen it at all, because the information I got was all in my mind suddenly."

"As for the ancestor... he has never really appeared in front of me."

Zhao Lei said: "Okay, what happens after that? How did you become so powerful?"

Zhang Haofei was a little dissatisfied with Zhao Lei's tone and said, "Zhao Lei, are you interrogating a prisoner? What kind of tone is this?"

Gu Manyao grinned and said, "It doesn't matter. We haven't seen each other for so long. It's normal for people to be concerned or suspicious of me. But you can rest assured that I'm still the same Gu Manyao as before. I haven't changed."

Yu Shanshan whispered softly: "He claims to be the ancestor of all living things. This so-called ancestor sounds so loud."

Tie Jun said in a deep voice: "But it is indeed powerful. Wang Xuan said before that although there is only one blood-red finger, it is more powerful than the evil god. It is difficult to imagine how powerful the ancestor's body will be."

Wang Xuandao: "Manyao, your current strength...has surpassed the second step of transforming into a beast. At least, it is equivalent to completing the third step of transforming into a beast."

He didn't know how powerful the three-step beast was, so he could only make guesses.

Gu Manyao was a little surprised and said with a smile: "You are still more powerful. My current strength is indeed equivalent to the level of three-step beast transformation."

Zhao Lei said: "Then how did you become so powerful? We are really curious about this."

Gu Manyao said: "Of course it was given by the ancestor. After knowing that the blood erosion was the token of the ancestor, I saw a huge finger. The state I was in at that time was like something between reality and a dream. I could feel it. A finger that looks like a human, but is surprisingly large and has a blood-red surface."

"It was this blood-red giant finger that touched my head lightly, and I gained powerful blood power. Even the consciousness of the monster that had been trying to bite me back was erased, allowing me to interact with the monster. A perfect blend, irrespective of each other.”

"The power of blood given to me is equivalent to someone who has completed the three steps of transforming into a beast."

There were expressions of surprise on everyone's faces. They didn't expect that the giant blood-red finger was so powerful. Just touching Gu Manyao could turn him into a small character who was not even awakened or even finally, and easily become a strong man who could transform into a beast in three steps. , even the consciousness of the monster that could threaten her soul consciousness was easily erased.

"If what you said is true, this blood-red giant finger is too scary. The person who claims to be the ancestor of all living things may not be bragging." Zhao Lei looked shocked.

Wang Xuandao: "Manyao, the ancestor gave you such power. There must be a request or some reason, right? Is it really because of blood erosion?"

Gu Manyao said: "Of course not. The ancestor has been sealed, and the power it can exert is limited. Even the soul consciousness is compressed in the Buddha City. It can barely sense the situation in the Buddha City. The reason why it uses its The token of blood is transmitted out for those who are destined to obtain it, in the hope that the person who obtains the token can unlock the seal for it."

Wang Xuan's heart tightened and he said, "Then you agreed to its request?"

Zhao Lei asked curiously: "Since the ancestor is so powerful, how could he be sealed in the Buddha City? Is it related to the former Buddhas?"

Gu Manyao said: "I don't know much. I don't know who sealed the ancestor. In short, I need to help it lift the seal now. Destroying this ice nest is one of the steps to lift the seal."

Wang Xuan heard what Gu Manyao said and understood that she had made a deal with the ancestor. The ancestor divided part of his power and stayed in Gu Manyao's body, allowing her to increase her strength to the level of three-step beast transformation. She also needed to help the ancestor to unlock the Buddha. The city's seal.

Zhang Haofei was a little confused and said, "Why did you break the seal of the ancestor and destroy this ice nest? You wouldn't say that the ancestor was sealed under this ice nest."

Gu Manyao shook his head and said: "No, the actual ancestor didn't say it clearly. In short, the first step to unlock the seal is to completely eliminate the ice thieves on this planet and make this place completely become the place of faith of the ancestor."

"Those ice thieves are born from the ice nest. As long as they destroy the opponent's ice nest, they can be easily killed."

After Gu Manyao's explanation, everyone came to know that in the ice thief civilization, there are many ice nests like this of varying sizes, some of which are similar to the goblin nests in the goblin world.

This ice nest is the place where ice thieves live and rest. The core area can breed ice thieves to keep the number of ice thieves in this world forever.

Gu Manyao's plan was very simple, to directly destroy the ice nest that the ice thieves regarded as their home base and cut off the opponent's roots.

However, there are still many ice nests like this, and Gu Manyao needs to inspect them one by one, and at the same time help to remove these ice nests.

After some conversation, the big stone in Wang Xuan and Zhao Lei's hearts slowly fell. At least for now, Gu Manyao should be normal and not plotted by the ancestor.

"Manyao, when will you come back with us?"

"Go back? Where?" Gu Manyao looked at Wang Xuan curiously.

Zhao Lei said: "Of course it is the fourth world."

"Go back to the fourth level of the world?" Gu Manyao shook his head slightly and said, "Why go back to the fourth level of the world? Didn't you find that the strength here has improved very quickly? Moreover, I still have an important task and need to completely destroy these ice nests. "

Everyone has noticed the problem Gu Manyao mentioned before. They cultivated and grew up here, and it was indeed twice the result with half the effort. In just a short period of time, they had finally become awakened powerhouses, and now they have taken a step further and begun to enter the threshold of beast transformation.

Such rapid progress is not only because of their own adventures, but also because of the external environment here.

"Manyao, is this the fifth level of the world?" Wang Xuan asked.

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