The last building on earth

Chapter 394 The Titan Reappears (please vote and subscribe)

Everyone gathered on the deck of the red spaceship and observed the situation outside through the transparent shield.

Entering the halo layer, everything you see is bright light.

Under Gu Manyao's instructions, the spacecraft headed straight for the crack leading to the Buddha City.

The speed of the fiery red spaceship is getting faster and faster. When its speed reaches the limit, it can break out of the gravitational field of the planet.

"Everyone, get ready, it's coming soon."

Gu Manyao said in a deep voice: "I want to go with them to see the ancestor. You all stay here for the time being and wait for my orders for subsequent actions."

Gu Manyao gave orders to the strong men of the vampire race who had transformed into two-step beasts.

Although these strong men were hostile to Wang Xuan and others, they were respectful to Gu Manyao and did not dare to disobey in the slightest.

After all, in their eyes, Gu Manyao represents the will of their ancestor, who dares to disobey?

As it continued to accelerate, the red spaceship opened its protective cover. The terrible friction in the halo caused flames to appear on the surface of the protective cover. The spacecraft was enveloped in flames. Everyone stayed inside. Through the protective cover, they could only see the terrifying flames surging. With.

Finally, the spacecraft shook violently and seemed to jump. The flames in front of the hull suddenly extinguished and disappeared, and a huge blood-red crack appeared in front.

The spaceship jumped out of the halo layer of the ice Mars and rushed towards the blood-red crack in front of it like an arrow.

From the current angle of Wang Xuan and others looking at this blood-red crack, this crack looks extremely strange. It is up to one kilometer long, narrow on both sides and wide in the middle. The widest part is two to three hundred meters long, with layers upon layers inside. It is a dark red substance, shaped like an upright eye of the universe, full of weirdness and gloominess.

Now Wang Xuan is certain that this space-time rift leading from the center of the Buddhist city to the fifth world should be the masterpiece of the ancestor.

The purpose of the ancestor is to corrode the planet of this fifth-level world. Of course, Wang Xuan cannot guess what purpose it ultimately wants to achieve.

The fiery red spaceship rushed toward the center of the widest crack. Just when it was about to rush into the crack, the upper shield opened, and Gu Manyao shouted: "Let's go!" She jumped out first.

Followed closely by Wang Xuan, Mechanical God, Tang Ruoyu, Zhao Lei, Tie Jun, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan and others.

Everyone jumped out with all their strength, like meteors one after another, rushing into the cracks in front of them one after another.

Although the gravitational pull of the ice spark is terrifying, it cannot affect the space inside the crack. As long as everyone rushes into the crack, they will no longer be affected by the gravitational field.

Everyone fell steadily, without the terrifying gravitational pull. Everyone let out a long breath, and the feeling of doing whatever they wanted came back.

The fiery red spacecraft stopped, and then the upper shield closed again and began to retreat out of the crack.

Gu Manyao and Wang Xuan's group went back along the crack.

There are a large number of monsters affected by the power of blood living inside this crack, such as bloodthirsty spiders or red wolves. However, under the leadership of Gu Manyao, the power of blood released from her body enveloped this area, and these monsters did not dare to appear.

Everyone went without any surprises. The crack became smaller and smaller as it went down. Finally, they jumped out from the other end of the crack and arrived at the central space of the Buddha City.

There is a black vortex in the central area here, and the ancestor is hidden in the black vortex.

Gu Manyao looked at the black vortex with a complicated expression on her face.

The ancestor saved her life and made her so powerful that she became the leader of the vampire clan. All of this made Gu Manyao feel grateful. However, the drastic changes that had taken place in Bing Mars before made Gu Manyao feel terrified. At that time, she was unconscious , which means that the ancestor is controlling her body and completing the erosion of Ice Mars.

Does this mean that the First Ancestor can control her body and actions at any time if she wishes? But she still didn't realize it.

This terrible feeling filled her with uneasiness.

In this contradiction, she looked at the dark vortex with a hesitant look on her face.

Wang Xuanneng understood her mood and said softly: "Manyao, let's go. Sooner or later we will figure out the true intention of the ancestor. If it really has bad intentions, I will find a way to help you get rid of it."

Wang Xuan's voice was very soft, but when Gu Manyao heard it, she felt her anxious heart calm down. She looked back at him and saw Wang Xuan's face full of determination.

"Yes." Gu Manyao nodded slightly: "Then let's go to the fourth world you mentioned."

"Just in time, let me take you to see my palace."

"Your palace?" Gu Manyao didn't know that Wang Xuan was already the master of the nine palaces in the fourth level of the Eastern World. She was a little curious when she heard what he said.

Wang Xuan grinned and did not explain. Instead, he took out the advanced teleportation crystal and decided to take everyone and teleport directly to the main hall on the fourth floor.

Everyone gathered, but Tang Ruoyu didn't come close.

Wang Xuan looked at her for a moment, and was about to speak when he suddenly noticed that Tang Ruoyu waved towards him, turned around, and suddenly went away.

"Tang Ruoyu——" Wang Xuan couldn't help but raise his voice and shouted, not expecting that she would leave suddenly.

Tang Ruoyu ignored it, just kept accelerating, and soon left here.

"Why did she suddenly leave unhappy?" Zhang Haofei was confused. He really couldn't understand Tang Ruoyu's behavior.

Zhao Lei glanced at Gu Manyao, then at Wang Xuan, touched his nose and said, "Are you jealous?"

"Jealous? Why are you jealous?" Zhang Haofei was a little confused.

Tie Jun coughed lightly, looked at Wang Xuan, and said, "Do you want to chase her back?"

Gu Manyao understood a little and said, "So, she is jealous because I showed up? Wang Xuan, does she like you?"

After saying this, everyone's eyes fell on Wang Xuan's face.

Wang Xuan shook his head and said: "She should have gone to hell, not jealous as you said."

"Hell Tower? With her current strength, there is no point in going to the Hell Tower." Zhao Lei didn't understand.

Wang Xuan saw that he had misunderstood Hell for Hell Tower, and did not bother to explain. Tang Ruoyu's current strength wanted to improve, but she had not made much progress even in hunting down the giant beast on Ice Mars. For her, if she wanted to improve her strength, The best way is to go deep into hell and find the corpses of those hell gods. Using the energy of the white tiger to devour the corpses of these gods, you can quickly increase your strength.

"Forget it, she was originally a dragon that never saw its end. Let's go." Wang Xuan no longer thought about Tang Ruoyu and turned on the advanced teleportation crystal in his hand, releasing white light, covering him and everyone.

Gu Manyao couldn't help but said: "Wang Xuan, is it really okay for you not to chase her?"

"It's okay, she and I have nothing to do." Wang Xuan knew that Gu Manyao had misunderstood, and obviously thought that he and Tang Ruoyu were related.

As they talked, white light enveloped them all. When the white light disappeared, they all followed the white light and disappeared here.

When they reappeared, they had arrived at the square in front of the main hall.

The white light around him converged, and Wang Xuan saw the familiar palace. A smile appeared on his face. He was about to speak when he suddenly felt something was wrong.

An earth-shaking loud noise came from the direction of the group of elders at the rear, followed closely by loud rumbling noises.

"What's going on?" Wang Xuan was startled, and he hurriedly looked in the direction of the elders, but saw silhouettes of people intertwining with each other in the distance above the elders, energy intertwined, and light flickered.

Suddenly, there was another earth-shaking loud noise, and a building in the Elder Council collapsed amidst the loud rumbling noise.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan didn't think much, he immediately rose into the sky and flew towards the direction of the elders.

Without the terrifying gravitational pull of the ice sparks, everyone could easily fly in the air. As Wang Xuan shouted, everyone soared into the sky and caught up.

Everyone is not stupid, and they all understand without further explanation that something big has happened in the direction of the elders.

The speed of everyone was terrifying. In the blink of an eye, they teleported from the main hall to the square of the Elder Council. From a distance, they saw thousands of people gathered together. It was the palace guards from the Ninth Hall, the ones who were in charge of them. They are the masters of the Nine Halls. Their combined power is so powerful. However, thousands of people gather in front of them to fight against them. Both sides are equally powerful. In a short period of time, no one can overwhelm the other.

At a glance, Wang Xuan saw that the thousands of people fighting against the Nine Palace Guards had skin as dark as charcoal, some had pale and rough skin, or had blond hair and blue eyes. Almost all of them were Westerners.

In the sky, there were even more groups of people fighting. Qian Lao, Li Lao, Chen Lao, Xiao Lao, etc. whom Wang Xuan was familiar with all took action.

They are all awakened strong men now, and their strength is basically the peak existence in the fourth level world.

However, the strength of their opponents has basically reached the awakening level, and they are more numerous than them. Basically, two awakened strong men join forces to attack one. When Wang Xuan saw it from a distance, he happened to see Mr. Xiao being attacked by two awakened strong men. He was hit, vomiting blood, and fell down.

The two awakened strong men were both white-skinned Westerners.

Wang Xuan has already understood that it is only the powerful men from the Western Steel City who have invaded. However, the Steel City and the Eastern City are equally famous. They are both the masters of the three giant cities in the fourth layer of the world. The Steel City How come there are so many awakened powerful people here?

In shock, when he saw Mr. Xiao being severely injured and falling, Wang Xuan swayed and pulled closer instantly. The two awakened strong men from the west wanted to make up for it and kill Mr. Xiao, but suddenly they were like the figures in front of them. , just one more person.

Now that Wang Xuan has evolved to the stage of beast transformation, and with the power of Gui Che, the two awakened strong men in front of him are vulnerable in his eyes.

Without hesitation, he took action, clenched his right hand, and a blue light appeared. His right arm transformed into a monster, and the skill "Demon Armor Fist" that he only learned after transforming into a monster was activated.

An awakened strong man with blond hair had no time to react before he was hit by Wang Xuan's "Demon Armor Fist". Before he could even scream, the awakened strong man's body exploded from it, with blood and flesh splattering everywhere. , which exploded with a large amount of white bone fragments mixed in it.

One punch killed an awakened strong man from the West. The other awakened strong man was shocked and opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something. Wang Xuan opened his left hand and suddenly came in front of him and grabbed his neck. He stopped, cracked his neck, picked up the body of the awakened strong man, and threw him out.

What he threw was the two awakened strong men from the West who were fighting with Mr. Qian.

As Wang Xuan took action, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun, Bai Yan and others took action one after another.

Even without the help of the demon power in their bodies, they have now entered the threshold of transforming into beasts, and may transform into beasts at any time. These so-called awakened strong men appear vulnerable when encountering them.

Mr. Qian, Mr. Li and others were retreating steadily. Many elders from the elder group were killed by the opponent's awakened strong men. When they were full of anger, they did not expect that Wang Xuan and others suddenly appeared and crushed them easily. These powerful Westerners.

Wang Xuan had just broken the neck of the awakened strong man and thrown it out, when suddenly a figure appeared above him and jumped towards him in the air.

This was a Western man in his thirties, with a hooked nose, thin lips, and a pair of sapphire eyes. Wang Xuan saw it at first glance and felt that he looked familiar. He suddenly remembered that he had no intention of approaching the giant steel city that day and had seen it before. This man appeared and killed a large number of sea monsters with one blow.

His strength was still weak back then, but in his opinion at that time, this person's strength was simply overwhelming and unfathomable.

But today, the situation between the two sides has reversed. This person's action is also an awakened level of combat power, and is no longer in Wang Xuan's eyes.

He opened his right hand and easily blocked the man's attack. He clenched his left hand into a fist and punched the man on the chest. With Wang Xuan's current strength, this punch could explode the man's body.

A golden light shone from the man's chest, blocking his fist. The power Wang Xuan just blasted out disappeared without a trace like a mud cow entering the sea.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan felt something was wrong, and retreated violently, widening the distance between the two parties. However, he saw a piece of gold paper vibrating in the golden light. This Western man with a pair of sapphire eyes was holding a piece of gold paper in his left hand. On the paper, on the gold paper, the pattern of a six-pointed star is undulating.

"Book of Titans?"

Wang Xuan's heart trembled, and his face immediately became solemn.

As the God of Machinery, Zhao Lei and others took full action, the Western awakening strongmen who had killed Qian Lao, Li Lao and others were easily killed by them. The few who were still alive all fled back in fear. Behind the sapphire-eyed man holding the Book of Titans, there was a look of shock on his face.

They never imagined that such a terrifying group of strong men would suddenly appear in the Eastern world.

The strength of these strong men has surpassed the level of awakening. In their eyes, this is simply impossible. How could such a group of strong human beings who have transcended awakening appear in this fourth level world? And still so young.

As the Book of Titans appeared, everyone's attention was attracted.

Wang Xuan took a deep breath. This book of giant gods was no stranger to him.

He had a battle with Bai Xue that day. After Bai Xue died, the Book of Titans that originally belonged to her disappeared through the air, and no one got it. What he didn't expect was that the Book of Titans from the giant steel city now fell to this person. in the hands of Westerners.

"No wonder you from the West have the confidence to invade our East. It turns out that you obtained the Book of Titans." Wang Xuan stared at the man and looked at the Book of Titans in his hand. He was not sure whether the repair of the Book of Titans had been completed.

"This is a joint effort between the giant steel city and the giant city of ice and snow. Otherwise, these guys from the West may not be able to defeat us." Mr. Li's voice sounded, and Wang Xuan realized that the reason why these people were able to suppress Mr. Qian and Mr. Li , because the strong men from the Western World and the Northern World have united together. No wonder the number of similarly awakened strong men is nearly twice that of Qian Lao and others.

"The opponent's Book of Titans... is incomplete... cannot be summoned..." Suddenly, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded in Wang Xuan's mind.

Obviously, it judged through a special method that the opponent's Book of Titans was damaged and could not actually be activated.

When Wang Xuan heard this, he felt relieved and took action suddenly.

As soon as he made a move, he went all out and instantly transformed into a five-meter-high monster. He stepped in the air, clenched the blue metal with his right hand, and launched the "Demon Armor Fist" again.

The armored fist formed by the huge blue light struck in the air. With his current strength, combined with the power of the ghost car in his body, he shot with all his strength. Even an ordinary one-step beast could not resist it, let alone these awakened powerful ones in front of him. By.

Although the strong Western man with a pair of sapphires was holding the Book of Titans, he still had no time to react. When he fully activated the Book of Titans in his hand to resist Wang Xuan's attack, he didn't expect that this terrifying punch turned out to be a feint.

The real Wang Xuan entered the ghost carriage at night, bypassed the golden light released by the Book of Titans, and launched an attack from behind.

The few awakened strong men from the west and north who huddled behind him didn't even have time to scream, and were hit by Wang Xuan's double fists, killing them instantly.

This power penetrated the bodies of these awakened strong men, and then struck the sapphire-eyed Western man on the back.

The sound of cracking bones was heard, and the Western man's eyes widened. His beautiful sapphire eyes suddenly dimmed, and his body burst into pieces centered on his back.

Wang Xuan opened his left hand, trying to grab the giant book that had lost its contractor. Unfortunately, just like last time, the giant book turned into a golden light, soared into the sky, and disappeared into the clouds above. deep.

Wang Xuan is already a contractor of the Lord of the Five-Pointed Star, and it has become almost impossible to obtain the Book of Giants from the Lord of the Six-Pointed Star.

"It is said that if you have three Giant Books, you can hope to enter the top floor of this building, but now it seems that this is simply impossible..."

This thought passed through Wang Xuan's mind. These invading awakened strong men from the west and north were almost dead. The thousands of coalition forces composed of the steel giants in the west and the ice and snow giants in the north were so powerful that, together, they could Fight against thousands of palace guards.

But now the situation suddenly changed. The group of awakened strong men led by them were killed easily. Even the man who owned the Book of Giants was killed. The Book of Giants disappeared. When these people saw it, they were all horrified and had no intention of fighting. Immediately defeated, the dozen or so leaders who led them took out high-level teleportation crystals and took them with them to escape from here.

For these thousands of people, Wang Xuan did not think about killing them all. After all, these are the elites of mankind. If these people were killed, it would be a great loss.

"The awakened strong men led by the giant steel city and the giant ice and snow city should have been killed. The group is leaderless. Now is a good opportunity to conquer these two giant cities."

Wang Xuan's heart suddenly moved.

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