The last building on earth

Chapter 400 Ala Tribe (please vote and subscribe)

When the man talked about himself, there were faint shadows of scales surging on the surface of his body. He took a long breath, as if he was catching something.

Immediately afterwards, no movement was seen, and he shot up suddenly, like a cannonball, and shot towards the east of the ocean.

He sensed that there was the strongest aura of origin in the far east, and that origin must be in the eastern world.

Wang Xuan led everyone and teleported away back to the main hall of the Nine Palaces Giant City.

After returning to the main hall, I was shocked to find that there were faint cracks in the surrounding space in the distance.

The battle that took place in the giant steel city actually affected the time and space here?

This is simply appalling.

Wang Xuan's face became increasingly ugly.

Seeing him return, the palace guards guarding the main palace rushed to greet him.

Wang Xuan opened the door to the underworld and moved out the unconscious Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Yu Shanshan, Yao Tiande and Lin Baiyu.

"Move them all into the main hall, let them have a good rest, and let me know when they wake up." Wang Xuan ordered, and then took Gu Manyao and Tie Jun to the group of elders.

Arriving at the Presbytery, the square seemed very chaotic.

All the elders came out, and those who returned from teleportation were in a very embarrassed state, with palpitations on their faces.

Especially the vaguely visible space crack appearing in the distance is even more frightening.

Only about a thousand of the regiment's troops were able to escape alive, half of them were lost, and less than half of the palace guards died. Only five or six hundred people came back alive.

Wang Xuan saw Mr. Qian, Mr. Xiao and others gathered together, facing the master of the Nine Halls and the elders who led the regiment, to understand what was happening in the giant steel city.

He walked up with Gu Manyao and Tie Jun. Mr. Li and others left a step ahead of them. They didn't know what happened next. Wang Xuanxin's head was pressed with a lead stone, and he felt like he couldn't breathe. It seemed that something terrible was about to happen. Disaster will happen at any time.

Seeing Wang Xuan and others appearing, they rushed to greet them.

"How is it?" Mr. Li was busy asking about what happened next. He saw that Zhao Lei and others were not following him, and his expression became ugly. He knew that Zhao Lei and others were probably in danger.

"Go in and let them go back to rest first."

Wang Xuan gave an instruction to walk in the direction of the elders first.

Although he is the Lord of the Nine Halls and controls the Nine Halls, in principle, he has to listen to the elders. But as his strength increases, not to mention that the elders can't control him now, even the elders in front of him can't control him. Follow his wishes without even realizing it.

After hearing what Wang Xuan said, Mr. Li immediately issued an order for the regiment and the palace guards gathered in the square to return to rest. Only the elders and the masters of the Nine Halls followed into the group of elders.

Entering the hall, everyone sat down one after another. Wang Xuan immediately recounted what happened next.

After listening to Wang Xuan's words, everyone finally understood what was going on with the vaguely visible space crack in the distance.

"The two masters of the Book of Titans fought against each other... but the Tree of Source appeared, and now all parties are suspected of dying together?" Mr. Li murmured: "It can't be that simple, it always feels like some terrible disaster is about to happen..."

Wang Xuandao: "Yes, I feel the same way, so I came back to see it as soon as possible."

The Book of Titans statue lost all its power and could no longer draw his blood, which meant that his biggest trump card was gone, and Wang Xuan felt a little uneasy.

Everyone discussed for a while, but could not come up with a result. At present, they can only suspend the previously planned action of unifying all human forces on the fourth level, and then wait and see what happens.

Wang Xuan took Gu Manyao and Tie Jun back to the main hall and found that Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and Bai Yan were still in a coma. He carefully checked their bodies and found that everything seemed normal. There were even faint signs of strengthening their bodies. The demonic power in their bodies The power is slowly integrating with their bodies.

"I don't know whether those demon gods are alive or dead in the end. They still have the power of the demon gods in their bodies. This means that the demon gods in their bodies have not died..."

Wang Xuan was in deep thought, then opened the door of Huangquan and walked in.

These days, the Gate of the Underworld is constantly decomposing the energy in the corpse of the god, turning it into a large amount of yellow mist again. He enters it, absorbs the yellow mist again, and turns it into the water of the underworld.

After turning all the mist in the Gate of Underworld into the water of Underworld, Wang Xuan was still in a meditative state and began to try to absorb all the energy from the blue crystal scales in his body.

This blue crystal scale is very special. Over the past few days, the monsters and ghost cars in his body have been constantly absorbing the energy from the blue crystal scales and turning them into their own. Even so, they still have not been able to absorb the blue crystal scales. The energy in it is completely drained.

At this moment, the transformation of the yellow mist was completed in his body, and there was more underworld water in his body, so he began to extract the energy from the blue crystal scales to help his monsters and ghost cars go further.

Especially Gui Che. He had hunted many powerful monsters on the ice Mars before and absorbed a large amount of blue scales. As long as he could absorb some more energy, he could hope to advance Gui Che to the level of beast transformation.

However, this process is somewhat lengthy and takes quite a while.

While meditating, Wang Xuan sensed the blue crystal scales. The monsters and ghost cars in his body were vibrating slightly, extracting the energy of the blue crystal scales. Suddenly, he felt that the energy in the blue crystal scales surged out like a missing embankment. The dam, this surge of energy, immediately triggered the crazy devouring of monsters and ghost cars.

"What's going on? How come the energy in these blue crystal scales surges out all at once? Does it become so powerful?"

Wang Xuan was surprised. This was the first time he encountered this situation.

The same blue crystal scale, the energy surging out now is at least ten times as strong as before. Wang Xuan didn't know why, sensing the monsters and ghost cars in his body, they excitedly divided up this terrifying energy, greedily absorbing it. , and soon, his back shook violently, and the first ghost wing belonging to the ghost car stretched out. The surface was covered with blue light, which continued to seep in, and soon reached the limit. The ghost wing shook violently. , the dim light on the surface disappeared, and the ghost wings inside, which were originally as dark as steel, transformed into beautiful blue.

The blue wings fluttered slightly, feeling the surging energy of the ghost car in his body. In just a short time, his ghost car successfully took the first step of transforming into a beast. While the blue wings were flapping slightly, Wang Xuan understood and mastered it. The first skill after mastering the ghost car and transforming into a beast.

"Both my Warcraft and Ghost Car have successfully taken the first step to transform into beasts. Compared with other one-step beast transformations, my strength is twice as strong as theirs..."

Wang Xuan was a little excited. Of course, what made him most excited and curious was the blue crystal scale in his body.

According to the God of Machinery, powerful monsters that have broken through the awakening level have blue scales in their bodies, which are regarded as the crystallization of their energy. Their essence is not much different from white scales, but the energy level is different.

Originally, he thought that his blue crystal scale was one of these blue scales, but it was very different from ordinary blue scales.

There were countless blue scales he had absorbed before. They entered his body and turned into energy. They were absorbed by monsters or ghost cars and ceased to exist.

But this blue crystal scale is different. The energy contained in it seems to have never been completely consumed.

"It doesn't make sense... Who did the monster we met in the parking lot that day come from? How could it have such a special scale in its heart? And... why did its energy suddenly seem to have increased tenfold? Why is this?"

Wang Xuan thought hard and couldn't figure out the reason. He could only restrain his mind and continue to absorb the energy, striving to allow Warcraft and Ghost Che to enter the second level of beast transformation as soon as possible.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's monster instinct felt uneasy, and he immediately opened his eyes. With a thought, the two stone doors of the closed Gate of Underworld opened, and Wang Xuan stepped out.

"You are so uneasy all of a sudden. Did something happen?"

As soon as Wang Xuang had this idea, he heard a loud roar in the distance.

He took one step out of the main hall, and the person who appeared outside one step earlier than him was Gu Manyao.

She is a three-step beast. Although she can no longer sense the ancestor in her body, the powerful power she originally mastered still exists. She was the first person to feel something was wrong and stepped out of the main hall to see what happened.

Then came Wang Xuan, and then Tie Jun.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and others are obviously still asleep.

When I arrived outside the main hall, I immediately saw a space crack where there was a loud rumbling sound in the distance.

The gears were vaguely visible in the cracks in the space. These gears were stuck there and could no longer move. At this moment, figures one after another were approaching here along the gears and cracks.

These figures kept attacking the surrounding gears, trying to make the crack bigger.

This continuous rumbling sound immediately alerted the Nine Halls and the Elders Group. The hall masters, deputy hall masters and subordinates of each hall appeared. Some elders of the Elders Group also came out and looked into the distance.

"Ala Troll?" Wang Xuan saw at a glance the groups of figures emerging from the cracks in space in the distance. It was the tall, bronze-colored Ala Troll.

Wang Xuan is no stranger to the Ala troll clan.

From the weakest among them, the Ala Troll, whose strength is only comparable to the top super power, to the Ala Troll elite at the peak of the Super State, or the six-armed Ala Troll that exists at the extreme limit of the Super State, to the Ala Troll, which is comparable to the perfect strong man. Wang Xuan had come into contact with and fought against the Troll King and so on, and had killed many of them.

The Ala Trolls are a huge race. Among the foreign invader races that Mr. Li has been worried about, the Ala Trolls are included.

Wang Xuan still remembers that among this clan, there is the Ultimate Troll King above the Ala Troll King, whose strength is comparable to the strongest among humans. The strength of the Ultimate Troll King is equivalent to the Ultimate Troll among humans. By.

As for the Ara troll that awakens above the end or even transforms into a beast, Wang Xuan has never encountered it.

The Ara troll that appeared along the cracked passage at this moment was none other than the King of the Final Trolls, who was five meters tall.

Groups of final troll kings appeared, emerging along the cracks and letting out earth-shattering roars. The cracks where they appeared were about a hundred kilometers away from the Nine Palaces Giant City, but for them, this distance was not big. No matter what, once the crack came out, it started flying in the air, like cannonballs, flying all over the sky, approaching the direction of the Nine Palaces Giant City.

A shrill alarm came from the direction of the Elders Group. Seeing this scene in the distance, the powerful men of the Nine Halls knew that the situation was dangerous even if they did not hear the shrill alarm. They immediately rose into the sky and concentrated in the direction of the Elders Group.

Wang Xuan did not move, still looking at the approaching Troll King from afar.

If it is just a group of terminal level trolls, no matter how large the number is, it is not actually something to be afraid of. What is really scary is that there are more powerful trolls behind them.

Wang Xuan threw his left hand and summoned the Mechanical God.

"God of Machinery, how much do you know about this Ara troll clan?"

"No, the other party's real name should be the Ala clan."

"Ala tribe?" Wang Xuan glanced at the Mechanical God.

"Yes... these are intelligent races like humans. The Ala clan, the Aden clan, and the most powerful Agatha clan. These three clans are considered an alliance. It is said that there is a true god behind them..."

"Are these three tribes an alliance? Judging from their attitude towards humans, they are not friendly..." Wang Xuan murmured to himself. In a short period of time, the masters of the Nine Halls, the guards, and the remaining regiment of about a thousand people The army gathered in the square of the Elders Group, and the formation was set up, ready to fight the invading Ala tribe at any time.

The sky was filled with darkness, filled with the King of Final Trolls. Judging by the number, there were tens of thousands of them at least.

And above this group of final trolls, higher up in the sky, there was a human figure floating above it.

This figure, nearly two meters tall and wearing heavy armor, was the first man to appear through the space crack after Wang Xuan and others left in the giant steel city.

"My sense is not wrong. The strongest aura of origin is in this city..."

He rose deep into the sky and hid among the clouds. He did not appear immediately, but was looking down at the situation below.

"But I can't sense the specific location... I can only guess that it has something to do with this city, maybe it has something to do with the people here..."

While talking to himself, he frowned and watched as tens of thousands of final trolls appeared below, and the black mass rushed towards the top of the giant city. The Nine Palace Guards, who had gathered early, formed a unified The whole group, led by the nine palace masters, roared and immediately launched an attack upwards.

Amidst the earth-shaking loud noise, a large number of final trolls could not bear the power and fell down one after another.

The man on the clouds narrowed his eyes and murmured to himself: "The Ala tribe came so quickly, do they also know that the origin fell here? Or... is it just a coincidence? There is not much time left, and the longer the time drags on... they are here The more people there are, the more I must find a way as soon as possible to get the origin..."

He meditated while concentrating his breath, suspended above the clouds, and watched the white-hot fighting and fighting below in a short period of time.

Although there were a large number of final trolls, the thousands of palace guards and regiment troops above were firmly guarded. They lost a large number of trolls every time they charged, but they were unable to tear apart the opponent's defense.

Behind these final trolls, there is a group of awakened trolls. They have not taken action. For them, tens of thousands of final trolls can destroy this giant city easily, but now The results surprised them.

Seeing that the final troll was in bad shape, this group of more powerful awakened trolls immediately swooped down, no longer attacking the group of elders, but preparing to find the halls below to attack.

"Seeking death!" This time Wang Xuan moved. As he thought, even the God of Machinery rose into the sky to intercept these trolls that were about to descend like locusts.

Although these trolls are strong, they are only at the awakening level, so they are no match for the mechanical gods at the beast-turned-level.

Before Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao took action, the groups of awakened behemoths fell downwards and were easily killed by the Machine God.

The scales it obtained by killing monsters were automatically absorbed by Wang Xuan.

Unfortunately, for him now, the energy required is extremely huge, and the energy below the level of beast transformation has no effect on Wang Xuan.

Above the void, when the man hiding in the clouds saw the God of Machinery, a look of surprise flashed across his eyes.

"Mechanical God? It seems that my feeling is correct. Does the origin lie with it? No, it's not it... Although it has soul consciousness, it is just a pile of metal after all..."

There were runes appearing in his eyes. It was obvious that he was peering at the Mechanical God through the special eye runes. While observing, he secretly shook his head to deny the conjecture.

The battle below became more and more fierce. The final trolls were unable to attack and retreated one after another. More and more awakened level trolls appeared, and soon more powerful trolls appeared.

Among the trolls that appeared in this batch, the originally bronze right hand turned blue.

Wang Xuan saw it from a distance and immediately understood that this was an Ala troll that had reached the level of beast transformation.

The appearance of this group of more than a dozen Ala trolls immediately posed a serious threat to everyone below. What kind of existence could they transform into beasts in one step? No one in the group of elders could be their opponent, even the most powerful one, Mr. Qian. no.

Wang Xuan watched them swoop down and immediately rushed up to them, followed closely by the Iron Army. The Mechanical God also abandoned the awakened strong men and rushed up from the other side.

Gu Manyao was faster than them, and his figure flashed, leaving blood in the air. Suddenly, a beast-level troll jumped down and let out a scream, and his body fell suddenly.

The man on the clouds was surprised when he saw this.

"Three steps to transform into a beast?"

The existence of a three-step beast in this huge city surprised him. Gu Manyao didn't take action before, so he didn't pay much attention to it. But now that Gu Manyao made a move, he immediately saw it.

Knowing that Gu Manyao was a three-step beast, his eyes immediately narrowed.

"My sense is not wrong. The origin should be in this area, but I can't pinpoint it accurately. It is most likely hidden with the help of popularity. Could it be that it is hidden in her body..."

The man locked eyes on Gu Manyao from a distance, his face became serious, and ghostly scales appeared on the surface of his body.

Gu Manyao killed the giant monster that transformed into a beast in one step. When he was locked by this man through the clouds, he suddenly felt something. He raised his head and frowned slightly.

The sudden feeling of uneasiness made her feel like she was being watched by someone hiding in the dark, but when she looked up at the sky, there was nothing there.

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