The last building on earth

Chapter 407 Shanjian City (please vote and subscribe)

Gu Sheng saw the dozen or so human beings appearing, and upon hearing what the man said, his face suddenly became very ugly.

When the Troll King, Aden King and Agatha King saw the appearance of this group of human men and women, they obviously showed fear and slowly retreated together, showing a very vigilant look.

"Shanjian City is arresting traitors. Irrelevant people, please leave immediately!" The man in his thirties raised his voice and glanced coldly at King Agatha, King Aden and others, obviously suggesting that they should get out of here quickly. .

More than a dozen figures spread out in a fan shape, and a blue light began to appear faintly on each person's body. This light spread along their bodies, giving rise to a powerful pressure, which came from the feathered civilization with four heads. The feathered one with one wing suddenly swayed and retreated ten thousand meters away. Then he flashed his body and disappeared here.

He was the first to give up and choose to leave.

With the departure of the Blue Feathered One, only Gu Sheng, King Agatha, King Aden and the Troll King are left here.

"What should we do?" King Aden whispered, asking King Agatha and the Troll King what they meant.

Regarding these dozen human warriors from "Shanjian City", King Aden understood that even if the three kings joined forces, they would all be difficult to match.

There was a trace of hesitation on King Agatha's face. She looked at the strong man from "Shanjian City" who was slowly approaching above the void, then at Gu Sheng, and finally at the deep pit below.

The pit is completely covered by plants. Now the area covered by plants has spread to the distance along the ground. The entire planet is recovering. As powerful beings, almost their whole bodies can transform into beasts, and they can feel the energy contained in it more and more. of strength.

The power of origin was so incredible that she was unwilling to give up.

After hesitating, King Agatha suddenly made a move, without any warning, swooping down and rushing towards the deep pit below.

A dozen strong human beings in the "Shanjian City" above thought they had taken control of the current situation. They did not expect King Agatha to do such a move. They were all taken aback, reacted, and rushed downwards. Come.

Unfortunately, they were all a step late. King Agatha's speed reached the limit, and even the ancient people guarding below could not stop it. With a bang, King Agatha passed through the plants full of deep pits below and entered. Bottom of the pit.

Her target is Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao at the bottom of the pit.

Because of the large formation arranged by Gu Sheng, in the eyes of Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao, they were in an endless white space. They could not see anyone at all. In this space, there were only the two of them.

As the two people continue to blend and share the power in their bodies, each other's strength is improving.

Wang Xuan's monster has successfully entered the three-step transformation level. Gui Che's third wing is also covered in blue light. Blue energy is constantly seeping in. Gui Che's third wing may successfully transform into a beast at any time.

Gu Manyao's belly was filled with an endless stream of life energy, and her whole body was shrouded in green light. The true essence of the two people's fusion was taking shape in her belly, and a new life was being born.

King Agatha suddenly swooped out, waved her right hand, and an invisible force swept across immediately, wanting to involve Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao in it, and then quickly escape from here.

Gu Sheng was the first to react and let out a low roar. The Ninety-nine God-Slaying Array he had arranged was activated immediately. Ninety-nine blue rainbow lights rose into the sky and intertwined with each other to form a blue light network. This area of ​​the pit was sealed, not only King Agatha who rushed into the pit was sealed inside, but also a group of strong human beings from the "Shanjian City" who rushed down from outside were also blocked out.

"God-killing formation?" Suddenly, some of these strong human beings in "Shanjian City" exclaimed. They seemed to know the power of this "God-killing formation" and immediately stopped, not daring to break in casually. .

King Aden and the Troll King were suspended in the void, not knowing whether to advance or retreat.

The plants in the pit were constantly destroyed by the strangulation of terrifying power. Wang Xuan and Gu Manyao were revealed below. King Agatha's power had just wrapped them around them. Suddenly, a strong green light shot out from Gu Manyao's body. This light shot out quickly. , with a bang, King Agatha, who was swooping down, was hit by this green light. With a groan, she suddenly rolled up and hit the intertwined blue rainbow light above.

Gu Sheng showed mercy to her and showed a gap in the God-killing Formation, allowing her to rush out through the gap.

There was also a look of surprise on his face, and he had not expected this situation.

But she saw that in the shroud of green light, countless green rays intertwined like a cocoon, covering Gu Manyao's whole body. She turned into a green human-shaped giant cocoon. Her face and appearance could no longer be seen clearly, and she was destroyed in all directions. The plants were rapidly regrowing, and she seemed to be part of them.

This green light spread in all directions along her body. Everyone felt their bodies shake violently. The entire time and space seemed to be distorted. Then the dead planet seemed to be shaking slightly. In the next moment, the surface of the planet appeared. It has grown endless varieties of plants, turning this originally lifeless and barren world into a planet full of green plants.

This planet has truly come alive.

Gu Sheng was in the God-Slaying Formation with a surprised look on his face. The dozen or so strong human beings from "Shanjian City" were also frozen in the void, with unconcealable shock on their faces.

In such energy, even they find it difficult to fight and can only barely protect themselves.

Wang Xuan had completely woken up, and with a thought, he put the armor back on his body. At this moment, he realized that he and Gu Manyao were not in the boundless white space, but at the bottom of a deep pit full of plants.

Gu Manyao's whole body seemed to be covered in green light and turned into a human-shaped light cocoon, but in her belly, a new life was being nurtured and born.

This is the life born from the union of him and Gu Manyao, but the speed of this life's birth is terrifyingly fast. Wang Xuan understands that this is the function of some mysterious power hidden in his and Gu Manyao's bodies.

Now he understood Gu Sheng's purpose of catching them.

For some unknown reason, he and Gu Manyao had some kind of mysterious power hidden in their bodies. Gu Sheng's real purpose was this mysterious power in their bodies.

Seeing the wildly growing plants around him and Gu Manyao covered in green energy, Wang Xuan thought of the Tree of Source.

That day in the fourth level of the world, the two Giant God Books and the ancestral power hidden in Gu Manyao's body attacked the tree of origin. After that, both the supreme existence represented by the Giant God Book, the ancestor, and the tree of origin disappeared.

Combining everything now, Wang Xuan thought of a possibility.

That is the fall of the Source Tree, and the energy left behind by the fall of the Source Tree is very likely to be divided between the supreme existence represented by the Book of Giant Gods and the ancestors. And because he possesses the Book of Giant Gods, Gu Manyao has the power of the ancestors hidden in his body, so The divided energy of the Source Tree was hidden in his and Gu Manyao's bodies.

Now all this energy was concentrated in Gu Manyao's body. When the breath of life appeared, a bloody light suddenly appeared in Gu Manyao's body.

This bloody light tore open the green cocoon of light outside, broke through the surrounding plant world, and rose into the sky. Even the God-killing Formation arranged by Gu Sheng could not stop it.

This is the blood power of the ancestor, which has become more powerful than ever before. This blood power turns into a blood-colored light pillar, penetrating the void above, forming a huge blood-colored channel.

More than a dozen strong human beings from "Shanjian City" immediately retreated to the edge of the giant blue door in the void. The surface of each of their bodies was covered by a blue light, with more than a dozen energy rays. Come together and seal off the surrounding areas.

In the bloody channel, a huge blood-red ship appeared and passed through the channel. Gu Manyao, who was in the deep pit, was covered in blood and rose into the sky. Wang Xuan knew something was wrong and hurriedly chased after him. The blood light was too strong. Just as Wang Xuan reached out to touch it, he was suddenly shaken, and his hand instantly became bloody and disappeared.

Wang Xuan's face changed drastically in pain, but he saw the bloody light wrapped around Gu Manyao and rising into the sky. The God-killing Formation that Gu Sheng had worked so hard to arrange could not stop him. He could only watch as Gu Manyao rushed into the blood-red giant ship above. Disappear.

On the blood-red giant ship, there stood a blood-red giant. They looked down, their blood-red eyes full of coldness and ruthlessness.

The dozen or so strong human beings from "Shanjian City" shouted in unison, turned into streaks of blue rainbow light, and rushed towards the blood-red giant ship, trying to intercept it.

Gu Sheng's expression was extremely ugly. He worked so hard and ended up making a wedding dress for someone else. How willing was he to activate the God-killing Formation with all his strength? Ninety-nine blue rainbow lights shot up into the sky and headed towards the bloody giant ship.

"Don't overestimate your own capabilities...just rely on you?"

A cold and ruthless voice came from the blood-colored giant ship. A blood-colored giant took long strides. It wore a blood-red crown on its head, and spread a pair of bat-like wings behind its back. It waved its big blood-colored hand, With a buzzing sound, terrifying blood-red halos of light struck out one after another.

With a "boom", no matter it was the God-killing Formation or the attacks of more than a dozen strong human beings, they were all blocked by the impact of these blood rings.

The huge blood-colored ship came out of the blood-red channel, accelerated suddenly, and crashed into the blue giant door on the other side.

The expressions of the dozen or so strong human beings changed greatly, and they all retreated towards the giant blue door.

With a "boom", almost at the same time that they all retreated into the giant blue door, the bloody giant ship hit the giant blue door. The giant door twisted, then collapsed and shattered, and was shattered in the void.

And the dozen or so strong human beings from "Shanjian City" also disappeared.

The huge blood-colored ship turned around again and rushed into the blood-red channel above. It quickly disappeared into it, along with the blood-red channel.

Gu Sheng did not take action again, but restrained the power of the God-killing Formation and fell to the edge of the pit below.

As for King Agatha, King Aden and King Troll, they had fled far away and disappeared soon.

The planet that was once full of vitality suddenly seemed to have lost all its vitality. The large green plants began to wither and die, and the vitality essence was disappearing.

More than a dozen strong human beings from "Shanjian City" disappeared. The Yu Zhe had also escaped long ago. The Troll King, King Agatha and King Aden also left. The bloody giant ship also left with Gu Manyao. The passage disappeared, and the place suddenly became quiet. Only the pale Gu Sheng and Wang Xuan, who had just risen from the bottom of the pit, were left.

His hand that had just been severely injured grew back and recovered. Although he opened the Eye of Zhoutian, he could not sense and capture Gu Manyao's aura at all. He did not know where the bloody giant ship went with Gu Manyao.

Gu Sheng was looking at him.

Wang Xuan also looked at Gu Sheng, and quickly took out the teleportation crystal and diamond crystal with his left hand. Unfortunately, as soon as he had this idea, his body suddenly sank and he could not move.

Although his magical beast has reached the level of three-step beast transformation, and Gui Che may break through to the three-step beast transformation level at any time, he still has no ability to fight back when faced with a being like Gu Sheng.

The energy in Gu Sheng's body surged in, suppressing him from all directions. Wang Xuan was under tremendous pressure. His forehead was covered with cold sweat in an instant, and the muscles and bones all over his body were making slight noises. It seemed that he might not be able to support himself at any time, and his body was overwhelmed. This terrifying force crushed it to pieces.

Gu Sheng looked at him silently, seeming to be thinking about something. Suddenly, he spoke.

"Do you want to save her?"

Hearing Gu Sheng's words, Wang Xuan was startled, and then this terrifying oppressive force was fading away.

"What do you mean? Can you save her?" Wang Xuan looked at Gu Sheng. Although he acknowledged Gu Sheng's power, looking at the scene just now, the blood-red giant wearing the crown on the bloody giant ship was obviously more powerful. Otherwise, Gu Sheng There is no way he could just sit back and watch the giant ship take away Gu Manyao.

"Of course I can't do it alone, but with you, maybe I can."

After Gu Sheng finished speaking, he completely restrained his power to suppress Wang Xuan, and Wang Xuan returned to normal mobility.

"Add me?" Wang Xuan looked at Gu Sheng in front of him, thinking that with his current ability, he was not even cannon fodder in front of these powerful and almost god-like men, so how could he help.

"Yes." Gu Sheng seemed to know what Wang Xuan was thinking, and said: "I know where she was taken, and I can also see that there is a deep relationship between you and her. As long as you see her, As for the relationship between you, she will definitely follow you."

Wang Xuan understood what he said and said, "Where was she taken? How can I see her?"

Gu Sheng did not answer him immediately, but looked at the withering plants around him, suddenly sighed and said: "Let's leave here first, others will be here soon."

After saying that, he grabbed it from the air with his right hand, and the ninety-nine blue crystals of the Bu Zhu Divine Formation flew out together. He put them away, and then he rose into the sky.

Wang Xuan felt an invisible force wrapping around him, and he rose into the sky involuntarily.

He knew that the man in front of him had ulterior motives for helping him, but he was far from his opponent at the moment. Even if he activated the teleportation crystal, it would be useless. The most important thing now was to find a way to understand the situation of the fifth layer of the world through him, at least Need to know where Gu Manyao was taken.

Gu Sheng took Wang Xuan and kept flying upwards, getting faster and faster, and finally turned into a blue rainbow, which looked like a meteor from a distance, and soon flew away from the planet.

The space outside the planet is full of floating giant rocks. Gu Sheng and Wang Xuan landed on one of the rocks.

Said to be a rock, it was actually as big as an island. The power of Gu Sheng shrouded the surroundings, forming a protective barrier to protect him and Wang Xuan.

"My name is Gu Sheng, and you." Gu Sheng said as he sat down along the huge rock.

"Wang Xuan." Wang Xuan answered as he also sat down. He didn't know Gu Sheng's true purpose, but he was no match for him at the moment, so he could only be obedient.

"Is that Wang Xuan? Where is she who was taken away?"

"Gu Manyao."

"Well..." Gu Sheng nodded, suddenly sighed slightly, and said: "Originally, I took you away for another purpose. I wanted to obtain the origin in your body. Unfortunately, I worked hard and made wedding clothes for others."

"Origin?" Wang Xuan looked at Gu Sheng, but he didn't expect him to directly admit that he had another purpose in taking them away.

"Yes, the so-called origin refers to the origin of this building, and the tree of origin is the embodiment of the origin. Whoever masters this origin means mastering this building and has the ability to dominate everything."

Wang Xuan thought for a moment and said, "Since the Tree of Source is so powerful, how come it still falls?"

"How it fell, I don't know, but there must be existences that rival the Tree of Source in this world, such as some existences outside the building... Of course, these are not the focus now."

Gu Sheng paused slightly before saying, "I sensed the power of the origin at that time and came to the world where you were. Then I observed that the origin should be hidden in your and Gu Manyao's bodies, so I took them away. you."

"So you resorted to tricks to let us... Well, the real purpose is to fuse the origins in our bodies, so you can take it?"

In response to Wang Xuan's accusation, Gu Sheng nodded generously and admitted.

"Yes, that is my original intention. No one can resist the temptation of the origin, and I, Gu Sheng, are no exception. Of course, I have no ill intentions towards you. My original intention is only to send you back after obtaining the origin. "

"But it's too late to say this now. I didn't expect that Gu Manyao had other powers hidden in his body. The blood-red giant ship that appeared came from the Blood King City. Gu Manyao should have been taken to the Blood King City."

"Whether it is Shanjian City or the Yuzhe Civilization, or the Agatha, Ala and Aden tribes, they should not give up. If they fight to the death, we will have a chance."

"Blood King City..." Wang Xuan whispered the name and said, "Where is Blood King City?"

"Blood King City is very far away from here. It is hidden in countless seas of stars. It is not easy to find Blood King City, let alone enter Blood King City and take away your friends."

"And your current strength is still too weak. You must improve your strength."

Wang Xuandao: "Improve strength? Easier said than done?"

Gu Sheng said: "It may be difficult for others, but it is not difficult for you."

Wang Xuan was startled and looked at him.

"I saw you summoned the Gate of Underworld. You are now the master of the Gate of Underworld. There is nothing difficult about increasing your power."

Wang Xuandao: "Do you know the Gate of Underworld?"

"Yes, the Gate of Underworld...that is the key to the Underworld Civilization. I really didn't expect it to fall into your hands, but judging from your appearance, you probably don't know how to use it."

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