The last building on earth

Chapter 409 The Underworld Chariot (please vote for me)

As the runes were completed, the stone walls inside began to vibrate and slowly shrank to both sides, revealing a passage inside.

The real door to hell is opened.

Gu Sheng appeared silently and landed outside the Gate of Underworld.

"As expected, wait for me for a moment, I will arrange it outside so that no outsiders can discover this place."

As he spoke, Gu Sheng swept out, and with the Gate of Underworld as the center, he once again shot out some crystals and arranged a large formation.

After the formation was set up, a layer of mist slowly appeared here. The mist rose and filled the blue forest, covering the gate of the underworld in the mist. At least in the eyes of outsiders, they would not notice anything unusual here.

"Let's go." After Gu Sheng finished setting up, he entered the Gate of Underworld and said, "The real Gate of Underworld has opened. Let's go and see what kind of wealth this once great Gate of Underworld has left behind."

With a thought, Wang Xuan closed the two stone doors outside the Gate of Underworld, and then walked in along the passage that opened inside.

Zhou Tianzhi opened his eyes and carefully observed the induction. He noticed that a phantom of scales appeared, enveloped him, and extended along the passage. He understood that Gu Sheng was using his power induction.

"Let's go." Gu Sheng swept in front of him and entered the passage. There were a large number of ruins on both sides, which looked like collapsed buildings. Among the ruins of these buildings, there was a stone road.

The two of them walked along the stone road. Wang Xuan felt a desolate and ancient atmosphere coming towards his face. The space here was faintly heavy. When people walked in it, even Gu Sheng's face naturally became solemn.

The two of them moved lightly, but at an extremely fast speed. They continued to move forward along the stone road. There were various collapsed buildings on both sides. Looking at the broken giant column with a diameter of more than ten meters, it could be vaguely seen that this place once had a What a magnificent building.

When they reached the end of the stone road, they stopped, and a huge pit appeared in front of them.

The pit is so vast that ordinary people cannot see the end of the road at a glance. The pit is filled with countless buildings, although these buildings are already broken.

"Is this the ruins of Huangquan Civilization?" Wang Xuan couldn't find anything through the Eye of Zhou Tian. All he saw were ruins.

Gu Sheng nodded and said: "It shouldn't be wrong, but the Huangquan civilization was destroyed, and I don't know if there is anything valuable left in this ruins."

Seeing the dilapidated scene in front of him, Gu Sheng was also a little shaken.

The two of them floated forward along the deep pit. Gu Sheng's consciousness was constantly sensing, hoping to find something. Unfortunately, everything valuable he could see was destroyed. Wang Xuan also saw something similar to The fragments of the mecha represent the tragic war that once broke out here.

After flying over the ruins of this large building, a majestic door with a height of one thousand meters appeared in front of them.

The giant door was made of unknown materials and was not damaged at all. There was a faint halo moving inside. When the two people approached the giant door, what they saw was that the giant door was densely packed with giant figures sitting inside.

Affected by the halo, the two could only see the giant figure, but could not clearly see its true appearance.

Suddenly seeing so many people, not to mention Wang Xuan, even Gu Sheng stopped with a slightly stern look on his face, released his powerful spiritual consciousness, and soon sensed that these giant figures did not have the slightest breath of life, and these people were all dead.

Wang Xuan's monster instinct also sensed that these giant figures were not alive and should be corpses. However, they could still sit there after death. It can be imagined that these corpses were not simple existences when they were alive.

"These should be people from the Huangquan Civilization, but they are all dead now..." Gu Sheng said as he walked into the halo.

As they entered the halo, these giant figures sitting on the ground slowly revealed their true appearance.

Even though they were sitting on the ground, these giant figures were nearly five meters tall. If they stood up, they would be as tall as ten meters. When the two of them got closer and took a closer look, they realized that these were not real people or corpses at all, but something like mechanical gods. of robot.

What he saw were densely packed with giant machines sitting motionless on the ground. He didn't know how many there were. Wang Xuan estimated that there must be thousands or tens of thousands of them.

"It's not simple. After so many years, these mechanical armors are still as good as new, not even dusty." Gu Sheng stretched out his hand and gently wiped the mechanical armor in front of him, sighing: "As expected. The Huangquan Civilization once ruled this era. Although there are now hundreds of civilizations, none of them can reach the heights of the Huangquan Civilization."

Wang Xuan was about to speak when he suddenly felt the restlessness of the mechanical beast's heart in the Xumi Mustard Seed space, and then the voice of the mechanical god sounded in his mind.

"Let me... come out..."

Wang Xuan took out the "Heart of the Mechanical Beast", threw it out, and turned into a mechanical god.

Gu Sheng glanced at the dilapidated mechanical god and said nothing.

The Mechanical God came directly to face a giant machine and murmured: "Awesome... this technology... is almost as good as mine, but lacks divinity... But I was created by humans who once gathered the power of the entire civilization. This Huangquan civilization can actually be mass-produced?"

After hearing the words of the Mechanical God, Wang Xuan realized that these giant machines could actually compete with the Mechanical God. Of course, they were just dead objects. Unlike the Mechanical God, who had divinity, they could still regenerate even if they were destroyed.

"I remembered that there was a legend that the underworld civilization was powerful because of a special mineral called the heart of underworld."

"This kind of ore can produce nearly infinite energy after being refined by the Huangquan civilization. It is precisely because of the endless energy support of this ore that the Huangquan civilization can develop to its peak."

When Gu Sheng said this, he said: "These giant machines may have the ore of the Heart of Underworld in their bodies, so after so many years, the energy of the Heart of Underworld still exists, which keeps them so clean."

Gu Sheng stretched out his hand as he spoke, and the phantom of the scale dragon appeared, covering the giant machine in front of him. He sensed the situation inside its body and wanted to see if it was exactly what he had guessed.

Wang Xuan activated the Eye of Zhou Tian and kept looking at the capture. He felt nothing at first. After being reminded by Gu Sheng, Wang Xuan sensed carefully and finally discovered that the center of the chest of this giant machine was indeed releasing a ray of light. There is energy that is absent.

It is this energy that keeps these mechas in their current intact and new condition.

"Sure enough, the Heart of Underworld is right here." Gu Sheng also sensed it and let go and tapped the center of the giant machine's chest.

"It seems that if we find a way, we can activate these robots again. With the heart of hell, they are definitely not weak."

Gu Sheng studied for a while, but unfortunately could not find a way to activate them.

"Let's go inside and see if we can find a way to activate them. If we can really restart these machines, we might be able to fight the Blood King City with just them." Gu Sheng had a look of excitement on his face.

Wang Xuan was also a little excited when he heard this. Seeing the mechanical gods praising these giant machines, it can be imagined that these giant machines must be powerful. Although the current mechanical gods are only equivalent to the level of one or two steps into beasts, that is because of their It is not complete. A complete mechanical god must be powerful.

And these giant machines are all complete, and there are at least tens of thousands of them. If they can all be activated, what kind of powerful combat force is that?

"Let's go." Wang Xuan also followed Gu Sheng and began to bypass these giant sitting machines and enter inside, hoping to find a way to activate them.

Going all the way, the two men and the Mechanical God finally walked out of these giant machines. Wang Xuan roughly estimated that the number of these giant machines should be around 10,000.

After these giant machines, an even more magnificent giant door appeared.

This giant door is even more majestic than the first door. Its surface is flowing with metallic luster, and the halo is shrouded like a light curtain. Through the light curtain, you can see a huge shadow inside. You can’t see what it is through the shadow. This shadow Being in the light curtain caused invisible pressure to them.

Wang Xuan was not as strong as Gu Sheng. Facing this huge shadow, he felt a lot of pressure. However, Gu Sheng was much better. He did not enter rashly, but first released the phantom of the scales and looked through the light curtain to find out the reality.

"The underworld civilization has long since fallen. Even if there are any remnants, they should be mechanical or dead objects similar to the giant machine. There is no way there is any living life. This shadow is strange. The energy fluctuations of the underworld heart inside are a bit strong... "

Gu Sheng was pondering as he spoke. Suddenly, a strange color appeared on his face. He took a few steps and entered the light curtain.

Wang Xuan followed closely with the God of Machinery and walked in.

You can only see clearly after entering the light curtain. This huge shadow is actually a metal machine.

This metal machine is somewhat special. At first glance, it looks like a giant vehicle without a vehicle. However, it is too huge. The length is at least more than a kilometer and the width is more than a hundred meters. There is a faint halo flowing through the whole body. Inside The energy of the Heart of the Underworld that is faintly released is much stronger than that of those sleeping giant machines.

"I know, this is the legendary Underworld Chariot..." Gu Sheng said with a moved expression on his face: "It is said that one of the most famous things of the Underworld Civilization is the Heart of the Underworld, which is said to have endless energy. The second one is the Underworld Chariot."

"This underworld chariot is equipped with a large number of underworld hearts. It is said to be made of a special metal material. It is said that even gods cannot defeat it. And because of the infinite power of the underworld heart, it has extremely high speed and can even travel through time and space. Space jump is the fastest aircraft in the universe. All major civilizations have been looking for it. As long as you find it, you can say that you have an indestructible fortress."

The Mechanical God suddenly spoke: "No matter how indestructible the fortress is, the underworld civilization has also perished..."

Gu Sheng was startled, glanced at it, and then said: "That's true. No matter how powerful the weapon is, no matter how solid the fortress is, if the person is not good enough, it will eventually be destroyed."

As he spoke, he shook his head and sighed. Just by observing the giant machinery before and the Huangquan chariot in front of him, he could already feel the power of the Huangquan civilization. Unfortunately, only ruins of such a powerful Huangquan civilization remained.

"But it shouldn't be easy to activate this underworld chariot. You must get the authority of the former master of civilization."

Gu Sheng was afraid that Wang Xuan would not understand what he said, so he explained: "It is said that only the master of the former Huangquan civilization can start this underworld chariot. Other than that, no one can start it. We can only watch it now." There's nothing you can do about it."

"If we can activate the Underworld chariot and add the tens of thousands of Underworld mechanical warriors, we can rush directly to the Blood King City, and maybe we can hope to recapture your friend."

The more Gu Sheng talked, the more excited he became. Although he had always looked down on these so-called external forces and firmly believed in following his own path, he still got excited when he saw the legendary Underworld Chariot.

"Let's search inside, maybe we can find a way to activate Huang Quan's combat power and those mechanical warriors."

"Yes." Gu Sheng nodded continuously and began to bypass the Huangquan chariot and continue inside.

After bypassing the Underworld Chariot, they saw the third giant gate.

This gate looks like the Gate of Underworld, but it is more magnificent than the Gate of Underworld. In this giant gate, there is a palace.

The palace was not damaged, and its surface was also shrouded in halo. Gu Sheng looked at it carefully and said with a slight movement in his heart: "This may be the place where the master of the Underworld Civilization once lived. If so, it is possible to find the place where the underworld war started." Car stuff.”

When they walked to the palace, the palace door was closed tightly. Gu Sheng activated his scale phantom, but he couldn't push it open.

He frowned and started to exert force, but Wang Xuan felt the palm of his right hand was slightly hot. He opened his right hand and the rune appeared on its own initiative. As the rune appeared, the palace door opened quietly.

Seeing this, Gu Sheng put away his scales and glanced at Wang Xuan.

"It seems that only contractors of the Underworld Gate can open it. So, you have hope of gaining the authority to activate the Underworld Chariot."

Wang Xuan listened to Gu Sheng's calm tone and did not mean to be greedy. He did not seem to be coveting all this, but he still kept an extra thought in his heart. Just in case, he quietly stretched his left hand into the Xumi Mustard Seed space and inserted his Blood dripped onto the Titan Book inside.

With Gu Sheng's power, if he were to attack himself, even the Teleportation Crystal or the Diamond Crystal would not be able to activate in time. The only hope would be the Book of Titans.

Although the Book of Giant Gods seems to be damaged, just like the ancestral power hidden in Gu Manyao's body, the damage of the Book of Giant Gods does not mean that the Lord of the Pentagram has truly fallen. At the moment of life and death, one can only place his hope on these five Lord of the Star, after all, he is its contractor.

"However, before I was able to kill the contractors of the Lord of the Six-Pointed Star, the Lord of the Six-Pointed Star did not show up to rescue me. If I were killed, the Lord of the Pentacled Star would most likely not take action. For them, it would be nothing more than changing the contract. That’s all…”

Although the blue crystal scales in his body had exploded with mysterious energy when he encountered the troll general before, Wang Xuan suspected that it was due to the origin. He was not sure whether the real blue crystal scales had such an ability. After all, now he It feels like the energy in the blue crystal scales is much weaker.

The door of the palace opened, and Gu Sheng walked in first.

The palace is very spacious and looks clean and tidy. There is a yellow ball hanging in the center of the palace. The ball is slowly rotating automatically, releasing circles of halo. It is this halo that maintains the atmosphere here. Neat and spotless.

Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye can sense that this yellow ball is the Heart of the Underworld, a strange ore that is said to contain nearly infinite energy.

"The so-called infinite is definitely an exaggeration, but it must contain extremely powerful energy, similar to materials that can fission or fusion." Wang Xuan guessed in his heart, and then looked around the palace.

There are some glass vessels placed in this palace, and each glass vessel has a set of armor placed in it. These armors have different shapes. When placed in these glass vessels, they look like exquisite crafts.

Wang Xuan saw four characters engraved on the bases below these glass vessels. To his surprise, he actually recognized these characters, which were human characters.

"Underworld Divine Armor."

Wang Xuan recited these four words softly, and then looked at the glass vessels around him. With a glance, he could see that there were a hundred glass vessels in total, and one hundred Huangquan Divine Armors were stored in them.

"Underworld Divine Armor?" Gu Sheng frowned, seeming to be thinking about something, and then nodded slightly: "I understand, it is said that there were one hundred most powerful divine generals in the underworld civilization, each of them The divine generals all wore divine armor and led the underworld mechanical warriors, which were called the Underworld Divine Army. They were said to be invincible for an era. I guessed that these underworld divine armors should be the armor worn by the legendary divine generals. I didn’t expect that they are all sealed up now. Got here."

"Armor?" Wang Xuan was a little disappointed. The ice dragon suit he was wearing was also armor. Although the name of this underworld armor was very majestic, it was probably stronger than the various attributes of the ice dragon suit, but its strength reached the point of transforming into a beast. Level, no matter how powerful the armor is, it is only a support and cannot really determine the strength.

"Since even these hundred sets of Huangquan Divine Armor have appeared, it is no accident that the place where the Lord of Civilization lives should be inside. Maybe something else will happen." Gu Sheng said as he walked to the end of the palace. There are two more closed doors.

This time he did not use the scale shadow again, but looked directly at Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan activated the runes on his palm again. The closed door reacted with the runes on his palm and immediately shrank slowly to both sides, revealing a portal.

Gu Sheng released his scale phantom and went in. After confirming that there was no danger, he walked in. Wang Xuan followed with the Mechanic God.

Here is another palace, with a high throne inside. On the throne, there is a set of armor similar to the Underworld Armor.

However, this set of armor is somewhat special. It looks like it is made of gold. Even after such a long time, there is still a faint golden halo flowing on the surface.

Apart from that, there is nothing else in the palace.

Gu Sheng looked around, then looked at the golden armor and frowned: "Is this also the Underworld Divine Armor? It may be the armor worn by the former leader of the Underworld Civilization..."

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