The last building on earth

Chapter 422 The Forbidden Land of the Universe (please vote and subscribe)

Gu Sheng was the first to take action, and ninety-nine blue crystals stained with his blood were glowing, intertwined to form ninety-nine blue rainbow lights, forming a blue light network, and he was in the center of this blue light network.

The God-killing Formation was activated, and the phantom of the scales manifested into a real dragon-jawed beast. With the help of the energy of the God-killing Formation, Gu Sheng, who was originally just entering the ninth step of beast transformation, further improved his strength. He opened his mouth and let out a slight low. Roaring, the dragon-jawed beast's body changed in and out of light, and its front paws stretched out to grab the Capricorn Emperor.

Wang Xuan's whole body was covered in golden armor, and he followed Gu Sheng. He understood that it was too dangerous for Gu Sheng alone to fight against the Capricorn Emperor. If they join forces, they might be able to fight.

Now that the monsters and ghost cars in Wang Xuan's body have reached the five-step beast transformation level, his body is further strengthened and he can exert more powerful power of the golden armor.

A roar sounded, like an ancient behemoth awakening. The monster was covered in golden armor, like a golden beast that descended from ancient times. Giant tentacles stretched out to attack the Capricorn Emperor from the other side.

Wang Xuan didn't know what level of power he could unleash now, but in his opinion, the power he exerted now did not seem to be inferior to that of his ancient life.


Emperor Capricorn made a vague sound, and the scorpion tail barb phantom that expanded from his body was a kilometer long. With his body as the center, it formed a coiling trend. This kilometer long phantom suddenly It turned into reality and swung away violently from left to right.

The golden monster and the dragon-jawed beast that had absorbed the power of the God-killing Formation were knocked backwards one after another. Terrible cracks appeared in the places where they were hit. Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng fell back with a groan.

"Set up the formation——"

Zhao Lei's roar came from behind.

This time, in addition to Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng, eighty people including Zhao Lei and Zhang Haofei were traveling with them. All of them were wearing the Underworld Divine Armor and could exert far more power than they originally had.

They had all practiced the combined attack technique of the former palace guards before, and understood that the Capricorn Emperor was too powerful and could not be resisted by them. The only hope was to combine their powers to fight.

Following Zhao Lei's roar, everyone fully activated the power of the Underworld Divine Armor they were wearing. Eighty people gathered together according to the formation. The Underworld Divine Armor on each person shot out an energy beam. In these energy beams , manifesting the form of the beast within each of them.

Zhao Lei has now reached the fourth stage of animal transformation. In the energy beam he shot out, he opened a series of cross marks. Each cross mark contained a white squirming substance, from which white holy light was ejected.

The blending of these white holy lights formed a special sage force field. With the addition of the power of the underworld armor worn on his body and the power of the devil in his body, this sage force field affected Capricorn Emperor, making the space around him faint. Twisted.

Like Zhang Haofei, the skeleton has evolved into a four-step beast. The white bone skeleton has transformed into blue on its right arm and part of the body. With the blessing of the Underworld Armor and the power of the Demon God, the skeleton has transformed up to a hundred times. Mi, stepped forward in the void, raised his arm bone, and smashed it down towards the Capricorn Emperor.

Bai Yan's witch blood transformed into a blood crystal giant, controlling hundreds or thousands of giant blood crystal swords, turning into a rain of swords and roaring towards him.

Wan Qianying's current strength has reached the level of two-step beast transformation. Combined with the Huangquan Divine Armor, her strength is no less than that of seven-step beast transformation. When combined with the power of everyone, the power is inestimable.

Her beast is a giant burning flame beast. The flame is very strange. It looks like it is carved from ice. It blooms in this space and looks indescribably beautiful.

Gong Yangxuan's beast is composed of countless glass mirrors, turning this place into a world of mirrors, overlapping one another to form a maze.

Huang Qingzhi summoned countless runes, summoning hurricanes one after another, strangled towards the Capricorn Emperor.

He Mingli's beast turned into a forest. These forest trees took root and grew from space, turning into towering trees in the blink of an eye.

Fang Linhan's beast releases countless halos, which have various special effects and can enhance everyone's physical strength, strength, explosive power, healing speed, etc. Everyone is shrouded in this buff halo, and their strength is further improved.

These eighty people all manifested their own beasts, and with the power of the eighty sets of Huangquan Divine Armor, all of their power was shared. Emperor Capricorn had just defeated Wang Xuan's magical beast and Gu Sheng's Dragon Jaw Head. Unexpectedly, The kilometer-long scorpion tail barb was suppressed by the crowd's strength and was forced to sink.

There was a look of surprise on his face.

The former Divine General Huangquan was a powerful and invincible figure across the universe. Although he had never seen it with his own eyes, he had heard of this legend. Looking at the people in front of him, he understood somewhat.

With his eyes, he could tell at a glance that Zhao Lei and others were weak. Their strength was only at the level of four-step or two-step beast transformation. He could easily kill a group of such people, but after putting on the Underworld Divine Armor, he could actually How terrible is it that they have been promoted to the level of seven or even eight steps of animal transformation, and their combined power can actually suppress themselves?

What if their power is further improved and they add the Underworld Divine Armor?

The idea of ​​killing them all and seizing these Underworld Divine Armors immediately came to Emperor Capricorn's mind.

Even if you don't get the origin, if you can get these underworld divine armors, and cooperate with those strong men from the "Capricorn Civilization" who can reach eight or nine steps to transform into beasts, how powerful can they be?

His "Capricorn Civilization" may immediately suppress the top ten civilizations such as "Galaxy Civilization" or "Blood Civilization" and become the first civilization among all civilizations.

This thought made him a little excited, and a thousand-meter-long scorpion tail barb expanded from his body again, circled around, and swung at everyone from the other side.

Wang Xuan stabilized his body and stamped his feet in the void. With his terrifying power, the void below seemed to collapse and twist. The figure of the monster extended in all directions. The skill "Beast Power" was activated, and beast roars and coercion were continuously released. , causing the power of the monster to increase, followed by the use of the skill "Body Devouring" that was understood in the five steps of transforming into a beast.

"Body Devouring" was activated, and the surrounding space began to collapse towards the monster. The monster covered in golden armor grabbed the second scorpion tail barb, and let out an earth-shattering roar. The monster hugged the scorpion tail barb tightly, The power of "phage" began to engulf.

Emperor Capricorn had a strange look on his face.

The horror of this "phagocytic body" even surprised him.

Gu Sheng on the other side also stabilized his body, and the ninety-nine blue crystals used their power together. In conjunction with the dragon-jawed beast, his claws stretched out and hugged the first scorpion tail barb.

The Warcraft and the Dragon-jawed Beast each hugged a scorpion tail barb, let out an earth-shattering roar, and tried their best to pull it apart. Eighty people led by Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others formed a large formation, gathering eighty people and eighty sets. Emperor Capricorn's expression changed when the power of the Underworld Divine Armor was pressed down on his head. The power of the Warcraft and the Dragon Jaw Beast was just that. He could barely cope with it with his current ability, but the combined power of eighty sets of Underworld Divine Armor But it was too much for him to bear.

There was a crisp sound. In order to resist the power of the eighty sets of Huangquan Divine Armor, he had to withdraw the power from the two scorpion tail barbs. Although he blocked the attacks of Zhao Lei and others, the two manifested scorpions The tail barb could not withstand the power of the monster and the dragon-jawed beast, and immediately shattered.

Wang Xuan saw an opportunity, and the nine ghost car wings on the surface of his body grew out one by one, exerting his power to the limit.

With the power of his five-step beasts and ghost cars, he can already fight against six-step beasts. What's more, coupled with the golden armor once owned by the Lord of Underworld, the power he can now burst out has reached the level of... Reached the ten-step level of animal transformation.

With a "boom", the golden magical beast hit hard. Emperor Capricorn was suppressed by the power of Zhao Lei and others. It was difficult to avoid it for a moment. He was hit by the magical beast, and the powerful power of "Body Devouring" burst out, terrifyingly swallowing him. The power sucked him in.

Emperor Capricorn opened his mouth and let out a muffled groan. His face was slightly distorted, and his body began to twist irregularly. The devouring ability of the monster's "body phagocytosis" became more and more powerful. Emperor Capricorn was defeated by the power of Zhao Lei and others and the ancient dragon. The jaw was pressed, and it was difficult to get rid of it. He was involuntarily swallowed by the monster.


Emperor Capricorn's face was slightly distorted. After all, he is a strong man who can transform into a beast in ten steps. Although he is not the top existence among the masters of major civilizations, the beast he owns has grown to its full form. In his roar While roaring, scorpion tail barbs began to grow one after another in the body. These scorpion tail barbs first became phantoms, and then turned into reality. Each scorpion tail barb was a thousand meters long, resembling an armored dragon.

But as soon as these barbs appeared, they were swallowed up by the "phage" of the Warcraft. In the central area of ​​the Warcraft, the space collapsed inward, faintly turning into a black hole-like effect. The devouring speed became faster and faster, and the power became more and more powerful. The bigger.

The Capricorn Emperor tried his best to stabilize his body, not wanting to be completely swallowed by the "phage", so he could only grow more scorpion tails crazily to fight against the "phage".

Nine ghost wings covered with golden armor grew around Wang Xuan's body. As the ghost wings flapped, the passage of time around him slowed down.

This is the fifth skill that Gui Che has mastered when he has grown to the level of five-step beast transformation, called "Time Delay", which can further delay time.

As the "time delay" was activated, Emperor Capricorn was in the "time delay" state and was immediately dragged into the "phage".

He was roaring and struggling, and the energy in his body continued to explode. The "time delay" effect was shattered. He recovered, but there was a dragon-jawed beast above him pressing down.

With a "boom", he was pushed down into the space-time collapse formed by the "phage". When he struggled out again, he was attacked by Zhao Lei, Tie Jun and others who gathered eighty sets of Huangquan divine armor. , and was once again driven into the bottom of space and time formed by the "phage".

Every time he is punched into the bottom of the "phage" space-time, Emperor Capricorn's body will be digested by a layer of the power of "phage". This effect is not obvious at first, but after repeated many times, Emperor Capricorn's power becomes obvious. Some attenuation.

Under the Warcraft, the black hole-like space formed by the "phage" became larger and larger, and Emperor Capricorn fell into it and was constantly knocked down to the bottom by attacks from the dragon-jawed beast and Zhao Lei and others. However, he relied on his own strength to regain his strength. Climbed up again and was knocked down again.

After repeating this many times, it became more and more difficult for Emperor Capricorn to climb out, and his strength was continuously weakened. When the head of the dragon's jaw was driven into the bottom again, this time Emperor Capricorn struggled below, For a while, I couldn't climb out.

Wang Xuan understood that Emperor Capricorn was beginning to be reduced to the end of his strength. He was no longer polite and immediately used the power of the demon beast and the ghost car to the limit, especially when the ghost car's time delay was further activated, and then the huge phantoms of the ghost car and the demon beast were revealed. , and then attack from below.

Emperor Capricorn was completely sucked in by the suction force generated under the "phagocytic body". He was swallowed repeatedly in this short period of time, and Emperor Capricorn's body seemed to have lost weight.

The golden tentacles struck one after another. Emperor Capricorn was at the bottom, unable to dodge and could only passively resist the confrontation.

The terrifying sonic boom continued to sound, and with a "boom", Emperor Capricorn used the barb behind him to fight against the tentacle. The barb could not withstand it and actually broke from it.

Emperor Capricorn let out a miserable roar. The barb behind him, which he had practiced for many years, was his natural weapon. At this moment, it broke. As if he had been severely injured, a stream of blood spurted out from his open mouth.

Immediately afterwards, another golden tentacle was pulled out. Emperor Capricorn took all of them, and his body was pulled out with cracks.

The six claws of the dragon-jawed beast were completely suppressed. Combined with the combined power of eighty people including Zhao Lei, it was so suppressed that Emperor Capricorn could hardly resist. This kind of result was something Wang Xuan could not have imagined in advance. Who would have thought A dignified leader of civilization was actually swallowed by the "eating body", and now he has become a weakling and unable to escape.

The distorted time and space closed in from all directions, and the power of "Body Devouring" had reached its limit. It absorbed the Capricorn Emperor and continuously devoured and digested it. This made the Capricorn Emperor's body become thinner and smaller.

In the end, Emperor Capricorn's body, which became smaller than that of an ordinary human, was completely torn apart. No drop of blood could be seen inside, only a huge ball of blazing blue light appeared and submerged into Wang Xuan's body.

The leader of the "Capricorn Civilization", the man who transformed into a beast in ten steps, and one of the top beings in the universe, the Capricorn Emperor fell like this.

After absorbing the energy of Capricorn Emperor, Wang Xuan felt the monsters and ghost chariots roaring in his body. This was the energy of a majestic ten-step beast, so huge.

Wang Xuan had comprehended World of Warcraft before. He had completely integrated the consciousness and soul of Warcraft very early on. It can be said that Warcraft was a part of him. He could comprehend it faster than ordinary people. He had already reached the limit that he could break through at any time, but he was just blocked by the Metal Rubik's Cube. Appeared to interrupt.

Now he was fighting against Capricorn Emperor, and he had a deep understanding. After gaining his energy, the monster in his body vibrated, and the energy in his body suddenly gathered into his legs. His mind was shocked, and he immediately achieved a breakthrough.

After six steps of transforming into a beast, the legs will complete the blue transformation, which means that under normal conditions, except for the head, the body and limbs of the monster activated by Wang Xuan have completely turned blue.

As Warcraft further grows, the strength of his body is further improved, and new information appears in his mind, and Warcraft's sixth skill is being mastered.

The sixth skill of Warcraft is called "Demonization".

Once this skill is used, the Warcraft will transform from a beast into a demon. Whether its speed, strength or defense will be greatly improved, it will enter a "demon" state. This is the real reason why this beast is also called a Warcraft.

Watching the Capricorn Emperor's body being obliterated, Wang Xuan was suspended above, and the manifested monster changed from real to phantom state, and then slowly converged into the body. Wang Xuan once again transformed into a normal human being wearing golden armor.

Gu Sheng, Zhao Lei and others were all watching Wang Xuan silently. If they hadn't personally witnessed and participated in the battle, it would be hard for them to believe that they had actually joined forces to kill a civilization leader.

"I never dared to believe that one day I would... kill a master of civilization..."

Gu Sheng looked down at his hands and murmured, but his eyes were full of excitement.

Wang Xuan gathered the power in his body and looked at Zhao Lei and others. It can be said that this time they can kill the Capricorn Emperor. Zhao Lei and other eighty people joined forces is the key. It was their power that suppressed the Capricorn Emperor and allowed him and Gu Life is so easy to succeed.

After he obtained the energy of Emperor Capricorn, the growth of Warcraft broke through to the six-step beast transformation level, which means that his combat power will be improved again, and it can also inspire the power of a more powerful golden armor.

"It turns out that this so-called Lord of Civilization is nothing more than that." Zhang Haofei couldn't help but speak.

"Yes, it's normal. But at this level, there's no need for us to be afraid of them."

Several other people immediately intervened, and their views were similar to Zhang Haofei's.

Gu Sheng put away the dragon's jaw head, glanced at Zhang Haofei and these people, and then said: "Although this Capricorn Emperor is also a ten-step beast, he can only be regarded as the elementary level. After all, the entire Capricorn civilization ranks among the top 100 civilizations. The rankings are also very low, and what is really scary are the top ten civilizations and the masters of civilizations."

Zhao Lei asked curiously: "What are the top ten civilizations?"

"The Galaxy Civilization, the Blood Civilization, and the Cangtian Civilization that you know are all among them. The Shakti of Shanjian City of the Galaxy Civilization, the Blood Emperor of the Blood King City of the Blood Civilization, and Cangtian, the Lord of the Cangtian Civilization, these three... Then They are not ordinary civilization masters, there are even rumors that they have entered the realm of gods."

Wang Xuan listened to Gu Sheng's words and nodded secretly, feeling the changes in his body. He was still slightly excited when he thought that he could kill a master of civilization.

"The news that we killed Capricorn Emperor should spread soon. At that time, it will attract more powerful people. They should also know by now that we are going to enter the outer domain. I just don't know what back-ups they will have next. ?Will it also enter the outer realm?"

Zhao Lei said: "We can't bet that the other party won't come, but we have to prepare for the worst."

Wang Xuan nodded and said: "No matter, let's enter the outer realm first."

After that, everyone began to enter the Huangquan chariot one after another, and Wang Xuan highly praised the 80 people who joined forces to form a large formation.

The top of Huangquan's chariot was closed, and it quickly left the area. Under the guidance of Gu Sheng, it headed in a certain direction in the distance.

There are floating planet debris everywhere, making it impossible for the Huangquan chariot to increase its speed and can only keep turning and dodging.

"This Capricorn Emperor is still too self-righteous. Even if we have one or two more helpers around us, it will not be so easy for us to kill him."

Everyone was chatting about Emperor Capricorn and felt a little emotional. At this moment, a huge blazing fireball appeared in the distance and hit them at a terrifying speed.

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