The last building on earth

Chapter 425 Life in the Outer Domain (Please subscribe)

Originally, it seemed that the attack power of the jellyfish's tentacles was not weaker than that of the Capricorn Emperor. Wang Xuan was extremely fearful, but he did not expect that compared to its strength, the main body was weaker and could be broken by the dragon-jawed beast from ancient times.

It seems that although this kind of jellyfish is powerful, its body is relatively weak, and its power is not at the level of ten-step beast transformation, so it is easy to handle.

The power of the magical beast and the ghost car in the body were activated at the same time, and in conjunction with the power of the golden armor, the five-meter-high magical beast rushed upwards. Eight tentacles appeared, and then turned into real golden tentacles, sweeping towards the upper exit.

Wherever the tentacles hit, the jellyfish's belt-like body split open, and a large amount of translucent juice poured out like water.

Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng rushed out, while Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Bai Yan, Tie Jun and others behind them activated the Underworld Divine Armor, covering their whole bodies and rising into the sky.

There were more and more giant jellyfish coming around. The force of these jellyfish tentacles was so great that no one dared to resist. Instead, they dodged at full speed and launched a counterattack.

"These jellyfish are useless, don't be afraid of them -" Zhao Lei immediately shouted loudly, and beams of holy light fell from the sky at his call, hitting a giant jellyfish.

The jellyfish's umbrella-like head was pierced and it died quickly. A huge ball of energy emerged from its body and sank into Zhao Lei's body.

Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei and Bai Yan have all reached the level of four-step beast transformation. Before the six-step transformation, as long as they have enough energy, they can break through at any time. However, after the five-step transformation, it becomes difficult to break through. .

Although Wang Xuan's Warcraft has broken through to the six-step beast transformation, the ghost car has already gained enough energy, but now it has been unable to break through and is still stuck at the five-step beast transformation level.

Although the body of this giant jellyfish is fragile, the energy contained in its body is very amazing. Zhao Lei only absorbed a ball of white light and was surprised to find that his "First Saint" had successfully evolved to the five-step beast level.

"Awesome, such powerful energy..." Zhao Lei's eyes flashed.

The seven Zhao Lei evolved very quickly, but Wan Qianying, Gong Yangxuan and Xu Jian, who were in the second step of transforming into beasts, evolved even faster.

The Underworld Divine Armor allows them to exert supernatural and powerful combat power. After killing the giant jellyfish, the energy gained allows the beasts in their bodies to instantly break through.

Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng took action with all their strength, and the giant jellyfish that had entangled the Huangquan chariot were quickly removed and freedom was restored.

Groups of blue octopuses were approaching from behind. Wang Xuan issued an order for everyone to enter the chariot again. He and Gu Sheng clung to the underworld chariot, relying on the golden runes on the palm of their right hand to control the underworld chariot and carry the chariot. They continued to rush forward.

The deeper you go, the stranger the ecosystem in this outer world becomes. The blue octopuses and giant jellyfish that appear are very similar to the creatures in the earth's oceans.

Although everyone killed many approaching giant jellyfish, more and more jellyfish appeared in the distance. They gathered together. Although the Huangquan chariot controlled by Wang Xuan was very flexible, it wanted to fight its way through these many jellyfish. It's not easy, especially when there are swarms of blue octopuses rushing up from behind.

He still doesn't know the strength of these blue octopuses, and he is even more worried.

Unexpectedly, when he was anxious, the blue octopus rushing up behind him suddenly became confused and fled in all directions.

Something happened suddenly, and both Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng who were standing on the Huangquan chariot were taken aback.

Wang Xuan suddenly understood: "There are more powerful monsters that scared them away..."

Before he finished speaking, a huge monster appeared behind these scurrying blue octopuses. This huge monster was a thousand meters long, with a toad's head, and a body that somewhat resembled a whale in the ocean. There were a lot of wings on both sides of the body. It relied on These wings float in the air like a heavy torpedo rushing in.

The toad-like bloody mouth opened, and the tongue inside shot out like a bloody arrow. With a hiss, it licked a fleeing blue octopus and dragged it into the mouth.

Wang Xuan saw that its open mouth was full of rings of snow-white teeth. The blue octopus was rolled into the mouth by its tongue. When the mouth was closed, a large amount of blue blood came out of the mouth. out.

The blue octopus was easily cut and chewed by its mouth full of teeth, and then swallowed.

The bloody mouth opened again, and the blue octopus inside disappeared, leaving only the blue blood flowing in the mouth and some chewed meat.

The wings on both sides of the huge body flapped, and the tongue shot out again, catching another blue octopus and dragging it into its mouth.

All this is a long story, but in fact it only took the blink of an eye. This monster like a prehistoric beast swallowed two blue octopuses in succession. It ignored the blue octopuses that fled to both sides, and flew in a straight line. Shooting, it was coming in the direction of the Underworld Chariot. The octopuses in front of it were licked by it with its tongue, dragged into its mouth and swallowed.

The swarm of jellyfish that originally blocked the front of Huangquan's chariot also began to disperse. Apparently, the appearance of this huge monster not only scattered the blue octopus, but also scared the jellyfish.

Wang Xuan controlled the Huangquan chariot, immediately changed its direction, and shot diagonally to the left, trying to avoid this behemoth.

Unexpectedly, the wings on both sides of this giant beast swung, and its huge body turned around, looking very flexible, still chasing the Huangquan chariot.

"It's coming for us." Gu Sheng was sure that this monster was eyeing them and the Underworld Chariot.

"Fortunately, the jellyfish blocking the front have dispersed. In terms of pure speed, Huangquan Chariot has never lost to anyone." Wang Xuan immediately began to accelerate. Although this monster looks scary and its speed is amazing, it is impossible. He could catch up with the Huangquan chariot at full speed.

There was a faint sound from the Underworld Chariot. This was the sound made by the Heart of Underworld being fully stimulated and releasing energy. The Underworld Chariot immediately accelerated its speed. Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng both leaned down to prevent being thrown away by the Underworld Chariot. .

With a "whoosh" sound, the Underworld chariot rushed out, instantly throwing the monster far away. Wang Xuan noticed that in the distance of the glowing forest below, there was a huge black mountain rising up, which looked a bit weird.

The direction in which the Huangquan chariot was shooting was this huge black mountain. Wang Xuan was afraid that there was something strange in the black mountain, so he immediately changed its direction again. At this moment, the speed of the Huangquan chariot suddenly slowed down.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan frowned. Although he was outside the chariot, he could completely control the Underworld Chariot with the golden runes on the palm of his right hand. However, it seemed that the connection signal between the golden runes and the Underworld Chariot was interfered with at this moment. , the Huangquan chariot became a little unruly.

Originally, he wanted to rush out at high speed, but unexpectedly, the speed of Huangquan's chariot became slower and slower.

Something was wrong with the situation. Wang Xuan could no longer pay attention to the huge monster that was chasing at full speed in the distance. He immediately opened the door of the chariot and found that the door became jerky when it retracted to both sides.

Wang Xuan rushed in and found a large number of snowflakes appearing on the screen, and various instruments inside made slight chirping sounds.

Gu Sheng also came in with a surprised look on his face: "What's going on?"

Wang Xuan raised his right hand, and the golden runes in his palm continued to release pale golden light. However, he noticed that blurs and fluctuations appeared on the surrounding screens, and the chirping sound became stronger and stronger. He suddenly understood in his heart: "Everyone, get out! "

Immediately after rushing out again, Gu Sheng, Zhao Lei and others rushed out of the Underworld chariot. Behind Wang Xuan, the majestic and huge Gate of Underworld descended from the void again.

The giant beast that was catching up in the distance was startled by the sudden arrival of the Gate of Underworld, and slowed down slightly. The golden runes on the palm of Wang Xuan's right hand were fully activated, and he opened his mouth and let out a slight whistle. The Gate of Underworld suddenly opened. Continuously expanding, the two stone doors opened wide, and the underworld chariot swayed and rushed in.

The Underworld Chariot returned to the Gate of Underworld. Wang Xuan immediately closed the Gate of Underworld, gathered the golden runes in the palm of his right hand, and the Gate of Underworld began to disappear into the void again.

Everyone watched Wang Xuan put away the Huangquan chariot, and understood that the chariot had broken down, and everyone could only rely on themselves.

Wang Xuan looked at the big black mountain that appeared in the forest in the distance. He thought that the closer the underworld chariot was, the more serious the situation became. He understood that it was the big black mountain that had seriously affected the underworld chariot. As for what this big black mountain was, release What it is and why it affects the Underworld Chariot, Wang Xuan doesn't know.

It turned out that Wang Xuan guessed that this was a super magnetic mountain, and the magnetic field generated affected the Underworld Chariot. However, he thought that the Underworld Chariot was the top battleship built by the Underworld Civilization, and even the magnetic field generated by the star core of the planet could not affect it. , so this conjecture was overturned, and we can only guess that this big black mountain produced another more mysterious energy, which affected the operation of the instruments in the Huangquan chariot.

Just as the Underworld Chariot was put away, the unknown huge beast had already rushed up from behind at high speed. It opened its bloody mouth, spit out the blood-red tongue inside, and licked the nearest Gu Sheng at high speed.

Gu Sheng was on guard for a long time. The phantom of scales shrouded all directions. The blood-red tongue licked into the phantom of scales. His dragon-jawed beast descended. A pair of front claws stretched out and grabbed the huge head of the giant beast.

The claws grabbed onto the giant scales covering the giant beast's body, sparkling with fire and making a harsh sound, leaving white marks on them, but they were unable to break through the defense.

Gu Sheng was shocked when he saw it. He moved sideways to avoid the attack of the opponent's blood-red tongue.

Wang Xuan waved his right hand, and golden tentacles took shape and were drawn towards the giant beast. The other seventy-three people gathered together and set up a combined attack formation to combine their powers. In terms of pure strength, seventy-three people gathered together. The combined strength of the three of them is stronger than Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng.

With a loud "boom", the giant beast was overturned by the power of seventy-three people, and its huge kilometer-long body flipped backwards. Wang Xuan's golden tentacles struck its overturned belly. It only left streaks of blood and failed to cause serious damage.

"Let's go!" Wang Xuan shouted, and immediately turned around and rushed towards the other side. The defense of this giant beast was too strong, beyond imagination. With their strength, it was difficult to even break through the defense, let alone kill it. The only option now is to run away and get as far away from it as possible.

Following Wang Xuan's order, Zhao Lei, Zhang Haofei, Tie Jun and others mobilized the strongest strength in their bodies, turned it into speed, and followed closely.

Taking advantage of the opportunity when the giant beast was overturned, everyone rushed towards the distance at full speed.

Considering the strangeness of Dahei Mountain in the distance, Wang Xuan chose the direction to bypass Dahei Mountain and rushed to the left.

There were many giant jellyfish suspended in the distance. Because of the appearance of the giant beasts, they sank into the glowing forest below.

Wang Xuan took a look and understood that there should be more creatures hidden in the glowing forest below. This place should have entered the depths of the outer domain. It formed an ecosystem of its own. These were all lives born in the outer domain.

"Gu Sheng just hides a huge secret here, which may be related to the achievement of gods, but he doesn't know the details, let alone where to look for it."

Wang Xuan was meditating while flying into the distance. The Eye of Zhou Tian and the Eye of Fear were opened at the same time, constantly sensing the surroundings, hoping to find something.

The overturned giant beast looked very angry and let out a sharp roar. Its wings on both sides vibrated, and it immediately turned over and was about to catch up again.

Suddenly it stopped again, as if it had discovered something else. It swung its body and turned its back to the direction where Wang Xuan and others were fleeing, and rushed in another direction.

Wang Xuan led everyone to escape while secretly observing the situation of the giant beast. When he saw its reaction, his heart moved, and he immediately slowed down and turned his head to look.

At this moment, he saw the giant beast in the distance turning around and rushing towards the distance, and in the distant void, a ray of light suddenly appeared.

The rays of light fell from above, illuminating the giant beast. In the rays of light, a bald man carrying a treasure wheel on his back and his whole body covered with rays of light, looking solemn and precious, was descending.

His face was majestic, and from a distance, he looked like a god or a Buddha. Wang Xuan suddenly saw it and was shocked. This bald man carrying a treasure wheel was the leader of the "Wheel-turning Civilization", the Wheel-turning King.

The Wheel-turning King led several strong men who turned into beasts in nine steps, all the way deep into the outer realm, and finally caught up here. When Wang Xuan noticed him from a distance, his eyes flashed, and he naturally noticed Wang Xuan, who was fleeing into the distance. Xuan et al.

"King of Wheels?" Gu Sheng's voice sounded, and his face became very ugly. He did not expect that he and others escaped so fast, without rest at all, and yet they still caught up with them so quickly.

King Chakravartin appears, but where are the other masters of civilization? Will they all come soon?

"Run away-" Gu Sheng roared and immediately accelerated again, everyone rushed towards the distance at full speed.

Unlike the Capricorn Emperor, who is just an elementary ten-step beast, the Chakravartin King of the Wheel-turning Civilization is a veteran civilization master. He has been famous for who knows how many years. No one knows what level of strength he has reached. He is definitely not comparable to the Capricorn Emperor.

Gu Sheng knew very well that once he was caught up by the Chakravartin King, he would be in big trouble.

The Chakravartin King watched Wang Xuan and others fleeing at full speed. He stepped forward in the void and wanted to catch up. A blood arrow appeared. The giant beast raised its head and opened its bloody mouth, licking it with its tongue at a very fast speed.

King Chakravartin frowned slightly. Although this giant beast was a thousand meters long and looked ferocious, he didn't notice it. He turned his hands and put them together to form a special seal, and then shot out a The divine light wants to kill the giant beast.

He was much faster than the giant beast. The giant beast had no time to react before it was hit in the head by the divine light. Its huge body shook violently and fell heavily.

"Huh?" Chakravartin King was surprised. He originally wanted to blow the behemoth's head open with one blow, but he didn't expect the behemoth to be struck by the divine light of his magic seal. There was only a bloodstained shallow pit left on the head, which collapsed slightly, barely enough. Slight injuries, the head was not blown out.

The hardness of the giant beast's head was somewhat beyond his expectation. The Chakravartin King shook his body and no longer wanted to pay attention to it, but was about to go around it and chase Wang Xuan in the distance.

The giant beast received a blow to the head, but was completely enraged. It screamed again from its open mouth, its wings on both sides vibrated, and its huge body jumped up like a fish. This time it used its body as a weapon. , and crashed towards the Wheel King.

The several nine-step beast-turning experts who followed the Wheel-turning King saw the power of the giant beast and did not dare to block it. They dodged to both sides.

"Beast, seeking death!"

The King of Chakravartin wanted to go around, but unexpectedly the giant beast bumped into it again without mercy. With a trace of anger in his heart, he stretched out his right hand and took off the treasure wheel on his back.

This treasure wheel is the foundation of the "wheel-turning civilization", and it is also an artifact of the country. Unless it is a special situation, he will not use it casually.

Now using the Bao Lun means that he is angered.

The Baolun took action, and the surface released a glowing glow. As he waved it, the Baolun rotated, and there was a rustling sound inside. The space in front of him was cut open by the Baolun, and a black crack was faintly visible inside.

The treasure wheel hit the giant beast head-on.

The giant beast's head was extremely hard, and neither Wang Xuan nor Gu Sheng, nor the divine light of the wheel-turning king himself could damage it. However, at this moment, it was hit by the treasure wheel, and a large amount of blood immediately appeared on the giant beast's head. .

The wheel rotated and cut inside, blood mixed with broken blood splashed out, and the giant beast roared in pain from its open bloody mouth. However, it was too late to retreat and escape at this moment. The wheel-turning king controlled the wheel, and smoothly He took the giant beast's head and cut it in.

The treasure wheel emitted a strange roar and shot out streaks of rays of light, drowning the giant beast.

A large amount of blood spurted out, and the thousand-meter-long beast was cut alive by the treasure wheel and split into two.

The body that was cut in half fell down, and a huge ball of energy emerged from the body, which was absorbed by the Chakravartin King.

His face turned pale, he put away the treasure wheel, swayed, and continued to chase Wang Xuan and others who were fleeing in the distance.

He had just used the treasure wheel to kill the giant beast, and it was not easy for him. The giant beast's body was too tough. This was the first time he had encountered a monster with such a powerful body.

The nine-step beast-turning experts looked shocked when they witnessed the scene. They didn't expect that in order to kill a giant beast, the Wheel-turning King would need to use the national treasure wheel of the "Wheel-turning Civilization", and the opponent was just a child from the outside world. One of the countless lives, which made them more and more in awe of the outside world.

Who knows what more terrifying existence has been nurtured here?

Wang Xuan took Gu Sheng and Zhao Lei and a group of people to escape at top speed. Fortunately, the Wheel-turning King was blocked by the giant beast. Although he successfully killed the giant beast using the treasure wheel, he was still delayed for two or three seconds. In seconds, Wang Xuan and his group had fled to a very far distance.

Suddenly, Wang Xuan found that the big black mountain appeared in front of them again.

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