The last building on earth

Chapter 426 Daheishan (please subscribe)

"It has obviously bypassed Daheishan, but it appears in front again? Could it be that it can move? Or is the space here distorted, making it impossible to judge the direction using common sense."

Wang Xuan immediately thought of these two possibilities. At the moment, he had no other choice but to try to change direction again and rush towards the other side.

Everyone else also saw the Dahei Mountain appearing in the distance, but they were on the run at the moment. Without thinking too much, they all followed Wang Xuan at full speed and shot into the distance.

Behind him, the King of Chakravartin led six strong men from the "Chakravartin Civilization" who had reached the nine-step transformation into beasts. After killing the giant beast, Void stepped forward in succession. His speed was too fast and he quickly killed the six The nine-step beast-turned-powerful man shook off and kept closing the distance with Wang Xuan's group.

Chakravartin King was faster than all of them. Although the two sides were far apart, as his consciousness locked on Wang Xuan, the space seemed to shrink and shorten automatically with every step he took, bringing him and Wang Xuan closer. The distance between Xuan and others.

This is an extremely terrifying special skill. Wang Xuan turned around and saw that the Wheel King was getting closer and closer to them. They could not escape and the opponent might catch up at any time.

At this moment, Zhang Haofei couldn't help but screamed.

"It's Daheishan again!"

In front of them, the majestic black mountain rising from the luminous forest once again appeared in the distance.

Wang Xuan's heart was shaken, and he understood that this black mountain should not be bypassed, and the Wheel King behind him was getting closer and closer. He gritted his teeth, no longer hesitated, and rushed straight towards the black mountain.

According to Gu Sheng, the strength of the Wheel-turning King is far superior to that of the Capricorn Emperor. Even if they join forces, they may not be the opponent of the Wheel-turning King, let alone the six "wheel-turning civilization" who follow behind the Wheel-turning King. Strong.

Wang Xuan thought that Heishan was suspected of affecting the special force field of Huangquan Chariot. They might be affected if they were close to Heishan, so he was very wary of it and wanted to avoid it. But now he was forced by the King of Wheels and could only give it a try.

If this black mountain affects them, it will also affect the Wheel-turning King.

The Chakravartin King also saw the Great Black Mountain in the distance, and frowned slightly, but he did not give up the chase. He took three consecutive steps in the air again, closing the distance between the two sides to within 10,000 meters.

To the King of Chakravartin, a distance of ten thousand meters is equivalent to entering his attack range. He put his hands together in front of his chest and started to attack from a distance of ten thousand meters.

The surrounding space shook violently, and the Chakravartin King flipped his hands and shot out a divine light of dharma seal. This divine light penetrated the space of 10,000 meters and blasted towards Wang Xuan and others.

"Formation!" Zhao Lei hissed, and the seventy-three of them immediately gathered together and set up a large formation. The power of the seventy-three sets of Huangquan Divine Armor combined together and soared into the sky, forming a beam of light to fight against the incoming attacks. Divine Light of Dharma Seal.

"Wang Xuan, give me a set of Huangquan Divine Armor." Gu Sheng shouted towards Wang Xuan.

He has always been dismissive of the Underworld Divine Armor. He believes that people should rely on themselves to grow and is unwilling to rely on external forces like the Underworld Divine Armor. Wang Xuan once secretly thought that the God-killing Formation he is currently borrowing is actually an external force. , but it’s not easy to argue with him.

Seeing the arrival of the Wheel King at this moment, they knew the horror of the Wheel King very well. If they could not stop them, all of them would die. They finally chose to ask Wang Xuan for a set of Underworld Divine Armor, hoping to use the Underworld Divine Armor. the power of.

"Okay." Wang Xuan thought, the Gate of Underworld appeared, and a rainbow light shot out from it and flew to Gusheng.

Gu Sheng had already cut a wound on his left hand, and when he grabbed it with his left hand, blood spilled out and splashed onto the Underworld Divine Armor.

The Underworld Divine Armor absorbed his blood and began to emit blood. There were faint runes on the chest of the Divine Armor.

The Huangquan Divine Armor disintegrated and flew to Gusheng piece by piece, covering the surface of his body.

Gu Sheng punched out ninety-nine blue crystals at the same moment and arranged the God-killing array.

Wang Xuan entered the magical beast state, combined with the power of the golden armor, and transformed into a golden magical beast. Wings sprouted from the monster's body, and a total of nine wings vibrated together, making an earth-shattering beast roar.

The skill "Beast Power" is activated, combined with the ghost car's skill "Ghost Roar". The pressure inspired by "Beast Power" is increasing the combat power of the monster, while the "Ghost Roar" forms a sound wave that moves towards the wheel through the air. King launches.

Golden tentacles appeared one after another, filling the void, and coordinated with the attacks of Zhao Lei and others to draw out the divine light of the seal.

The divine light fluctuated violently, and the energy generated by Zhao Lei and others jointly blocked the divine light of the seal.

"Huh?" Wang Xuan's golden tentacles hit the divine light. The divine light of the seal struck from the air by the Chakravartin King immediately collapsed. Its power was much smaller than he imagined. This power was only slightly stronger than that of the Capricorn Emperor. powerful.

"This guy's strength seems to be no more than this..." Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he immediately became bolder.

If the Wheel King is only slightly stronger than the Capricorn Emperor, but he is stronger than when he fought against the Capricorn Emperor before, and the strength of Gu Sheng who has obtained the Underworld Divine Armor must also be enhanced, they can definitely deal with the Wheel Wheel King if they join forces.

Originally, Gu Sheng had boasted about King Chakravartin being so terrifying that they were extremely afraid of him, but now it seems that his reputation is as powerful as his strength.

Gu Sheng obtained the power of the Underworld Divine Armor, took a long breath, and absorbed all the power inspired by the ninety-nine blue crystals into his body. He felt the energy in his body surge and expand. This combat power was already approaching ten steps without limit. The transformed beast can even barely fight against the ten-step transformed beast.

The distance of 10,000 meters is only one step away for the King of Wheels. With one step, he is within 1,000 meters of Wang Xuan and others. He flips his hands and shoots out a divine light of dharma seal again. He doesn't bother to use the treasure wheel behind him yet.

This magical light of the seal shot out and immediately enveloped everyone. He knew that Wang Xuan had an origin and should not be easy to kill. He wanted to kill everyone except Wang Xuan with one blow.

Zhao Lei and others shouted in unison and moved upward together. A stream of energy shot up from their bodies and gathered together to once again block the divine light coming from the Wheel King.

Seeing that the divine light of the dharma seal he shot out was blocked by everyone, the Wheel-turning King showed a look of surprise on his face.

"This guy is nothing more than that -" Zhang Haofei couldn't help shouting: "He is no better than the Capricorn Emperor, we don't have to be afraid of him at all!"

He also quickly tested out the power of the divine light of the dharma seal of King Chakravartin, but it was comparable to Emperor Capricorn. The strength of King Chakravartin was comparable to Emperor Capricorn.

"Capricorn Emperor?" King Chakravartin was startled, his brows slightly raised, and a hint of sneer revealed.

The Capricorn Emperor of the "Capricorn Civilization" has only just entered the tenth step of animal transformation. He is considered the weakest civilization leader among all the major civilizations in the universe. How can he be compared with him?

Hearing these humans comparing themselves to Capricorn Emperor, Chakravartin laughed angrily.

"court death……"

With a slight drink in his mouth, the Chakravartin King swayed and suddenly approached, ready to kill Zhang Haofei first.

Eight golden tentacles appeared, and together with the dragon-jawed beast that Gu Sheng had just inspired, they attacked the approaching Chakravartin King.

The dragon-jawed beast that obtained the underworld divine armor was covered by the divine armor and transformed into something more majestic and powerful. The approaching Chakravartin King suddenly stopped and was entangled by eight golden tentacles. The dragon-jawed beast attacked from above, and he was stunned. It feels difficult to fight.

"What's going on? These guys are so powerful?" The Wheel King was shocked. Looking at him, the power burst out by the ancient dragon-jawed beast was barely considered a basic ten-step beast. How could it be so unbearable for him? ?

With a low roar, without thinking too much, with a thought, the wheel behind his back was activated, spinning violently on his back with a crisp "click" sound, and cut off the golden tentacles entangled with him. The Wheel-turning King was freed, and with his right hand Stretch out and grab the treasure wheel behind you.

The power of this "wheel-turning civilization"'s country-governing artifact was so terrifying. The treasure wheel shot out immeasurable divine light. He held the treasure wheel and swept it out sideways. The dragon-jawed beast in front of him was struck by the treasure wheel, and a large number of sparks suddenly appeared. .

The treasure wheel rotated, cutting the dragon-jawed beast with difficulty. The energy attack jointly carried out by Zhao Lei and others fell. The wheel-turning king felt that his body suddenly became as heavy as a mountain. The pressure of this energy had already suffocated him before it fell.

"How could this happen?" King Chakravartin was in disbelief. This treasure wheel is the treasure-treasure weapon of the "Chakravarter Civilization". It is so powerful. Now it has become so difficult to cut the ancient dragon-jawed beast.

While he was shocked, he felt that he could not cope with the energy attack from Zhao Lei and others, so he hurriedly put away the treasure wheel and retreated violently.

Instantly retreating a thousand meters and widening the distance, the Chakravartin King's eyes became confused and uncertain. In Wang Xuan's eyes, the glow shrouding the Chakravartin King's body seemed to dim a bit.

The look on Gu Sheng's face also became a little uncertain.

He knew his own strength. Even with the Underworld Divine Armor he had just put on, his strength was barely close to that of a junior ten-step beast like the Capricorn Emperor. The Wheel-turning King was a veteran civilization master whose strength was higher than Emperor Capricorn is much more powerful, and the treasure wheel he holds in his hand is even more terrifying. Why did the dragon-jawed beast find it difficult to cut him just now?

The Wheel-Winning King retreated a thousand meters away, but Zhao Lei and others did not think so much. They only felt that the Wheel-Winning King had a false reputation. They let out a long roar and once again activated their strongest power, facing the Wheel-Winning King from a thousand meters away. Exploded again.

Facing the opponent's energy pressure again, this time the Wheel King did not feel the suffocating feeling before, as if the opponent's strength had weakened.

Forming a seal to block it upwards, the Wheel-turning King suddenly woke up.

"No, it's not that their power has weakened, it's that my power has increased. Could it be..."

With a thought, the Wheel-turning King held the treasure wheel and rushed towards Wang Xuan again, swinging the treasure wheel in his hand.

Wang Xuan's golden magic beast and the ancient dragon-jawed beast roared together. Wang Xuan launched his magic armor fist and hit the treasure wheel with a punch from the air. The treasure wheel vibrated. The wheel-turning king felt that his right arm holding the treasure wheel was shaking. After thinking about it, he retreated again, widening the distance between the two sides.

"Sure enough, for some unknown reason, once I force them, my power is inexplicably suppressed. When I distance myself, my power will recover a lot." The Wheel King was secretly shocked. Could this be the power originating from Wang Xuan's body? Will he be suppressed if you approach him?

Seeing the Chakravartin King retreating, Zhao Lei and others rushed towards him. Since they had tested out that the Chakravartin King was only that strong, they wanted to join forces to kill him like they had killed the Capricorn Emperor before.

Everyone rushed a thousand meters away and joined forces to suppress the Wheel King again.

"Wang Xuan——" Zhao Lei shouted loudly. Although they could suppress the Wheel King together, Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng would need to take action to kill him.

Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng rushed over from left to right, and the golden monster and the dragon-jawed beast attacked the Wheel-turning King.

The six powerful nine-step beast-transformers from the "Wagon Wheel Civilization" finally appeared in the distance. They were rushing towards here at extremely fast speeds. They all looked surprised when they saw the Wheel King being besieged from a distance.

They did not expect that these people were so powerful that they could force the Chakravartin King back.

A divine light shot out from King Chakravartin's body, holding up the energy that Zhao Lei and others blasted together. He held the treasure wheel in his right hand and swept it out horizontally. The dragon-jawed beast manifested in ancient times became vulnerable and easily defeated. cut from it.

Wang Xuan felt bad and was busy controlling the eight tentacles to draw towards the treasure wheel.

The golden tentacle hit the treasure wheel and was cut off by the treasure wheel in an instant.

Compared with the previous Wheel Wheel King, the strength of the Wheel Wheel King at this moment has suddenly improved a lot.

"I understand!" Gu Sheng suddenly shouted when he saw this scene, and suddenly retreated towards Daheishan.

"Quick, everyone get back!" he shouted as he backed away.

Wang Xuan is not stupid either. Just now, the Chakravartin King was barely stronger than the Capricorn Emperor, and it was difficult for the wheel to cut the dragon-jawed beast. But now, its power suddenly increased a lot, and it split the dragon-jawed beast into two in an instant. Such an abnormality is naturally not due to the Wheel King showing mercy, but is related to their location.

"The Daheishan must be the cause of the Daheishan." Wang Xuan originally suspected that the Daheishan could affect the Huangquan chariot and must contain some kind of special energy. However, he couldn't figure out what this energy was. Due to the abnormality of the Wheel King, a thought suddenly popped up in his mind. Could it be that as he approaches the Great Black Mountain, the power of a powerful existence like the Wheel King will be suppressed?

Whether it's true or not, you'll know once you try it. As Gu Sheng shouted and retreated, he also rushed towards the Dahei Mountain.

"Get back quickly!" Wang Xuan also shouted fiercely. Zhao Lei and others still didn't understand what was going on. They only felt that the strength of the Wheel King seemed to be rising and falling, but they couldn't figure out the reason for the moment, but they were used to it. In order to obey Wang Xuan's order, they immediately retreated.

Watching them rushing towards the Dahei Mountain, the Wheel-turning King quickly chased after them. This time, he formed seals with his hands again. The treasure wheel emitted a dazzling divine light. He finally pushed the power of the treasure wheel to the limit. The treasure wheel The change was huge, and the whole body became crystal clear, covering the sky, and pressed against the people who were fleeing towards Daheishan.

Everyone felt the power of Baolun. The power of this blow made everyone change their expressions. It was too late to dodge at this moment. Everyone shouted together. Wang Xuan's golden monster and Gu Sheng's Dragon Jaw manifested again. Beast, Zhao Lei and other seventy-three people joined forces to form a large formation, preparing to fight against the pressing Baolun at the same time. An incredible scene occurred.

Originally, the treasure wheel was shot with overwhelming power, but as it continued to approach Wang Xuan and others, the light of the treasure wheel quickly became dim. It was originally as huge as the sky, but now it keeps shrinking, and soon changed to its original normal appearance. All the overwhelming divine power disappeared and was directly knocked away by Wang Xuan's magic armor fist.

After Wang Xuan punched out, his right arm was numb from the shock. After the punch was punched out, he clearly felt suppressed by an invisible force. It seemed that the power exerted was suppressed to a normal level. The level of nine-step beast transformation.

Obviously, the suppression of the invisible forces surrounding the Great Black Mountain is not just aimed at the Chakravartin King, but also suppresses all those who come close to it.

It's just that the King of Wheels is too strong. Under the indiscriminate suppression of Daheishan's energy, his power is suppressed to a level similar to that of everyone. With one against many, he is naturally no match for Wang Xuan, Gu Sheng and others.

Seeing the changes in the Baolun, it was even blown away by Wang Xuan's punch. The most shocked person among them was the Wheel-turning King. He simply couldn't believe his eyes.

"If this is the power of the origin... then no matter how many masters of civilization come, won't their power weaken as soon as they get close to him? No, the previous origin does not seem to have such an ability. Could it be said that it is actually... that A black mountain?" Wheel-turning King looked at the big black mountain in the distance.

He took back the treasure wheel and did not continue to chase. After Wang Xuan punched the treasure wheel away, he did not stop, but continued to approach Dahei Mountain with Gu Sheng, Zhao Lei and others.

"Sure enough..." Wang Xuan stirred up the energy in his body and immediately felt clearly that before, he could still exert the energy of an ordinary nine-step beast. As he approached Daheishan again, the ultimate power he could exert was soon eliminated. Suppressed to the level of eight-step beast transformation.

"Gu Sheng, how much power can you exert?" Wang Xuan stopped immediately and asked Gu Sheng.

Daheishan is so weird that he doesn't dare to get too close. If everyone is really suppressed to the level of eight-step beast, then why should he be afraid of the Wheel-turning King?

Gu Sheng had already put away the ninety-nine blue crystals. When Wang Xuan asked, scales appeared on the surface of his body. He soon sensed it, with a look of surprise on his face and said: "Now we can only use the limit." If you have the strength to transform into a beast in eight steps, and beyond the level of transforming into a beast in eight steps, you will be suppressed by an invisible energy."

"It seems that we are almost the same. At this position, we can only use eight steps to transform into a beast. Just a little further away from Daheishan, we can use nine steps to transform into a beast... and further away, we can use ten steps to transform into a beast..."

Wang Xuan turned his head and looked into the distance. The Chakravartin King was floating in the void, not moving, just watching them. The two sides looked at each other from a distance of tens of thousands of meters, and the atmosphere seemed a bit strange.

Zhao Lei and others finally understood at this moment, and realized that the Great Black Mountain had such incredible abilities.

"If it's true, then don't we have to be afraid of these masters of civilization? No matter how powerful they are, as long as they dare to approach this place, their own strength will be suppressed to the same level as ours. We can defeat them with numbers." Zhang Haofei was shocked again. Happy again.

Gu Sheng nodded and said: "It seems like this at present, but no one knows how many more civilization masters will appear next. As time goes on, more and more people may gather, and they may have a numerical advantage by then. It’s them who are the only ones. And... they may need to stay outside, but we don’t dare to leave..."

When everyone heard what Gu Sheng said, their faces became heavy.

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