The last building on earth

Chapter 427 Sacred Mountain

"There is no better way at the moment. We can only go and take a look first. This Dahei Mountain seems to be a little special." Wang Xuan said as he turned back to look at the Wheel Wheel King in the distance again, and found that six paths appeared behind the Wheel Wheel King. The figures fell behind the Wheel King, and then the seven people began to move.

King Chakravartin met with six of his subordinates and approached Wang Xuan again, but he did not approach rashly and moved very carefully. The glow on the surface of his body was swaying, trying to stimulate energy. Soon he found that as he continued to approach, In Daheishan, the power he can exert is declining.

"Sure enough... it is most likely related to the Black Mountain. Even if it is not the Black Mountain, there is some kind of special energy there. This energy can suppress approaching creatures..." Wheelrunner King frowned tightly.

"Sir, our power has been suppressed." The six nine-step beast-turning experts behind us are all elders of the "Whispering Wheel Civilization". As they approached, they immediately discovered that their power was suppressed. Now they can exert it. The ultimate power can only reach eight steps to transform into a beast.

The Wheel King stopped. The seven of them are now only equivalent to seven eight-step transformed beasts. If there is a conflict with Wang Xuan and others at this time, the opponent will be equivalent to more than seventy eight-step transformed beasts. If the seven of them continue Approaching Wang Xuan and others is tantamount to death.

Seeing that the seven Wheelrunners suddenly stopped again, Gu Sheng and others also guessed the reason, Zhao Lei suddenly whispered: "Wang Xuan, how about we kill back suddenly, defeat the few with more, and see if we can succeed? "

Wang Xuan shook his head slightly and said: "If we really kill them, they will definitely retreat. As long as they stay away from Daheishan, their strength can be restored."

Gu Sheng also whispered: "Yes, the Wheel King is not a fool and will not wait for us where we are. We should go first to see what secrets are hidden in the Black Mountain."

After that, they no longer paid attention to the seven Chakravartin Kings, but headed straight towards the Black Mountain.

Everyone was constantly trying to activate energy along the way. As they had guessed before, the closer they got to Black Mountain, the more their power was suppressed and the power they could exert became weaker and weaker.

As they continued to get closer, they gradually became unable to maintain the posture of flying in the air, and began to decline. This meant that their current strength had dropped to less than the level of four-step beast transformation. In this outer domain, the strength could not reach the level of four steps. The walking beast cannot even fly.

Below are a large number of luminous forest trees. The height of any large tree exceeds 100 meters. These trees are shrouded in a glistening white light.

No one dared to be careless, no one knew what dangers were hidden in the forest. Wang Xuan opened the Eye of Fear and the Eye of Heaven, and Zhao Lei also opened the Holy Eye. But just as their powers were suppressed, their sensing abilities and various peeping Ability has also been suppressed.

The King of Wheels was very conflicted. He was reluctant to let Wang Xuan and others leave, but he did not dare to approach casually. He could only keep a distance of about 10,000 meters and follow him behind, thinking that he was a dignified and veteran leader of civilization. He has dominated this universe for many years and is considered one of the few overlords of this fifth-level space universe, but now he is in such an embarrassing situation.

Looking at Wang Xuan and others ten thousand meters away, they were landing in the forest below. He was not much better. Now his strength had declined to the point where he was close to the four-step beast, and soon he would no longer be able to maintain his flying state.

"Sir, this can't go on like this. If they never leave here, do we have to stay here with them all the time?" One of the elders couldn't help it.

"What do you think?" King Chakravartin did not look back at him, but was still staring at Wang Xuan's group in the distance.

"Since the strength will be suppressed when entering here, and everyone's strength is reduced to the same level, it means that we can rely on numbers to win. They only have seventy-five people. We can mobilize a warship. As long as we can come here, we will win. Can take them down.”

King Chakravartin said: "It's not easy to get in here. Even we have to risk our lives and death, let alone them. There is no difference between them entering here and sending death..."

As soon as he said this, he suddenly felt something. He turned his head and looked into the distance, only to see a figure flashing in the distance, and an icicle suddenly descended. Among the icicles, a woman stepped out holding an ice staff.

The visitor was none other than the Ice Queen, the leader of the "Glacier Civilization". Following her were a dozen ten-meter-high ice sculpture giants, all holding the same ice sculpture weapons in their hands. They were strong men from the "Glacier Civilization". The strength of each one has at least reached the level of nine-step beast transformation.

Suddenly seeing the Ice Queen, Chakravartin frowned slightly.

The Bing Queen also saw the Chakravartin King, without saying a word or paying attention to him. Instead, she stepped forward in the direction of the Black Mountain in the distance.

The Wheel King looked at the Bing Queen approaching Montenegro, with the corner of his mouth slightly raised and a hint of a smile.

"This woman has always been arrogant. She will suffer a big loss when she catches up with those humans."

Just as he had this idea, Queen Bing suddenly stopped and turned to look at him.

"King Chakravartin, what's your plot when you stop here?"

There was a hint of coldness in Binghou's words. She suddenly doubted the intentions of the Chakravartin King. Ice mist rose from the surface of her body, and soon she felt that her power was being suppressed.

"I see..." Queen Bing looked around, her eyes shining with two icy rays of light, looking towards the glowing forest in the distance. Now Wang Xuan and his group could no longer levitate, but landed on the trees below one after another. .

"The power of everyone who enters here is suppressed... It should be the reason for that Black Mountain, Black Mountain... I seem to have heard similar legends somewhere..." Bing Hou looked thoughtful.

"This is called the Sacred Mountain... I didn't expect it to be found so easily this time."

Suddenly, another voice appeared. Following this voice, a man with a majestic face appeared from the distance, with five elemental balls floating around him. It was the Magic Emperor, the master of civilization from the "Magic Civilization".

Behind him were also a group of strong men from "magic civilization".

"Holy Mountain?"

The Chakravartin King and the Ice Queen all trembled and looked at the Magic Emperor together.

"You said this Black Mountain is the legendary sacred mountain?" Queen Bing couldn't hide the shock on her face.

"It is said that the sacred mountain hidden deep in the outer realm involves the great secret of becoming a god. It is impossible to see it without enough opportunities. I believe everyone has been in it before, and no one said that it can be found. Why did it happen this time? Appeared suddenly?" Chakravartin King said slowly, with a hint of surprise in his tone.

The Magic Emperor murmured: "Maybe it's because of the origin."

"Origin?" The Ice Queen and the Wheel King looked at each other with thoughtful expressions.

"It is possible to say that, because the Origin made the Sacred Mountain appear, and now they are heading to the Sacred Mountain. According to legend, whoever can climb the Sacred Mountain can transcend this universe." The Wheel King said here, no longer hesitating, Suddenly he waved his hand and started heading towards the Black Mountain in the distance.

Now his target is not entirely the origin within Wang Xuan's body, but also includes the Black Mountain that is suspected to be the legendary sacred mountain.

Queen Bing followed closely with a group of people, and then the Magic Emperor led the powerful men of the "magic civilization" towards Montenegro.

As they continued to approach, like Wang Xuan, their strength was continuously weakened, and soon they could no longer maintain their flying state and began to land downwards.

In the distance at this moment, a giant blue door appeared from it, followed by strong human beings one after another. Their whole bodies were shrouded in blue light. It was the strong human beings from "Shanjian City" who had arrived.

Elder Tianyi, whose strength has reached the level of nine-step beast transformation, is among them.

Not long after the emergence of strong human beings from the "Galactic Civilization", another giant machine appeared in the distance from the giant blue door, and the strong men from the "Machine Civilization" also came.

The powerful men from all the major civilizations are gathering here. After they noticed the Chakravartin King and others in the distance, they all came in the same direction.

As time goes by, more and more powerful people from major civilizations will appear.

At this moment, Wang Xuan and his group were trampling on the branches, shuttling between the huge trees that were more than a hundred meters high.

Although they don't know what Daheishan is, it is suspected that the special ability possessed by Daheishan suppresses all of their power to the same level, which is beneficial to them. Now, as the masters of civilization from afar are coming one after another, they cannot There is no choice but to keep approaching Daheishan, hoping to find a way to survive.

"The Queen of Ice and the Magic Emperor are also here. It's getting more and more troublesome. If it continues, the opponent's number will increase. Even if we fight for numbers, we have no chance of winning." Gu Sheng's face became more and more solemn.

"It's not like there's a saying about soldiers coming to block, water coming and soil flooding, whatever. It doesn't matter, let's get to Black Mountain first and then talk about it." Zhang Haofei said as he jumped towards another big tree in front of him.

Wang Xuandao: "Zhang Haofei is right, it's useless to think too much now."

More than seventy people flew along these trees at high speeds, heading towards the Black Mountain in the distance. As they continued to approach, everyone felt that their strength was weakening again. Now everyone's strength was only between the second step of transforming into a beast and the third step of transforming into a beast. In between, as it gets closer, it will soon fade to the level of the second-step beast.

Wang Xuan turned his head and looked at the sky behind him, and found that there were no strong men from major civilizations floating in the sky. It seemed that they had all been suppressed because of their strength, and now they fell into the forest below. Judging from this, these people It shouldn't be far from them.

Suddenly, there was a roar in the distance, followed by a violent explosion in the woods in the distance. It was obvious that there was a conflict there.

"What's going on?" Everyone turned their heads and looked behind where the violent noise was coming from. They heard a roar coming from there. A large number of trees were collapsing, and there was a glow rising among them. It was obviously the wheel-turning king who had taken action. .

"The Chakravartin King and others were attacked?"

Everyone was too far away and could only hear the sound, but they had no idea what was attacking the Wheel King and his group.

At this moment, Wang Xuan's monster instinct suddenly felt the danger, and the shadow of eight tentacles immediately appeared. Almost at the same moment, a scream sounded, but in the crowd, a man wearing the Underworld Divine Armor suddenly fell down. This was He was pulled down by a huge force.

Everyone around was in an uproar, and Wang Xuan was attacked at the same moment.

Attacking them are monsters shaped like tree branches.

These monsters stay on the trees in this forest and can resemble tree branches. Everyone enters their circle without realizing it, but they are unable to notice it.

Neither Wang Xuan's Zhoutian Eye nor Zhao Lei's Holy Eye noticed it. It was only at this moment that these tree-like monsters suddenly launched an attack, and everyone was shocked. Several people were immediately attacked, entangled or stabbed by branches, and went towards them. Falling down.

Several screams rang out in succession. Although everyone's strength was suppressed between the second-step beast transformation and the third-step beast transformation, there was still a gap in everyone's reaction ability with the same level and strength.

For example, Wang Xuan and Gu Sheng reacted the fastest. Almost in the blink of an eye, the phantoms of the Warcraft and the Dragon-jawed Beast expanded, blocking the attacking branches, and then transformed from phantom to solid, erupting with extreme power.

Although the power of this explosion can only be infinitely close to the three-step beast, the strength of these tree branch monsters is also suppressed and is not stronger than them.

With several "bang bang" sounds, the branch monsters attacking them were bounced away by their strength. Wang Xuan stretched out his right hand, and the golden ghost blade appeared and slashed away.

A big tree and two branch monsters were killed, and blood spattered from it.

The former master of the Flame Palace, now a member of the Underworld Divine Army, Yingtian roared, and flames rose from his body, immediately igniting the surrounding area.

The most terrifying thing about these tree branch monsters is that they can hide and launch attacks suddenly. Those who are attacked are caught off guard at first, but as they are exposed, they are no longer afraid. The flames launched by Yingtian quickly turn the place into a sea of ​​​​fire. These branches What monsters fear most is fire.

As each large tree was engulfed in flames, everyone jumped down and entered the forest floor below.

If not forced, no one would enter the ground below. Compared to the ground, the trees would be safer. No one would have thought that these branch monsters would be hidden in these trees.

In this round of attacks, at least a dozen people were injured, but only one actually died. He died after his head was directly pierced by the tree branch monster.

Of the eighty Underworld Divine Army members brought into the fifth level this time, there are still seventy-two left.

Wang Xuan glanced at the corpse on the ground. The underworld armor on the dead man turned into a rainbow of light and automatically disappeared into the gate of underworld.

Everyone looked up and saw that as the flames rose, the branch monsters that were originally hidden on the trees fled around. The huge explosion sound coming from the distance was approaching them. The sound was already within 10,000 meters of them. It was obvious that something had changed. Chakravartin and the others are catching up.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan shouted in a low voice and ran ahead, continuing towards the Black Mountain.

The voices behind are getting closer and closer, and the distance between the two sides is getting closer. As the masters and strong men of major civilizations appear one after another, the number of these people is also increasing, and they are obviously preparing to catch up with Wang Xuan and others. Seizing their imagined origins.

Wang Xuan rushed to the front, and suddenly the instinct of the monster came into being again.

"There's danger!" Wang Xuan didn't know where the danger was, so he could only shout loudly to alert everyone. Then there was a bang on the ground below, and a large amount of earth, rocks and thick leaves were blown away, and a giant snake shaped like a python was thrown away. Monsters rushed out of it.

This giant python has four claws and horns on its forehead, and is forty to fifty meters long. It looks like a legendary dragon. It was originally sleeping deep in the thick leaves, but people stepped on it and startled it.

It suddenly burst out in anger, and swiped its huge tail. One person groaned and was knocked away, and blood spurted out from its open mouth.

This power was so astonishing that everyone reacted quickly. A group of people immediately took action and attacked the dragon.

More than a dozen powerful attacks fell, killing the dragon-like monster immediately.

Unexpectedly, the ground around them shook, and a large number of leaves were lifted up. One after another, dragon monsters appeared. They opened their mouths, and the sounds they made were like babies crying. It was vaguely creepy in everyone's ears.

A single monster is not scary, but a group suddenly appeared, and under the suppression of the power of Daheishan, their strength was equal to that of everyone, and they were all suppressed between the two-step beast transformation and the three-step beast transformation. Both sides were evenly matched, and a fierce battle broke out immediately. Fight.

They were much more powerful than the previous branch monsters, and they opened their bloody mouths to bite wildly. Wang Xuan saw that Meng Lian was in danger, and the tail of a dragon slashed down in the air. She had just avoided the attack of another dragon. At this moment, it was too late to dodge, so he immediately rushed over.

With a thought, he activated the special skill "Time Delay" that "Ghost Car" has grown to five steps into a beast. As this ability is activated, the passage of time in a certain area around him slows down. Although it can only last for a moment, it is Wang Xuan said it was enough.

He stretched out his left hand, grabbed Meng Lian, activated "Ghost Speed" and rushed out.

With a "boom", the dragon's tail fell into the air and hit the ground hard, creating a huge deep groove in the ground.

Wang Xuan's magic armor fist was activated, forming a huge fist and hitting the dragon's head firmly.

The dragon's head immediately exploded, and a large amount of blood spattered out.

Meng Lian was in shock. When Wang Xuan stopped, she realized that he had saved her. He had just held her by Wang Xuan's hand, causing a slight blush on her face.

Wang Xuan didn't think much, he turned around, let go of her, and rushed towards the other dragon.

The strength of these dragons is very powerful. It is by no means just between the two-step beast transformation and the three-step beast transformation. It is only because the power is suppressed that they are on the same level as everyone else. Wang Xuan kills the dragons and can feel the power contained in their bodies. of powerful energy.

A scream sounded, and Wang Xuan saw Shu Feixiong in the crowd, who had just killed a dragon, but was bitten on the head by the dragon's bloody mouth. When he closed the dragon's mouth, blood splattered out, and he I understand that Shu Feixiong is hopeless.

In addition to Shu Feixiong, two other people died. In a short period of time, a total of three people died, and everyone killed more than a dozen dragons in succession.

A ray of light rose behind them, and the Chakravartin King, who was chasing the fastest, finally appeared again in the forest thousands of meters away from everyone.

They saw Wang Xuan's group of people fighting with a group of dragons from a distance. They saw a large number of trees broken and fell down with great force.

They had also been attacked by monsters in the forest just now. One of the six nine-step beast-turning experts around him died.

Behind him, there were a group of strong men led by the Ice Queen and the Magic Emperor, and further beyond them, there were more civilization masters and strong men from major civilizations, who were gradually surrounding them.

The situation is getting more and more sinister.

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