The last building on earth

Chapter 437 Lord of Heaven (Please vote and subscribe)

Emperor Sha also stopped taking action. He already understood that the current self was not enough to shake Emperor Sha.

The masters of civilization, the kings of races, and some ancient strong men on the entire mountaintop, as well as the large number of nine-step beast-turned-powerhouses approaching the top of the mountain, all raised their heads and witnessed this scene, looking at Shi Shi who transformed into a blue crystal statue. The emperor is ascending.

Suddenly, above the void, a large number of clouds suddenly gathered. Among these clouds, blue crystal luster appeared and spread in all directions, quickly dyeing the gathering clouds into a blue crystal color.

The rising Emperor Shi paused for a moment, and also raised his head to look into the void.

But he saw the clouds changing into blue crystal luster and surging outwards, and soon condensed into a big face.

This large face is formed from clouds and also has a blue crystal sheen.

"Emperor Shi, welcome you..."

The big face opened its mouth and suddenly sent out a vague message.

Hearing this voice and looking at this big face made of clouds, many people on the mountain top below couldn't help but exclaimed in surprise: "Heaven?"

Cangtian, the master of one of the cosmic civilizations, "Cangtian Civilization", had shown his clone projection before the Blood Emperor in order to fight for the origin, but the Blood Emperor saw through it and destroyed his clone projection with one blow.

All along, in the fifth level of the universe, those who have advanced to the tenth step of transforming into beasts will enter the outer realm to look for their own opportunities. Unfortunately, they basically cannot find the sacred mountain, and in the end they can only leave in disappointment.

Only the sky has been staying in the outer realm. Originally, everyone only thought that he would not give up. Now they saw his big face formed by the gathering of clouds in the void, filled with the color of blue crystal. In contrast, he obtained blue crystal scales, and his whole body transformed. After becoming the Buddha of blue crystal, everyone suddenly realized.

It turns out that Cangtian transcended the beast form one step earlier than Emperor Shi, and what appears now is obviously Cangtian's projection, which means that he is no longer in this fifth-level cosmic world.

There was a smile on Cangtian's face, saying welcome, but the smile was filled with an inexplicable weirdness. The corners of his mouth curved upward, like a smile, but also with a hint of sarcasm, and seemed to have a kind of saying. The people below looked at the ferocious figure and felt a sense of horror.

Emperor Shi faced the big blue face that appeared in the void, stretched out his right hand, pointed upward, and the big blue face representing the sky began to shatter.

The voice of the sky came again from the big blue face that was in ruins.

"Emperor Shakti... we... will meet... soon..."

After that, the sound completely disappeared with the completely shattered blue face, and Emperor Shi continued to move up. The sky above was completely dyed with the color of blue crystal by him. When he was about to leave, , suddenly a voice came from far above.

"The new city lord of Shanjian City... will be taken over by Gu Sheng..."

As this voice spread far away, the powerful people from all sides of Shanjian City in the galactic civilization were stunned. In many of their minds, Gu Sheng was the traitor who betrayed Shanjian City. How could he become Shanjian now? The new city lord?

You must know that the lord of Shanjian City is equivalent to the lord of galactic civilization.

In the shock of all parties, Gu Sheng himself was also stunned. Suddenly something appeared in the void and shot rapidly in the air. It was the blue rainbow light shot by Emperor Shi.

This blue rainbow light instantly hit the center of Gu Sheng's eyebrows, imprinting a blue rune on Gu Sheng's eyebrows. A look of pain suddenly appeared on Gu Sheng's face, and he instinctively sat down cross-legged.

Emperor Shi ascended at the same moment, and soon turned into a blue rainbow light, rising into the sky, and finally disappeared into the void.

Everyone understood that Emperor Shi had transcended, truly leaving the universe and entering a higher dimension of time and space.

The surroundings became silent, and no one spoke for a long time. After a long time, someone who was still unknown suddenly screamed in surprise. It seemed that he saw something else, and he couldn't help shouting: "Look at the center of the mountain top——"

Following this sound, many people came back to their senses and looked toward the center of the mountain top, only to see streaks of blue rainbow light gathering where the blue crystal scales had been suspended.

These blue rainbow lights appear from around the sacred mountain, and then gather at the center point, with a faint crystal luster emerging from them.

Everyone was not stupid. When they saw this scene, they immediately understood that the Sacred Mountain was creating new blue crystal scales.

Cang Tian, ​​who entered the Outland before, obviously obtained the blue crystal scales created by the Sacred Mountain, and transcended and left. Now Emperor Shi also got one and left, and now the Sacred Mountain is creating new blue crystal scales.

"I understand... the sacred mountain can continuously produce these blue crystal scales. These crystal scales are similar to the divine personality of the legendary god, or the qualification to transcend into beasts. Only by obtaining blue crystal scales can one transcend this world."

The Blood Emperor's voice slowly rose, and with one step, he suddenly stood guard in the central area. When he saw blue rainbow light gathering and forming new blue crystal scales, he made up his mind. You must get the blue crystal scales that were born.

Before, he lost to Emperor Shi and was overtaken by him. Now, except for Emperor Shi, although there are many strong men who can transform into beasts in ten steps, almost no one except Emperor Sha is noticed by him.

Although there are endless sources of blue rainbow light, no one knows how long it will take to condense a new blue crystal scale. Although the Blood Emperor is anxious, he can only wait patiently.

Others who thought the same as him were the Sand Emperor, Feather God, Dwarf Man, Magic Emperor and other powerful people. After witnessing the process of Emperor Shakti's transcendence, everyone stared at the gathering blue sky with eagerness and greed. energy.

At this moment, the blue crystal scales had not yet succeeded. They just watched each other in fear, but did not make any further moves. They just occupied a position and sat down.

None of these strong men who transformed into beasts in ten steps were willing to give up and leave when faced with the opportunity to become immortal gods.

In addition to them, among the groups of nine-step beast-turned-powerhouses around the top of the mountain who were trying hard to get close to the top of the mountain, some people could not control the energy in their bodies. The beasts in their bodies went berserk and soon exploded from inside their bodies. The remaining energy in his body was swallowed up by the sacred mountain.

As the energy of the beast in this nine-step beast-turning expert was swallowed up by the sacred mountain, a faint light lit up on the entire surface of the sacred mountain, followed by the concentrated blue energy speed in the center of the mountain top. It suddenly increased tenfold, and instantly a phantom of blue crystal scales surged toward the center.

This change was so astonishing that everyone noticed it. They all turned around and looked at the blue crystal scales that appeared. Feeling this astonishing change, they saw that the energy gathered around them slowed down again. These strong men already understood what to do. It's over.

The Sacred Mountain cannot create this blue crystal scale out of thin air. It needs to absorb powerful energy and then convert it to finally condense a blue crystal scale.

At this moment, there are densely packed and unknown strong men climbing around the sacred mountain. The energy of the death of these strong men is absorbed by the sacred mountain, transported to the top of the mountain, and becomes the nutrition of the blue crystal scales. In addition, the sacred mountain should also It can absorb natural energy, but the fastest among them is that the sacred mountain absorbs the energy of powerful beasts.

A nine-step beast-turning expert had just died, and the energy of the beast in his body could suddenly increase the speed at which the sacred mountain condensed blue crystal scales tenfold.

Although it only lasted for a moment, it was already amazing enough.

A nine-step beast is already so amazing, what about the even more powerful ten-step beast?

If the Sacred Mountain can absorb more of the energy of the nine-step beast or even the ten-step beast transformer, a new blue crystal scale will soon be condensed.

On the top of the mountain, these civilization masters or ten-step beast-turning experts who noticed this change instantly had this idea pass through their minds, and they stood up one after another, with terrifying looks in their eyes.

The nine-step beast-transforming experts around the mountain top, and even the weaker ten-step beast-transforming experts on the top of the mountain, immediately became prey in their eyes.

The first one to take action was the Blood Emperor.

The Blood Emperor has always believed that he is not inferior to Emperor Shi. Now that Emperor Shi has transcended, how can he be willing to do so? He just wants to get a blue crystal scale as soon as possible, complete his transformation and transcendence, and catch up with Emperor Shi.

With one step, he suddenly rushed towards a ten-step beast-turned-powerful man a hundred meters away.

This ten-step beast-turned-powerful man was unknown. Even the Blood Emperor didn't know which race or civilization he came from. He just appeared suddenly and climbed to the top of the mountain.

The Blood Emperor saw that his strength was not very strong. He could only be an ordinary-level ten-step beast. He might even have just entered the ten-step beast. How could he compare with a peak ten-step beast like himself?

The Blood Emperor suddenly launched an all-out attack, and the power was so terrifying. When the ten-step beast-turned-powerful man realized that something was wrong, he immediately opened his mouth, as if he wanted to say something, but it was a pity that it was too late. The Blood Emperor's incarnation The sea of ​​blood suddenly smashed down on his head and face. In this sea of ​​blood, this dignified ten-step beast-turned-man could no longer hold on. His bones and flesh were immediately broken into pieces, and a perfectly grown beast burst out of his body.

This beast also wanted to bite back the Blood Emperor, and hit the Blood Emperor with all its strength, but it was like a mud cow sinking into the sea. The Blood Emperor was like a void existence, and its attack failed, as if it hit the air, and it looked indescribably uncomfortable.

The blow failed, and the blood emperor immediately hit the vital part of the chest with a palm, and it began to shatter in all directions.

By the time it thought of escaping, it was already too late. The force field of the omnipresent sacred mountain captured it and quickly digested it.

This is a majestic ten-step perfect beast. As its energy is swallowed up, a strong resonance appears in the entire sacred mountain, followed by an endless stream of blue energy appearing on the top of the mountain, heading towards The blue crystal scales appeared and filled in the shadow.

Everyone noticed this amazing change and saw that the blue crystal scales began to show signs of atomization.

"Awesome... If we can swallow more of the energy of the ten-step beast, we will be able to condense real crystal scales." The Sand Emperor on the other side saw all these changes and no longer hesitated. Like the Blood Emperor, he started to pounce. He wanted to kill some of the weaker ten-step beast-turning experts and use them to feed the sacred mountain.

As for the nine-step transformed beasts around the top of the mountain who are trying to climb up, they look down on them. It is better for them to work hard to climb to the top of the mountain, successfully transform into ten-step transformed beasts, and then kill them to gain more powerful energy.

There are now nearly a hundred strong ten-step beast-transformers gathered on the top of the mountain. Among them, there are more than thirty civilization masters from major civilizations, as well as some kings of races and ten-step beast-transformers. Among these people, In terms of strength, the Blood Emperor and the Sand Emperor are the strongest, and their main targets now are the weakest ten-step beast-transformers.

Not to be outdone, these relatively weak ten-step beast-transformers were quite numerous and began to unite to fight against the strongest Blood Emperor and Sand Emperor.

The Lord of the Earth, the Ice Queen, the Magic Emperor and other civilized masters also quickly got involved. Instead of attacking the ten-step beast-transformers, they joined forces to kill the Blood Emperor and the Sand Emperor.

As long as they kill the strongest Blood Emperor and Sand Emperor, they will have hope once new blue crystal scales are condensed.

The top of the mountain suddenly fell into chaos, and nearly a hundred strong men who transformed into beasts with ten steps started fighting each other.

Wang Xuan, who was still four to five hundred meters away from the top of the mountain, was still slowly approaching the top of the mountain.

In terms of strength, he is not inferior to a strong man who can transform into a beast in ten steps, and he is fully qualified to climb the top of the mountain. It is only because he is not proficient in using the power of Warcraft and Ghost Cars and cannot perfectly exert their power that he is defeated by the power of the Sacred Mountain. field blocking.

While he was comprehending and mastering the power of Warcraft and Ghost Vehicles, he continued to approach the top of the mountain through the force field.

The three origins in the body are affected by the force field of the sacred mountain, fluctuate violently, and continue to merge toward the center.

It's that it's more than ten times more difficult for him to completely integrate the three origins than for ordinary people. Even if he is only four or five hundred meters away from the top of the mountain, if an ordinary nine-step beast-turning expert reaches this position, the origin fusion is at least completed. Most of it can be perfectly integrated at any time, but the fusion of the three origins in his body is not even a small half, let alone a large half, and is barely close to a third level.

With the continuous deeper understanding of Demon Armored Fist, Beast Claws, Beast Arms, Beast Power, Devouring Body, Demonization, Demonic Power, Demonic Devouring and True Demon Hand, plus Ghost Speed, Ghost Blade, Ghost Void, The nine ghost car skills of ghost roar, time delay, ghost transformation, will-o'-the-wisp, fire rain and immortal fire, a total of eighteen skills, were repeatedly practiced in Wang Xuan's mind.

When you have grown to his level, you almost don't need to practice in person anymore. You only need to practice in your mind to achieve the exact same training effect.

These eighteen skills, plus nearly twenty special abilities, as well as the "Super Ghost Car Night Walk" that he had practiced and fused, Wang Xuan walked forward again without knowing it, and the distance to the top of the mountain had shortened to less than four feet. 100 meters.

Wang Xuan quickly refined the Demon Slayer Fire in Gui Che's special ability into the immortal fire to enhance the power of the immortal fire. This fusion was successful and his strength was greatly improved again, and the original fusion in his body finally gradually Start to reach less than half.

Now the distance between him and the top of the mountain has shortened to less than three hundred meters.

The fighting on the top of the mountain became more and more fierce. In just a short period of time, at least more than five strong ten-step beast-turners were killed by everyone. They fell on the spot. The energy in the bodies of these ten-step beast-turners was swallowed up and digested by the sacred mountain, and they were transformed. For the energy of the blue crystal scales.

At this moment, in the center of the mountain top, the shadow of the blue crystal scales has completely turned into mist.

Except that it was easier for the Blood Emperor to suddenly kill a junior ten-step beast-transformer, the subsequent ten-step beast-transformers each had their own special means, and it was extremely difficult to kill them easily.

They fought with each other for a long time on the top of the mountain, but only five ten-step beast-turning experts were killed.

The Blood Emperor and the Sand Emperor were anxious, and suddenly they joined forces and attacked a ten-step beast-turned-powerful man at the same time.

They are the two strongest beings in the field. Once they join forces, their power is simply overwhelming. Even a junior ten-step beast-turned-powerhouse can be killed by them in one encounter.

Although the Magic Emperor, Ice Queen and others want to join forces and kill them first, it is not easy to kill the Blood Emperor and the Sand Emperor. Whether it is strength or speed, the Blood Emperor and the Sand Emperor have the advantage, even if the opposing parties do not join forces. , they can easily dodge and escape, which makes the Magic Emperor, Ice Queen and others helpless.

The fight is still going on, but Wang Xuan's mind is not focused on the top of the mountain, but on feeling the changes in his body. He has already approached within two hundred meters of the top of the mountain, and may climb to the top of the mountain at any time, and the three origins in his body are fused. After reaching the halfway point, other nine-step beast-turning experts could reach within 200 meters of the top of the mountain, which was basically a successful breakthrough. The beast in the body had grown to a perfect state, but according to Wang Xuan, he didn't know how long it would take.

Wang Xuan was not anxious, but continued to calm down and slowly approached the top of the mountain step by step.

Wang Xuan understood that he was in a special situation. He could evolve two first-generation beasts to the level of nine-step beasts, and he also had to merge their origins into one and grow together to the level of ten-step beasts.

"It seems that even if I really reach the top of the mountain, the magic beast and ghost car in my body will most likely not be able to grow into a ten-step beast... Speaking of which, I don't know if I will be the first to reach the top of the mountain, but I won't be a ten-step beast." A person who transforms into a beast."

Wang Xuan looked up at the top of the mountain, ignoring the people fighting each other, and instead looked at the atomized blue crystal scales. As the endless flow of energy continued to pour in, the atomized blue crystal scales were still It will slowly liquefy and eventually solidify.

As long as it solidifies, this blue crystal scale will be considered a real success.

"It seems it will take some time..." Wang Xuan felt the radiation of the force field in his body. As he became stronger, he felt the force field of the Sacred Mountain more intensely. The blood and bones in his body were now radiating continuously. Absolutely absorbing energy.

Now his head, limbs and body have been strengthened, including the internal organs, and the last step is to strengthen the blood and bones. Once everything inside and outside the body is strengthened, he will truly become a strong man who can transform into a ten-step beast. By.

Now Wang Xuan has become the person closest to the top of the mountain among the people around him. Many nine-step beast transformation experts looked at him with surprise on their faces, understanding that since Wang Xuan was almost close to the top of the mountain, he should have successfully broken through to the tenth level. A walking beast.

Seeing that a human being so young could transform into a beast in ten steps and be on an equal footing with those lofty masters of civilization, many people had extremely envious looks in their eyes.

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