The last building on earth

Chapter 439 Horror Freak (please vote and subscribe)

Just as Wang Xuan had guessed, he had just fought against several strong ten-step beast transformers, and the pressure he had experienced was unprecedented. In addition, he had killed two strong ten-step beast transformers in a row, which made Wang Xuan even more nervous. Various emotions such as excitement and excitement were completely aroused, which stimulated the origin in his body to accelerate the fusion.

"Only the last step left..."

Wang Xuan's face showed a hint of excitement and a faint look of madness, and he rushed towards the Snake King who was rushing towards him.

As the three major origins in the body are merging at an accelerated pace, the power of the monster and ghost car is further enhanced, forming a strange form of half monster and half ghost car hundreds of meters high outside his body, constantly switching between reality and reality.

When the Snake Man King saw Wang Xuan taking the initiative to attack, he did not take the initiative to meet him. Instead, he retreated towards the direction of the Giant Ape King on the other side.

I saw that Wang Xuan had killed the Black Ape King and an unknown ten-step beast-turned-man from the time he climbed to the top of the mountain. Although the ten-step beast-turned-man he killed later was a bit opportunistic, the black ape king he killed was His great strength has been proven.

One-on-one, the Snake King really didn't dare to confront Wang Xuan.

The snake-man king retreated in the direction of the giant ape king. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan's original fusion was accelerating. His speed and strength were increasing. He had already entered the super ghost car night driving state. The Wang Xuan who rushed towards him was actually left behind. After the afterimage, when the Snake Man King realized that the passage of time was slowing down and saw a large number of afterimages appearing, another Wang Xuan had already appeared halfway back to the Giant Ape King.

This is Wang Xuan's true body, showing "Demon Devour" again. As the origin continues to merge, his control over "Devil Devour" becomes stronger and stronger. A black hole appears between his hands, and the great power of "Devil Devour" appears. , a terrifying suction force was generated in this black hole, and it moved toward the Snake Man King.

The face of the Snake Man King changed, and he opened his mouth and let out a violent roar. He knew that this black hole had swallowed the Black Ape King before, and its power and terror could be imagined. At this moment, it was too late for him to dodge, so he could only use the strongest "Snake" "Human race" sacred weapon, the snake forked towards the black hole.

The shadow of the ancient python came to life again along the snake's fork, impacting into the black hole, expanding crazily, trying to disintegrate the "Demon Devour" from the inside.

This time, Wang Xuan didn't need to be distracted to fight against the attack of the giant ape king. With a thought, the hand of the real demon appeared from the void, grabbed the sky with his big hand, and slapped it down hard.

The Snake Man King held the snake fork with all his strength to fight against the approaching "Demon Bite". He did not dare to dodge, and reluctantly raised the snake's tail and drew it upward.

There was an earth-shaking loud noise, and the snake's tail hit the real demon's hand, which burst out with destructive energy. The snake-man king let out a scream, and the snake's tail immediately exploded into a ball of bloody flesh, and the real demon's hand was not affected. , and continued to shoot downwards.

He was confused and hurriedly pulled away to retreat. Wang Xuan seized the opportunity and the black hole where the "Demon Bite" manifested suddenly expanded, and the surrounding space was sucked in by the "Demon Bite". The retreating Snake King suddenly realized that the space Changes, switching back and forth, his violent retreat turned into actively jumping into the black hole where the demon bite manifested.

With a whoosh, his huge body with a human head and a snake body was swallowed up by the black hole in an instant along with the snake fork in his hand.

Demonic Devouring comes from the original devouring power of Warcraft. As the third among the top ten first-generation beasts, the scariest thing about Warcraft is that it can swallow all the energy in the world. "Devilichabiting" is the embodiment of its origin. Once it is swallowed by Demonic Devouring , if you want to survive, there is only one way, and that is that the energy contained in it is so powerful that it exceeds the limit that the "Demon Devour" itself can hold.

The Snake Man King is just a mid-level ten-step beast-transformer, and obviously does not have such energy. When he is dragged into a black hole, he can't see anything and can only feel that his body is being devoured and digested. This kind of fear It's unimaginable.

He still wanted to use his last strength to activate the power of the sacred weapon Snake Fork in his hand. He didn't want his arm to be swallowed up suddenly, and he would not obey his orders. The Snake Fork flew out of his hand, followed by a porcupine sound, and was spat out by the black hole.

Although the Snake Man King is not scary, the Snake Fork is a sacred weapon of the "Snake Man Clan" and contains the soul of the ancient python. It is even said to contain a drop of the blood of a god. It is very terrifying and the Snake Man King has not been able to fully exert it. With its power, "Demon Devour" would be able to digest it in an instant, but it might be exploded by it, so Wang Xuan decisively took away the snake fork and spit it out.

A tentacle appeared and wrapped around the snake fork spit out by the demon bite. This sacred weapon of the "Snake Tribe" was so powerful that it could fight against the "devil bite". Wang Xuan was very jealous.

Without the snake fork, the snake-man king's fearful roar soon stopped, and the beast in his body only struggled for a second or two before being swallowed by the "devil bite".

Of course, being in the force field of the Sacred Mountain, any beast's death requires its energy to return to the Sacred Mountain. The energy that the "Demon Devourer" just swallowed was quickly taken away by the Sacred Mountain, and it was condensed into the current energy. Part of a formed blue crystal scale.

As more and more ten-step beast transformers died, the originally atomized blue crystal scales began to liquefy. Wang Xuan took a look from a distance and saw that the blue crystal scales were now close to being completely liquefied.

In addition to the fact that he had just killed the Snake King, the Blood Emperor on the other side succeeded again and successfully used the power of blood to obliterate a ten-step beast-turned-powerful man.

The Shah Emperor used his own methods to strangle a king of the race.

Wang Xuan's astonishing performance once again attracted the attention of several strong men around him. Wang Xuan killed the Snake King, and the three origins in his body were further integrated. It can be said that the complete integration of the three origins is getting closer and closer.

Xiao Bichen's eight-clawed spider shadow was blown up in the distance. The fish-man king from the fish-men tribe and the Yawu king from the Yawu tribe joined forces to attack from behind, trying to kill Xiao Bichen.

Wang Xuan saw this and ignored the giant ape king who was about to rush towards him. Instead, he left a series of afterimages on the spot. With the help of the super ghost car's ability to travel at night, he passed by and at the same time opened the Misu Mustard Seed Space. Received the captured snake fork.

Although Xiao Bichen didn't seem to recognize him now, Wang Xuan saw that Xiao Bichen was in danger, so he decisively came to help, using his huge real demon hand to attack the Evil Crow King from a distance.

The Evil Crow King manifested giant tentacles and struck them down head-over-heels at Xiao Bichen.

The pressure of the real demon's hand was so strong that the Evil Crow King had to give up attacking Xiao Bichen and instead controlled these giant tentacles to fight against the real demon's hand.

Without the attack of the Evil Crow King, Xiao Bichen was not afraid to face the Murloc King one on one. She took a deep breath, opened an eye in the middle of her forehead, and a stream of energy shot out from it.

With a bang, fear energy surged and roared. Wang Xuan faintly felt that the eye of fear in his forehead was affected, beating continuously, and actually affected his mind.

Wang Xuan understood that Xiao Bichen was now the new King of Fear, and the fear energy contained in his Eye of Fear was also under his control.

Xiao Bichen suddenly launched a fear energy attack, and his eyes of fear were also controlled. This feeling was very uncomfortable.

He is now beginning to gradually realize that the more power he possesses, the better. Gu Sheng believes that external forces such as the Underworld Armor should not be overly relied on. Now Wang Xuan feels that even the Eye of Fear is redundant. He has a desire to use this power in his heart. The Eye of Fear stripped back Xiao Bichen's impulse.

Only the power that truly belongs to you, the purer it is, the further you are likely to go.

These thoughts flashed through Wang Xuan's mind. The power of fear launched by Xiao Bichen hit the fish-man king. The fish-man king roared and resisted the power of fear. Both sides were retreating continuously, with an endless stream of fear in the middle. The energy column formed by force.

Wang Xuan's true demon hand was confronting the large number of tentacles waved by the Evil Crow King. He was in the super ghost car state, and his true body was approaching silently. One wing after another opened, and nine wings flapped, and a steady stream of appearances appeared. Endless flames, the most powerful immortal fire currently in Gui Che appeared, turning the nine wings together into flame wings.

Each wing was waved out, forming a giant flame blade. The Evil Crow King roared wildly, and the giant tentacles he controlled were cut off one by one by these giant flame blades, and a large amount of blood spurted out.

As he continues to fight, Wang Xuan is getting stronger and stronger. Even if he doesn't use "Devil Devour" when facing the Evil Crow King, he has gained the absolute upper hand. It can be said that his current strength is gradually not inferior to that of the Magic Emperor. and powerful civilization masters such as Ice Queen.

Around him, two figures appeared again silently.

Wang Xuan took action continuously, and his continuously strong performance aroused the attention and fear of some people. They were jealous of this young human being who had become a strong man who could transform into a beast in ten steps. The same idea appeared in their minds, that is, to Kill Wang Xuan before he becomes stronger.

One of the things that appeared silently was a ten-meter-tall giant made of clay. He was the King of the Earth from the "Earth Civilization".

The King of Earth took action and lifted up the soil from the ground. The soil continued to rise, and soon it condensed into a giant dragon made of soil, hundreds of meters long. It bared its teeth and claws, and suddenly rushed towards Wang Xuan from behind.

Another one to take action was the Queen of Ice.

The Queen of Ice appeared above Wang Xuan's head, holding an ice staff in her hand, pointing downwards. There was a crunching sound in the space. This space was frozen by her absolute power, trying to freeze Wang Xuan below. And freeze it.

Wang Xuan had just severely wounded the Evil Crow King, and the hands of the real demon struck him again. Even if the Evil Crow King could not be completely killed, he could still be beaten into a puddle of flesh.

As the King of Earth and Queen of Ice took action, the Warcraft instinctively sensed something bad. Wang Xuan didn't need to look to understand that he was jointly attacked by two powerful beings.

Neither the King of Earth nor the Queen of Ice was weaker than him. The two masters of civilization suddenly joined forces to attack, trying to catch Wang Xuan and kill him while he was using all his strength to deal with the Evil Crow King.

He started the ghost car to travel at night again, but found that the surrounding space seemed to be frozen. This was the special method of "frozen space" activated by Ice Queen, which imprisoned the space around him, making it impossible for him to escape using the ghost car to travel at night. The two giant claws of the earth dragon controlled by Wang stretched out and rested on the monsters and ghost chariots that Wang Xuan had manifested from behind.

An earth-shattering dragon roar sounded, and the earth dragon's claws spread out, trying to tear the monster and the ghost car apart alive.

Feeling the tearing pain coming from his body, Wang Xuan launched "Demon Devour" with all his strength and blasted towards the ice queen above. The real demon's hand condensed and struck down from the void towards the King of the Earth.

The "Demon Devour" blocked the Ice Queen's "frozen space", and the real demon's hand attacked the earth dragon. Wang Xuan fully mobilized the power of the magic beast, ghost car and golden armor, and actually faintly blocked the attacks of the Ice Queen and the King of Earth. Come down.

In a short period of time, Wang Xuan's strength has improved again. The power exerted by the Warcraft and Ghost Car has become more and more powerful. In the eyes of the Queen of Ice and the King of Earth, Wang Xuan's strength has increased faster than ever before. They all used the strongest means they could imagine, and they wanted to kill Wang Xuan first.

The power of "Demon Devour" is getting stronger and stronger, constantly devouring the frozen space behind the ice, dragging it into the increasingly larger black hole. The "Devil Devour" not only blocks the power of the Queen of Ice, but also begins to bite back. To drag the ice queen in.

The real demon's hand continued to flap downwards, and wings appeared in all directions. The immortal fire was rekindled, covering the nine wings, and each wing was fanned out, looking like a coiled weapon. The giant blade of fire.

The earth dragon condensed by the Earth King was cut by nine wings. It could not withstand the power of the immortal fire and soon became fragmented and began to disintegrate.

The King of the Earth roared, feeling shocked in his roar. He could not imagine that while Wang Xuan was fighting against the Ice Queen, he could also counterattack and destroy the earth dragon that he controlled with all his strength. How much strength this required, which meant that Wang Xuan The current strength has completely surpassed them.

Suddenly, a shrill scream sounded in the void, but it was the giant ape king of the "giant ape clan" who took action.

He waved out his four arms and punched thousands of punches in an instant. Countless fist shadows intertwined and densely packed, hitting Wang Xuan from the other side.

In addition to the Ice Queen and the Earth King, the Giant Ape King also took action against Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan's ability to block the Ice Queen and the Earth King has reached its limit. Facing the attack of the Giant Ape King, he almost doesn't know how to parry.

Reluctantly entering the night driving state of the super ghost car again, leaving afterimages all around, he could only avoid the terrifying attack of the giant ape king as much as possible.

Suddenly, energy beams fell from the void one after another. There were five energy beams in total, representing the five elements of earth, water, fire, wind, and air. They fell from all around Wang Xuan, freezing the time and space. The power of these five elements began to strangle. Involved Wang Xuan.

It was the Magic Emperor who took action.

In terms of pure strength, the Magic Emperor is even stronger than the Ice Queen and the Earth King. He finally noticed Wang Xuan and saw that the Ice Queen, the Earth King and the Giant Ape King all failed to kill Wang Xuan. , finally activated the power of the five elements to help them, and wanted to kill Wang Xuan in one fell swoop.

A ten-step beast-turned-powerhouse like Wang Xuan, who had no foundation and did not belong to any civilization or race, was originally not accepted by them. The stronger Wang Xuan appeared, the more they were afraid of him and wanted to kill him as soon as possible.

As the Magic Emperor took action, Wang Xuan felt unprecedented pressure. The air around him felt like a stalemate, and the power of the five elements gathered in the center to strangle him and the space where he was.

Wang Xuan had no choice but to control the "Demon Devour" and push it upward as much as possible, maximizing the power of the "Devil Devour". The huge black hole formed by the "Devil Devour" not only blocked everyone's attacks, but also Wang Xuan's figure was protected under the black hole.

There were faint signs of overlap and fusion between the figures of the monster and the ghost car. The hands of the real demon appeared again, and with nine wings burning with immortal fire, they fought back with all their strength.

The five elemental energies of the Magic Emperor, the thousands of fist attacks of the Giant Ape King, and the attacks of the Ice Queen and the Earth King were all blocked by the huge black hole formed by the "Demon Devour".

This twisted black hole has completely hidden Wang Xuan's figure under the twisted black hole, and the black hole expanded in all directions, blocking all the joint attacks of these four ten-step beast-turning experts.

It seemed that he could block it easily, but in reality Wang Xuan felt so uncomfortable that he wanted to vomit blood. The black hole fluctuated violently, and the demonic bite could be broken at any time, but he had no choice. The only way he could think of was to maintain the power of the demonic bite as much as possible. At the same time, I hope that the three origins in the body can complete the final integration, so that the monster and ghost car can be promoted to the perfect level of ten-step beast transformation.

It seemed that there was only one step left, but in reality it was a world of difference. Wang Xuan was suppressed by these four forces to the point where he almost vomited blood. The demonic bite was fluctuating violently and might explode at any time.

Wang Xuan felt the same, and the energy in his body was surging, and he might spit out blood and die at any time.

He was able to block the attack of four ten-step beast-turned-humans with the strength of one enemy, and even managed to survive. This method has shocked all parties.

Of course, no one knew that Wang Xuan was about to reach his limit and might collapse at any time.

Xiao Bichen suddenly appeared and re-condensed the eight-clawed giant spider. She did not deliberately come to save Wang Xuan, but controlled the eight-clawed spider and suddenly attacked the giant ape king from behind.

The giant ape king was attacked by Xiao Bichen, and he did not want to join forces to besiege Wang Xuan. He was busy freeing up his hands to fight against the invading Xiao Bichen and the Fearful Clan.

Without the giant ape king, Wang Xuan felt that the pressure was lessened. He used the power of the golden armor such as the Super Ghost Chariot's Night Walk, True Devil's Hand, Demonic Bite, and Immortal Fire. The sky was filled with the huge figures of Warcraft and Ghost Chariot. Fight with all your strength against the combined attacks of the Ice Queen, the Earth King and the Magic Emperor.

The Ice Queen, the Earth King and the Magic Emperor all realized the terror of Wang Xuan in front of them. Although they did not know all the details about Wang Xuan, they were certain that the young human in front of them could be called the most heaven-defying freak in history. The power is beyond imagination, and the opponent is still growing at an alarming rate. No matter what, they will never tolerate Wang Xuan to continue to be strong.

They went all out and just wanted to kill Wang Xuan.

Queen Bing spit out a mouthful of blood and sprayed it on the ice staff in her hand. The ice staff absorbed her blood and came to life. Scales grew on its surface and turned into a python whose body was like an ice sculpture.

The python continued to expand and soon turned into a giant python hundreds of meters long, wrapping around Wang Xuan.

The Magic Emperor raised his right hand, and five elemental balls representing the five elements fell into his palm. When these five elemental balls were combined together, the five elements became one, and they could explode with energy that would destroy the world. This move was The Magic Emperor's most powerful killing move, he could hardly use it even in life or death.

Using it at this moment meant that he had a real murderous intention towards Wang Xuan.

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