The last building on earth

Chapter 453 God of Machinery (please vote and subscribe)

More and more armored bugs are rising from the wreckage of the planet. Each armored bug is shrouded in a ball of light. More and more of these armored bugs are gathering. The light is converging. It originally looked like a humanoid giant with a length of hundreds of meters. It quickly turned into a strip of luminous object that was hundreds of meters long.

As more and more armored bugs appeared, the size of this strip of luminous objects continued to expand. When Wang Xuan landed on the debris of the planet, this luminous strip had changed to several kilometers long. From above, He chased after him and pressed towards him from all directions.

The power of this oppression has surpassed that of ordinary low-level blue gods and is close to the level of high-level cyan gods.

Wang Xuan saw this luminous ribbon coming over from all directions. He had no choice but to take action.

With a stamp of his feet, Wang Xuan rose into the sky, activated his "Demon Devour", and formed a huge black hole between his hands, blasting the black hole towards the glowing ribbon.

Wherever the black hole goes, these glowing armored bugs are sucked in.

Wang Xuan followed behind the black hole, flew out along the luminous ribbon, then accelerated violently, flying around the debris of the planet at high speed.

"The Mechanical God, are you sure he is inside the wreckage of this planet?"

Wang Xuan secretly asked the Mechanic God.

"Yes, it's somewhere in the wreckage of this planet, but I can't pinpoint the specific location."

"Okay." Wang Xuan responded, suddenly letting out a low roar, and suddenly dived towards the debris of the planet.

The size of the planet's debris is about one-third the size of the Earth. Wang Xuan's dive speed increased to a terrifying level in an instant. It caused friction with the thin air around the debris, and immediately produced a flame-like light, followed by Wang Xuan. Like a cannonball, it hit the debris of the planet below hard.

The power that Wang Xuan now possesses is so terrifying. This blow went straight through the planet's debris, penetrated deep into the core, and then detonated from the inside. With an earth-shattering rumble, the entire planet's debris shook and began to shatter from the inside.

The debris of the entire planet is shattering, and billions of armored bugs rush out of it. The debris of the planet is obviously the nest of these armored bugs. Now the nest is being destroyed, and all the armored bugs have finally appeared.

Billions of armored insects formed a vast insect tide, and the light gathered like a sea of ​​light, completely submerging this area.

Wang Xuan rushed out from the other side of the fragmented planet's debris, witnessed this dazzling sea of ​​light, and felt the combined power of billions of armored insects. The vastness of the power moved him.

This power is so powerful that it even surpasses the level of the Red Ghost and the leader of the Black Water God. Even Wang Xuan's expression changed now.

"What a strong oppression...the power of these countless armored bugs combined together, the power is simply immeasurable."

Wang Xuan felt this power and realized something was wrong. He didn't care to look at the fragmented planet wreckage, but rushed into the distance at extremely high speed, trying to avoid this terrifying sea of ​​​​insect light first.

At this moment, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded in his mind: "Wang Xuan, let me appear, I sensed-"


Wang Xuan summoned the mechanical god and shot into the distance.

The mechanical god without a head and legs appeared in the void. A strong wave immediately occurred in his body, and a strong wave was also generated in the fragmented planet wreckage. The two waves resonated and suddenly turned into one. Rainbow light shot out from the debris of the planet and headed in the direction of the Mechanic God.

Wang Xuan stopped and turned around to look, only to see that the rushing rainbow light was faster than the submerged sea of ​​light and hit the Mechanical God instantly.

With a crisp "click" sound, Wang Xuan saw that the rainbow light coming towards him was a giant right leg, which was being combined with the mechanical god with only the upper body.

As the right legs are combined, a powerful energy is awakening from the body of the mechanical god.

With the discovery of this right leg, the current mechanical god only lacks its head and left leg. It can be said that most of its body has been found.

At the same moment, the ocean-like sea of ​​light had flooded over. Wang Xuan was afraid that the God of Machinery would be lost, so he could only block in front of it, put his hands together, and activated the "Demon Devour" again to form a huge black hole, separating him and the God of Machinery. Blocked in it, these incoming seas of light came into contact with the giant black hole, and were swallowed up by the "demon bite" one after another.

Countless luminous armored bugs poured into the black hole and were swallowed by the black hole. Wang Xuan controlled the "Demon Devour" and felt the impact of heavy power. There was a look of difficulty on his face. It was not easy for him to block them.

At this moment, the mechanical god behind him successfully connected with his right leg. He raised his hands, and a strong blue light suddenly lit up in the mechanical body. This light extended and released in all directions along its chest, and soon it was released. Its whole body was enveloped in it, and with a bang, a blue beam of light was ejected from its chest, hitting the oncoming sea of ​​light for a long time.

In this blue light pillar, no one knows how many armored insects were killed.

There was a strange color on Wang Xuan's face, and he stepped back, looking at the cyan light beam energy released from the chest of the Mechanical God. This was at least the attack of the cyan god, and it felt that its energy was even more powerful than the red ghost.

"It's amazing. At first, I only had a small part of the body. I thought that the strength of this mechanical god was just that. At that time, I was also curious, how can it be said that it has achieved divinity and can be called a god with such strength? Now I understand, its body The more complete it is, the strength will increase geometrically. Before, it was only half a body, but at the level of a beast. Now it only has one more right leg, and it has reached the level of a high-level god. So if the body is found, how powerful will it be? ?”

Wang Xuan was surprised, and then he realized that the complete mechanical god was far more powerful than he thought.

After all, back then it was personally fighting against Tian's direct subordinates, and both sides perished together. Tian was a supreme being equal to Ming, and one could imagine its strength if it could become Tian's direct subordinates.

Thinking of this, Wang Xuan felt relieved, feeling that he had underestimated the God of Machinery before.

"Come on, let's leave quickly!"

Wang Xuan saw that although the Mechanical God sprayed such a powerful beam of energy from his chest, the sea of ​​light that flooded over contained billions of armored bugs. The power of these insects combined, even if he and the Mechanical God were added together, They are all difficult to defeat, and the only option is to escape from here before they are completely surrounded.

"Okay." The Mechanical God fired a cyan beam of light and quickly retreated. Wang Xuan tore open a space crack and entered it, and the Mechanical God also fled in.

When the sea of ​​light and countless armored bugs flooded over, this space crack had disappeared, and Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God passed through the space crack and appeared in front of a space membrane.

"Mechanical God, congratulations." Wang Xuan did not immediately pass through the space membrane, but turned to look at the Mechanical God.

"Your current power is probably even stronger than that of the red ghost. I guess it may not be your opponent. Has your memory recovered? Can you sense where the rest of your body is?"

The Mechanical God responded, and then floated motionless in the void, with a green halo of light constantly being released from his chest.

Wang Xuan knew that it was sensing its surroundings.

"Not here." About a minute later, the cyan light in the mechanical god's chest made a sound. It was obvious that it was temporarily unable to sense the head and left leg that were still missing from the body.

"Then let's go back." Wang Xuan no longer hesitated, tore open the space membrane, took the Mechanic God through it, and returned to the Black Water Domain.

The leader of the Black Water God sensed Wang Xuan's reappearance, and immediately became nervous again. And this time, it wasn't just Wang Xuan, there was also a robot following Wang Xuan.

This robot seemed to be as powerful and terrifying as Wang Xuan's, which made it even more nervous and frightened.

Wang Xuan ignored it and the gods of black water, and just took the mechanical god through the realm of black water and returned to the original giant city of red ghost.

When the Mechanical God passed through the Black Water Domain and the Red Ghost Giant City, he kept releasing a blue halo, trying to find the remaining body, but unfortunately he couldn't find it yet.

Wang Xuan didn't want to stay in Chigui Giant City, so he decided to look for Gu Manyao first.

"Machine God, what are your plans? Are you going to continue looking for your body, or are you going to follow me?" Wang Xuan asked.

The current mechanical god already possesses the strength of the cyan god. It can be said that it can travel alone through the major time and space areas of the sixth layer of the world. There may be hope of finding the remaining body.

"I'll go with you." After thinking about it for a while, the Machine God decided to accompany Wang Xuan.

"Okay." Wang Xuan did not refuse. It would be safer for him to bring a helper like the Mechanical God. After all, entering the Buddha City to look for Gu Manyao would be dangerous and unpredictable.

After leaving the Red Ghost Giant City, Wang Xuan and the Mechanical God returned to the Sacred Mountain on the fifth level. Now there are more and more people on the Sacred Mountain. It can be said that the strong men from all major civilizations and races in the entire fifth-level universe are coming one after another. The more people gather here, the more people will die, but the speed at which blue crystal scales are born in the Sacred Mountain is also increasing.

This means that in the next period of time, more and more people will obtain blue crystal scales and transcend the fifth level of the world.

Wang Xuan took one look and released his consciousness. Everyone who entered the sacred mountain felt a powerful consciousness at the same moment, and a voice sounded deep in his mind.

Wang Xuan talked about the major time and space realms that exist in the sixth level world. He also talked about the blue gods and cyan gods. He also told these people that once they obtain blue crystal scales, they can become low-level blue gods. If the lust god wants to go further in the future, he can refine the power of the beast in his body into his body to make himself stronger.

At the same time, he warned those who might break through transcendence in the future that there are evil gods like red ghosts in the sixth level of time and space, and asked them to proceed with caution.

At present, Wang Xuan is unable to stay in the giant city, and the whereabouts of the red ghost are unknown. No one knows whether he will sneak back to the giant city secretly. The safest way is to warn those who are about to break through the transcendence not to leave for the time being as much as possible. On the fifth level of the world, enter the giant red ghost city.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan took the Mechanical God through space, left the universe, and returned to the fourth layer of the world he was familiar with.

The current fourth-level world seems to be much peaceful. Neither the Ala Troll Clan, nor the Aden Clan, nor the Agatha Clan are invading here anymore.

Wang Xuan wrapped his body in a robe and covered his head and face to prevent his green skin from frightening others. He returned to Dongfang Giant City and met with Mr. Qian, Mr. Li, Mr. Xiao and others who were originally staying in Dongfang Giant City.

On that day, he took 80 Zhao Lei and others who had obtained the Underworld Armor into the fifth layer of the world, while the other ten people who had obtained the Underworld Armor, such as Qian Lao, Li Lao and others, stayed in the Eastern World. After such a long time, now The number of humans in the Great Eastern City has exceeded one million. With these ten people and a thousand underworld mechanical warriors guarding the Great Eastern City, the Great Eastern City is considered impregnable.

Wang Xuan stayed for a long time, using his spiritual consciousness to help them realize their enlightenment, and told them something about the current situation of the fifth-level world. After that, they could freely choose to stay in the giant eastern city or enter the fifth-level world and go to the sacred mountain to pursue The path to godhood.

Half a day later, Wang Xuan left the fourth world, but opened a space crack. Through the crack, he arrived at the third world and appeared in a forest.

In the forest belonging to the third layer of the world, the Buddha City is still suspended there quietly.

Seeing the familiar Buddhist city again, Wang Xuan felt some emotion in his heart.

With his current strength, many things that were once considered mysterious or scary now seem to be nothing more than that.

But only in Buddha City, even now, Wang Xuan cannot tell everything.

Wang Xuan used his spiritual consciousness to sense and observe towards the Buddhist city. Most of the areas could be sensed, but there were only two places, but they seemed to be shrouded in a fog, and even his spiritual consciousness could not peek into it.

One of these two places was the depth of the dark vortex in the center of the Buddha City. That day, he saw a blood-red giant finger in the dark vortex. At that time, he did not know the origin of the blood-red giant finger. Now Of course, it is clear that this blood-red giant finger is the ancestor.

Another point that cannot be seen through is the source of the countless hatchling beasts sealed by gods and Buddhas.

This statement comes from Tang Ruoyu, and Wang Xuan now knows that hatching beasts are actually just the hatching stage of beasts. The so-called origin of hatching beasts should be more accurately said to be the origin of beasts.

In very ancient times, beasts had another name, and that was God.

These beasts with the name of God come from the "Mother Goddess".

But what kind of form the "Mother Goddess" is, even if Wang Xuan is already a high-level god, he can't describe it in detail.

"If what Tang Ruoyu said is true, then the origin of the so-called hatching beast sealed here is the 'Mother Goddess'... But now that I think about it, it seems wrong. I remember seeing an arm that appeared there that was four to five hundred meters long. Although rice looks huge, it is a little different from the 'Mother Goddess' we saw this time..."

Wang Xuan thought of the "Mother Goddess" revealed in the countless green vines, with a mouth as long as a thousand meters. If the "Mother Goddess" really has arms, how long are these arms? I'm afraid it will be at least tens of thousands of meters.

"Thinking about it this way, the origin of the so-called hatching beast may not be the 'Mother Goddess'. Then, who is it?"

Wang Xuan also felt curious in his heart. He didn't have that strength before, so naturally he didn't dare to think too much. Now he has enough strength. Even on the sixth level, he is the ruler of a space-time domain.

Wang Xuan raised his head in deep thought and looked into the distance. In this third layer of the world, there was the tip of the iceberg in the Cangqiong Building above Safety Zone No. 9, and not far away from Safety Zone No. 10, there was a ship falling from the sky. Giant ship.

Seeing the giant ship, Wang Xuan thought of the baby who had the power of decay. Of course, he later grew into a young man, and he doesn't know what level he has grown to now.

After looking around, Wang Xuan did not hesitate, but took a step forward, aiming for the center of the Buddha City.

The Mechanical God followed silently, and when they appeared again, they returned to the central area of ​​the Buddha City.

There is a huge dark vortex on the ground here, and the ancestor is suspected to be hidden in this dark vortex.

After Gu Manyao arrived at the Blood King City, she mysteriously disappeared. Even the Blood King didn't know where she went. The only guess was that she returned here because of the power of the ancestor.

Wang Xuan walked slowly forward, and soon reached the edge of the dark vortex, looking into the vortex.

The dark vortex that once seemed so terrifying to him now seems to still have powerful energy, but this powerful energy can no longer scare him.

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