The last building on earth

Chapter 463 Golden Blood and God the Father (please vote for me)

These people saw the color of Wang Xuan's skin and knew that he was a noble and high-level god, so they all showed courtesy.

Wang Xuan looked all the way, and most of them were blue and cyan gods. Occasionally, he could see green high-level gods. As for the yellow top gods, Wang Xuan had not encountered them yet.

Obviously, even in this kingdom of gods formed by a large number of time and space organizations, the number of top gods is very rare.

Wang Xuan walked along the stalls on both sides, and at the same time opened the Eyes of Zhoutian, observing the various objects placed in the stalls on both sides.

These objects include various weapons and treasures with various uses. However, most of the items that can be displayed here are relatively low-level items. It is difficult for some high-level gods to take a fancy to them. This is why the main ones here are blue. Reasons for lower gods.

In the distance, there is a group of blue gods holding spears in their hands. They are walking towards here under the leadership of a cyan intermediate god.

Wang Xuan noticed that they all wore uniform headdresses and guessed that they were the patrol team here to maintain order.

"Going further..." In Wang Xuan's mind, the voice of the Mechanical God sounded again. Entering the kingdom of God, the Mechanical God began to vaguely sense part of his body, and his voice became excited.

It now has the strength of an intermediate god. The more complete its body is, the stronger its strength will be. Now he only lacks a head and a left leg. Even if only one of them is found, the strength will be inestimable.

Wang Xuan originally wanted to take a closer look at the weapons or various treasures placed at the stalls on both sides, but the most important thing now was to retrieve the body of the Mechanical God, so he did not stop and walked straight ahead along the stalls. Walk into the city.

Passing through this square with a large number of stalls, you will soon see buildings one after another.

The buildings in this god's country are all single buildings. Basically, every god has his own independent building. Wang Xuan continued to go deeper in according to the mechanical god's induction. On the way, he could see gods from various races from time to time. Everyone saw that his skin was green, and they all looked very polite and respectful, not to mention that someone came forward to check and let Wang Xuan go all the way in.

However, as we went further in, the buildings that appeared in front became larger and larger, and the number of gods that appeared became sparse. Wang Xuan looked forward and found that deep in these buildings, there were five tower-shaped buildings. The building is much taller than all the buildings, and seems to represent the unusual identity of the gods living in these five tower-shaped buildings.

"Mechanical God, can't you accurately locate it?" Wang Xuan asked secretly.

"It only has an approximate direction, but cannot accurately locate it. That part of my body must have been sealed by someone, and I cannot summon it."

The voice of the Mechanic God sounded in his mind.

Wang Xuan snorted and felt a little headache looking at the tens of thousands of magnificent buildings appearing in front of him.

Among so many buildings, part of the identity of the Mechanic God may be hidden. In this case, how can you find it? You can't just search building by building, right?

"It's a bit troublesome. It would be much easier if we could meet the leaders of the Kingdom of God and get their help."

Wang Xuan pondered, he didn't know who the leader of this Kingdom of God was, but he did remember the aura of the yellow giant and the yellow dragon. With the strength of their top gods, they must have high authority in this Kingdom of God. If he found them , but I don’t know if I can get their help?

With this idea, Wang Xuan began to sense the yellow giant and the yellow dragon, and soon discovered that he really sensed the aura of the yellow giant deep in the distance.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan felt happy and immediately walked towards the distance.

As he continued to go deeper, Wang Xuan noticed that the number of high-level gods with green skin he saw on the way gradually increased from the original scarcity.

When these high-level gods saw Wang Xuan, they did not have the awe of the low-level and mid-level gods before. Instead, many gods paid great attention to Wang Xuan, with pensive expressions on their faces, as if they were wondering where this high-level god came from, and he looked so unfamiliar.

Relying on the scent of the yellow giant he sensed, Wang Xuan finally stopped in front of one of the buildings.

This building was obviously built specifically for giants. The door to enter and exit the building alone is fifteen meters high. Both the door and the windows are much larger than ordinary buildings.

Wang Xuan immediately understood that this must be where the ten-meter-tall yellow giant lived.

This building is different from the previous buildings. There are blue low-level gods patrolling and guarding outside.

When Wang Xuan wanted to get close, he was immediately blocked by these low-level gods.

Facing the green-skinned Wang Xuan, they were very polite, but they still blocked Wang Xuan from approaching the building any further.

"I'm sorry, no god is allowed to come near this place without the order of Lord Leopard God." One of the blue gods with a leopard head and a human body politely expressed the reason why they blocked Wang Xuan through his spiritual consciousness.

Wang Xuan frowned slightly and was about to speak when suddenly a powerful spiritual consciousness spread out in front of him. This divine consciousness produced an invisible pressure. Those blue gods who blocked him trembled smartly and stepped aside. Come.

"Lord Leopard God——"

They spoke respectfully together.

Wang Xuan watched as the giant door facing him opened silently, and the yellow giant who had met and fought side by side before had appeared in front.

Now Wang Xuan already knows that the real name of this yellow giant is Leopard God.

The Leopard God stared at Wang Xuan, and he would naturally not forget that Wang Xuan had a deep impression on him.

Previously in the third world, when the heavenly army descended, Wang Xuan also took action to fight the eight-winged archangel.

Looking at Wang Xuan's skin color and divinity, it was obvious that he was only a high-level god, but he was able to transcend the ranks and fight with an archangel who was comparable to the top gods. For this reason, he and Huang Long were extremely shocked. When they returned to the Kingdom of God, he even sent people to investigate. However, I wanted to know the origin of Wang Xuan, but there was no news yet. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan showed up on his own initiative.

"Lord Leopard God." Wang Xuan asked for help from him, so naturally he didn't dare to be rude, and he handed over his hand very politely.

Although the two sides were disproportionate in height, Leopard God still bowed his hands in return. In terms of level, he was the top god, one level higher than Wang Xuan, but in terms of combat power, he was not much stronger than Wang Xuan.

"Your Excellency..." Leopard God responded, looking at Wang Xuan with a hint of curiosity. For this high-level god who was comparable to the top gods in combat power, Leopard God understood that the other party was afraid of a bright future. It would be of great benefit to him to befriend him now. And no harm done.

The king announced his name, and the Leopard God thought for a moment and confirmed that this was the first time he heard it.

Wang Xuan saw that the Leopard God was very talkative and friendly to himself. He was about to talk about the Mechanical God when suddenly the whole ground shook, followed by all the buildings shaking slightly.

"Huh?" The Leopard God immediately blew out a light yellow breath from his nostrils, raised his head and looked upward.

This kingdom of God is inside a planet. This planet has been specially modified and has heavy defenses, which can cause the ground and buildings here to shake. There is only one possibility, and that is that there is an impact outside the planet, which can cause vibrations.

Wang Xuan also raised his head. Suddenly, a loud rumbling sound came from a circular passage above.

Along with the loud rumbling noise, there were also some screams. Although they were far apart, everyone could hear it clearly.

The expression on the Leopard God's face changed slightly, but he saw many gods rising into the sky from a large number of buildings in the distance, turning into streaks of rainbow light and rushing towards the circular passage that sounded like thunder. .

Obviously, something happened in the Kingdom of God.

Wang Xuan's first thought was that the heavenly army was attacking?

The Leopard God didn't care to talk to him slowly and in detail, and just said: "Sorry, let's talk when we have free time." Then it turned into a yellow beam of light that reached the sky, and shot upward, wanting to see what happened.

Wang Xuan also became curious. He couldn't imagine that the heavenly army could have such speed. Or was it that they had "heaven" commanding behind the scenes and could accurately know the coordinates of the Kingdom of God, so they appeared here?

Otherwise, Wang Xuan found it difficult to explain the terrifying invasion speed of the Heavenly Army.

Wang Xuan followed closely behind the Leopard God and quickly passed through the circular passage, only to see a large number of gods flying above the passage. The void was moving rapidly, roars were heard, and screams were heard from time to time.

Every scream means that the body of a god has been destroyed. Of course, the soul of a god is almost immortal, but the destruction of the body does not mean true death.

Wang Xuan rushed out of the circular passage and realized that it was not the heavenly army that had descended, but a huge black shadow that appeared in the area shrouded by divine light. He could not see clearly what the black shadow really looked like, so he could only I saw streaks of red light shooting out from the black shadow.

This red light hit the gods flying in the sky. From time to time, some gods were beaten to pieces by the red light. The red light even hit the outer shell of the planet far away, causing the planet to shake.

"What is this?" Wang Xuan was secretly surprised. He opened the Eye of Zhoutian and captured the huge black shadow hidden in the divine light area. He saw that around the huge black shadow, there were blue low-level gods, cyan intermediate gods, and some green ones. All the high-level gods were dispatched.

These gods used their own methods to continuously attack the huge black shadow, but unfortunately the effect was not obvious. The black shadow was passing through the divine light layer and constantly approaching the kingdom of God protected by the divine light.

The Leopard God passed through the passage and turned into a yellow beam of light, rushing straight towards the giant black shadow.

Wang Xuan followed closely. When the black shadow began to emerge from the divine light, he finally saw clearly what the black shadow was.

At first glance, this black shadow looks like a whale, but it is many times larger than the largest whale on earth. The length of its head and tail is at least a thousand meters. Its head is semicircular, and the weirdest thing is its half The circular head and face were cracked with holes, which were all its mouths, and a frog-like tongue protruded from each open mouth.

This kind of tongue is covered with barbs and can be freely retracted. The so-called streaks of red light just now are actually red tongues shooting out of its large mouth.

This tongue is its attack weapon and its method of hunting.

All over its body, the most eye-catching thing is that on its forehead, there is a slightly curved horn about one meter long.

Compared with its huge size, this one-meter-long horn is almost negligible, but the reason why it is eye-catching is that the horn is golden yellow and shines with dazzling golden light, which makes people look at it at first sight. You will notice this golden angle.

Wang Xuan saw a large number of gods gathering around him, and their targets seemed to be all focused in the direction of the golden horn, which made his heart move slightly.

The Eye of Zhoutian could not capture the information about the creature that suddenly appeared, so it could only ask the Mechanical God, hoping that its remaining memory contained information about the creature.

"Mechanical God, do you know what this is?" Wang Xuan slowed down, knowing that it was not the heavenly army coming, but a huge monster that suddenly broke in. Although he was curious, Wang Xuan felt a lot more at ease, thinking that with the power of the Kingdom of God, It should not be difficult to deal with such a sudden intrusion of a creature, especially the Leopard God, who is a truly top-notch god.

"I didn't know it at first, but after seeing it...yes, I seem to remember that it turned out to be -"

The mechanical god's voice was relatively calm at first, but later on, he seemed to have remembered something and couldn't help but let out a soft cry.

It is very rare for a mechanical god to react like this, which aroused Wang Xuan's curiosity and couldn't help but ask again: "What exactly is it?"

"This is a golden beast. Judging from its size, it seems that it has a very long life. This golden beast is full of treasures. Of course, the most precious thing is the golden horn on its forehead, which contains the blood of gold."

There was a hint of excitement in the mechanical god's voice, and he continued: "This kind of golden beast is hard to come by. It almost only exists in legends. It is said that it will only appear when there is a drastic change in the world."

"Its appearance means that the world will be in turmoil and the catastrophe will come. Of course, it also represents an opportunity and the person who will respond to the disaster will appear."

Wang Xuan saw that the leopard god had rushed into the divine light and was quickly approaching the golden beast, but a large number of red tongues had already shot out of the golden beast's open mouth.

The attack of this red tongue is very terrifying. As long as the gods dodge and move a little late, once they are hit, the bodies of these gods can be shattered into pieces in an instant, causing the souls in their bodies to burst out and flee into the distance.

At this time, an even more terrifying scene appeared. A huge crack would open under the belly of this golden beast, and both sides of the crack were covered with countless jagged teeth.

Once this kind of crack opens, a terrifying suction force will be generated from it. This suction force does not have much impact on the normal gods, but the gods who have no body and are in the state of soul will be captured by this suction force. Being sucked into this gaping crack and swallowed by it.

Obviously, the real goal of this golden beast breaking into this place is to capture the souls of these gods. The huge mouth under its belly is specially used to absorb and devour souls.

Wang Xuan gasped when he saw the golden beast's method.

Many low-level and mid-level gods who originally wanted to get closer saw this, and their souls were gone, and they began to dodge.

As it absorbed a large amount of souls from the gods, the golden horns on the forehead of the golden beast began to emit a more dazzling golden light.

"Mechanical God, what is the use of the golden blood you mentioned? Can it enhance strength?" Wang Xuan did not approach immediately, but watched from a distance, watching the Leopard God take action. As a top god, he made a move, As expected, it was different. He immediately blocked a red tongue that was shooting towards him. He waved his hand again, and blood spattered out. The blood-red tongue was cut off by it.

"Golden blood can be used to sublimate divinity. It is said that... this is the blood of God the Father, so the blood of gold is also called the blood of God the Father, and the golden beast is also called the descendant of God the Father."

Wang Xuan was startled and said: "God Father? Who is God Father?"

He only knew about the existence of the "Mother God" before, but he didn't expect that a "Father God" would appear now.

If you just listen to the name, this "Mother Goddess" seems to be a pair with the "Father God".

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. My memory is not complete. It seems that inside this building is the 'Mother God', and outside the building is the 'Father God'."

"Inside the building is the 'Mother God'... Outside the building is the 'Father God'?" Wang Xuan was stunned, and it was difficult to understand what the Mechanical God meant.

Mechanical God said: "I don't know how to describe it specifically... It seems that for life forms such as Mother God or Father God, this building is like the womb that breeds gods. The Father God is outside the building and must enter the building, and the womb can Only through conception can we give birth to new gods..."

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded when he heard the names about the underworld suddenly popping up in his mind. One of the names was the womb of the underworld. Unexpectedly, the mechanical god suddenly said that this building is actually very useful to life forms like the mother god and the father god. It's just a womb, so what do these creatures living in this nine-story building count in comparison?

cell? bacteria? microorganism? Or is it an invading virus?

"Actually, it's hard for me to understand... After all, the life level of the 'Mother Goddess' is beyond our understanding... Even if you saw the mouth and the large number of green vines before, I guess they are just real." The tip of the iceberg of the Mother Goddess, or maybe it’s just the manifestation of the Mother Goddess that she wants you to see.”

The mechanical god's words silenced Wang Xuan, and in the divine light layer, the golden beast had been blocked. The leopard god continued to attack, causing him to slow down his movement. Otherwise, if he continued, he would soon hit the planet below.

However, although the Leopard God is a top god, it is obvious that he can no longer hold on.

The red tongues lashed out like whips of light. The Leopard God even suffered a big loss, and the divine ring that appeared behind his back was shaking.

As the Leopard God took action, low-level gods, mid-level gods, and even some high-level gods were avoiding it, understanding that this golden beast was too powerful and they could not get close to it.

A dragon roar sounded, and in a circular passage below, a giant yellow dragon that was tens of meters long appeared. The yellow dragon that Wang Xuan had seen before finally appeared.

It sprayed a dragon's breath from a distance to help the Leopard God attack the golden beast.

Huang Long possesses the power of a top god, and with its help, the Leopard God was relieved.

In just a short time, the Leopard God was sweating profusely. They had just fought and there were dangers everywhere.

The strength of this golden beast far exceeds imagination.

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