The last building on earth

Chapter 467 The Golden God (please vote and subscribe)

"I feel it..."

The voice of the Mechanical God rang in Wang Xuan's mind.

Hearing that the God of Machinery had sensed another part of his body, Wang Xuan immediately summoned the God of Machinery. Fearing that it would be involved in the terrifying attack of these archangels, he threw it far away.

The mechanical god turned into a rainbow light and flew towards the debris of the planet that was disintegrating.

The death of an eight-winged archangel not only shocked the remaining seven archangels, but also shocked the four top gods: the Leopard God, the Yellow Dragon, the middle-aged man and the Flame Lion.

The Leopard God and Huang Long knew Wang Xuan, especially the Leopard God who had met Wang Xuan before, but Wang Xuan was only a high-level god before, but now seeing Wang Xuan's skin change to yellow, the Leopard God understood, Wang Xuan has broken through the advanced level and been promoted to the top god.

When Wang Xuan was a high-level god, his combat power was comparable to the top level. Now that he has broken through to the top level, what level will his strength reach?

Although the Leopard God was shocked, he could understand why he could tear the eight-winged archangel apart.

"Awesome... His future is simply limitless..." Leopard God's heartbeat was beating like a drum and his eyes were slightly glowing. He instantly made up his mind to make friends with Wang Xuan no matter what.

This thought made him let out a leopard roar, manifesting a giant cheetah five hundred meters long, with its bloody mouth opening, and cutting towards one of the archangels.

Several archangels attacked together, and the Leopard God couldn't bear it. The only thing he could do was to intercept one of them to help Wang Xuan reduce the pressure.

The middle-aged man and the flaming lion saw the Leopard God take action to intercept the Archangel. They were not stupid, and they also took action immediately. The middle-aged man clasped his hands with the sword in his hand, let out a long roar, and slashed a 10,000-meter long line in the air. The sword energy enveloped another archangel.

The flame lion turned into a sky-devouring flame and swept one of the eight-winged archangels.

The yellow dragon soared from the other side, opened its mouth, breathed out dragon breath, and attacked an archangel from behind.

They took action together and intercepted one archangel one after another, forcing these archangels to fight. Originally, a total of seven archangels attacked Wang Xuan together, but now four of them were intercepted. The number of archangels who actually attacked Wang Xuan It became three.

The three archangels were not affected, and surrounded Wang Xuan in a Zigzag shape. One of them had empty hands, and the seven-pointed star pattern appeared on the palms of both hands. Holy light was sprayed from it, and then extended in all directions, forming a strangulating vortex of holy light, surrounding the king. Xuan dragged him in.

There was another archangel holding a war spear. The war spear thrust out and shot out a bolt of lightning shaped like a light dragon. The last archangel shook the eight wings behind his back. These eight wings glowed together and turned into eight huge wings. Light wings, these light wings gather together and form like a sea of ​​light submerged in it.

Wang Xuan felt that his body was bearing power from all directions. With the strength of his body now, he felt a terrifying force that was close to tearing his body apart.

With the attack of three eight-winged archangels at the same time, Wang Xuan, who was so powerful at this moment, still felt the pressure.

Previously in the body of the golden beast, he obtained a drop of golden blood that even the underworld cared about. This golden blood was also called the blood of the Father God. It had unimaginable special effects. With the fusion, it directly caused Wang Xuan's divine power to change. Sex has metamorphosed from its original green color into top-level yellow.

The large amount of divine power previously stored in his body has also been refined into his body. Coupled with the effect of this drop of golden blood, Wang Xuan's strength has now reached an unimaginable level.

His eyes narrowed slightly, and the two yellow divine lights that originally shot out of his eyes converged. In the next moment, his body began to transform from the original yellow to a deeper golden color from the inside out.

When this golden light appeared from the surface of his skin, the top gods such as the Leopard God, the Flame Lion and the middle-aged man who noticed it all had expressions of disbelief on their faces.

"Impossible-" Even the Leopard God, who had seen both sides of Wang Xuan, couldn't help but cry out instinctively.

There was a "boom", and in the next moment, the golden light spread from Wang Xuan's skin, dyeing him like a god made of gold. The vortex of holy light that originally wanted to strangle him was like paper. Broken, Wang Xuan soared into the sky and rushed towards the light dragon that shot towards him. He separated his hands, tore the light dragon apart and twisted it, and slammed it down with a big hand. It was the true demon's hand that reappeared, and now The hands of the real demon suddenly turned golden.

The eight-winged archangel holding the war spear had a look of panic on his face and eyes. He wanted to retreat, but it was already too late. The shining golden real demon's big hand slapped him into a ball of flesh with one blow. The soul light ball burst out, and it wanted to escape. Wang Xuan was already prepared, and grabbed the soul light ball from the air with his right hand.

The Ming hidden in his body activated again, erasing the soul consciousness in the soul light ball. The remaining pure divine power was swallowed by Wang Xuan's magical beast origin and temporarily stored in the body.

Another eight-winged archangel was killed in an instant, and the remaining archangels were horrified. This time they really lost their will to fight. They roared violently, turned around, and wanted to rush into the sky-reaching light pillar behind them and escape from here.

Wang Xuan chased after him. His whole body was now covered with a layer of golden light. This was the power of golden blood at work. But looking in the eyes of top gods such as the Leopard God and the middle-aged man, he felt shocked. Of course, they were shocked not because they recognized that Wang Xuan had obtained the golden blood, but for another reason.

With a whoosh, Wang Xuan's current speed was so terrifying. A golden light flashed, and he intercepted one of the eight-winged archangels. With his right hand, he grabbed one of the archangel's wings and pulled it fiercely. Blood splashed with holy light splashed from the fracture, and the archangel screamed.

For angels, their wings are their foundation, and the pain of having their wings ripped off is beyond imagination. Even an archangel would find it unbearable.

The archangel had one of his wings torn off and was in severe pain. His face was twisted and he wanted to turn around and fight back. Unexpectedly, Wang Xuan grabbed the other wing with his left hand and pulled it again. The white feathers fell off and flew, and another Blood splattered and the archangel's second wing was torn off.

From all directions, countless angels witnessed the eight-winged archangel who was originally aloof, but now he was stepped on by a man on his back, and two wings were torn off in succession. This scene was so shocking that these angels turned pale, and many of them turned pale. The angels were all rushing towards the sky-reaching light pillar, and they felt panic.

When Wang Xuan was about to tear off the third wing, suddenly a thunderous sound came from the pillar of light in the sky. As the sound came, Wang Xuan felt an invisible force suddenly hugging him.

He didn't have time to react, and the power threw him out with a bang. In an instant, he penetrated like a meteor through the debris of the planet that was almost completely destroyed. He was driven into the area shrouded by the divine light on the other side, and then he managed to release the terrifying power. , letting Wang Xuan stabilize his body, he only felt the blood boiling in his heart, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

The terror of this invisible force far exceeds that of the eight-winged archangel.

Taking a deep breath to calm down the surging blood in his body, Wang Xuan shot out two divine lights from his eyes, but saw energy fluctuations in the sky-reaching light pillar in the distance, constantly pouring out, and soon a ten-meter-tall figure full of brilliance stepped forward And out.

Behind him, the eight-winged archangels who had escaped came out again.

It's just that their faces are a little ugly.

Wang Xuan reappeared from the area shrouded in divine light, staring at the ten-meter human figure full of light, watching two wings sticking out of the light, and then two more...

Pairs of wings extended one after another, and the length of each pair of wings was more than ten meters.

Soon, four pairs of eight light wings stretched out, and soon after, the fifth pair of light wings appeared.

When they saw five pairs of ten wings emerging from the radiant human form, all the gods who were still here instinctively took a deep breath.

Wang Xuan also felt his heart sink, and he understood why the almost irresistible force just now was so terrifying.

The eight-winged archangel already possesses strength comparable to the top gods, and the ten-winged angel is undoubtedly a terrifying existence comparable to the peak gods.

"Ten-winged angel..." Wang Xuan heard the middle-aged man holding a yellow sword say these five words slowly in a hoarse voice, with deep fear hidden in his tone.

Can ten wings make an angel? Wang Xuan finally understood the real name of the ten-winged angel.

As the ten light wings behind him converged and turned into ten snow-white wings, the holy light on the surface of this angel's body faded, revealing his true appearance.

Wang Xuan discovered that he was not the blond man with blue eyes who picked up Tang Ruoyu, but a pale black-haired man with three eyes. He locked himself in the air. Suddenly he waved his right hand and the entire void was distorted. For a moment, Wang Xuan felt that the time and space around him was changing. He was originally quite far away from the ten-winged angel, but now suddenly, the two sides were separated by 10,000 meters. For beings like them, this 10,000-meter distance was almost It's like face to face.

Wang Xuan felt that the space around him was twisting and compressing, and his whole body seemed to be immobilized by invisible forces, making it difficult to move.

The power of this powerful angel came from all directions, trying to imprison him in this space and time.

Compared to top gods or eight-winged archangels, the power of this powerful angel has been horribly improved.

Wang Xuan felt imprisoned and let out a slight growl. An increasingly intense golden light began to appear on the surface of his body. His hair stood up one by one. When his hands and feet moved, there was a crunching sound, and the surrounding people heard a crunching sound. Time and space shattered like a glass mirror.

Wang Xuan broke free from the opponent's spatial restraint, raised his right arm and punched him head on.

This punch looked soft, just like an ordinary human's punch, but when the punch was struck, the space in front of it suddenly collapsed into a huge black hole. The diameter of this black hole reached a kilometer, and the ten-winged angel who appeared appeared. Being in the center of the black hole, he could see the surrounding darkness collapsing around him. The power of this space collapse was unimaginably powerful and could easily destroy a planet like the Earth.

This ten-winged angel was suspended motionless. The ten snow-white wings behind him glowed again and turned into ten wings of light. The wings of light spread out and extended in all directions. It was exactly the opposite of the collapse of the black hole. Where did these ten wings of light extend? , the space there is returning to stability, just like time is going back.

The other angels and the living gods stopped and watched the battle from a distance.

In their opinion, this battle was very mysterious, at least the abilities displayed by each other were beyond what they could achieve.

"Is this the power of the pinnacle god against the ten-winged angel?" Leopard God murmured.

As a top god, if he can break through again, he will become a peak god. However, it seems that there is only one level difference, but in fact there is a world of difference.

Peak gods are regarded as the pinnacle existence of gods. Even in all major universes and time and space, peak-level gods are very rare.

Even their divine kingdom, which is formed by countless combinations of time and space, only has four top gods, and one other peak god, who is the leader of their divine kingdom.

It is a pity that the peak god of the leader of the Kingdom of God is not in the Kingdom of God now, and therefore was attacked by the heavenly army. They were unable to resist, which eventually led to the destruction of the current Kingdom of God, and even the planet they lived on was completely destroyed.

The golden horn was originally in the hands of an archangel, but after he escaped into the pillar of light and came out again, the golden horn had disappeared and did not appear in the archangel's hand.

The Leopard God and the middle-aged man originally longed for the golden blood, but with Wang Xuan's terrifying performance and the appearance of the ten-winged angel, they were attracted and gradually began to have doubts.

Wang Xuan's performance was really incredible. Looking back now, Wang Xuan once entered the body of the golden beast, and then saw the golden luster on the surface of his body. The Leopard God and the middle-aged man gradually became suspicious of the golden beast. Is there golden blood hidden in the corpse, and he got it?

But even if Wang Xuan really obtained the golden blood, it has obviously been digested now. He already has the power to fight against the peak god. The Leopard God and the middle-aged man will have no other thoughts except envy.

Although Wang Xuan was promoted to the top god, and he had the power of several beasts in his body at the same time, he was able to fight against the peak, but he still felt extremely strenuous when facing a real powerful angel.

The power of the black hole's collapse was restored by the ten light wings. The light wings continued to lengthen and surrounded him from all directions. Wang Xuan couldn't leave even if he wanted to, so he could only carry these ten light wings.

Ten light wings covered him one after another, wrapping Wang Xuan into a light man. The capable angel walked in the void, seemingly walking over very leisurely.

Wang Xuan struggled fiercely in the ten light wings. These ten light wings covered his whole body. Wang Xuan only felt the pain of being torn apart from every muscle in his body. This powerful angel was really terrifying. Wang Xuan finally Feel the power of the true peak god.

Although he has the strength to surpass the top gods and can fight with the peak gods, he is not the real peak god after all, and it is difficult to fight against the real peak gods.

The blood in his body was boiling, and the ten light wings kept pressing down, squeezing the blood in his body and rushing to the top of his head. Soon, yellow blood was flowing out of his mouth, nose, eyes and ears.

This feeling was indescribably terrifying, and Wang Xuan felt that all the internal organs in his body were being squeezed to the point of exploding.

The ten-winged angel had slowly come to him and looked at him quietly.

This is the overlooking view of an absolute superior. Although Wang Xuan is powerful, in his eyes, he is just a stronger ant. As the strength increases, the gap between each rank is huge.

In his opinion, Wang Xuan's current strength can only be regarded as the limit of the top gods, but it is not enough to challenge the real peak gods.

From all directions, the Leopard God and the middle-aged man were already thinking of escaping. They knew that even if a group of them joined forces, they would not be able to save Wang Xuan, let alone defeat this terrifying ten-winged angel.

The capable angel finally raised a hand to destroy the body and soul of Wang Xuan who was covered by the wings of light. Suddenly, his three eyes moved slightly together, as if sensing something, he turned slightly and looked to the other side. .

But he saw a group of light shining brightly where the planet had just been destroyed.

This was a ball of golden light, which was just faint at first, and then turned into a ball of blazing golden light in an instant, rising like a golden sun.

"This is--"

Sensing this blazing golden sun, the middle-aged man screamed.

The next moment, the light released by the golden sun flooded the void. Countless angels and gods were impacted. A large number of angels could not withstand this power and were disappearing into ashes. The ten-winged angel had to Gather part of your strength to protect your body and fight against the golden light that continues to hit you.

The target of the golden light is exactly him.

One by one, the light wings retracted and retreated from Wang Xuan's body. Fighting against the continuous golden light, a fist made of mechanical metal was suddenly wrapped in the golden light and hit hard. On the cheek of this powerful angel.

The powerful angel, who was ten meters tall, had a face full of arrogance and the aura of a superior, was hit by this punch and flew sideways.

Wang Xuan felt the light wings covering the surface of his body disappear. He almost exploded to death and finally breathed a sigh of relief. Then he saw a headless robot made of gold appear in a dazzling golden light.

The God of Machinery finally appeared again. Its missing left leg was replaced, and the mechanical metal all over its body turned into gold, making it look like a robot made of gold.

Now, it's just one head away.

Seeing the golden light fluctuations, Wang Xuan already understood that the top gods have yellow divinity, and the peak gods have golden divinity.

This is the golden god.

The Mechanical God was originally only an intermediate god, but now it has recovered a left leg, its body has been further improved, and its strength has once again been horribly improved geometrically, becoming a golden peak god.

"court death--"

A huge roar sounded from the distance, and the void suddenly exploded, the space shattered, and space debris exploded all over the sky. The ten light wings were fully opened, like a blooming flower. The ten-winged energy was blown away by the mechanical god. The angel completely exploded, and his whole body seemed to be burning with holy flames.

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