The last building on earth

Chapter 470 Golden Gods and Buddhas (please subscribe)

Wang Xuan watched silently. Unexpectedly, when the enemy invaded and the heavenly army descended on the Kingdom of Eternity, the formless god actually clashed with the golden dwarf god Bes.

"Hehe..." Bess God sneered twice and said: "Wuxiang, it seems that you still don't know the seriousness of this matter. Once these intruders are dealt with, I want to see how you explain it to the superiors. "

After God Bes finished speaking, his figure flashed suddenly, and a strong golden light began to be released from the surface of his body, heading towards the two ten-winged angels facing him.

"You go up there and destroy the seven-pointed star. As long as you destroy the seven-pointed star, you can cut off the teleportation beam!"

God Bess suddenly issued an order to the group of top gods on both sides, and with a wave of his hands, he set off two strong golden storms, sweeping across the oncoming angels.

"Yes!" The group of top gods rose into the sky one after another, rushing towards the seven-pointed star that released the beam of light reaching the sky.

At this moment, eight-winged archangels are still appearing in the sky-reaching pillar of light. These archangels are scattered around the sky-reaching light pillar, and they also have the intention of protecting this teleportation beam. At this moment, seeing those top gods rushing towards the seven-pointed star above, they also immediately go to Spread up and block these top gods approaching the seven-pointed star.

The two ten-winged angels also took action. One of them took a step forward and grabbed his right hand from the air. The ten light wings behind him extended together to fight against the golden storm swept by the god Bess. The capable angel went up, wanting to take action against the group of top gods approaching the seven-pointed star.

He disappeared without a trace into the courtyard below. When he reappeared, he was already above the void. He stretched out his hands and twisted them to the left and right. The space in front of him was also separated to the left and right, and the eight wings that were involved in it were also separated. The archangels didn't even have time to scream, and their bodies were shattered and separated to both sides. This scene looked very terrifying.

Even a group of eight-winged archangels could not stop him.

As long as this sky-reaching light pillar exists, the heavenly armies will continue to descend. Now, only by destroying the seven-pointed star above and interrupting the sky-reaching light pillar can the current crisis be temporarily solved.

In the courtyard below, the recovered War Buddha, Leopard God, Yellow Dragon and Fire Lion also rose into the sky, joining the team of top gods above, and launched an attack on the eight-winged archangels.

The number of eight-winged archangels emerging from the pillar of light in the sky is increasing, and the number of various top gods appearing in the distance is also increasing.

Just as Wu Xiang was about to attack the seven-pointed star above, another ten-winged angel came out of the light pillar, and joined forces with the previous ten-winged angel, and the two joined forces to fight against Wu Xiang.

They saw how powerful Wu Xiang was. Although they were both peak gods, there was a gap in strength between them. The two powerful angels joined forces to attack, and Wu Xiang actually managed to hold it down. Following him, he suddenly let out a low shout and raised his hands. After grabbing out, there seemed to be no trace of energy fluctuations. Just when the two capable angels were surprised, they suddenly felt something was wrong. They lowered their heads and were shocked to find that there was a huge hole in their hearts, and their hearts were missing.

Looking at the formless god in front of him, he held a bloody heart in each hand, exuding soft holy light.

The weirdness of this ability made the two angels' hair stand on end. Wang Xuan, who had been watching the battle below but had not taken any action, saw this and was equally frightened.

"What ability is this? What happened in that moment?"

Wang Xuan could not imagine that the other party was two ten-winged angels who were comparable to the peak gods, but their hearts were inexplicably taken away by the Wuxiang God.

What's even more frightening is that the heart that was taken away cannot be restored and grown back even by powerful angels.

Losing the heart, although not life-threatening for the Angels, did feel the decline in strength. After being frightened, they immediately thought of retreating and relying on the power of the "heaven" in the sky-reaching light pillar to recover.

Suddenly, Wushu Kong punched him head-on.

After these two punches, I still couldn't feel any energy, but two long and narrow passages suddenly appeared in the void in front of me. In the next moment, the bodies of these two powerful angels began to fall apart along the heart, and they fell back heavily, exploding into countless fragments. .

Their souls burst out from it and fled towards the sky-reaching pillar of light at extremely fast speeds.

Wu Xiang's face was solemn, and he grabbed out his hands again, distorting the space, trying to capture their souls.

Wuxiang's attack method shocked the angels and gods in the audience, and even the originally very arrogant Bess God changed his face.

As a peak god, he has some blood of the eternal gods flowing in his body. He thinks very highly of himself. He thinks that he is one of the strongest among the peak gods. Therefore, he does not take it personally to Wu Xiang, who is also a peak god. After all, In his opinion, the blood of the eternal gods in Wuxiang's body is not as noble as his own.

Only then did he dare to directly slap Wu Xiang in the face and punish War Buddha and Leopard God.

Until now, he had tried his best to attack, but could not kill the ten-winged angels who were blocking him. Wu Xiang took action and almost killed the two ten-winged angels instantly. This method was so weird and terrifying that God Bess was so powerful. He was dripping with sweat and his whole body was cold.

How can there be such a huge difference between the same peak gods? Could it be...

An idea suddenly popped into his mind, and his face suddenly became very ugly.

Slightly confused, the ten-winged angel in front of him let out a low roar, and the ten light wings behind him simultaneously emitted dazzling holy light, converging into one and instantly breaking through his golden storm.

God Bess groaned, golden blood splashed out in front of his chest, and his body retreated violently. From the chest back, a terrifying crack appeared, almost splitting his body in two, and there was holy light flowing in the wound, stopping it. His wounds healed.

Taking advantage of his distraction, the ten-winged angel succeeded in one fell swoop, and then stepped forward again, with wings of light extending from all directions, covering God Bess, hoping to kill him in one fell swoop.

The Wuxiang above the void shattered the bodies of the two capable angels, and then reached out to grab the two soul light balls. Unexpectedly, the holy light suddenly expanded in the sky-reaching light pillar, setting off a tide, and took the two soul light balls away first. submerged.

Wu Xiang was a step too late and immediately went up towards the seven-pointed star in the void. He stretched out his right hand again and grabbed the seven-pointed star.

The seven-pointed star immediately began to twist. As the seven-pointed star twisted, the sky-reaching light beam released by the seven-pointed star also twisted. Although there was an eight-winged archangel above, it did not dare to approach Wuxiang at all.

As long as the seven-pointed star is destroyed, the teleportation beam will naturally collapse and disappear.

Seeing that the seven-pointed star began to twist and was about to break apart as it was grasped in the air, suddenly a huge holy light expanded from the twisted light column below, and the holy light hit Wuxi from the air.

Wuxiang's body was knocked away thousands of meters away.

Controlling his body to stop, Wuxiang raised his head, with a solemn expression on his face, and looked towards the sky-reaching light pillar that emitted the holy light.

The newly distorted seven-pointed star returned to normal, and the originally distorted sky-reaching light pillar also returned to normal. There was a huge ball of holy light that continued to expand outwards. The holy light poured out of the sky-reaching light pillar, and then divided into three, and turned into three rays. The radiant humanoid has ten wings of light spread out behind it.

Three more ten-winged angels arrived, and the holy light strike just now was obviously their joint attack, and then Wuxiang was blown away.

Wu Xiang moved his body and struck again. His attacks still looked simple, and he couldn't feel much energy fluctuations. They looked very simple, but every attack was extremely weird and terrifying.

The three powerful angel statues that had just appeared knew how powerful he was. The ten light wings behind them all turned into holy light and merged together. It was equivalent to three people sharing power, and the three forces merged into one, and then they could fight against nothing.

On the distant land, new gods are constantly rising into the sky from groups of buildings. Most of these gods that appear are top gods with yellow skin.

As soon as they appeared, they rushed forward and fought with the eight-winged archangels who kept appearing from the pillar of light in the sky.

The battle became more and more intense, with Wu Xiang fighting one against three, but still not falling behind. However, Bess God was seriously injured by the capable angel and fell into the disadvantage. The injury on his chest could not be recovered in a short time. Suddenly, he was not able to do so. The angel opponent could only retreat steadily.

In the light pillar, two capable angels appeared again one after another.

They stepped out of the light pillar and instead of watching Wu Xiang, they all shot towards Bess God.

They saw that God Bes was weaker than Wu Xiang, so they planned to kill God Bes first, and then unite all the powerful angels to kill Wu Xiang.

God Bes saw that the situation was not good and immediately let out an earth-shattering roar.

As he roared, there was an immediate reaction in the large buildings in the distance. A golden light rose into the sky. After the golden light converged, it transformed into a tall woman. This woman had golden skin. Obviously, this He is another peak-level god.

"As expected of the Eternal Divine Kingdom, there are so many top gods, and there are also countless peak gods hidden..."

Wang Xuan sighed secretly, and the mechanical god in his mind sensed his sigh, and immediately replied: "The Eternal Divine Kingdom is nothing, the truly terrifying thing is the Eternal Divine Clan, and the currently appearing Gods of the Formless God, Bess God, etc. should not be considered real. Eternal Protoss, the goal of 'Heaven' should be to seize the building at the far end, I have a feeling that my head may be there."

"Are you sure?" Wang Xuan's heart moved and he looked towards the towering tree in the distance.

"Although I can't feel the breath from my head, the feeling is very strong. We can go over and have a look..."

Hearing what the God of Machinery said, Wang Xuan grunted, swayed, walked through the courtyard, and decided to go to the end of the land to see what the building wood that was said to be able to lead to the seventh world looked like.

This area of ​​buildings is almost silent and empty of people. The gods who originally lived in these buildings are now rising into the sky to fight with more and more angels.

The melee in the void is becoming more and more intense, and the number of eight-winged archangels is increasing. In terms of sheer numbers, they have overwhelmed the gods from the eternal kingdom of God.

Even though he was as powerful as Wuxiang, his opponents now became four capable angels.

The power of these four ten-winged angels merged into one, and they fought purely with strength. Wu Xiang could not resist and had to retreat.

Although the fourth peak god has appeared in the Eternal Divine Kingdom, he is still no match for the Heavenly Army.

The number of ten-winged angels appearing in the sky-reaching light pillar is growing, and they have an absolute advantage in strength.

Wang Xuan no longer cares about the victory or defeat of the Eternal Divine Kingdom and the Heavenly Army in the void, but continues to accelerate, passing through these buildings, heading towards the building at the end.

Occasionally, I turned my head and looked back, and I could see groups of gods from the Eternal Kingdom retreating, and from time to time, gods fell to the ground.

At this moment, five peak gods have appeared in the Eternal Divine Kingdom. These five peak gods, whose bodies are made of gold, are mostly above the ten-winged angels in terms of individual strength.

But in terms of number, they are far inferior to the powerful angels. The number of ten-winged capable angels that have appeared now has exceeded fifteen.

"It seems that the Eternal Divine Kingdom cannot be defended." Wang Xuan glanced at it from a distance and was a little disappointed. He did not expect that the heavenly army would come and the gap between the two sides would be so big. The Eternal Divine Kingdom only had five peak gods, and the capable angels in the heavenly army It has reached fifteen, plus the two who were killed by Wuxiang before, these are the seventeen capable angels.

These powerful angels command groups of eight-winged archangels, and they are constantly killing towards the building at the end. The number of gods blocking them is becoming increasingly rare. It is difficult for the five peak gods to match them. Even if they are as powerful as Wuxiang, they cannot Don’t retreat.

Originally, they wanted to destroy the seven-pointed star above and destroy the teleportation light pillar, but now there are powerful angels and a group of eight-winged archangels guarding the seven-pointed star above. There are even groups of people around the sky-reaching light pillar. Surrounded by archangels.

This heavenly army is simply endless, and no one knows how many archangels and powerful angels can be transmitted from it. This feeling is despairing.

After all, for the sixth-level world, the peak-level Golden God is already unimaginably powerful. Even in the Eternal Divine Kingdom, being able to produce five peak gods in a row is already unimaginably powerful. The level of the giant in the layered world.

But no one could have imagined that the heavenly army that represents "heaven" would metamorphose to such a level that ten-winged angels comparable to the peak gods could continue to appear.

This kind of fighting power is completely unparalleled.

If he normally entered the Eternal Divine Kingdom, Wang Xuan would not be able to easily approach Jianmu at the end. But now that the heavenly army invaded in large numbers, the gods of the entire Eternal Divine Kingdom took action to fight against the invading heavenly army, causing Wang Xuan to quietly approach Jianmu. , the journey was smooth and there was no god to stop him.

When he finally arrived in front of Jianmu, he could more and more feel the majesty of this towering tree called Jianmu.

This big tree truly grew from the ground to the sky. Wang Xuan couldn't even see the end of the crown when he raised his head.

The diameter of the big tree was even more unimaginable. Rather than saying it was a tree, it was more like a wall blocking his face.

At this moment, there are hundreds of top gods guarding Jianmu, and the leader of this group of top gods is a gold-level peak god.

Although the fighting was fierce in the distance, this gold-level peak god never participated in the battle. Instead, he sat cross-legged under the building tree, guarding the bridge that connected the sixth and seventh floors.

When Wang Xuan approached, he immediately attracted the attention of these top gods who guarded Jianmu. Suddenly there were more than a dozen top gods standing and approaching him.

The golden god, who was sitting cross-legged under the tree, slowly opened his eyes.

Wang Xuan also saw him from a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

This golden god has a ring scar on his head and beads, and looks like a golden Buddha statue.

When his eyes were opened, there was a faint sound of Sanskrit sound.

Wang Xuan was stared at by these eyes, and an inexplicable awe arose in his heart. This golden Buddha-like god suddenly became extremely great and sublime in his heart, and he had a faint urge to kneel before it.

I felt a shiver in my heart, knowing that this golden Buddha was not simple, I immediately calmed down my mind, kept moving, and continued to approach. Soon, I was blocked by a group of top gods.

"It is forbidden to approach the forbidden land of the gods!" One of the top gods shouted deeply and stretched out his hand to prevent Wang Xuan from approaching again.

In their opinion, Wang Xuan has yellow skin and is just a top god like them. They don't care about Wang Xuan. They are just curious that as a member of the Eternal Divine Kingdom, he doesn't know that this place is forbidden by the gods? Without permission from above, you are not allowed to get close at all.

Wang Xuan came here, firstly because he was curious about Jianmu, and secondly because the God of Machinery doubted whether his head was in this area. At this moment, he was blocked by these people, so he stopped, and just secretly asked the God of Machinery, if There are discoveries.

"I haven't found it yet. I understand that the real Eternal God Clan should have returned to the seventh level of the world through Jianmu. The so-called Eternal God Clan only leaves these few false gods who are not pure bloodline."

The Mechanic God looked at Jianmu and seemed to think of something again.

"Wang Xuan, let's follow Jianmu to the seventh level of the world."

Wang Xuan was startled when he heard what the God of Machinery said, and responded in his mind: "God of Machinery, are you sure? Your head is on the seventh floor?"

"I don't know whether the head is here or on the seventh floor, but judging from the current situation, the heavenly army should soon occupy this place, and then enter the seventh floor from here. We have no choice."

Hearing what the Mechanical God said, Wang Xuan turned his head and looked back, and found that the number of the angel army appearing in the distance was getting more and more terrifying, and even the very far distant light pillar was slowly moving, approaching here.

The number of gods in the Eternal Divine Kingdom that can fight against the heavenly army has become less and less. Many gods have retreated and gathered around Jianmu, joining the hundreds of top gods who originally stayed behind Jianmu.

The number of gods who came to gather here was increasing, and soon exceeded 500 people, but they were still not worth mentioning compared to the heavenly army.

The number of angels that appeared now exceeded a thousand. Each angel was shrouded in holy light, spread around, and began to press forward in a fan shape.

The five peak gods including Wuxiang God and Bess God also retreated here. Together with the golden gods and Buddhas who originally guarded this place, these are the six peak gods.

Seeing this golden god and Buddha, whether it was Wuxiang God or Bess God, they all bowed politely. This seemed to mean that this golden god and Buddha had a higher status.

Although the golden Buddha opened his eyes, he still sat cross-legged under the wooden structure. Facing the approach of thousands of archangels and a group of ten-winged angels, he remained calm.

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