The last building on earth

Chapter 473 Brahma (asking for monthly votes)

Ming's words echoed in his mind, making Wang Xuan feel a sense of urgency in his heart, and then thought of Tang Ruoyu who was in the "Heaven" will in the Eternal Divine Kingdom and the pillar of light reaching the sky.

"I understand." Wang Xuan summoned the Mechanical God. Since Minghuo is very risky, he needs to use the power of the Mechanical God.

The mechanical god appeared, the golden energy in his chest fluctuated slightly, and it was also sensing the surroundings through divinity.

"What a terrifying energy..."

Its chest made a sound, and it felt in awe of the Styx in front of it.

"Let's go." Wang Xuan took a deep breath, with faint yellow energy fluctuations on the surface of his body, and walked towards the River Styx in front of him first.

"Ming, what's the danger in this River Styx? Does the name have anything to do with you?"

Wang Xuan asked secretly.


Ming's voice sounded slowly: "This river... once buried... part of me..."

Wang Xuan listened to Ming's words and was close to the River Styx. Under the pressure of the terrifying force, he could not leave the ground in the air or walk along the river. He could only enter the river step by step.

Using energy to protect the whole body, including the mouth, nose, eyes and ears, Wang Xuan could only keep the Eye of Heaven open all the time, and could barely perceive the situation within a few feet around since the naked eye could not see in the Styx.

In the chest of the Mechanical God, the golden divine power extends to the whole body, dyeing every piece of mechanical metal on its body golden, as if it were made of gold.

The two walked side by side and carefully entered the river. As they continued to go deeper, they were soon completely submerged by the River Styx.

There is almost darkness in the River Styx, and you can't see anything. You can only rely on the Eye of Zhoutian to perceive.

The Mechanical God's chest continuously released circles of golden halos. Unfortunately, the golden ball of light only released a few feet before being offset by the invisible power in the Styx.

Every drop of the Styx water contains an indescribable energy.

Following Ming's prompts, Wang Xuan gathered his thoughts, carefully explored the bottom of the river, and walked forward step by step. The only way to cross the river now was to walk along the bottom of the river to the other side.

Wang Xuan felt that an invisible force was slowly invading his figure, causing hallucinations to appear in his mind.

This feeling was very terrifying. Fortunately, he had been reminded before and he had been concentrating his mind and concentrating on getting rid of these terrible and terrifying illusions that kept emerging.

As the depth continued, the bottom of the Styx River became deeper and deeper. Wang Xuan found that a little light gradually appeared in the originally dark depths of the river.

With a slight movement in his heart, Wang Xuan took the Mechanical God and approached in the direction of the bright light. Through the observation of Zhoutian Eye, the bright light vaguely showed the pattern of a five-pointed star.

"Ming is the Lord of the Pentagram, and the River Styx is indeed related to it."

Wang Xuan perked up and was about to speed up when he suddenly felt unusual fluctuations in the river around him. Eyes of Zhou Tian suddenly caught a group of black shadows emerging and crashing towards him and the God of Machinery.

With a thought, Huang Quan's original power, "Absolute Defense", was immediately activated.

The moment the shadow hits, "Absolute Defense" takes effect, offsetting the force generated by the impact.

The God of Machinery reacted quickly and sprayed a golden beam of light from his chest, breaking through the river water and hitting the black shadow hard.

A thunderous sound sounded, and the black shadow was hit by the golden light beam and rolled in the river. Wang Xuan observed that a black shadow also appeared on the other side.

Zhou Tianzhi finally saw the appearance of the black shadow at close range.

The black shadow looked like an irregular black mist, moving through the depths of the River Styx, looking indescribably weird. The black mist surged forward, and before it even got close, Wang Xuan felt a biting coldness all over his body.

At the same moment, Ming's voice rang in Wang Xuan's mind.

"This is Ming's's a's out of control..."

Wang Xuan didn't have time to think too much. The power in his body exploded, and a strong yellow halo appeared. He punched out the surging black mist with both fists.

These two punches hit the black mist, and the black mist rolled out violently, but a large amount of black mist was already pouring out from the depths of the surrounding river.

These black mists looked like living things and non-living things, and they came up densely. Although the golden light beam fired by the God of Machinery knocked one away, it could not disperse the black mist, which meant that they could not kill these black mists.

"Ming, you said this is your power? What do you mean?" Wang Xuan responded in his mind while busy discovering the fusion of the mechanical god.

The Mechanical God released a strong golden light, and each piece of metal machinery began to attach to the surface of his body, forming a set of golden mechanical armor covering his whole body. His monsters devoured and merged with the power of the Mechanical God, and the two sides merged together. Wang Xuan now has the combat power Immediately soared to the level of the Peak God, and among the Peak Gods, they were all powerful beings.

His skin turned from yellow to golden, and a huge force burst out, forcing the surrounding river water away. He kicked his feet to the bottom of the river, and rushed forward as hard as he could, trying to break out of the circle of black mist.

Wang Xuan hit the black fog and immediately knocked away a group of black fog in front of him, followed closely by the second and third groups...

Integrating the power of the Mechanical God, Wang Xuan's strength was raised to a terrifying level. He struck with the strongest force and created a gap in the black mist surrounding the group. Unexpectedly, he tightened his feet and suddenly felt that there was an explosion coming from the bottom of the river bed below. Black mist shaped like a giant python emerged and entangled his legs.

These black mists were so tough that even Wang Xuan, who now had the power of a peak god, could not tear them apart. In shock, the surrounding black mist surged up and completely covered him.

Although protected by the golden armor formed by the mechanical god, Wang Xuan still felt a shiver in his wits. Huang Quan's "absolute defense" could only last for a moment, and he could not continue to defend against this completely covered black mist.

Wang Xuan continued to explode with all his strength, but the black mist that entangled him became more and more terrifying. Even if he combined the power of the Mechanic God, he could not break free. He only felt that the black mist covered his whole body, and every inch of his muscles was Produces tearing pain.

This feeling was indescribable, and even the golden mechanical metal attached to the surface of his body by the Machine God began to twist and deform.

Wang Xuan's whole body was invaded by black mist, a biting chill entered his body, and his whole body seemed to be frozen.

At this terrifying moment, Ming, who had been hiding in his right hand, finally exploded. Ming's soul power exploded and swept through Wang Xuan's body in an instant. The biting chill that entered the body was immediately swallowed and absorbed by Ming's soul.

Wang Xuanzai suddenly understood. Before Ming said that these were Ming's power, what he actually wanted to express was these so-called black mist, which is the manifestation of its power. Now that the black mist has invaded the body, Ming can just swallow these things that originally belonged to Ming. Its power, in turn, completes the soul and becomes powerful.

But in this process, Wang Xuan's body was filled with media, and the energy he had to withstand was unimaginable. He refined the power of Warcraft, Ghost Che, Huangquan and Red Ghost into his body. His body was so powerful that even an ordinary peak god could It might not be stronger than his body, but even so, he felt it was unbearable.

"I understand. No wonder Ming hasn't let me enter here before. Without a strong body and strength, I can't bear it at all. Even ordinary peak gods may not be able to do it. Now I'm in trouble..."

Wang Xuan felt that Ming Zai was continuously absorbing the energy of the invading black mist, but the power and pressure he was also enduring became stronger and stronger. The golden machinery on the surface of his body was constantly distorting, and his body was gradually showing signs of crack.

If he cannot hold on until Ming completely swallows and digests the black mist, then not only will his body collapse, but even Ming will be in great danger.

If it weren't for the seriousness of the situation, Ming Ye would never have taken the risk to let Wang Xuan enter here.

In just a few minutes, more and more cracks appeared on the surface of Wang Xuan's body. His divine power seemed to feel the danger and actively broke out. An endless stream of divine power filled the cracks on the surface of his body. In order to heal it, the phantoms of the Warcraft, Ghost Che, Huangquan and Red Ghost that he had originally refined into his body reappeared. The phantoms of these four beasts merged with each other to form a super giant beast.

The power that can be exploded in Wang Xuan's body has been developed to its limit. Between life and death, he and Ming have almost no way out. The divine power belonging to those angels originally stored in his body is now being continuously stimulated. It is continuously absorbed by the body and used to heal wounds.

The original "super self-healing" of the red ghost came into play, and a large number of cracks in the body healed instantly, but then under the pressure of the black mist, dense cracks like spider webs reappeared, and then healed again...

During this repetition, Wang Xuan was still struggling to support himself. The "infinite devouring" of Warcraft was constantly absorbing and borrowing the power of the Mechanical God, and it also faintly absorbed some energy from the black mist.

Wang Xuan's body continued to cycle through injuries and healing. He felt like he was in purgatory, but in this purgatory, the originally stored angelic divine power was continuously refined into his divinity. In this refining process, the yellow divinity gradually acquires a golden luster.

This represents the transformation of Wang Xuan's divinity.

Previously, he obtained a drop of golden blood, and his divinity transformed from a high-level transformation to the top level, but the ability of this drop of golden blood was not fully stimulated. Now, as he is in this purgatory of life and death, the remaining power of the golden blood is further stimulated. , once again strengthening his divinity.

In addition to the golden blood, there is also the stored divine power of angels, as well as the power of the underworld that originally belonged to the underworld in the black mist.

Around Wang Xuan's body, more and more black mist gathered in the depths of the raging River Styx, forming a huge vortex of black mist around his body. The black mist in his body was getting faster and faster.

These black mist were originally formed by the power of the underworld, and were considered part of the power of the underworld. Now they have just returned to their original owners. The only pain is that Wang Xuan is supported in it. His body acts as a bridge. If the bridge is not strong enough, it may collapse at any time.

Fortunately, Wang Xuan's mastery of several primary abilities helped him, especially Chi Gui's "super self-healing", which allowed his body to continuously recover in an instant. Without this "super self-healing", perhaps His body was broken.

As the first round was barely sustained, Ming's soul began to feed back energy, filling Wang Xuan's body and helping him strengthen his body.

The power of the underworld took the initiative to help him strengthen his body. Wang Xuan's spirit was lifted, and the original tearing pain gradually eased. He was so blessed that he immediately sat down cross-legged deep in the river bottom, closed his eyes, and entered meditation.

This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. The power of the underworld that Ming has absorbed is such a level of power. Even if he obtains one ten thousandth of it, it will be of great benefit to him.

The "infinite devouring" of Warcraft continues, and Ming also intends to help. Both the power of the underworld and the power of angels are turned into pure energy by the "infinite devouring" of Warcraft, and then refined and integrated into his divinity. , causing the golden light in the divinity to gradually become more intense.

What kind of existence is Ming? The three giant books are known as the supreme. By chance, Wang Xuan was able to refine a trace of Ming's power, which made his divine transformation speed reach a terrifying level.

The originally yellow divine power was quickly shrouded in golden light, which meant that his divinity was transforming and he could break through at any time and be promoted from a top god to a true peak god.

The main reason why his divine performance has undergone such earth-shaking changes is because of the power of Ming.

During Wang Xuan's meditation, he could not only feel that his divinity was getting stronger, but he could also feel that the soul consciousness in the inner world of his right hand was also getting stronger.

Almost all the black mist hidden in the depths of the Styx was attracted, while the light emitting the pentagram pattern deep at the bottom of the river gradually dimmed.

Seeing countless black mist forming whirlpools, almost being swallowed by Wang Xuan's body to feed Ming, something unexpected happened. A large number of black runes suddenly appeared on the bottom of the river. These runes emerged from the depths of the river bottom. Immediately rushed into the black mist forming a vortex.

The black mist was impacted by these black runes and immediately showed signs of disintegrating.

Wang Xuan, who was meditating, was suddenly startled and opened his eyes immediately.

As soon as the eyes opened, two rays of golden divine light shot out, bursting out of the eyes and looking majestic.

Wang Xuan woke up and immediately saw a large number of black runes appearing in the dissipating black mist.

These runes surrounded him, and he felt they looked familiar, but for a moment he couldn't think of where he had seen them before.

The black mist that gathered around him was interrupted, and the black mist that poured into his body was quickly completely swallowed by Ming.

Looking at the black runes that suddenly surrounded him, Wang Xuan flipped his right hand. As soon as he thought about it, a golden light shot into the sky from his palm, defeating the black runes that surrounded him.

As soon as this golden light came out, Wang Xuan himself was startled.

He was busy looking at the skin of his hands, which had turned from yellow to golden.

Before he had time to think too much, the defeated black runes gathered together again. This time, these black runes gathered to form a vague six-pointed star pattern.

When he saw the six-pointed star pattern, Wang Xuan realized why he felt familiar. Such a rune seal was part of the power of the Lord of the six-pointed star. He had seen it before, so he felt familiar.

The Lord of the Six-Pointed Star is at the same level as the Lord of the Pentacle Star, Pluto, and the Lord of the Seven-Pointed Star, Tian. They represent the three supreme giant books.

Wang Xuan did not expect that not only the power of Ming was hidden here, but also the talisman seal representing the Lord of the Hexagram.

"How can it have its power here?" Wang Xuan was a little shocked when he saw the six-pointed star taking shape, and a black energy column suddenly rose from it.

"This is Brahma..."

In his mind, Ming spoke again. This time, Ming's voice was no longer vague, but became strong and powerful. This meant that after swallowing so much black mist, Ming's soul power became much stronger.

"Brahman?" Wang Xuan was startled, and then he understood that the name of the Lord of the Six-Pointed Star should be Brahman.

"Back then...I fought are three parties...remaining power..."

Wang Xuan looked around the black runes. Dark energy pillars rose up one after another, and soon reached 72 energy pillars. The bottom of the Styx River was covered by these 72 energy pillars. separated.

Wang Xuan understood that the power of Brahman lost at the bottom of the Styx was awakening.

The seventy-two energy pillars represent the seventy-two demon pillars. Brahma, like Pluto, has many names, such as the Shield of David, the Pillar of Solomon, the creator of the occult and the King of David. Now Only then did I realize that its real name is Brahman.

The power of Ming devouring the black mist awakened Brahman. Brahma's power manifested seventy-two demonic pillars. The bottom of the Styx River was divided. The next moment, these seventy-two demonic pillars began to move towards the king. Xuan came over.

Even if I don’t know how many years have passed, even if the consciousness of the former master has disappeared, these remaining lost powers are still fighting with each other.

Wang Xuan felt the power boiling inside his body. In addition to digesting and absorbing the originally stored angel power, his divine power also received the help of the underworld power, strengthening it to an unprecedented strength. When a pair of golden hands clenched into fists, there was a An invisible force burst out from the body.

Behind him, the pattern of a five-pointed star quietly emerged. It could be said that the power of Ming used his body to confront the power of Brahman.

The surface of the River Styx suddenly became turbulent, setting off huge waves, and deep in the river bottom, the power of Styx and the power of Brahman were entangled.

Wang Xuan was in it and felt his soul tremble. The divine power was swaying and rising into the sky along his body, forming a long-lasting golden beam of light.

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