The last building on earth

Chapter 482 Blood Demon (please subscribe)

The Wuxiang God suddenly said: "Are you the Buddha General, the first of the five divine generals?"

The god with the Buddha's face looked at the Wuxiang God, then smiled slightly and said: "How dare you be a Buddha? The name is just a title. It doesn't matter what I am called."

Although he said this, it was equivalent to acknowledging that he was the Buddha General, the first of the five divine generals in Buddha City.

Wuxiang Shen nodded slightly, with a solemn look on his face. At the same moment, Wang Xuan's subtle voice sounded in Wang Xuan's mind: "This guy is not simple. Legend has it that he is the reincarnation of Buddha, so he is called the Buddha God General. He is the Buddha City." The leader of the five divine generals may have reached the realm of a quasi-true god, and there is even a saying that he has reached the realm of a true Buddha."

Wang Xuan hummed slightly, knowing that the real Buddha he was talking about was the real God, but it was just a different way of saying it.

"Please, both of you." The Buddha General had a faint smile on his face and made a gesture of invitation. The other God General next to him looked at Wang Xuan and Wuxiang Shen with a hostile look, but also Instead of stopping him, he put away the vajra and stepped aside.

Wang Xuan was fearless and walked in first. Wuxiang Shen hesitated for a moment before following.

This past city in the Three Worlds Buddha City looks dilapidated. Not only are the city walls damaged everywhere, but cracks can also be seen everywhere on the ground entering the city.

Wang Xuan looked around and found that it was much more damaged than when he saw it in the third world.

The place seemed deserted, and only two divine generals accompanied them. The other Buddhist soldiers had already left and disappeared.

"I wonder where the trapped friend I mentioned is trapped in this city?"

The Buddha General asked, but Wang Xuan didn't say anything. He just circled his right hand and drew a huge black hole in the void in front of him. The black hole collapsed inward, forming a transmission channel. Wang Xuan walked in first.

There are many layers of time and space hidden in this Buddha City. Wang Xuan must enter the Buddha City in order to use the teleportation channel to enter its central time and space. Being outside the Buddha City, Wang Xuan's current ability cannot directly open the channel into the central time and space.

Seeing Wang Xuan walk in, Wuxiang Shen followed closely behind him, Buddha God General showed a strange look on his face, and followed in without saying a word.

Wang Xuan walked out of the transmission channel and came to the familiar central time and space again, and saw the dark vortex on the ground facing him.

After General Buddha and another general walked out, they all looked surprised and inexplicable when they saw the space in front of them. They stared at the dark vortex and approached, using their spiritual consciousness to sense it. The more they sensed it, the uglier their faces became.

Wang Xuan also used his spiritual sense to sense through the dark vortex. Now that he was a peak god, his spiritual sense was extremely powerful, but what he could sense through the dark vortex was the abyss-like terror, and nothing specific could be sensed.

"This is where the friend you said was trapped?" Lord Buddha looked at Wang Xuan.

Wang Xuan came to the edge of the dark vortex and nodded. When he was about to enter, he suddenly frowned. He noticed something surging in the dark vortex, and it seemed that it might emerge at any time.

The general next to Buddha raised the vajra in his hand and stabbed it in first, wanting to test the power of the dark vortex.

When the vajra was inserted, his expression changed dramatically, and he felt the vajra shake violently, and blood-red material wrapped around the vajra, like blood-red pythons.

The god general let out a scolding, and shook the vajra in his right hand. A strong golden light immediately erupted from the vajra, shaking away the blood-red python that was entangled.

Immediately after there was a loud bang, the Lord Buddha suddenly shouted: "Landa, be careful!" He suddenly stepped forward, grabbed the shoulder of Lord Nalanda with his right hand, and pulled it back.

Unfortunately, it was still a step too late. The dark vortex shot up into the sky, with almost endless blood hidden underneath. It rushed through half of the body of Lord Landa. Half of the body of the majestic peak god general disappeared in an instant.

What God Buddha tore apart was only the other half of General Landa's body.

God General Landa roared, and the remaining half of his face showed a ferocious look. With his ability, even if he lost half of his body, he would still grow quickly. However, there was obviously something wrong with the blood this time. Cut off half of his body. Behind his body, the remaining blood was swallowed up along half of his body wounds. The originally golden skin was rapidly congested and swollen, looking extremely terrifying.

"Landa!" God General Buddha shouted loudly again, and his original Buddha image became full of anger. Suddenly, he spread his hands, and a Buddhist cross pattern appeared on his palm, and he slapped the remaining half of General Landa's body hard. Wanting to shake away the blood that invaded his body.

Wang Xuan and Wu Xiangshen stepped back and looked up at the sky, with surprised expressions on their faces.

The original dark vortex has disappeared, and terrifying blood rushes out from below, forming a column of blood. The terror of this blood can hurt the peak gods, causing the face of Wuxiang God to change color, and keep retreating away.

Wang Xuan opened a light curtain with a solemn expression, staring at the column of blood shooting out, watching the sharp screams coming from inside, and the column of blood spread out in all directions, forming blood pouring into the sky.

The Buddha God General grabbed hold of the Landa God General, which had half of his body, and stepped back. He lifted it with his left hand and lifted up a piece of Buddha light to form a shield. He grabbed the Landa God General with his right hand and continued to send power into it. He wanted to Help him force out the blood from his body.

The bloody water fell from the sky and impacted the shield they had opened, making a hissing sound.

Wang Xuan watched the bloody figure struggling out of the blood, and soon it condensed into a ghostly form.

These blood-colored ghosts laughed fiercely, all of them bared their teeth and claws, showing a ferocious appearance, and rushed towards Wang Xuan, Wuxiang God and Buddha God.

Wang Xuan did not retreat, but stayed where he was. Rays of golden light shot out from his body. This golden light blocked the rushing bloody ghosts. Behind him, there was a huge golden monster bulging. The monster stretched out its giant hand and pointed towards these monsters. The bloody ghost came.

With two beeps, the two blood-colored ghosts that were photographed exploded and turned into a pool of blood again. When the blood fell to the ground, it flowed back into the area where the dark vortex was before.

Lord Buddha was indeed terrifying. While blocking all the incoming ghosts and monsters, he forced out the blood that had invaded General Landa's body. General Landa breathed a sigh of relief, and the power within his body was activated. He lost half of his body. The body is recovering quickly.

When Lord Buddha saw that Lord Landa was fine, he began to step forward and strike out with both hands. One after another, the divine light with the cross of Buddha characters penetrated into these blood-colored ghosts.

The blood-colored ghosts hit by the Buddha-shaped cross divine light immediately exploded and turned into blood again, but the number of blood-colored ghosts emerging from the dark vortex was increasing.

Suddenly a scream sounded, and a huge bloody bat rushed out from the dark vortex below, spread its blood wings, screamed from its open mouth, rotated its body, and rushed towards the Buddha General.

Seeing the bloody bat appearing, Lord Buddha suddenly changed his expression and said, "Blood bat, are you a blood demon?"

This blood demon seemed to make the Buddha God extremely afraid. He punched the face with a wave of his hand and hit the blood bat that rushed towards him from the air.

The blood bat let out a sharp roar, its body twisted, and a pair of blood wings kept twisting, but a pit appeared on its body surface. The pit continued to shrink and collapse inward, and soon swallowed the entire blood bat, forming a A huge blood ball was produced, and then exploded from the inside out.

The blood bat was wiped out in one blow, but the expression on Lord Buddha's face became more solemn, just because a second blood bat had rushed out of the black vortex.

The golden light held out by Wang Xuan blocked all the blood-colored ghosts that came towards him. He was concerned about Gu Manyao's situation, so he held up the golden light and slowly approached. As the blood bat appeared, the voice of the Mechanical God suddenly sounded in his mind: " This is the Blood Demon, we’re in trouble.”

"What is the Blood Demon?" Wang Xuan asked secretly while slowly approaching the black vortex that was constantly rushing upwards with blood.

"The Blood Demon is the embodiment of the Blood Ancestor's power, just as the essence of the Heavenly Army represents the sky. The appearance of the Blood Demon means that the Blood Ancestor has not only awakened, but has also awakened at a very high level."

The mechanical god's voice was solemn and continued: "The opposite of the three giants is the troll. If the ultimate goal of the sky is to seize this building and rewrite the rules of the world, then the troll's purpose is even more terrifying. That is to truly destroy everything and return everything to chaos.”

When Wang Xuan heard this, he couldn't help feeling a little awe-struck. He understood that the Blood Ancestor was one of the so-called giant demons. He had the power to rival the three giant gods. The appearance of the Blood Demon meant that the Blood Ancestor might be fully awakened at any time. This was also the reason why the Lord Buddha would be here. The reason for being so shocked after recognizing the Blood Demon.

The first blood demon was killed by Buddha General with one punch, but from the blood sprayed out from the dark vortex, the second, third, and fourth blood demons appeared one after another.

They all had the shape of bats, spread out their wings behind them, let out sharp screams, and rushed toward the four of them crazily.

These blood demons represent the power of the blood ancestors. Any one of them has the power close to the peak god. What is even more frightening is that their number and strength are constantly increasing.

The Buddha God gave a majestic shout and punched several times in a row. His fists seemed silent, but they had terrifying power. As long as they were hit by his fists, they would immediately collapse into blood balls and then explode. Come on.

God General Landa recovered, roared angrily, waved the Vajra in his hand, and smashed it towards the head.

A blood demon was hit by his vajra and was immediately knocked backwards.

The blood demons that rushed out were killed by four people in succession, but more blood demons emerged from the dark vortex. The strength of these blood demons was already comparable to that of the peak gods. The Wuxiang God and Landa God General felt it immediately. The pressure doubled and became unbearable.

"Get out!" General Buddha shouted. Seeing that the situation was not good, he ordered General Landa to leave, punched several times in the air, and then stepped back.

Wang Xuan was a little unwilling. He originally wanted to enter the dark vortex to see Gu Manyao's condition, but he didn't expect so many blood demons to emerge from it.

Although one or two blood demons are no match for him, the appearance of groups of blood demons has threatened Wang Xuan. With his current strength, he can no longer enter the dark vortex unless he uses the power of the Nine Phoenix Skull.

Just when Wang Xuan was having this idea, the voice of the God of Machine suddenly sounded in his mind: "No."

"Huh?" Wang Xuan didn't expect the God of Machinery to stop him.

"The Blood Ancestor has woken up. He was restrained because he was limited by the power of the Mother Goddess in the building. But if you go in now, that is the Blood Ancestor's world. It only needs one finger to kill you. , can’t take this risk.”

The Mechanic God's words reminded Wang Xuan of the bloody giant finger he saw when he first came to this central space-time. Now Wang Xuan has no confidence in whether he can hold up the bloody giant finger. The Mechanical God's words made him feel a little... Hesitate and have the intention to retreat.

At this moment, I saw three rainbow lights suddenly appearing in the sky, falling from the sky, and with a bang, the three rainbow lights fell to the side of the Buddha and Landa, and turned into three monks wearing golden cassocks. Each monk holds a vajra in his hand that is about the same height as them. He has golden skin and looks majestic and unpredictable.

"The other three of the five divine generals are also here." Wuxiang Shen retreated the fastest and was about to leave. When he saw the other three of the five divine generals of the Third World Buddha City also appeared, he couldn't help but stop.

However, the blood demons that emerged are becoming more and more powerful. Even if there are now three more three divine generals at the peak divine level, they cannot turn the tide.

"I didn't expect that the Blood Demon was hiding in the Buddhist city in the past?" One of the god generals who had just arrived sneered, slammed the vajra in his hand to the ground, and gave a majestic shout. Release a golden light reaching the sky.

The vajras held by the other two generals also released golden light. These three golden lights rose into the sky, intertwined with each other, and formed a huge beam of light that landed on the body of the Buddha.

A divine light also emitted from the vajra in the hand of Lord Landa, and also fell on Lord Buddha.

The four great generals all retreated behind the Buddha, and the Buddha became solemn, with his hands clasped in front of his chest, and the beads on his neck began to shine one by one.

Above their heads, a huge Buddha-character began to emerge. The power of the five god generals seemed to be combined together, creating a buzzing sound that shook the space and time.

Wang Xuan and Wuxiang Shen both retreated to the rear, and when they saw this, there was a strange look in their eyes.

In terms of individual combat power of these five gods, God General Landa and the other four gods are considered to be ordinary peak gods. God General Buddha is much more powerful than them, reaching the level of almost a true god, but judging from his actions just now, it is not It will be stronger than the golden gods and Buddhas of the Eternal Kingdom of God, but not as good as the Holy Maiden of Solomon in the Demonic Holy Land.

But now that the powers of the five god generals are combined together, an incredible qualitative change has occurred. Wang Xuan watched as the Buddha god general headed by him absorbed the power of the other four god generals, and the golden light on the surface of his body was slowly changing color. , transforming from gold to orange.

Seeing this orange light appear, Wang Xuan's heart moved, and he immediately thought of the Ring of King Solomon worn on the left hand of Saint Solomon, which also released a similar orange light.

"Could it be..."

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